Thundaga Save Editor v1.02 for [Final Fantasy 3 - DS]
	by WangJang
-[ Description ]------------------------------------

A simple save editor for Final Fantasy 3 - DS

Recommended for use on Windows XP or Later :)

-[ Features ]---------------------------------------

a.) Fix Checksum:

Allows you to fix the checksum of a corrupted/hacked save
without having to starting your game again.

b.) Character Editing:

	1.) Edit Name
	2.) Edit Current/Max HP
	3.) Edit Experience
	4.) Edit Level
	5.) Enable or Disable the Character
	6.) Change the amount of Battles needed to fix Job Penalty\'s
	7.) Editing of Equipment (Hands/Head/Body/Arms)
	8.) Editing of Job Levels, Job Experience, Current Job
	9.) Status Editing, add or remove various status ailments.

c.) Inventory Editing:

Allows you to edit the items in your inventory, you can add/remove
any item in the game, or simply increase the number of items you
already have.

d.) Key Item Editing:

Allows you to edit the items inside your Key Item Pockets, you can
add/remove any key item inside the game, or simply increase the number
of items you already have.

e.) Fat Chocobo Storage Editing:

Allows you to edit the items you have stored inside the fat chocobo\'s
hairy ass, you can add/remove any item in the game, or simply increase 
the number of items you already have.

f.) Miscellaneous:

Allows you to edit the amount of Gil you have collected, and the
amount of time you have spent playing, also you can increase the
amount of messages you have sent via wifi, great for the people
that don\'t have wifi and want to access the special missions.

-[ Changes ]----------------------------------------

v1.02 (Current)
	- Added Job Penalty Editor
	- Added Inventory Editing
	- Added Key Item Editing
	- Added Fat Chocobo Storage Editing
	- Added Miscellaneous Editing (Gold + Playtime + Wifi Mail Sent)
	- Fixed m3 Saving Bug
		If you open a m3 save by default, it will save your m3 footer and apply it
		on save automatically, no need to rename your rom any more.
	- Fixed Current Job Bug
		Now it correctly writes the ability of the job you selected.
	- Fixed Various Cosmetic bugs.

v1.01 (Internal)
	- Various Fixes

v1.0 *BETA*
	- Initial Release
-[ Future ]-----------------------------------------

This is the last version i will release, but also the source code is attached
so any bug\'s discovered you can fix your self :)

I have a lot more of the save filed mapped, but pure laziness and a lack of time
stop me from bothering with it, i only added the most basic stuff, but anybody
with free time could really increase the potential of the editor a lot.


-[ Credits ]----------------------------------------


Tiggy thanks for the awesome gfx, and good luck with your negroplasty!

Also i need to say a special thanks to Qhimm, thanks for all your awesome
work in the final fantasy series, and thanks for sharing your sources.

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