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    /   ¡   \/  |   |/  :  \|\/  !   \Z!/   | /\/  __)  \   !   /
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    \______ /______ |___| ___/___|\   /____ | \_____ / /    |____\

                            Reigns Supreme!
   ....            -/----/-                 -\----\-            ....
   :  : ..._______//         Q U A R T E X         \\_______... :  :
 ..:..: :                                                     : :..:..
 : :....:            Here we are born to be kings,            :....: :
 :                 We're the princes of he universe                  :
 :               Here we belong fighting for survival                :
 :                We got to be the rulers of you all                 :
 :         We are immortal, we have inside us blood of kings         :
 :             We have no rival no one can be our equal              :
 :                 Bring us the future of you all !                  :
 :                                                                   :
 :                     QUARTEX... Reigns Supreme!                    :
 :......                  ___________________                   .....:
   ....:...........-/----/-                 -\----\-............:...
   :  : ..._______//         Q U A R T E X         \\_______... :  :
 ..:..: :                                                     : :..:..
 : :....:       The legendary QUARTEX proudly presents:       :....: :
 :                                                                   :
 :                                                                   :
 :   Title ......: :.......................Lucky Luke - Wanted! +3   :
 :   Platform ...: :...............................GameBoy Advance   :
 :   Company.....: :....................................Infogrames   :
 :   Released.By.: :....................................Lightforce   :
 :   Type........: :...........................................IPS   :
 :   Date........: :.............................29th October 2001   :
 :                                                                   :
 :......                  ___________________                   .....:
   ....:...........-/----/-                 -\----\-............:...
   :  : ..._______//         RELEASE NOTES         \\_______... :  :
 ..:..: :                                                     : :..:..
 : :....:                                                     :....: :
 :                                                                   :
 : Here is a +3 Trainer for the Lightforce release.                  :
 :                                                                   :
 : Options:                                                          :
 : - Unlimited Lives                                                 :
 : - Unlimited Health                                                :
 : - Unlimited Ammo                                                  :
 :                                                                   :
 : Another fine release brought to you by THE VERY BEST... QUARTEX ! :
 :                                                                   :
 :......                  ___________________                   .....:
   ....:...........-/----/-                 -\----\-............:...
   :  : ..._______//       APPLICATION INFO        \\_______... :  :
 ..:..: :                                                     : :..:..
 : :....:                                                     :....: :
 :                                                                   :
 :              For joining the legendary QUARTEX,                   :
 :             you have to fill one of these needs :                 :
 :                                                                   :
 : We are currently looking for people WorldWide (mainly North       :
 : Americans and Europeans) able to supply BRAND NEW CONSOLE GAMES,  :
 : PC Games, Utilities, and DVD Movies ...                           :
 : ... of course they must be NEW and NOT on the net !               :
 :                                                                   :
 : So if you work for, or have any friends into a Software or        :
 : Video Companies such as a :                                       :
 :                                                                   :
 : Shop / Company / Publisher / Warehouse / Beta Tester / Magazine   :
 : Software Packager / Software Distributor or even a Cd/Dvd         :
 : duplication plant.                                                :
 :                                                                   :
 : If you have a fast connection, live near an Electronics Boutique, :
 : Babbages, Best Buy, Funco Land, Media Markt or any store          :
 : that sells any kind of software and have free weekdays mornings,  :
 : contact us !                                                      :
 :                                                                   :
 : So if you fit any of those profiles, contact us without           :
 : hesitation at:                                                    :
 :                                                                   :
 : Via E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                           :
 :                                                                   :
 : Via Irc    : one of the channel operator (@) in #QUARTEX on Efnet :
 :                                                                   :
 :......                  ___________________                   .....:
   ....:...........-/----/-                 -\----\-............:...
   :  : ..._______//            GREETS             \\_______... :  :
 ..:..: :                                                     : :..:..
 : :....:                                                     :....: :
 :                                                                   :
 :       Agile, DCS, Enchant, Paralamia, High Society, Hooligans     :
 :  Lightforce, Mage, Menace, Mode7, Oldskool, Paradox, Razor 1911,  :
 :          Scotch, Sodom, Static, The Corporation & Venom.          :
 :                                                                   :
 :                QUARTEX  ... There can be only one!                :
 :                                                                   :
 :                      - -- ---=======--- -- -                      :
 :                                                                   :
 :    SOFTWARE, if you enjoyed this product, BUY IT!  SOFTWARE       :
 :    AUTHORS DESERVE SUPPORT!!                                      :
 :...                                                             ...:
 :  :                                                             :  :
 :..:                                        Nfo Layout by NorQue :..: