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        ..      .                                                                               
                     DABhand Presents : Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos all 3 versions              -/ 


   1. Copy trainer to game folder

   2. Run game from trainer

   3. Press desired keys

   4. Have fun and stuff


   Well this was a trainer that started out as an idea on how to recognise and run which one or
   if you had all 3 of the games and run it.

   Anyways copy the trainer to the game folder, or if you have all 3 then to all 3 game folders
   and press Run Game, press 0 for Instant win.


   [sheep],[whitey], patch, coax, Qu3becker, mjalan, MickZ, #gamehacking regulars, my buddies,
   fileforum regulars, and countless other people...

   /end greets

                  ****** NOTHING TO SEE HERE MOVE ALONG PEOPLE MOVE ALONG ******