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                              &&&  G H T                           
                               &&&    Da Fighters Of Gamez         
                                &&&      http://www.extalia.com   

 Û   [ Program ...................... Battle for Middle-earth II *v1.01* ]   Û
 Û   [ Type .................................................... Trainer ]   Û
 Û   [ OS ................................................... Windows XP ]   Û
 Û   [ By ...................................................... Extalia ]   Û
 Û   [ Homepage ........................................ www.extalia.com ]   Û
 Û   [ Contact ........................................ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ]   Û
 Û                                                                           Û
 Û         [ Coded by .................................... SunBeam ]         Û
 Û         [ Release date ............................. 18.03.2003 ]         Û
 Û                                                                           Û

    Notes :
    #1 : I kinda waited for someone to release a nice trainer for this game. 
    Since no one is willing to, I decided I would be the one making some nifty 
    #2 : I saw the existing trainers, and all I got to say is : more "nop" 
    trainers. Let me point out one thing : some asm commands are shared 
    between the player and the enemy AI. NOPing a certain such command, 
    will enable that trainer's options for both players. I bet you wondered why, 
    when playing a Skirmish game on Brutal difficulty, you got wasted in 10 
    minutes. Because the computer can also "free build" :P !
    #3 : All my trainer's options are single-sided. Meaning, only the player 
    benefits from them, and not the computer...
    #4 : The trainer works only for v1.01 of the game. I used the cracked 
    v1.01 Reloaded Team released a while ago. Just so you don't wonder 
    why it doesn't work...

    Trainer Options :
    F1 - Increase Resources
    You will receive 100.000 resources. Don't worry, only you will get them, 
    and not the CPU.
    F2 - Increase Palantir points
    Will set your Palantir points to the max ammount - sum of all powers - 150 
    F3 - Increase Command points limit
    Will set your Command limit to 1000. You can't go past that - it's the max. 
    This sequel of the game has a limitation [I can get past it, but why bother 
    ? - see what's below]
    F4 - Set population to 0
    Can't build past 1000/1000 ? No problem. Reset population to 0 
    [0/1000] and you will be able to :P...
    F5 - Immortality
    This is the one option that ate my dayz. I finally figured it out and it's fully 
    working one-sided. Meaning only you get god-mode. This will make your 
    armies, heroes and BUILDINGS invincible and uncrushable :)
    F6 - Instant Special Powers and Abilities
    Tired of waiting till powers/abilities recharge ? With this options you won't 
    need to. Also, take note : to be able to use a hero ability you MUST 
    have the ability's required level.
    NOTE : e.g. - I was playing a skirmish game and had Thranduil @ level 
    4. I right-clicked a level 7 power and during combat he used it :P So, you 
    can use high level abilities if you set them to AUTO [right-click on the 
    F7 - Restore all
    Just set everything back to normal if you want to :P

    Greetz :
    To all extaliers. Sorry for being that DEAD, guys :( I think you probably 
    don't know me anymore...