.                                                                       .
 - -:-- sCr ----------/--------------------------------------------- sAc --:- -      
    |                 /                                                    |
    ______/  _______/  \_____/\_     _/\_______ _____/   _____/\_   ____/\_
   /     _  \_     /    \_     /_____    ____//____   \_/  _____/___     /___
 _/      /   \_    /      /    _____/     /   \_    _    \______    \_     ____/
       /     /   /      /    /   \_     /     /    /     /    /     /    /   \_
      /     /   /      /    /     /    /     /    /     /    /     /    /     /     
    _______/ ________/ ________/ ________/ ________/ ________/ ________/
    /        /         /         /         /         /         /     .
    .                                                                    .: |
 - -:---------------------- - [ o u t c a s t ! ] - ------------------------:- -
    '                                                                       '
    '                          Proudly presents..                           '
    -:----------------------------- -  -    -
     | [ :::::::::::: Age Of Mythology : The Titans v1.01 :: ]          
    -:------------------------------------------------------------------ -  -
     . Release Date : Nov 20th 2003          Release Size : 1xsmall 
    -:------------------------------------------------------------------ -  -
                           -    -  - --------------------------------------:-
           .                     [ :: Trainer Information :::::::::::: ] |
    -  - --:---------------------------------------------------------------:-

     A Few Words
     Sorry for the delay.. busy busy busy. Im doing the update because by time 
     I got around to training this game the update had already been rlsed for
     some time.

     Trainer Options
     C  - Cycle God Power           (see notes)
     G  - Hand of God Pointer       (see notes)
     R  - Infinite Resources        (see notes)
     0  - Death Pointer             (see notes)
     F1 - Speed Pointer             (see notes)
     F2 - Encumberance Pointer      (see notes)  
     X  - Normalize Pointer      
     F3 - Infinite God Power on     (see notes)
     F4 - Infinite God Power off    
     F5 - Scout Reveals Map         (see notes)
     B  - Instant Build on          (see notes)
     N  - Instant Build off
     W  - Control All Wildlife      (see notes)
     T  - Control Next Army         (see notes)


     Trainer Notes
     C - Cycle God Power, Because most of the god powers are a pile of shite
         Ive created a table from the 10 best powers in the game, this includes
         the TITAN GATE so u dont need to wait around.  The screen doesnt seem
         to have a regular update so what u do is PRESS C then click on a 
         building or a unit that isnt currently selected this will prompt the
         screen to update and u will see the new god power, you can cycle through
         all 10 powers like this as often as u want.

     G - Hand Of God Pointer, When u touch a unit or building it places "1337" into 
         their health, from then on this unit/building is totally invincible from any 
         attack on its health. NOTE!! some powers such as being turned to stone       
         can still kill you because they do not attack your health.          
     R - Infinite Resources, I cant stand trainers that train every resource and 
         claim +1 for each resource.. who is going to want to have 1 resource 
         infinite and not the rest? neways, in my first AOM trainer i did indeed 
         split the resources so in this one ive revised that and now all resources
         get updated at the same time and its a +1. So that the computer doesnt 
         get the benefit u need to click on the resource panel this will bring up
         a panel to send goods to ur allies.. just close this again, resources are
         now MAXXED, if u run low which isnt that likely just click the resource

     0 - Death Pointer, Once this is selected any troops or buildings u click on will
         instantly die, dont select ur own troops. ;p  

    F1 - Speed Pointer, Once selected any unit TYPE!!! u click on will have a MASSIVE
         speed boost, be careful with this, use it on troops native to u and u get the
         most benefit, there is 1 exception to this rule, it seems that ur villagers 
         all run from structures built on the fly every game, so if u use the speed 
         pointer on ur villagers the enemies villagers are still normal speed.

    F2 - Encumberance Pointer, Same as above yet turns a troop TYPE!! the speed of snails.
         You can safely turn the enemies villagers into slow lazy fuckers without ur 
         villagers being affected.

    F3 - Infinite God Powers, Stops ur god powers from decreasing also removes the time u
         have to wait between uses. Turn it off when not using it so the computer doesnt
         use it.. sorry, should have spent 5 mins looking for an ident or something but
         i fucking hate this game.
    F5 - Scouts Reveal Whole Map, I made several maphacks including LOS manipulation and 
         a normal reveal map instantly, I didnt want to include them in this trainer for
         lame MultiPlayer cheat using motherfuckers, so I tied it to the oracle scouts 
         which im hoping wont work on MultiPlayer games. When an oracle scout stands 
         still he will reveal the whole map and it will stay revealed even if he moves.

     B - Instant Build, This one is simple.. turn it on when u want to build ur 
         units/buildngs and then turn it off.. computer will game minimal benefit only 
         while you are building your own army.   

     W - Control All Wildlife, Just as the option says, when u press W all the animals 
         on the level are totally under ur control, u also gain their line of sight 
         which pretty much reveals the map. A good tip for u is to use the SPAWN GATE 
         god power and press W in the normal game the monsters that come out of it will
         attack anything that is close to them, but if u press W u get control over them
         aswell :)

     T - Control Next Army, Press T ONCE!! and very quickly, this will take control over
         the next enemy army on the list, do it again and u get the NEXT army.. etc.. if 
         ur silly enuff to take control of all armies then the game ends in ur victory.    

     Last Words
     It seems that my attack on DEMENTIA didnt go down too well and I had a nice conversation
     with a very clever chap from DEMENTIA that seems to think that any option that isnt 
     BASIC, i.e AMMO, HEALTH.. are not actually needed in a trainer and are USELESS!! his 
     words exactly.. So I appologise for all my erm.. useless options in the past :( though
     I will continue to make them and in future im hoping they become even more useless.

     The silly cunt is lucky I didnt paste the whole conversation in here, only reason I dont
     is cus this guy has to live with being HIMSELF I doubt there is much more a punishment
     one could give.  At least they have stopped rlsing those god aweful trainers now.



     /[ANGRY SHEEP] 


    -:--------------------------------------------- -  -    -
     | [ :::::::::::: Application Information :: ]                   .
    -:---------------------------------------------------------------:-- -  -
     We are curently looking for people that can : 
     + Supply new unreleased Games (Console and/or Pc), not on the net !

     + You live in the Usa, Canada, Uk or Japan, have a fast upload line 
       (500kb/s minimum) and free week days morning.

     + People who can do trainers for Pc and Consoles !
     + People who can crack latest protection schemes for Pc and Consoles 
       (safedisc2, Securom, Etc) !
     So if you have some free time, a fast connection and the urge to prove
     yourself in the scene contact us today at:

     + This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                      "I BET U FUCKERS THINK I BET PAID BY THE WORD!"