.____________.                                   .____________.
.___________|Ä          ª:_____________________________/\____|Ä          ª:
:Ä         ª\           :|Ä     _________ _             \\  ª\           :|
|:          \           ||     _____)________ |          ù\  \           ||
||          |\___________|________________  /_____________/  |\___________|
l___________|----( quality since 1994 )---\/yop l____________|------------.
ú ù - -- --- ---- --( put a little magic in your live )-------------------'
                                   __                          _
.--[ release information ]---------\/---------ù--------ù------|_|---------.
|                         Diablo II 1.02 Trainer                          |
|                -----------------------------------------                |
| program name ....: Diablo II         protection ........: none          l_
| producer ........: Blizzard          cracktype .........: trainer      /_/\
| version .........: 1.02              cracker ...........: retro        \_\/
: url .............: www.blizzard.com  packager ..........: retro         |
| os ..............: windows 95/98/NT  date ..............: 11/jul/2000   |
                                             . _ _  _ _ .
.--[ description ]--------------------------------\/----------------------.
|       ._____.                   ._____.                                 |
| ._____|-   ¿:_____________/\____|Ä   ¿:                                 l
| :-    \    :|-  _____ _     \\  \    :|                                (_)
| |:    \    ||  ___)____  |    ù\\    ||                                 |
| ||    |\____|______   /_______/ |\____|                                 |
| l_____|------------\/-----l_____|--\/--                                 |
|         Diablo II 1.02 Trainer                                          |
|             by retro^neon                                               |
| --\/--------------------(20000706)-/\--                                 |
|                                                                         |
| I.   copy anywhere                                                      |
| II.  start the trainer                                                  |
| III. start diablo II                                                    |
| IV.  press alt+tab to switch to the trainer and press 'Read Values'     |
|                                                                         |
| everything should be pretty self explaining. please note that changes   |
| can not been seen until you kill a monster (exp points) drop gold       |
| (money) or raise one character level (skill points etc..)               |
|                                                                         |
| this trainer is for single player games only.                           |
|                                                                         |
| tested with:                                                            |
|                                                                         |
| diablo II 1.02 engl and german original and cracked                     |
|                                                                         |
| greetinx fly out to all oldskool ami/x people.                          |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
                  _ _  _ _                            __
.--[ members ]-------\/-------------------------------\/------------------.
|                                                                         |
|                               -( staff )-                               |
|                         retro, phenox, mighty^j                         |
|                                                                         |
|                             -( crackers )-                              |
|                      weshe, trocnor, beagel, ayzen                      |
|                                                                         |
|                              -( coders )-                               |
|                       shlug, boro, ypar, ol'shpoa                       |
|                                                                         |
|                             -( site ops )-                              |
|                            velt, hair, chaa                             |
|                     _                                                   |
                          generated by retro^neon