.__  .__           .__ ___.   .__
           ____ |  | |  |__ _____  |  |\_ |__ |__|
         _/ __ |  | |  |  \__   |  | | __ |  |
           ___/|  |_|   Y  / __ |  |_| \_   |
._________\___  >____/___|  (____ /____/___  /|__|________.
!-: [ Releaser Email  ] This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.           :-!
!-: [ Release Name    ] .. Virtual Pool 3 Trainer +3    :-!
!-: [ Release Date    ] ..2004-06-17                    :-!
!-: [ Release Type    ] .. Trainer                      :-!
!-: [ Release Version ] ..                              :-!
!-: [ Release Size    ] ..kb                            :-!
!-:                                                     :-!
!-: [ Release Usage   ]                                 :-!
!-: Open the Trainer, then the game, use the Hotkeys.   :-!
!-:                                                     :-!
!-: [ 0ther inf0      ]                                 :-!
!-:                                                     :-!
!-: Sometimes the 'Point Add' Function adds more then   :-!
!-: 20p, but that's no big problem right? (:            :-!
!-:                                                     :-!
!-:                                                     :-!
!-:                                                     :-!
!-:                                                     :-!
!-:                                                     :-!
!-: [ Greetingz       ]                                 :-!
!-: tO eVERY0NE oUT tHERE dOiNG z0METHiNG fOR tHE       :-!
!-: PiRATE & gAME hACKiNG c0MMUNiTY!                    :-!
!-:                                                     :-!
!-: [ Thanks & Greetz ]                                 :-!
!-: Extalia, PiZZADOX, CES Team, FAiRLiGHT & DEViANCE.  :-!
!-:                                                     :-!
!-: [ Personal Greetz ]                                 :-!
!-: zkitz, GFX FELLAh - bronz, 100% Comp. Knowledge! (: :-!