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        ( / | out of the silent planet...                          |(\  )
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   \ `.  ' \__  //__|  //_  _))_  //_  /__  // ____//__  ____))____)) '  ,' /
         `\|       The iNViSiBLE TEAM Proudly presents:       iNV'07|/'
         '-+--------------------------------------------------------+-'  |
      o  +:|                         Jungo                          |:+ -O-
         |:|                          (c)                           |:|  |
         *:|                  2007 Wildfire Studios                 |:*
         |:|                                                        |:|
         *:|  Release Date ......................[  07/08/2007   ]  |:*
         |:|  Release Type: .....................[    TRAiNER    ]  |:|
         +:|                                                        |:+   o
    *   /._|                                                        | .\
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      ; /  |))// Release Information                              |   ): :.
      |/:.    \\ +-----------------------------------------------+|   )| |
      |\___|  //+-------------------------------------------------+-+' ) |
      |  ':+\//                                                     |:'  |  *
  |   :  |:|                                                        |:|  ;
 -O- (\  ::|      HOTKEYS:                                          |::  /)
  |   '\  :|      NUMPAD1 - Infinite Lives On                       |:  /'
        \ :|      NUMPAD2 - Infinite Lives Off                      |: /  .
      o  `:|      NUMPAD4 - Instant Win On                          |:'
          :|      NUMPAD5 - Instant Win Off                         |:
          :|                                                        |:
          :|                                                        |:
          :|      Game Website:                                     |:
          :|      http://www.alawar.com/games/jungo/                |:
      |   :|                                                        |:.
     -O-  :|      Tested on:                                        |:       .
      |   :|      Jungo.v1.0-TE                                     |:  |
          :|                                                        |: -O-
  .     ,':|                                                     _  |:`.|
       /  :|                                                   _/\\_|:  \
      ;.  ,+-+------------------------------------------------(____))'  .:
      | )(:( |                              Installation Notes / (\\|: ( |
  o   :' (:|'|+----------------------------------------------+/:. '\\:  ';
       \  `+-+-----------------------------------------------+\__  //:  /
        `.:|                                                     \//+:,'o
          :|                                                        |:
       .  :|       Unpack, run inv-jung.exe                         |:
          :|       Toggle options with the hotkeys.                 |:
      |   '|       READ RLS NOTES!                                  |'
     -O-  :_                                                        |:
      | __/\\__                                                     |:
       (_ :___))--------------------------------------------------+-+.  .
        / || _  Group Information                                 | ):)
    *  /:.:\/ \\+------------------------------------------------+|'|:)
       \  ____//+-------------------------------------------------+-+' | *
        \//+                                                        |:-O-
          :|         If you can supply unreleased software,         |: |
       o  :|       drop a line to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.        |:
          :|     We are also looking for HQ's in the whole world!   |:
          :|      You can become iNViSiBLE if you're experienced    |:
          :|     cracker/unpacker/keygenner. Mail us for details.   |:
          :| All crack requests are filtered and wont be even read. |:
          '|                                                        |'
            |:|                                                  |:     *
           -O:|     -=Where is no light there is no Shadow=-     |:o
        *   |:|                                                  |:
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