_________ ___ ___ .___ _______  _____________________ ________
 /   _____//   |   \|   |\      \ \_   _____/\______   \\_____  \
 \_____  \/    -    \   |/   |   \ |    __)_  |       _/ /   |   \
 /        \    -    /   /    |    \|        \ |    |   \/    |    \
/_______  /\___|_  /|___\____|__  /_______  / |____|_  /\_______  /
        \/       \/             \/        \/         \/         \/
±                                                                 ±
±[Title]   GTA: San Andreas                                       ±
±[Options] +20                                                    ±
±[Version] 1.1 Install Euro 1.1 UPDATE		                  ±
±[Date]    05/03/06                                               ±
±                                                                 ±
±                                                                 ±
±                    F4  - Infinite Health                        ±
±                    F2  - Infinite Armour                        ±
±                    F5  - Infinite Ammo                          ±
±                    F6  - 1 Hit Kill                             ±
±                    F7  - 1 Hit Kill OFF                         ±
±                    F8  - Give $99999999                         ±
±                    F9  - No Wanted Level                        ±
±                    F10 - Max Wanted Level                       ±
±                    F11 - Infinite Oxygen                        ±
±                    1   - Max/Min Respect                        ±
±                    2   - Max Muscle                             ±
±                    3   - Max/Min Fat                            ±
±                    4   - Max/Min All Stats                      ±
±                    5   - Freeze Mission Timer                   ±
±              SHIFT+5   - Freeze Mission Timer 2                 ±
±                    6   - Freeze Game Timer                      ±
±      		     7   - Freeze White Mission Bar               ±
±                    0   - Give 50 Oysters                        ±
±             NUMPAD 8   - No Car Damage                          ±
±             NUMPAD 9   - 1 Hit Expoding Vehicles                ±
±                    J   - Teleport SAVE			  ±
±                    K   - Teleport RESTORE			  ±
±                    F12 - Disable All                            ±
±								  ±
±                   Extra Teleport Key System!!!                  ±
±   The keys above are to save the ones underneath them are the   ±
±               ones to restore that save 5 in total.             ±
±                                                                 ±
±                                                                 ±
±   These come in very handy for the races ;)                     ±
±                                                                 ±
± Special Notes:-                                                 ±
± Install the european 1.1 patch to use this trainer.             ±
±                                                                 ±
± Max/Min Respect          - When enabled this disables the       ±
±                            Teleport option    		  ±
±                                                                 ±
± No Wanted Level   	   - When activated you may need to       ±
±			     kill any cops in the immediate       ±
±		             area then it will activate           ±
±                                                                 ±
± Max/Min All Stats        - This maxes all player, weapon,       ±
±                            vehicle and gambling stats and       ±
±			     when pressed again reduces all       ±
±                            of the above to 0                    ±
±                                                                 ±
± 1 Hit Exploding Vehicles - Anything your car touches will       ±
±                            catch fire and burn up. Very         ±
±                            handy throughout the missions        ±
±                                                                 ±
± No Car Damage            - Vehicle still gets dented etc        ±
± 			     but you wont blow not even if        ±
±                            you flip your car also these         ±
±                            two options dont work together       ±
±                            one or the other                     ±
±								  ±
± Freeze Mission Timer 2   - To be used on the monster level      ±
±                            where u race a monster truck         ±
±                            disable this cheat when loading      ±
±                            the game                             ±
±                                                                 ±
± Freeze White Mission Bar - Throughout the game you will 	  ±
±                            notice this white bar that appears   ±
±                            on quite a few missions helis and    ±
±                            sweet for example. Very handy        ±
±                            option                               ±
±                                                                 ±
±Laterz                                     R Click For About Menu±
±shinero                                     http://gamehacking.tk±
±Enjoy!!!!!!!!!                             This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.±