Night Rider's Hellfire & Diablo Item Editor v2.0

Please read this file before you mail me for help. I explained most of frequently asked questions about my editor. Oh, by the way, my english is not soo good, but I hope you'll understand this help file. :)

Q : Do you have other Diablo-related programs ?
A : Check on my page, I wrote crack for buying items for 0 Gold, and also Random Item Generator. I have program for grabbing items from inventory and floor too.

Q : How to get HIF or ITM items :
A :Well it is simple, just take Raymond's Diablo Trainer (I use Beta 5 Build 1 version) or BoBaFeTT's editor for 1.05 and higher versions of Diablo. Start Diablo or Hellfire. When you're inside game press Alt+Tab to return to Windows. Now run Raymond's trainer and press 'Item' button. Then You'll see list of your character's items. Select one and press 'Export Item' button. Save item to disk, and now you can load it into my Item Editor. You can change it's attributes and make item that you like. Ok, now save it to disk again, and in Raymond's trainer select 'Import Item' button and select item that you changed and saved with my Item Editor. Import item into Diablo/Hellfire and press 'Save changes' button in Trainer. Now you can return in Diablo/Hellfire with Alt+Tab or press Diablo or Hellfire caption in status bar. When importing item, select empty slot or some potion because if you select slot in inventory occupied by another item that item will be removed. And some Hellfire items and attributes do not exist in Diablo, so be careful, for example Bovine Plate doesn't exist in Diablo, so try not to import it because Diablo could crash. Also be careful when entering values, for example you can set price to 100000 or higher, but spell level can be from around -120 to around +120. When setting spell to item (for example Axe of apocalypse or something like that), you have to enter current and max charges number or item will not be able to cast spells. I also included unknown values to editor, but I think that those values are not used. You can set any name you want to item, for example Night Rider's Bow Of Blood, but it can't be longer than 64 characters. There is one known exception, Bovine Plate has -1 spell level, but it is displayed as 255. If you want to save it in it's original for type 511 in spell level box. 

Q : I want the last version of editor, where to get it ?
A : or

Q : I'm confused, can you help me ?
A : Yes, you can mail me at : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., please don't ask me via ICQ

Q : I would like to pay you for editor, it completely changed my life.
A : Nooooo, you can't, this editor is freeware. That means you can use it and copy it as you want. But (s..t, there is always 'but'), you are not allowed to change editor executable and it's files. If you copy editor, you have to copy original zip archive downloaded from my page. And, please do not link to editor, link to main page ( It is important to me because I want to see how many people accessed my page. Also do not link main.htm file. 

Q : Can I get source code of your program ?
A : No, source is not available, but if you are making your editor or something like that, you can ask me and I'll help you if I can. But please don't ask me how to do something in VisualBasic or VC++, I can help you about Delphi and Diablo Items structure, not VB or VC programming stuff.

Q : I'm very good programmer, and I would like to make my editor, but I don't know how item files are structured.
A : Go to my page and see. I have complete (almost) tables of itm and hif files. I will probably add tables for other formats, like dia,cha,hfc ...

Q : Who is your favorite playmate ?
A : Julia Schultz. But Karen McDougal is cool too.

Q : When I change my items in multiplayer and reload game items are lost !
A : Yes, as I said it is not possible (for now ?) to make permanent items. But you can make permanent charges and durability. For example if you set durability to 255 you will have indestructible item. You can also make some expensive item and sell it to Griswold, you will get (permanent) money. 

Q : How should I set my display properties to display editor correctly.
A : Well it works perfectly at 800*600. I tested it in 1024*768, and it worked just fine. If you don't see  boxes, set 'small fonts' in display properties (right click on desktop or select Display in Control Panel.

Q : I don't understand all boxes in editor window.
A : Put mouse cursor on box and description will pop up (if hints are on)

Q : I keep all my items in one directory, and I would like to be my default directory.
A : Press 'Options' button and set your default directory, and when you run editor through start menu you will be positioned in that directory.

Q : Is Elvis alive ?
A : Who the f..k is Elvis ?

Q : Do you plan to write even better editor ?
A : Hmm, maybe, but I included many features in this one, so I don't know what to add in next version.

Q : I opened few editor windows and get message 'not enough memory' or something like that.
A : Yes, I know, this is big program, so I don't recommend to run more than four editor windows at the same time.

Q : You are really boring !
A : Okay, okay, just one more question.

Q : Why is 2.0 better than 1.9
A : Well here is list of changes for all versions :

Changes in version 2.0 since 1.9 :

-Main window is redesigned. I added four boxes for Check, Transfer and Unique Code, values are hexadecimal (h).
-Added more attributes (Big thanx to Thomas Hansen)
-Magic, Combat Special abilities and Additional Damage abilities can be added, for example if you have 02 and 04, you can enter 06 and item will have both abilities. It was to much values to add in program, but you can manually enter values. Beware, it is hex values, so 80+40 aren't 120 but C0 ! Again, thanx to Thomas Hansen for figuring out this adding possibility
-Item descriptions are now moved into executable, so program should be faster
-I removed stupid 'c:\program. ..' text that was displayed in front of Damage box
-Added Die item file support
-Removed Help and Exit buttons, Help is now under About button, and Exit is no needed since there is X on the top right corner of window
-Item Conversion utility improved. Anyway, you have to reload item if you switch between HellFire and Diablo types
-Removed logo from About screen. It was about 50 kilos, and it wasn't useful :)
-Added 'Associate' buttons in Options. You can click on 'Associate Hif' button and next time you doubleclick on Hif file in Windows Explorer, that item file will be opened in my editor. It is useful if you move Editor's executable file to another directory, just click Associate buttons and program will open items when you duobleclick on them
-Removed installation procedure. Who needs it, zip file is smaller now. You just have to unzip zip file to any directory, and put HellFireImages.dll in that directory and program will work.
-HellFireImages.dll is now separated, so if you have that file you don't have to download it again. If you don't have that dll program will work correctly but images will not be displayed
-Executable's size is decreased !
-Some parts of code has been written again, so program should be better and faster
-All windows has been redesigned
-PFV, PFN, SFV and SFN are now described as 'Prefix Base, Prefix Multiplier, Suffix Base, Suffix Multiplier'. These values are used for calculating item's price. You can find formulas in Jarulf's Diablo & HellFire Guide
-Font in About box is changed
-Some minor bugfixes

Changes in version 1.9 since 1.8 :

-Images are now in dll file, not in the main executable
-Data.txt and Config.txt are now converted to single ini file
-Logo image is now jpg file, so it is about 130kBytes smaller
-Few icons are added in main executable file (diablo icons in different colors)
-Program doesn't use windows registry anymore for storing program's directory, now you can move program anywhere and it will not report 'missing data.txt' or other messages like that. But, be sure that NRConfig.ini and HellFireImages.dll are in same directory with HellEditNew.exe
-I fixed some bugs in 'Options' window. Now hints WILL be off when you run the program if you set Hints Off option
-I added drive box to item home directory selection window. Now you can have home directory on any drive
-Load and Save buttons are now colored as other buttons if you change windows color settings
-Executable file is about 400 kBytes smaller. I hope that it will make program faster and smaller in memory
-I wrote some parts of code in different way, so I hope that program have no bugs anymore :)  Anyway, if you find some bug please mail me

+Errors : You can't run more than 7 program windows at same time. (tested on P133/16MB)

Changes in version 1.8 since 1.666 :

-Fixed stupid bug that caused item picture to become invisible after activating another window in front of editor's window
-Fixed another stupid bug that caused additional mana and life points to be calculated incorrectly
-Changed 'About' window, added logo, and some new stuff
-Improved HIF>ITM and ITM>HIF conversions by adding default headers
-Decreased number of unknown variables (from 30 to 16) , now spell and magic stuff are longint
-Code is little bit improved
-Added questions and answers to help file
-My English is getting worse, but my Pascal is getting better :)

Changes in version 1.666 since 1.5 :

-Finally added images of items
-Program now has an installation procedure
-Program has an uninstall procedure (but who needs it :-)  (anyway, if you want to remove my program do it from Control panel .. Add/Remove programs)
-Program now appears in Start/Programs menu
-You can run program by doubleclicking on hif or itm file in windows explorer
-Now itm and hif files have their own icons
-When you are saving your items, offered name will be name of your item (it will not be of item that is loaded, it will be name that you set to your item in Name & Price box)
-Added prefix/suffix for bad items (hydra, frog ...) still missing corruption and thief, please send me those items if you have any
-You can set your home directory where your items are located, and when you click Load button, open box will be located in that directory (if you change it, it will take effect when you restart editor)
-You can set position of editor's window and save it

Changes in version 1.5 since 1.2 :

 - Added Diablo item editing, now you can edit ITM files
 - Added conversion utility, now you can convert ITM in HIF or HIF in ITM
 - Added 'Unknown values' editing, now you can change unknown values (not recommended)
 - Added Help button that displays this file
 - Added Hints, and Hints Off/On button, now every edit box displays hint when cursor is on it
 - Added some minor changes and bug fixes

Here is transfer code table, I did not find it could be useful, but anyway, here it is :

 Short Sword-spW-1                   Leather Arm.-59             Scroll, Guard-113
 Buckler-spW-2                       Hard Leather Arm-60         Magic Book-114
 Club-spW-3                          Stud L. Arm-61              Magic Book-115
 Short Bow-spW-4                     Ring Mail-62                Magic Book-116
 Short Staff-spS-5                   Chain Mail-63               Magic Book-117
 CLEAVER BUTCH-6(2hAxe)              Scale Mail-64               Dagger-118
 UNDEAD CRWN-7 (Helm+15AC)           Breast Plate-65             Short Sword-119
 EMPERYEAN BAND-8 (Ring)             Splint Mail-66              Falchion-120
 Magic Rock-9                        Plate Mail-67               Scimitar-121
 OPTIC AMULET-10 (Amulet)            Field Plate-68              Claymore-122
 RING OF TRUTH-11 (Ring)             Gothic Plate-69             Blade-123
 Tavrn Sign-12                       Full P.Mail-70              Sabre-124
 HARLEQUIN CRST-13 (Helm)            Buckler-71                  Long Sword-125
 VEIL OF STEEL-14 (Helm+18AC)        Small Shield-72             Board Sword-126
 Golden Elxr-15                      Large Shield-73             Bastard Sword-127
 Anvil of fury-16                    Kite Shield-74              2-hand Sword-128
 Black Mushrrom-17                   Tower Shield-75             Great Sword-129
 Brain-18                            Gothic Shield-76            Small Axe-130
 Fungal Tome-19                      Potion, Heal-77             Axe-131 Lrg
 Spectral Elxr-20                    Potion, Full Heal-78        Axe-132
 Blood Stone-21                      Potion, Mana-79             Borad Axe-133
 Cath. Map-22                        Potion, Full Mana-80        Battle Axe-134
 Heart-23                            Potion, Rejuv-81            Geart Axe-135
 Potion, Heal-24                     Potion, Full Rejuv-82       Mace-136
 Potion, Mana-25                     Blcksmth Oil-83             Morn Star-137
 Scroll, Ident-26                    Oil, Accuracy-84            War Hammer-138
 Scroll, Twn Port.-27                Oil, Sharpness-85           Spike Club-139
 ARKAINE'S VALOUR-28 (Armor)         Oil, Fortitude-86           Club-140
 Potion, Full Heal-29                Elixer, Strenth-87          Flail-141
 Potion, Full Mana-30                Elixer, Magic-88            Maul-142
 GRISWALDS EDGE-31(1hSword)          Elixer, Dexterity-89        Short Bow-143
 BOVINE PLATE-32 (Armor)             Elixer, Vitality-90         Hunt Bow-144
 STAFF LAZARUS-33                    Scroll, Heal-91             Long Bow-145
 Scroll, Rsrct-34                    Scoll, Search-92            Cmpst Bow-146
 Rune Bomb-39                        Scroll, Lghtng-93           Short Battle Bow-147
 Theodore-40                         Scroll, Ident-94            Long Battle Bow-148
 Auric Amulet-41                     Scroll, Rsrct-95            Short War Bow-149
 Torn Note1-42                       Scroll, FWall-96            Long War Bow-150
 Torn Note2-43                       Scroll, Inferno-9           Short Staff-151
 Torn Note3-44                       Scroll, TwnPrt-98           Long Staff-152
 Whole Note-45                       Scroll, Flsh-99             Comp Staff-153
 Brown Suit-46                       Scroll, Invsn-100           Qrt Staff-154
 Grey Suit-47                        Scroll, Phase-101           War Staff-155
 Cap-48 Skl                          Scroll, MShld-102           Ring-156
 Cap-49                              Scroll, FWave-103           Ring-157
 Helm-50                             Scroll, FBall-104           Ring-158
 Full Helm-51                        Scroll, StnCurs-1           Amulet-159
 Crown-52                            Scroll, ChnLght-1           Amulet-160
 Great Helm-53                       Scroll, Grdn-107            Rune, Fire-161
 Cape-54                             No Item-108                 Rune, Lght-162
 Rags-55                             Scroll, Nova-109            GRune, Fire-163
 Cloak-56                            Scroll, Glmn-110            GRune, Lght-164
 Robe-57                             Scroll, None-111            Rune, Stone-165
 Quilt Armor-58                      Scroll, Telep-112           Unknown-166

EEEEnd !