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                                 (c) retrospec                                  

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                         ÛÜ  RELEASE iNFORMATiONS  ÜÛ 
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      ܲ߰     Release date..................... [  29-08-2004  ]   °ß²Ü
    ÜÛß        Cracker.......................... [ Cedric128FR  ]      ßÛÜ
 ÜÛ²Û  Ü ß±    Tester........................... [   TEAM FFF   ]  ±ß Ü  Û²ÛÜ
ß  Û  Û        Packager......................... [ Packager 3.6 ]      Û  Û  ß
   Û           Protection....................... [ None//Retail ]         Û
   Û ß²                                                                ²ß Û 
   Û  °²       Operating system................. [    WinALL    ]     ²°  Û
 °  ÛÜ ²ÛÜ                                                          ÜÛ² ÜÛ  °
 ±   ÛÛ±ß      Crack type......................... [ ]   Keygen      ß±ÛÛ   ±
   ÜÛß                                             [ ]   Patch          ßÛÜ
 Ü²ß                                               [ ]   Serial           ß²Ü
ÛÛ     Ü°                                          [ ]   Loader      °Ü     ÛÛ
 ß²ÜÜ²ß                                            [x]   Other         ß²Üܲß
  ÛÛß                                                                    ßÛÛ
 ²²            URL......... [    http://www.retrospec.co.uk     ]          ²²
 Û                                                                         Û 
Û              Size.............................. [  1x1.44 Mo  ]            Û
Û              Language.......................... [   English   ]            Û
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                         ÛÜ     RELEASE  NOTES     ÜÛ 
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    ÜÜÛ      °°ÜÜܲßßß                                  ßßß²ÜÜÜ°°      ÛÜÜ
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     History Lesson:
     This is a classic shoot 'em up from the heady days of 1988. My 
     experience of Raffaele Cecco's work was getting a copy of 
     Cybernoid from
     a friend (a la tape-to-tape). After playing it solidly for several 
     before dinner I was so excited that I felt all nauseous and pukey. 
     However Cybernoid 2 wasn't seen by mine own eyes until I was 
     looking in
     the window of Computabase in Plymouth (while playing hooky from 
     my job -
     I was eventually rumbled and fired, much to my shame). Seeing 
     the amazing
     amount of colour and things going on in the game amazed me 
     completely (it
     even distracted me from the Atari ST running Where Time Stood 
     Still) and
     so I spent a good few hours mooching in the shop and staring at 
     playing the game on the Speccy +2 provided for testing software. 
     If I
     recall correctly I even tried having a go myself but got turfed off 
     machine by the shop staff. The sods.
     I didn't actually get a copy myself until a fair bit later, and even
     then it was a slightly ropey copy as the inlay was an Amstrad one 
     a gaudy "Spectrum" sticker plastered messily over the corner. 
     Still, I spent
     many happy hours playing the game and probably even got to 
     level 3 at one
     point before being blasted to smithereens.
     Anyway the reason I remade it was because Russell Hoy was 
     working on a
     remake and I was helping him out a little with the programming. 
     I got a *little* carried away with helping him out bit (I wrote a 
     editor and a bunch of other stuff) and so he kindly offered me the 
     to take over the remaking of the game. I didn't need telling twice. 
     And so several months later, here's the game itself. I hope you 
     playing it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Which was quite a lot,
     surprisingly. Oh, except the wall-huggers. I hated writing that bit.
     	The Game:
     The idea of the game is to get through the five levels of the space
     pirates base in a strict time limit (about 5 minutes per level) 
     1500 points worth of cargo on each level (you can find it lying 
     around or
     get it by killing the little aliens that spawn in most of the rooms). 
     doesn't really matter if you manage to get the 1500 on each level, 
     but if
     you do it's worth some bonus points and an extra life at the end of 
     level. Given how chocka' with enemies the game is, those extra 
     lives will
     come in handy.
     The game is played from a side-on perspective with a flip-screen 
     that prevents you from going back on yourself. Though there are 
     a fair few enemies on screen, you are fortunate that your cup 
     runneth over with weapons of mass destruction - ranging from 
     rockets to
     smart bombs which clear the whole screen. You can also upgrade 
     your ship
     with an orbital mace that kills pretty much anything, a rear firing 
     gun and an orbital ship which fires when you do.
     Anyway, it's pretty easy to pick up and play, so why don't you do 
     just that?
     Trainer Note:
     -Illimited Live
     -Illimited Rockets
     -Illimited Time Bombs
     -Illimited Shield
     -Illimited Bouncers
     -Illimited Seekers
     -Illimited Smart Bomb
     -Illimited Tracers
     -Illimited Time

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                         ÛÜ     iNSTALL  NOTES     ÜÛ 
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    ÜÜÛ      °°ÜÜܲßßß                                  ßßß²ÜÜÜ°°      ÛÜÜ
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 ß                                                                          ß
     1. Unpack & Install.
     2. Use Trainer.exe
     3. Run game.

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                        ÞÛÜþ     TEAM   NEWS      þÜÛÝ
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 ß    Fighting For Fun Team is proud to announce we are the First French   ß
      Web Group  still alive and with more than 5000 releases now.  Born 
      in April 2002,  we are the coolest team of the Scene and we always 
      fight for more knowledge and fun.
      Thanks for using our products and see you for our 6000th release:)
      Our greetings go to  Zor people  and  all people  we know and  who 
      support us.

         FFF is proud to be a Web Group and to release nice products for

         FFF is powered by the B.M.E (Bonobos Monkey Engine).

      If you want to join in, find in  meditation  the way to us and ask
      for a trial membership.

         FFF will  not be  responsible for and do *NOT*  support  warez 
      distributions of this releases. It is forbidden to include one of 
      our release in a warez distribution. Groups or individual will be
      exposed for this !
                                             As decided by FFF council.

 ÜÝ     Remember:  We are cool but we don't need newbies or pretentious     ÞÜ
ÞÛ²                people.                                                 ²ÛÝ
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                         ÛÜ    GROuP GREETiNGS!    ÜÛ 
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 ß                           MAJESTiC * RiF * CiM                           ß
 °                        Zor And Zor's Board Peoples                       °
  ²Ü                    uCF * eMINENCE * CRFF's Members                   ܲ
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