   /       \ \        \ \        \ \        \ \         \ \
   |   /\  /_/    _    \_\    ____\_\    ____\_\   _     \_\
   |   \/  \ \   | |   | |   /_/  |     /_/  |    | |    | |
   |  ___.  \ \  | |   |_|   \_\__|__   \_\__|__  | |    |_|
   |  |_| \  \_\  ~    / /        / /        / /   ~     / /
   /___\_\|  | |______/_/\_______/_/\_______/_/\________/_/  
/                                                              \
 | Rocco Savadgie aka mrbucket presents:                                   |
 |                                                            |
 | Army Men Advance + 1 - USA Game released by EUR.           |
 |                                                            | 
 | RS-ARMYT.IPS - the patch                                   |
 | RS-AMSCR.ZIP - the source (read the readme.txt!)           |
 | NOTE - use a patcher that can ADD to the file size         |
 | (ARMYMEN ended at 0x3FFF990)                               | 
/                                                              \
 | OK, this game is crap - the trainer is even worse. I did   |
 | it mainly out of bordness over a weekend in the summer.    |
 | I've included FULL ASM source code in the zip so perhaps it|
 | may help the lazier coders out there get started on some   |
 | cool stuff. I store the trainer options at.. hmmm I forget | 
 | now! However, my point is that the game may use this memory|
 | later on and thus WIPE the trainer option.  So if this     |
 | occurs change the "yesno_mem EQU" to some other memory.    |
 | OK, that's it, only to say that I used BoyCott advance to  |
 | find the code that subtracted the energy (using breakpoints|
 | etc.) so thainks to Gollum! btw. I LOVE trainers,especially|
 | CRAZY trainers (like EUR's Mario Kart one etc.) so as      |
 | Icarus one said - "Remember, to make a trainer is an art   |
 | not a race".                                               |
 | If you make any using this source etc. then all I ask is   |
 | that you send me a copy! Now go get an ASM quick reference |
 | card and code some nice one!                               |
 |                                                            |
 | p.s. anybody know where I can get "matlab"?                |
 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                        |
/                                                              \