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           þ  ßß²ÜÛ²ÜÜ                                      Þ²²Ý ÞÛÝ ß²ßÜÜ
                    ßßßßß ß   The Incredibles:               ß²ÛÜ ßÛÜ  ß²²ß
                                Rise of the Underminer          ßßß²ÜÛÛÜÜ  ß
                                  (c) THQ                              ßßßßß ß
          ÚÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ  Ä
         Ú´ HAPPY NEW YEAR!
         ³ÀÄ Ä
         ³  We at iRRM would like to wish you all a happy new 2006. It's not
         ³  2006 here yet, but in some hours it will be :)
         ³  Greets to the competition out there, aSx, PiZZA, TNT, AGES, DVN,
         ³  DVN, RiTUEL, VACE, and everyone else in the Dox and Ripgame-scene,
         ³  except for JuNGLeFeVeR.
         ³  2005's been a blast and we hope you all will follow us into 2006!
         ³  Cheers to you all!
         ³ÚÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ  Ä
         ô Release Info
         ³ÀÄ Ä
         ³  Date ....... : 2005-12-31
         ³  Options .... : 9
         ³  Hotkey ..... : Function
         ³  F3  ........ : Gives Player 1 1,000 XP
         ³  F4  ........ : Gives Player 2 1,000 XP
         ³  F5  ........ : Gives Player 1 10,000 XP
         ³  F6  ........ : Gives Player 2 10,000 XP
         ³  F7  ........ : Toggle infinite health for both players
         ³  F8  ........ : Toggle "Super XP-gain" (you gain xp much faster)
         ³  F9  ........ : Gives Player 1 3 super-moves
         ³  F10 ........ : Gives Player 2 3 super-moves
         ³  F11 ........ : Freeze/Unfreeze both players super-moves
         ³  F12 ........ : Quit the trainer
         ³ÚÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ  Ä
         ô Release notes
         ³ÀÄ Ä
         ³  Pretty good game for being kiddie actually. Now for the trainer,
         ³  there are in fact 9 options in this trainer, however the "give xp"
         ³  -options must be counted as the same, for instance "P1 1,000 xp" &
         ³  "P1 10,000 xp" is counted as one "Plus".
         ³  By the way, the super-move options might not change the graphic,
         ³  so that by the looks it looks like you still have 0 super-moves
         ³  even though you used the "get 3 super-moves"-option. In fact you
         ³  have gained 3 super-moves, just that the graphic does not follow.
         ³  Really, you could count this trainer as a Plus 5, since there are
         ³  seperated options for different players. But since the patches
         ³  differ and some people may just want one player to "cheat", we
         ³  chose to make the trainer this way. Enjoy! =)
         ³  PS. 27500 xp is maximum.
         ³ÚÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ  Ä
         ô Terminology
         ³ÀÄ Ä
         ³  Here are a short terminology of the words we use in our trainers.
         ³  Other groups may use these words otherwise, but this is how we do.
         ³  Infinite ... : The value can increase but not decrease
         ³  Unlimited .. : The value can neither increase nor decrease, the 
         ³                 difference between Unlimited and Freeze is that in
         ³                 Unlimited the value is pushed up, so that it stops
         ³                 above zero for instance, eg. if you have low health
         ³                 and use Unlimited Health, it will be put at 100% and
         ³                 stopped there.
         ³  Freeze ..... : Freezes the value/function so it cannot change
         ³  Unfreeze ... : Unfreezes the value/function so it can change again
         ³ÚÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ  Ä
         ô Game Info
         ³ÀÄ Ä
         ³  Genre ...... : Action/Adventure
         ³  System Reqs. : Windows
         ³ÚÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ  Ä
         ô Install Info
         ³ÀÄ Ä
         ³  1. UnRAR to any directory.
         ³  2. Run iRRM_tIRotU_Trainer.exe
         ³  3. Read and then click OK.
         ³  4. Start the game.
         ³  5. Use the hotkeys to activate the functions.
         ³  6. Enjoy this fine trainer!
         ³ÚÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ  Ä
         ô Contact
         ³ÀÄ Ä
         ³  We are looking for:
         ³  - Talented coders (preferably C, C++, ASM or Delphi).
         ³  - 30Mbps+ sites for affilation.
         ³  Hit us up on IRC or by email: irrm [at] hush [dot] ai
         ³  Whores n beer are always welcome too.. cheers!
         ³ÚÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ  Ä
         À´ Thanks to m0 for the great ascii!
          ÀÄ Ä

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