_________.         _________         :___________                     ________
\        |________/       / ________ |        _/_______/\________    /       /
 \\      |      _/      _/_ \       \|       /     _     \_      \  /      _/
  \      |      |      ___/__\     \ \      //     |      |     \ \/ /      \
  :\     :      |      |      \     \      /       :      |      \__/|      \\
 <:--------------------------------  -- - / - -- -------- : ----------------:>
  |  P r o u d l y  P r e s e n t s  :   //                                 |
  |                                     //     Origin : USA                 |
  |  Trainer : Tarzan Return to the    //      System : Gameboy Advance     |
  |          : Jungle +7              //     Released : 10-25-2002          |
  |      (c) : Activision            //      Filename : V-TARZTR.ZIP        |
 -:---------------------------------//                                      |
  |  R e l e a s e  N o t e s  :    /---------------------------------------:-
  |                                                                         |
  |  As always, read this NFO file carefully!                               |
  |                                                                         |
  |  Today we are pleased to bring you a +7 trainer for this nice platform  |
  |  game, Tarzan Return to the Jungle. With this trainer, you should be    |
  |  able to easily get through this challenging game.                      |
  |                                                                         |
  |  Included Options:                                                      |
  |                                                                         |
  |  * Unlimited Energy                                                     |
  |  * Unlimited Lives                                                      |
  |  * Unlimited Time    (On timed levels)                                  |
  |  * Unlimited Air     (While swimming)                                   |
  |  * Unlimited Spears  (For big Tarzan only)                              |
  |  * Invincibility                                                        |
  |  * Ingame Power Up   (Press Select)                                     |
  |  * Ingame Level Skip (Press Select+A+B)                                 |
  |                                                                         |
  |  Trainer Notes:                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |  Since invincibilty and unlimited energy are rather similar, I count    |
  |  them as the same option. However, invinicibilty allows you to walk     |
  |  through enemies without get stopped while unlimited energy will make   |
  |  you stop if you bump into an enemy. Also, note that neither of these   |
  |  options will prevent death from quicksand, fire pits and other major   |
  |  hazards.                                                               |
  |                                                                         |
  |  The Ingame Power Up option will give you 10 seconds of immunity from   |
  |  all enemies, fire, falling blocks, acid, etc. Activate this and you    |
  |  can save yourself before you get burned or smashed.                    |
  |                                                                         |
  |  Apply the included .IPS file to the original Mode7 USA release and     |
  |  enjoy playing the game.                                                |
  |                                                                         |
 -:---------------------------------//  VENOM... t h e p l a y m a k e r s  |
  .  Ascii by Karl Hungus 09-09-02  /---------------------------------------:-
                           "welcome to the jungle!"