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                   T h e     N o v a     T e a m

³                                  Presents:                                 ³
³                                                                            ³
³                            Ostrich Runner *RIP*                            ³
³                                 *Unlocker*                                 ³
³                            (c)2004 Zuxxez/Geleos                           ³
³                                                                            ³

³                                                                            ³
³    Supplied By : TEAM TNT                 Release Date : 01/12/2005        ³
³     Cracked By : TEAM TNT                   Protection : Integrity Check   ³
³    What is it? : Unlocker                  OS Required : WinXX             ³
³    Packaged By : TEAM TNT                   # of Files : 01 x 5.00 Meg     ³
³                                                                            ³
³   Requirements : The Game                                                  ³

                               þ Release Notes þ

The German (Deutsch) Title of this game is: Turbo Strauá (Strauss / Strauß)

SavedGames giving you access to all of the areas of the game.

         All 15 Missions of each Difficulty Level (Easy, Medium, & Hard)

                               þ Installation  þ

1. UnRAR the archive to your game directory, overwriting any existing files.
   Always unRAR with full paths!

2. Play with one of the "TNT_XXX" profiles, (Easy, Medium, or Hard).

3. The FINAL Mission is selected by default when you load a profile.
   Use the DownArrow key on your keyboard to go to previous missions.
   The UpArrow key will go to the next mission.

   NOTE:  The first mission is "Village", or "Dorf" in German.
          Difficulty affects the number of eggs you need to complete each 
          mission and possibly the layout/enemies of mission levels.

          Village mission: Easy = 100 Eggs, Medium = 140 Eggs, Hard = 200 Eggs.

                               þ  TNT    News  þ
  we are back.  The REAL TNT.
  Original DirName and original SFV info will be in our NFO files now!

                               þ  TNT Members  þ
                  You know who we are.  And we know who you are.

                               þ   The Greets  þ
    Groups :  MnM, ORB, PDM, CORE, 
              DRUNK, DARKNeZZ

                               þ  TNT   Sites  þ
  Try to find them..

                               þ  Joining TNT  þ
 Crack/Code : Experienced programmers who can produce game/application 
              KeyMakers & Cracks (NoCDs & removal of commercial protections).  
              Coders of Game Trainers & SavedGame file editors.
   Scanning : Printed Box Art, CDs, & Manuals for new games/apps.

 FileHacker : Create All Access Enabled SavedGames.  
              Modify game data files to enable Cheated Stats.  
              Scan game executables to locate Cheat Codes (no web thieves).

  Suppliers : Can you get software before its "official" release date?
              If so, then maybe you got what it takes to supply for TNT.

    Siteops : 10mbit or faster sites on linux/unix with at least 100gigs space.

³  Header Logo : Super Nova [TNT]      º      NFO Layout : Super Nova        ³
³                                      Ê                                     ³
ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ> Last Update by [Super Nova] <ÄÄÄ[11/03/2004]ÄÄõ

                       " zipscript-c/project-zs sucks! "
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