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                  Retrospec Head Over Heels *PROPER* +1Trainer                  
                                 (c) retrospec                                  

                       ßÜ                            Üß 
                         ÛÜ  RELEASE iNFORMATiONS  ÜÛ 
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      ܲ߰     Release date..................... [  30-08-2004  ]   °ß²Ü
    ÜÛß        Cracker.......................... [ Cedric128FR  ]      ßÛÜ
 ÜÛ²Û  Ü ß±    Tester........................... [   TEAM FFF   ]  ±ß Ü  Û²ÛÜ
ß  Û  Û        Packager......................... [ Packager 3.6 ]      Û  Û  ß
   Û           Protection....................... [ None//Retail ]         Û
   Û ß²                                                                ²ß Û 
   Û  °²       Operating system................. [    WinALL    ]     ²°  Û
 °  ÛÜ ²ÛÜ                                                          ÜÛ² ÜÛ  °
 ±   ÛÛ±ß      Crack type......................... [ ]   Keygen      ß±ÛÛ   ±
   ÜÛß                                             [ ]   Patch          ßÛÜ
 Ü²ß                                               [ ]   Serial           ß²Ü
ÛÛ     Ü°                                          [ ]   Loader      °Ü     ÛÛ
 ß²ÜÜ²ß                                            [x]   Other         ß²Üܲß
  ÛÛß                                                                    ßÛÛ
 ²²            URL......... [     http://retrospec.sgn.net      ]          ²²
 Û                                                                         Û 
Û              Size.............................. [  1x1.44 Mo  ]            Û
Û              Language.......................... [   English   ]            Û
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                         ÛÜ     RELEASE  NOTES     ÜÛ 
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     History Of The Blacktooth Empire
     Far, far away from our star Sol lies the Blacktooth empire, an evil 
     four worlds enslaved by the planet Blacktooth. All of the slave 
     worlds bubble
     with unrest, but due to the oppressive nature of their rulers they 
     reach boiling point, they all lack a leader to draw the masses of 
     Blacktooth itself is not any better, a world rigidly controlled by its
     dynastic leaders for so long that the populace do not even think 
     revolution. The peoples of the neighbouring stars are getting very 
     about signs of military expansion from Blacktooth and have sent a 
     spy from
     the planet Freedom to see if he can push the slave planets into 
     rebellion by finding the crowns lost when Blacktooth took over.
     The creatures of Freedom are very strange in that they are formed 
     from a pair
     of symbolic animals that have adapted to operate either 
     independantly or,
     to their mutual advantage, join together as one - Head saddled on 
     Heels, and
     indeed these ARE their names and both are highly trained spies.
     The Game
     Head and Heels have been captured, separated and imprisoned in 
     the castle
     headquaters of Blacktooth. Their cells contain 'keep fit' 
     including a wall ladder that Head really must learn to climb. Your 
     job is
     to get them both out of the castle and into the market place so 
     they can
     join up again. From there, the journey leads to Moonbase 
     Headquaters, where
     you will have to decide either to try to escape back to Freedom or 
     to be a
     true hero and teleport to one of the slave planets to search for its 
     crown! To overthrow the dictatorship on any of the slave planets 
     would be a
     major blow to Blacktooth and you could return to Freedom in glory. 
     Of course
     Blacktooth would probably enslave them again eventually but it 
     would slow
     down any expansion plans for now. The populace of Blacktooth are 
     so heavily
     oppressed that they would have to see all four of the slave planets 
     before the Blacktooth crown could cause an uprising. This of 
     course would be
     the ultimate accolade, and unfortunately, almost certain suicide.
     Trainer Note:
     -Illimited Lives (Head & Heels) , *PROPER* Version .

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                       ßÜ                            Üß 
                         ÛÜ     iNSTALL  NOTES     ÜÛ 
                      ÜÜ²ß                          ß²ÜÜ
    ÜÜÛ      °°ÜÜܲßßß                                  ßßß²ÜÜÜ°°      ÛÜÜ
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 ²Ûß                                                                      ßÛ²
 ß                                                                          ß
     1. Unpack & Install.
     2. Use Trainer.exe
     3. Run game.

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                      þßÜ                            Üßþ
                        ÞÛÜþ     TEAM   NEWS      þÜÛÝ
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    ÜÜÛ      °°ÜÜܲßßß                                  ßßß²ÜÜÜ°°      ÛÜÜ
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 ²Ûß                                                                      ßÛ²
 ß    Fighting For Fun Team is proud to announce we are the First French   ß
      Web Group  still alive and with more than 5000 releases now.  Born 
      in April 2002,  we are the coolest team of the Scene and we always 
      fight for more knowledge and fun.
      Thanks for using our products and see you for our 6000th release:)
      Our greetings go to  Zor people  and  all people  we know and  who 
      support us.

         FFF is proud to be a Web Group and to release nice products for

         FFF is powered by the B.M.E (Bonobos Monkey Engine).

      If you want to join in, find in  meditation  the way to us and ask
      for a trial membership.

         FFF will  not be  responsible for and do *NOT*  support  warez 
      distributions of this releases. It is forbidden to include one of 
      our release in a warez distribution. Groups or individual will be
      exposed for this !
                                             As decided by FFF council.

 ÜÝ     Remember:  We are cool but we don't need newbies or pretentious     ÞÜ
ÞÛ²                people.                                                 ²ÛÝ
ÛßÛÜ ÞÜ                                                                ÜÝ ÜÛßÛ
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                         ÛÜ    GROuP GREETiNGS!    ÜÛ 
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  Û²Ûß                                                                  ßÛ²Û 
 ²Ûß                                                                      ßÛ²
 ß                           MAJESTiC * RiF * CiM                           ß
 °                        Zor And Zor's Board Peoples                       °
  ²Ü                    uCF * eMINENCE * CRFF's Members                   ܲ
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