Q  .|                                                     |.  . 
      U| :|     _____/    ______/   ______/     _____/\_     |: |.    
      A| :|    /         /        \_/        \___/  _____/__   |: |.       
      L| :| __/    |    /     .___       _______________    \_ |: |.  
      I| :|                  |         _/            /     / |: |P
      T| :|       |                          _            /  |: |R 
      Y| :|   \____|          _______  _______/ \________  /   |: |I
      .| :| .::::::|         /::::::::/::::::::::::::::::/::. |: |D
      .| :|        |________/ [ aGES pRESENTS ]                 |: |E
    .__| .|_____________________________________________________|. |__. 
    |  | .|              Kill.Switch.Plus.12.Trainer            |. |  |
.___|__| .|sYn__________________________________________________|. |__|___. 
|   |  |                                                           |  |   |
|___|                                                                 |___|
     [ - rELEASE dETAILS - ] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 

           tRAINER tITLE : Kill.Switch.Plus.12.Trainer-AGES 
                  aUTHOR : Sonic & Tails  
               tYPE      : Trainer          
               dATE      : 23-08-04
               oPTIONS   : 12                       
     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ - rELEASE dETAILS - ]    

     [ - rELEASE nOTES - ]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

     ::Trainer Options::.

     F1 : Toggle Infinite Health
     F2 : Toggle Infinite Ammo
     F3 : Toggle All Weapons          *
     F4 : Toggle Rapid Fire           
     F5 : Toggle Super Jump           *
     F6 : Toggle Ghosting             *
     F7 : Toggle Level Skip           *
     F8 : Toggle Idiot Enemies        * 
     F9 : Save Checkpoint             *
     F10: Goto Checkpoint
     F11: Toggle Freeze Timer         *
     F12: Toggle Super Sniper Zoom    *
     G  : Toggle No Gun Overload      *

     * = read trainer notes.

     ::Trainer Notes::.
     F3 : Toggle All Weapons
     When this options is activated it will remove the check which
     cycles through the weapons array, basically this means that 
     when you turn the option on you get access to every gun in the
     game, when you turn it off you will return to your REAL weapon

     F5 : Toggle Super Jump
     Lovely option here by TAILS :) , The game itself doesnt actually
     have a jump, you dive from one place to another but it doesnt
     enable you to jump over anything of significant size, this 
     option gives you the ability of superman, as you glide through
     the air its hard not to start singing the theme tune to 
     superman movies!!!

     F6 : Toggle Ghosting
     Ghosting is the phrase we hope to spread through the scene like
     wildfire as most FPS trainers should actually have this option,
     very few do :(.. This option enables you to walk through walls
     and basically anything that doesnt elevate you to another level.
     (dont worry, you dont fall through stairs)
     WARNING!! This option needs to be used with care as it can take
     you into places where the level hasnt been built and you will 
     fall through the floor, you have been warned! show some common
     sense and you cant go wrong!

     F7 : Toggle Level Skip
     This is my (Sonic) star option of the trainer, The actual work 
     that went into this option is EXTENSIVE!! Im sure you dont 
     really care that I spent about 8 hours reversing the game to 
     bring you this GEM of an option but... as i had to sit and 
     endure the brain drain of reversing it then you lot are gunna
     endure 2 minutes reading about it :))


     NOW!! The skip level routine is hooked into the subsection 
     of the game engine which deals with interaction and text 
     displays etc. This means that when the option is toggled ON!
     the code is manipulated so that every time an interaction 
     occurs (ie you step into one of those blue swirly things)
     then instead of actually doing what its supposed to do it 
     will just instantly skip the level.

     Luckily.. When you press ENTER in the middle of any level
     (apart from the training level) you trigger a text display
     routine which tells you your next objective.. I used this
     basically as my SKIP LEVEL KEY!! so.. to use the option
     do the following!!

     1) Enable Level Skip Option with F7
     2) Press Enter 

     Thats it.. 

     This as i mentioned before will NOT work on the first 
     training level.. for some odd reason you actually want 
     to skip this level then just turn on the option as 
     above.. and walk into the first blue swirly thing you 
     see :)

     If you dont toggle the level skip option OFF again.. then
     it will just keep skipping you through levels because 
     there is a text routine trigger at the start of every level
     to describe your next objective!!


     F8 : Toggle Idiot Enemies
     Another great option as the enemy structures were very hard to
     obtain indeed. The game seems to instantly kill the enemy when
     you fire at them  so no MONKEY searching can be done to obtain
     a handle on their structures, once again pure reversing is the
     only way to obtain something like this.. 

     When toggled the enemy will just stand there and do nothing.. if
     you walk up to them they will try and hit you with their guns but
     never actually make contact.. they just look very odd.

     F9 : Save Checkpoint
     Another nice option by TAILS, This options is a position saver!
     When you are running around press F9 to save your current position
     into memory, when you want to return to that location then just 
     press the F10 key.

     F11: Toggle Freeze Timer
     On at least one level you have a timer in which you need to complete
     the level, this will stop that timer so you dont need to run around
     like a headless chicken!

     F12: Toggle Super Sniper Zoom
     This option increases the sniper scope maximum zoom from 8x to 
     16x.. Basically you can shoot people from further away, ive 
     always considered that a bonus!! :)

     G  : Toggle No Gun Overload
     Around some of the levels there are stationary gun turrets, when 
     using them they have a HEAT indicator on them, when they get too
     hot to use they stop firing, this option will enable the gun to 
     continue firing.

     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ - rELEASE nOTES - ]

     [ - Contact - ]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
     If you have any reason to get in contact with us then please use
     the email address below.
     Contact : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ - Contact - ]

    |  |                 "LET US ENTERTAIN YOU!"                   |  |
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