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                        ÉÍÍÍ´ CES PROUDLY PRESENTS ÃÍÍÍ"
 ºº                "Stronghold Crusader v1.1 Plus 73 Trainer"                ºº
 º°                                                                         °º
 º°  Trained By      : Victor D. "Wolverine"                                °º
 º°  Packaged By     : Victor D. "Wolverine"                                °º
 º°  E-Mail          : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.			           °º
 º°  HomePage        : http://members.fortunecity.com/victordwolverine	     °º
 º°  Size            : 01x05 MB                                             °º
 º°  Options         : +73                                                  °º
 º°  Release Date    : 6/February/2004                                      °º
 º°  Trainer Version : 1.0                                                  °º
 º°  Game Version    : 1.1                                                  °º
 º°  Game Type       :                                                      °º
 º°  Game Homepage   : http://www.fireflyworlds.com/                        °º
 º°                                                                          °º

 ºº                             [ INSTRUCTIONS ]                             ºº
 º°                                                                          °º
 º° HOW TO USE THE TRAINER                                                   °º
 º° Start the game, ALT TAB, start the trainer and then click the buttons,   °º
 º° ALT TAB back to the game.                                                °º
 º° OR                                                                       °º
 º° Start the trainer, start the game, ALT TAB, click the buttons game in    °º
 º° the trainer, ALT TAB back to the game.                                   °º
 º°                                                                          °º
 º° GAME VERSIONS:                                                           °º
 º° This trainer can be used only with Stronghold Crusader v1.1 (updated     °º
 º° version) game.                                                           °º
 º°                                                                          °º
 º° OPTIONS:                                                                 °º
 º° 01) ALE +10; BOWS +5; BREAD +50; CHEESE +50; CROSSBOWS +5; FLOUR +10;    °º
 º° FRUIT +50; GOLD +50000; HOPS +10; IRON +10; LEATHER ARMOR +5; MACES +5;  °º
 º° MEAT +50; METAL ARMOR +5; PIKES +5; PITCH +10; SPEARS +5; STONE +10;     °º
 º° SWORDS +5; WHEAT +10; WOOD +10 --- this refers to unstocked items, for   °º
 º° Ale + Flour + Hops + Iron + Pitch + Stone + Wheat + Wood you need free   °º
 º° Stockpile space, for Bows + Crossbows + Leather Armor + Maces + Metal    °º
 º° Armor + Pikes + Spears + Swords you need free Armoury space, for Bread + °º
 º° Cheese + Fruit + Meat you need free Granary Space, for Gold you need to  °º
 º° have a Keep.                                                             °º
 º° 02) Money = 99,999: get rich instantly                                   °º
 º° 03) Freeze Time: usefull for timed missions                              °º
 º° 04) No engineers/laddermen/tunnelers/monk/mercenary cost: train          °º
 º° engineers, laddermens, tunnelers,  monks and mecenaries without spending °º
 º° money                                                                    °º
 º° 05) No buildings cost: build without spending money                      °º
 º° 06) No negative tax cost: use the Keep ability to give money to the      °º
 º° citizens to increase your popularity without spending money              °º
 º° 07) No trops cost: train troops without spending money                   °º
 º° 08) No trading cost: buy items without spending money                    °º
 º° 09) No ale drunk in inns: the citizens drink beer in the inns but the    °º
 º° stock of beer in the inn doesn't decrease                                °º
 º° 10) Unlimited rocks for catapults: the rocks available for catapults     °º
 º° doesn't decrease as you use them                                         °º
 º° 11) Unlimited cows for catapults: the cows available for catapults       °º
 º° doesn't decrease as you use them                                         °º
 º° 12) Unlimited rocks for trebuchets: the rocks available for trebuchets   °º
 º° doesn't decrease as you use them                                         °º
 º° 13) Unlimited cows for trebuchets: the cows available for trebuchets     °º
 º° doesn't decrease as you use them                                         °º
 º° 14) No food/wood/stone/weapons/pitch consumption: eat food; use wood,    °º
 º° stone, weapons, pitch; but the stock doesn't decrease as you use them    °º
 º° 15) Invulnerable Gatehouses & Turrets: against catapults, trebuchets,    °º
 º° and the action of all the enemy troops                                   °º
 º° 16) No population variation: for the Historical Campaigns the current    °º
 º° population doesn't change, usefful if you have a low current population  °º
 º° because the food consumption will be very low and don't want to use the  °º
 º° "No food/wood/stone/weapons/pitch consumption" option; in the Crusader   °º
 º° Trail instead of not variating the current population will change to 0   °º
 º° 17) No 24 peasants limit in the Keep: with this the number of peasants   °º
 º° may be larger than 24 if you build enough Hovels (increasing the         °º
 º° population limit) - not if this is on you can't train troops or          °º
 º° mercenaries                                                              °º
 º° 18) Unlimited Chickens: use the chickens to advance in the Crusader      °º
 º° Trail without the number of chickens available decreasing as you use     °º
 º° them                                                                     °º
 º° 19) Player X money 0 / 99,999: change the others players money to 0 or   °º
 º° 99,999 (save the game, use the buttons to determine who is Player        °º
 º° 2/3/4/5/6/7/8, load the saved game) - this is not for multiplayer use    °º
 º° but for use in Crusader Trail                                            °º
 º°                                                                          °º

 ºº                                [ GREETZ ]                                ºº
 º°                                                                          °º
 º°                           Extalia  Devious                            °º
 º°                                                                          °º

 ºº                              [ TEAM INFO ]                               ºº
 º°                                                                          °º
 º°  Chat Room   : #none                                                    °º
 º°  Looking For : Affiliates, Couriers, Experienced Trainers               °º
 º°  Contact     : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                         °º
 º°                                                                          °º

 ºº                             [ GENERAL INFO ]                             ºº
 º°                                                                          °º
 º° A "trainer" is a third-party program that is designed to alter memory    °º
 º° locations of running programs (games). In order for a trainer to work,   °º
 º° it must be running simultaneously with the game it was written for. Do   °º
 º° not close the trainer until you are finished playing the game. Since     °º
 º° trainers are written to alter Specific memory locations, they usually    °º
 º° only work with specific versions of the game. This is the most common    °º
 º° problem when trainers seem to be "not working".                          °º
 º°                                                                          °º

 ºº                              [ DISCLAIMER ]                              ºº
 º°                                                                          °º
 º° This program has been tested and provided to you "AS IS", meaning we do  °º
 º° not take any responsibility for anything you do with it. It has been     °º
 º° tested and should work perfectly on your system.                         °º
 º°                                                                          °º

                .___________________________-:-  ____________. |
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               /      /_____/     _____/________             |

                 CES "If it's in the game, it's in the Release"