Harry Potter Trainer

 Version   : 1.0
 Year Made : 2001
 Source    : Windows 98

 Usage : 1. Copy this trainer to game directory and run it
         2. Press CTRL+1 to activate God Mode and press CTRL+2 to 
            deactivate God Mode (back to normal) , or press ALT+Tab
            to back to Windows (back to trainer) and press the trainer's
         3. To quit the trainer deactivate all trainer's buttons and
            press Esc in your keyboard

 This trainer has :
 1. God Mode       : Harry Potter will not hurt or die if he was attack
                     or hit by his enemies (you can see his "flash" symbol
                     won't decrease) , but still can die if he fall from
                     high place or trapped !
 2. Back To Normal : You can make Harry Potter become normal again
                     (hurt or die if he attack by his enemies).
                     To do this , deactivate God Mode button and 
                     press Back To Normal button. And to make his invulnerable 
                     again do the opposite , deactivate Back To Normal button
                     and press God Mode button.

 This trainer made by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.