. .______________. .                                          
                ._|              |_.
     ____       |  ___             |  _____
   _\\_ /___  __| /  //______  __ _|_\\_   \_ ____
  _) _/    /_(_//_\___      /_\\_)_    /    //  _//______
_ \_ \     \_    (_  /     /      (_  /     \   \_      / :::::: :::: ::: :: :
\  /__\_____/     /________\       /__\______\   /    _/ _:::::: :::: ::: :: :
:\/::::::: _______\::::::_ ________\:::::_ ___________\  /:::::: :::: ::: :: :
                |                  |                   \/               
  _______       |       ___________|     __________________________________ 
 /      //______|_ ____\\_         /____\\_                          ....  \_
_\______         /       /        /       /   riSiNG sUN pRESENTS!   ::::   /
\_     /        /       /        /       /    - ---------------- -   ::::   \
- -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- - 
[-          Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines +7 Trainer (C) Atari         -]
   __              ____
 _\\_)_  _____ _ _/  _/  _____
_)    /_\\_   \_ \___\ _\\_   \_                           i     n     f     o
\____/    /    /____\     /    /
::::: ___/_____\:::_ __________\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::: :: :

 country....: EUR                                             7 :.options(s)
 rel. date..: 19/11/2003                                    n/a :..store date
 system.....: Gameboy Advance                       rs-t3p7.zip :....filename
 size........ Tiny IPS                               freekstyle :....creator
                                    _____             ____           ___
                                  _\\_   \_  _____   /   //_ __     /  //_____
n     o     t     e     s        _)  /    /_\\_   \_/     _// //____\__      /
                                 \__/_____\   /    /______\   _/    |_/______\
: :: ::: ::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::_ __________\:::_ _____\_____|:::::::::

 This trainer was a pain in the ass! So you better enjoy it ;)

 Included Options are: 

 * Unlimited Lives
 * Unlimited Energy (1)
 * Unlimited Health (1)
 * Unlimited Weapons
 * Enable Unlim. Time (2)
 * Unlock All Levels
 * Enable Levelskip

 There was no empty space in the rom, so it had to be upsized by 0.25 mbit.
 Please use a IPS patcher capable of upsizing roms (lameips, gbata, etc)

 (1) You have to die in order to complete the game you have. Turn off Unlimited
     Health/Energy when you encounter T-X at the very last level.

 (2) Some events in the game are triggered by timers. So please make sure to turn
     off unlimited time when you don't need it anymore.

 RS 2003 - Hi mon, i killed the babysitter!

   ___                 _____               ________
 _/ _/______  ____ _ _\\_   \_     ______ _\_     /     
_)  \_     /_\\_ /___   /    /___ /     /   /_____\     g  r  p  n  o  t  e  s
\____/_____\  _/    /________\   /     /______\
:::::::_ _____\_____\:::::_ ___________\:::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::: :: :

 We're always looking for talented people to help us dumping,
 cracking and/or training the latest games!

 Site-ops running, *nix sites on atleast 10mbit feel free to
 contact us aswell. 
 To contact us please write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Note: Please do NOT ask us on where to obtain our releases,
 roms, emulators anything else. Mails like this will be ignored.

 Neither do we give any technical support with problems of any
                         ___                 __               ____
                       _/ _/______  ____ _ _/ //____. __  _ _/   //_ ___
g   r   e   e   t   s _)  \_     /_\\_ /___   _/    |/ //____.    _//  //_____
                      \____/_____\  _/    /___\_____|  _/    |____\ \__      /
: :: ::: :::: :::::::::::::::_ _____\_____\:::::_ _____\_____|:::_ ___/______\

        Greetings to all of the guys who supported us since the start,   
                    and our friends in the following groups:             

: :: ::: :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::: :: :
: :: ::: :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::: :: :
: :: ::: :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::: :: :
           ::                                                    ::
            : infofile b y ---------- d ipswitch / aerosol / sac :
            :                                                    :