Q  .|                                                     |.  . 
      U| :|     _____/    ______/   ______/     _____/\_     |: |.    
      A| :|    /         /        \_/        \___/  _____/__   |: |.       
      L| :| __/    |    /     .___       _______________    \_ |: |.  
      I| :|                  |         _/            /     / |: |P
      T| :|       |                          _            /  |: |R 
      Y| :|   \____|          _______  _______/ \________  /   |: |I
      .| :| .::::::|         /::::::::/::::::::::::::::::/::. |: |D
      .| :|        |________/ [ aGES pRESENTS ]                 |: |E
    .__| .|_____________________________________________________|. |__. 
    |  | .|                                                     |. |  |
    |  | .|   Call of Duty : United Offensive Plus 12 Trainer   |. |  |
.___|__| .|sYn__________________________________________________|. |__|___. 
|   |  |                                                           |  |   |
|___|                                                                 |___|
     [ - rELEASe dETAILs - ] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 

       tRAINEr tITLe : Call.Of.Duty.United.Offensive.Plus.12.Trainer 
              aUTHOr : [sheep]                           
                tYPe : Trainer          
                dATe : 20-09-04
             oPTIONs : 12                       
     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ - rELEASe dETAILs - ]    

     [ - rELEASe nOTEs - ]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

     A big hey yaaaaaa to the clever guys over there in the RELOADED camp. 
     Great work on the sf3 protected release last night, keep it up guys.

     Once again AGES brings you another scene leading trainer. This time 
     for your pleasure its COD:UO plus 12. AGES is dedicated to bringing 
     you not just trainers that aid in the compeletion of the game but 
     trainers that actually add and enhance the enjoyment of gameplay.

     On with the show.   

     ::Trainer Options::

      01) H  - Infinite Health.
      02) 7  - Infinite Ammo.
      03) V  - Weapon Accuracy on.               * 
          B  - Weapon Accuracy off.              
      04) F1 - Translocation Ammo.               * 
      05) F2 - Brainwash Ammo.                   * 
          N  - Return Ammo to Normal.            * 
      06) K  - 1 Hit Kill.                        
      07) O  - Save Checkpoint Position.         * 
          P  - Restore Checkpoint Position.      * 
      08) J  - Super Jump.                       *  
      09) U  - Super Speed on.                   * 
          I  - Super Speed off.                  
      10) M  - Mouse Over Allied Health.         * 
      11) G  - Grenade Detonation Installation.  *
          T  - Trigger Grenade Detonation.       *
      12) 8  - Friend of The People on.          *
          9  - Friend of The People off.
     * = read trainer notes.

     ::Trainer Notes::.
     V - Weapon Accuracy on.
     When this options is activated your crosshair will not spread
     while walking etc.. Whatever gun you're using will be perfectly
     accurate even if you're running and shooting.

     F1 - Translocation Ammo.
     Probably the best option, at least it had the most work and 
     effort spent on it... 

     What this does is.......... Activating this option turns your
     ammunition from normal killing ammo to a teleportation device.
     Anyone you shoot will immediately be transported into your 
     location on the map and you get transported to where they were.
     The best use of this is when you have a sniper rifle.. you can
     shoot people miles away and be teleported into their position
     immediately.. This enables you to get into places you're not 
     supposed to be.. I generally use it to teleport into the guys
     that shoot you with the machine guns up in high windows.. you
     are then behind the enemy and can just mow them down with your 
     newly acquired machine gun :))

     This option does NOT! harm the people you shoot.. it just 
     translocates yourself and your enemy :) have fun...

     F2 - Brainwash Ammo.
     Activating this option turns your ammo from normal killing
     ammo into a small brainwash device that confuses anyone you
     shoot into thinking they are on the side of the allies.. 
     shooting your own men with this ammo will have no affect on
     them because they are already allies :)) but when used
     on an enemy they will immediately start killing their own 
     men around them with anything they have at their disposal.

     Funniest thing I did with this option was shoot a bazooka- 
     wielding German and then watch him take out about 10 of his
     own men with 1 shot.. he then got machine gunned down by 
     the survivors :)) classic!!

     Same as above, this option does NOT! harm the people you 

     N - Return Ammo to Normal. 
     If you use either of the 2 options above... this will 
     return your ammo back to normal killing ammo.
     O - Save Checkpoint Position. (*** OPTION PART 1 ***)
     Im sure you will remember this option from our last AGES 
     trainer for kill switch.. its back again to make an 
     appearance in COD:UO!!

     Pressing O will save your exact x,y,z positions on the 
     level you are on. 

     P - Restore Checkpoint Position. (*** OPTION PART 2 ***)
     After you have used O to save your position.. whenever
     you wish to return to this position in the level then 
     just press P.. so.. O will save.. P will restore..

     WARNING!!! read the notes at the bottom about how this game
     works.. it affects this option..

     J - Super Jump.      
     This option gives you as HUGE!! jump ability.. if you use 
     super speed aswell then the speed of your jump is also 
     U - Super Speed on.
     Using this option will stick a rocket up your ass and allow
     you to whizz around the level.. 

     M - Mouse Over Allied Health.
     When activating this option, whenever you look at one of 
     your fellow soldiers he will get infinite health.. this
     is useful when missions rely on you keeping someone alive.

     G - Grenade Detonation Installation. (*** OPTION PART 1 ***)
     If the translocation wins best option.. this one definitely
     wins funniest option.. MAN!! I had so much fun with this 
     option its scary!!  Anyway... I suppose I had better tell 
     you what it does :))

     When activating this option it installs a detonation device
     on EVERY!!! grenade in the game.. no matter who throws them
     you, enemy or friend... no grenade will detonate without
     you detonating it.. see next option on how to detonate..

     T - Trigger Grenade Detonation. (*** OPTION PART 2 ***)
     Pressing T will detonate grenades.. 


     press G to enable the grenade detonation activation..
     from now on any grenades that are thrown won't
     go off without you pressing T to detonate them...

     What I like doing is either.. throw a grenade at the
     enemy and wait for them to pick it up and throw it
     back.. as soon as they pick it up detonate it :))))

     or.. if you know a place where the enemy keep coming
     from.. place 10 or so grenades on the floor.. and 
     explode them as each enemy comes around the corner..

     have fun!!!!

     8 - Friend of The People on.
     This option turns you into a FRIEND of everyone.. 
     The enemy will think you are on their side.. and 
     the allies think you are still on theirs.. so 
     noone shoots at you :)) you can use this to get
     into enemy bases then take the option off and 
     machine gun the lot of them :)))

     This game reloads its dlls after every death.. or every level
     if you move onto another level it seems that you will need 
     to re-enable the options again.. 

     BE CAREFUL!!! if for some reason you have enabled some trainer
     options then shut the game down.. THEN! reload it again.. 
     because of the way xp manages memory the changes in the code
     will still be the same.. BUT!! the code caves that houses the
     option code will be blanked.. because its just buffered space..
     what this means to you is that it will crash the game every time
     you try and play.. what you need to do if that happens is.. 

     either!! remember the options you used and just retap the hotkeys
     to activate the code caves again.. or.. copy the uo_gamex86.dll 
     delete the old one and rename the new one back to the old one :)

     This trainer has been tested 1000%, if for some reason it crashs
     I can tell you now that its due to the xp memory managment and 
     not the trainer, please follow the above guidelines and we can
     all avoid idiot emails. 


     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ - rELEASE nOTES - ]

     [ - Contact - ]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
     If you have any reason to get in contact with us then please use
     the email address below.
     Contact : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ - Contact - ]

    |  |                       "ON OUR WAY!!"                      |  |
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