.                                                                       .
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    \/        \/         \/         \/         \/         \/         \/     .
    .                                                                    .: |
 - -:---------------------- - [ o u t c a s t ! ] - ------------------------:- -
    '                                                                       '
    '                          Proudly presents..                           '
    -:----------------------------- -  -    -
     | [ :::::::::::: Chaser Plus 9 Trainer :: ]          
    -:------------------------------------------------------------------ -  -
     . Release Date : June 27 2003          Release Size : 1xsmall 
    -:------------------------------------------------------------------ -  -
                           -    -  - --------------------------------------:-
           .                     [ :: Trainer Information :::::::::::: ] |
    -  - --:---------------------------------------------------------------:-
     Trainer Options

     1 - Infinite Health
     2 - Infinite Armor
     3 - infinite Ammo
     4 - Infinite Adrenaline
     5 - 1 Hit Kill
     6 - Invisibility ON        (see notes)
     7 - Invisibility OFF
     8 - Armageddon Gunmode ON  (see notes)
     9 - Armageddon Gunmode OFF
     V - Freeze Enemy ON        (see notes)
     B - Freeze Enemy OFF
     0 - Infinite Night Vision 

     Trainer Notes

     6 - Invisibility    -    What this actually does is turn ur dead indicator on.. but
                              doesnt kill u .. and lets u move around infront of enemy 
                              who have no clue to u being there.. when u turn it back on
                              make sure u are away from enemy or they will detect u 
                              immediately.. this option is great fun and very useful on 
                              any stealth missions.. because of how it works u cannot open
                              doors while in this mode.. so turn it off when u want to open
                              anything or pickup weapons etc.. hehe btw.. when u turn this
                              option on if ur holding a weapon ur arms will stay in mid air 
                              :))) .. when u turn it off u get them back.. hah.. so dont 
                              worry!! :)

     8 - Armageddon Gunmode - This is just a fun option that can certainly help 
                              when faced with a lot of people to kill, I suggest
                              you turn on infinite ammo before turning this option
                              on unless u want to depleat ur ammo reserve in about 
                              2 seconds :).. It sends the gun into major chaos mode
                              and VERY rapidly fires whatever u got in ur hand.. 
                              one more word of warning try not to use anything that
                              has major recoil.. u will go EVERYWHERE :).

      V - Freeze Enemy      - This option will freeze the enemy where they stand so
                              you can just walk up to them and give them 1 shot in 
                              the head.. its cool to walk into a room of men.. use
                              this option, kill them all, turn the option off and 
                              watch the men drop :)... again with this option doors
                              are not accessible.. but u only need to activate when
                              in trouble and then u can turn it back off again :)..  




    -:--------------------------------------------- -  -    -
     | [ :::::::::::: Application Information :: ]                   .
    -:---------------------------------------------------------------:-- -  -
     We are curently looking for people that can : 
     + Supply new unreleased Games (Console and/or Pc), not on the net !

     + You live in the Usa, Canada, Uk or Japan, have a fast upload line 
       (500kb/s minimum) and free week days morning.

     + People who can do trainers for Pc and Consoles !
     + People who can crack latest protection schemes for Pc and Consoles 
       (safedisc2, Securom, Etc) !
     So if you have some free time, a fast connection and the urge to prove
     yourself in the scene contact us today at:

     + This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.