___________   ___________  ________/   ____________ _____
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                ÚÄÄÄÄ  FairLight DOX Division Presents: ÄÄÄÄ¿
ÚÙ                          Far Cry Plus 12 Trainer                         ÚÙ
:   Cracked by:  N/A                  : :  Release Date: 03/19/04            :
³   Packaged by: N/A                  ³ ³  # of Options: 12                  ³
³   Type: [ ] Manual/Reference Card   ³ ³          Type: Trainer             ³
³         [ ] Walkthrough             ³ ³                                    ³
³         [ ] Strategy Guide          ³ ³                                    ³
:         [X] Cheat/Trainer           ³ ³                                    :
:         [ ] Patch                   ³ ³                                    ³  
³   Number of archives: 1             ³ ³                                    ³

     Trainer Options                                                          
    1)    H - Infinite Health                                                 
    2)    8 - Infinite Body Armour                                            
    3)    9 - Infinite Stamina                                                
    4)   F3 - Infinite Ammo/grenades etc.                                     
    5)   F4 - Get Binoculars                                                  
    6)   F5 - Get Light                                                       
    7)    N - Lobotomize Enemy On       (see notes)                           
          M - Lobotomize Enemy Off                                            
    8)  F10 - Weaken Enemies            (see notes)                           
    9)   F6 - Escape On                 (see notes)                           
         F7 - Escape Off                                                      
    10)  F8 - Speed Boost On            (see notes)                           
         F9 - Speed Boost Off                                                 
    11)   Z - Super Weapon Cycle        (see notes)                           
    12)  F1 - Fly On                    (see notes)                           
         F2 - Fly Off                                                         
     Trainer Options                                                          

   Lobotomize Enemy - This option will turn the enemy into idiots that slide 
   around not doing 2 much else, they can still throw grenades but they end 
   up blowing themselves up more than u so i left them the ability to throw 
   nades for the simple fact its fucking funny to watch!! 
   Weak Enemies - This option will enable u to kill all enemies very quickly 
   indeed, 99% will die first shot unless they have some serious body armour 
   on in which case it might take 2 or 3 shots.. unless u shoot them in the 
   legs.. they will die instantly then. Its a bit shitty i know but 1 hit 
   kill was an injection of about 130 bytes i already have no space left so i 
   Escape - Another one of my fucking oddly named options that if u didnt get 
   an explanation u wouldnt have a fucking clue what it does.. so here goes.
   When u are in the middle of a firefight or close to lots of enemies this 
   option will transport u into the air where they cannot get u.. u can then 
   use the CROUCH key to zoom back down to earth and shoot them.. then 
   release the CROUCH key and BANG ur back in the air.. hence the ESCAPE bit 
   USAGE: PAY ATTENTION.. the values manipulated arent used until u press the 
   CROUCH key.. so.. this is what u do..
   1) PRESS the F6 key to enable Escape option.
   2) PRESS ur CROUCH KEY default is left CTRL
   3) Zoom into the air!!!
   5) REPEAT STEP 4 until all are dead.
   6) PRESS F7 to disable the option.
   8) ESCAPE disabled. 
   Not sure why the values were tied to the crouch key but they were so just 
   remember to follow the stops above.. its very simple.
   Speed Boost - This option does what it says.. u will be speed up A LOT!! 
   so use it in intervals.. or when u need to get from one place to another.. 
   also u can use it for running up mountains or other surfaces too large to 
   Super Weapon Cycle - Every now and then u come across an option that u are 
   very proud of creating, this one has to be one of them.. :)) This not only 
   cycles through all weapons available to u.. it cycles through all weapons 
   in the game.. it cycles through the weapons mounted on vehicles.. 
   including the mortars the ships fire at u.. and the heavy heavy heavy 
   machine guns on top of cars :))) again.. this needs a little usage 
   This option cycles the weapon in the FIRST SLOT!!!
   1) Press Z to cycle weapon
   2) Swap weapons with the number buttons or the mouse wheel.
   3) Swap BACK to SLOT 1 with the number `1` key.
   4) repeat steps 1 2 and 3 until u find a weapon u like.
   OK!! when u cycle into weapons that are used by vehicles obviously there 
   are no graphix for them.. so u wont see a HUGE mortar rocket in ur 
   hand..it looks like u have no weapon at all.. but u can still fire, just 
   fire once to see what kind of weapon u have.
   I suggest u use the ammo option at the same time or u have no ammo for ur 
   new weapon.
   I coded a delay timer in there of about a second.. so its not THAT 
   Fly - Another self explanatory option but needs a little usage 
   explanation.. Again this option is using values only activated by the 
   CROUCH KEY!!.. so u need to do this.. 
   1) Press F1 key to enable option.
   2) Press CROUCH KEY. ZOOM into the air.
   3) Fly around.                        
   4) When finished, Press F2 key to disable
   I suggest u have the infinite health option enabled or u will die when u 
   hit the ground.. unless u land in some water :)     
   I noticed maybe while ur using other options like fly etc ur health bar
   goes to 0.. this is just the GFX not being updated by the game.. ur health
   is always set to FFFFFF when u enable the option so dont worry.


 Greetings to our friends in groups such as:
ÚÙ              +-+  Kindest regards - FairLight DOX 2004 +-+               ÚÙ