_____    /|      ___  ________________________________ _____
     /     \  / |___  /   \ \  __   \_____  ___  _____/\    V    /
    /   ¡   \/  |   |/  :  \|\/  !   \Z!/   | /\/  __)  \   !   /
   /    |/\  \  |   |       \       _/ /    |/       \_  >     <
   \    \_ \ /  !   |   ¡    \   \   \/     |\        / /   ¡   \
    \______ /______ |___| ___/___|\   /____ | \_____ / /    |____\

                            Reigns Supreme!
   ....            -/----/-                 -\----\-            ....
   :  : ..._______//         Q U A R T E X         \\_______... :  :
 ..:..: :                                                     : :..:..
 : :....:        One more compromise I won't be making        :....: :^M
 :             One more cheating hand I won't be shaking             :^M
 :               One more substitute I won't be trying               :^M
 :                 So many times we stand and fight                  :^M
 :                  So many reasons can't be right                   :^M
 :              One more simple truth I'm not denying                :^M
 :                          Quartex RULES!                           :^M
 :                                                                   :
 :......                  ___________________                   .....:
   ....:...........-/----/-                 -\----\-............:...
   :  : ..._______//         Q U A R T E X         \\_______... :  :
 ..:..: :                                                     : :..:..
 : :....:       The legendary QUARTEX proudly presents:       :....: :
 :                                                                   :
 :                                                                   :
 :   Title.......: :........The Scorpion King - Sword of Osiris +5   :
 :   Platform....: :...............................GameBoy Advance   :
 :   Company.....: :.....................................Universal   :
 :   Released.By.: :.........................................Venom   :
 :   Type........: :...........................................IPS   :
 :   Date........: :...............................04th April 2002   :
 :                                                                   :
 :......                  ___________________                   .....:
   ....:...........-/----/-                 -\----\-............:...
   :  : ..._______//         RELEASE NOTES         \\_______... :  :
 ..:..: :                                                     : :..:..
 : :....:                                                     :....: :
 :                                                                   :
 : Here is a +9 Trainer for Konami's retro gameing frenzy            :
 :                                                                   :
 : Options:                                                          :
 : - Infinite lives                                                  :
 : - Infinite energy                                                 :
 : - Invincible                                                      :
 : - Mega Weapon (one hit kills any enemy - even end of level boss)  :
 :                                                                   :
 : Ingame keys:                                                      :
 : - R1 = ingame level skip                                          :
 :                                                                   :
 : Enjoy....                                                         :
 :                                                                   :
 : Another fine release brought to you by THE VERY BEST... QUARTEX ! :
 :                                                                   :
 :......                  ___________________                   .....:^M
   ....:...........-/----/-                 -\----\-............:...^M
   :  : ..._______//         CONTACT NOTES         \\_______... :  :^M
 ..:..: :                                                     : :..:..^M
 : :....:                                                     :....: :^M
 :                                                                   :^M
 :   If you feel you can contribute to our team in a positive way    :^M
 :             please contact us via the known routes.               :^M
 :                                                                   :^M
 :                      - -- ---=======--- -- -                      :^M
 :                                                                   :^M
 :    SOFTWARE, if you enjoyed this product, BUY IT!  SOFTWARE       :^M
 :    AUTHORS DESERVE SUPPORT!!                                      :^M
 :...                                                             ...:^M
 :  :                                                             :  :^M
 :..:                                                             :..:^M