gaBie Multitrainer

By Bie @ Razali Rambli
Sarawak, Malaysia.

Email: (remove _IHATEWORM to send email to me)
Homepage:  or 

This is for single player game only and not for Online/Multiplayer 
Don't ask or email me about online/multiplayer game. 
How to use this:

Just run this program. 
Remember the hotkey of each cheat. 
Run game and press the hotkey if you wish to enable any cheat. 

3D Ultra Pinball Thrillride 
Age Of Empire II: The Age Of Kings 
Alien Outbreak 
Alpha Ball 
Battle for Troy 
Goofy Soccer 
Feeding Frenzy 
Lemonade Tycoon 
Ricochet Lost World 
Ricochet Xtreme 
Rise Of Nation: Throne and Patriot 
Saturday Night Speedway 
Singles - Flirt Up Your Life 
The Labyrinth Plus! Edition 
Virtual Cop 2 
Zuma Deluxe 
3D Ultra Pinball Thrillride
version (Original or Cracked version)


Dated Added: 26 March 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Press 1 Freeze Current Life
Your current life now is freeze on wont decrease, but it may increase when you have bonus life. 
To disable this cheat, see below. 
Press Q Unfreeze Current Life
Your life now can decrease and the game function return to normal. 
Press 2 Enable Thrillride
This will enable Thrillride instantly without have to wait. 
Press W Add 10 to remaining Ride
Each time you press this button, your current Thrillride will be added with 10. 
For example, after you enabled Thrillride, your default Ride is 10, press this button 1 time and your new Ride is now 20. 


Age Of Empire II: The Age Of Kings
version (Original or Cracked version)


Dated Added: 30 April 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Shift + 1
Ctrl + 1
 Freeze/Unfreeze All Resource
All 4 resource will freeze at 100000. 
Shift + 2
Ctrl + 2
 Enable/Disable Instant Upgrade
Speed up your Upgrade 
Shift + 3
Ctrl + 3
 Enable/Disable Instant Unit Build
Speed up your Unit Build 


Alien Outbreak
version 1.0 (Original version)


Dated Added: 04 May 2004

Updated: 05 May 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Shift + 1
Ctrl + 1
 Enable/Disable God Mode
Nothing can hurt you, you can receive any enemy shot, you can rammed them, and your energy can reach zero without you dying. 
Shift + 2
Ctrl + 2
 Enable/Disable Powerful Ammo @ Instant Kill
Kill enemy with one shot. 
Shift + 3
Ctrl + 3
 Enable/Disable Space Continuance
If you reach any border (left or right), you will be on the other side. 
Note: Wont work if you using mouse as controller. 
Shift + 4
Ctrl + 4
 Enable/Disable Freeze Enemy
This will freeze enemy ship at their current position. 
Note: Currently only freeze left and right movement 
Press Z Killing Frenzy @ Kill On Sight
Kill all enemy instantly 
Press X Weapon Selector
You must enable God Mode 
Cycle all 15 weapon 


Alpha Ball

version (Original version)


Dated Added: 30 March 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Press 1 Add 1 life 
Each time you press it, your current life will be increase by 1. 
For example if your current life is 2, press the hotkey 1 time, now your current life is 3 
Press Q Subtract 1 life 
Each time you press it, your current life will be decrease by 1. 
For example if your current life is 3, press the hotkey 1 time, now your current life is 2 
Press 2 Freeze Current Life
Your current life now is freeze on wont decrease, but it may increase when you have bonus life. 
To disable this cheat, see below. 
Press W Unfreeze Current Life
Your life now can decrease and the game function return to normal. 


Battle For Troy

version (Original version)

Homepage: Unknown

Dated Added: 13 April 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Press F1 Maximum Gold 
Set 16777215 maximum Gold. 
Shift + Page Up Increase Gold 
Each time you press this, your current gold will be increase by 1000. 
For example if your current Gold is 500, press this one time, now your current Gold is 1500 
Do not overdoing it, this game only allowed 16777215 maximum Gold value. 
Shift + Page Down Decrease Gold 
Each time you press this, your current gold will be decrease by 1000. 
For example if your current Gold is 5000, press this one time, now your current Gold is 4000 
This button will automatically disable when your current Gold is equal or less than 1000 
Ctrl + Page Up Gold Cheat Modifier Increase 
The default value for this cheat is 1000, but you can increase the amount to add by using this cheat modifier. 
Each time you press this, the amount of gold to add will be increase by 1000. 
For example if current Gold amount to add is 1000, press this one time, now you can add 2000 to your current gold amount. 
Ctrl + Page Down Gold Cheat Modifier Decrease 
This will work if you have used the above modifier. 
Each time you press this, the amount of gold to subtract will be decrease by 1000. 
For example if current Gold amount to subtract is 2000, press this one time, now you can only subtract 1000 from your current gold amount. 
This button will automatically disable when your current Gold is equal or less than 1000 



version 4.0.4 (Shareware/Registered/Cracked version)


Dated Added: 05 April 2004

Updated: 09 April 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Shift + 3 = Enable
Ctrl + 3 = Disable
 Freeze/Unfreeze Life
Freeze your current life. 
Shift + 4 = Enable
Ctrl + 4 = Disable
 Freeze/Unfreeze Bomb
Freeze your current bomb. 
Shift + 5 = Enable
Ctrl + 5 = Disable
 Freeze/Unfreeze Shield
Freeze your current Shield. 
Shift + 6 = Enable
Ctrl + 6 = Disable
 Enable/Disable Cloaking @ Ghost
Your ship will be ghost, nothing can hurt you now. 
Shift + 7 = Enable
Ctrl + 7 = Disable
 Enable/Disable Space Continuance @ Circle
If you reach any border (left, right, above or below), you will be on the other side. 
Note: Wont work if you using mouse as controller. Thanks Hotfloppy for the information. 
Shift + 8 = Enable
Ctrl + 8 = Disable
 Enable/Disable Powerful ammo & Powerful Bomb (added 9 April 2004)
No matter which weapon or what bomb you have , one hit, enemy will go kaboom! (die) 
Shift + 9 = Enable
Ctrl + 9 = Disable
 Enable/Disable Homing Missiles (need more enhancement, I get to this later)
Enable Homing Missiles power up without having to look for it. 
Shift + 0 = Enable
Ctrl + 0 = Disable
 Enable/Disable Super Shield
Enable Super Shield power up without having to look for it. 
Shift + Q = Enable
Ctrl + Q = Disable
 Enable/Disable Weapon Of Mass Destruction @ Rapid Bombs
No more delays, just keep your finger on the bomb button. 
Shift + W = Enable
Ctrl + W = Disable
 Enable/Disable Rapid Fire
No more delays, just keep your finger on the fire button. 
Shift + E = Enable
Ctrl + E = Disable
 Enable/Disable Need For Speed @ Boost Engine
Need more speed for your ship? Upgrade your engine now. 
Shift + R Enable Proton Laser
Current weapon is now Proton Laser 
With Full upgrade 
Shift + T Enable Ion Cannon
Current weapon is now Ion Cannon 
With Full upgrade 
Shift + Y Enable Plasma Cannon
Current weapon is now Plasma Cannon 
With Full upgrade 
Shift + U Enable Magnetic Pulse (Recommended)
Current weapon is now Magnetic Pulse 
With Full upgrade 
Press O Kill On Sight
If you press this button, everything on sight that can harm you will be destroy instantly. 
Shift + A = Enable
Ctrl + A = Disable
 Enable/Disable Killing Aura
You don't have to fire a single shot, when enemy enter your aura area, they die instantly. 


version 2.1 (Original version)


Dated Added: 05 May 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Shift + 1
Ctrl + 1
 Freeze/Unfreeze Life
You life will never decrease but may increase 
Shift + 2
Ctrl + 2
 Freeze/Unfreeze Enemy
Your enemy will be frozen 


Goofy Soccer

version 1.0. (Original version)


Dated Added: 30 March 2004

Updated: 31 March 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Player 1 = Press 1
Player 2 = Press Numpad + (add)
 Add 1 Goal
Each time you press it, your current goal will be increase by 1. 
For example if your current goal is 2, press the hotkey 1 time, now your current goal is 3 
Updated: You now can add your score until it reach 4294967295 maximum goal 
Player 1 = Press Q
Player 2 = Press Numpad - (subtract)
 Subtract 1 Goal
Each time you press it, your current goal will be decrease by 1. 
For example if your current goal is 3, press the hotkey 1 time, now your current goal is 2 
Updated: When your goal is 0, this option will automatically disable. 
Player 1 = Press 2
Player 2 = Press Numpad / (divide)
 Freeze Current Time
Your current time is now freeze. 
To disable this cheat, see below. 
Player 1 = Press W
Player 2 = Press Numpad * (multiply/asterik)
 Unfreeze Current Time
The timer will return to normal. 
Player 1 = Press 3
Player 2 = Press Numpad 0
 Reset timer to 0 (zero)
Each time you press it, the timer will be reset to 0 second. 
Player 1 = Press 4
Player 2 = Press Insert
 Always Leading
When you enable this option, your goal will always leading. 
Example, if your current goal is 1 and your opponent goal is also 1, your goal will automatically become 2. 
Example, if your current goal is 1 and your opponent goal is 2, your goal will automatically become 3. 
Example, if your opponent also enable this option, when you enable this option, it will automatically disable this option for your opponent. 
Player 1 = Press R
Player 2 = Press Delete
 Disable Always Leading
Disable the above option for both player. 



version 1.0. (Original version)


Dated Added: 23 April 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Press Numpad + (Add) Add 50000 RU
Each time you press it, your current RU will increase by 50000. 
Shift + R
Ctrl + R
 Enable/Disable Instant Research 
Shift + B
Ctrl + B
 Enable/Disable Instant Build 
Numpad *
Numpad /
 Freeze/Unfreeze RU 


Feeding Frenzy
version (Demo/Shareware version)


Dated Added: 07 April 2004

Updated: 14 April 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Press Numpad 1
Press Numpad + (Add)

Press Numpad - (Subtract)
 Add/Subtract 1 life 
Press Numpad 1 to select this cheat. 
Press + to increase your current life by 1. 
Press - to decrease your current life by 1. 
Note: Subtract option will automatically disable when you have only 1 life left. 
Press Numpad 2
Press Numpad + (Add)

Press Numpad - (Subtract)
 Add/Subtract Point 
Press Numpad 2 to select this cheat. 
Press + to increase your current point by 1. 
Press - to decrease your current point by 1. 
Note: Subtract option will automatically disable when you have only 1 point left. 
Press Numpad / (Divide)
Press Numpad * (Multiply)
 Freeze/Unfreeze life 
Press Numpad / to freeze your current life. 
Press Numpad * to unfreeze your current life. 
Press 1 (Default Rate)
Press 2 (Increase Rate)

Press 0 (No Grow)
 Grow Control
Press 1 to get default grow rate. (Default option on each level entry) 
Press 2 for faster grow rate. You only have to eat a few fish and you will grow faster. 
Press 0 for no grow at all, I like to use this option when I have reach the maximum grow and still want to eat more fish. To get to normal, just press 1. 
Note: This option automatically turn to default in each level entry. 


Lemonade Tycoon
version 1.1.6 (Demo/Shareware version)


Dated Added: 2 April 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Press Numpad + (Add) Universal Increase Cheat Modifier
This is a universal increasing cheat modifier. 
With Money Cheat Enable

Pressing 1 will select Money Cheat, pressing this button will increase your money by $100. If your current money is $40, pressing this key will increase your money to $140 and so on. 
If no cheat is selected and you pressing this button, it will automatically select Money cheat. 
With Lemon Cheat Enable

Pressing 2 will select Lemon Cheat, pressing this button will increase your lemon amount by 1. If your current lemon is 12, pressing this key will increase your lemon quantity to 13 and so on. 
With Sugar Cheat Enable

Pressing 3 will select Sugar Cheat, pressing this button will increase your sugar amount by 1. If your current sugar is 12, pressing this key will increase your sugar quantity to 13 and so on. 
With Ice Cheat Enable

Pressing 4 will select ice Cheat, pressing this button will increase your ice amount by 1. If your current ice is 12, pressing this key will increase your ice quantity to 13 and so on. 
With Cup Cheat Enable

Pressing 5 will select Cup Cheat, pressing this button will increase your Cup amount by 1. If your current Cup is 12, pressing this key will increase your cup quantity to 13 and so on. 
Press Numpad - (Subtract) Universal Decrease Cheat Modifier
This is a universal decreasing cheat modifier. 
With Money Cheat Enable

Pressing 1 will select Money Cheat, pressing this button will decrease your money by $100. If your current money is $540, pressing this key will decrease your money to $440 and so on. 
This button have a build in over pressing function to protect the user. If the user pressing this button and the money amount reach below $100, this button will automatically disable. 
If no cheat is selected and you pressing this button, it will automatically select Money cheat. 
With Lemon Cheat Enable

Pressing 2 will select Lemon Cheat, pressing this button will decrease your lemon amount by 1. If your current lemon is 12, pressing this key will decrease your lemon quantity to 11 and so on. 
This button have a build in over pressing function to protect the user. If the user pressing this button and the lemon amount reach 1, this button will automatically disable 
With Sugar Cheat Enable

Pressing 3 will select Sugar Cheat, pressing this button will decrease your sugar amount by 1. If your current sugar is 12, pressing this key will decrease your sugar quantity to 11 and so on. 
This button have a build in over pressing function to protect the user. If the user pressing this button and the sugar amount reach 1, this button will automatically disable 
With Ice Cheat Enable

Pressing 4 will select ice Cheat, pressing this button will decrease your ice amount by 1. If your current ice is 12, pressing this key will decrease your ice quantity to 11 and so on. 
This button have a build in over pressing function to protect the user. If the user pressing this button and the ice amount reach 1, this button will automatically disable 
With Cup Cheat Enable

Pressing 5 will select Cup Cheat, pressing this button will decrease your cup amount by 1. If your current cup is 12, pressing this key will decrease your cup quantity to 11 and so on. 
This button have a build in over pressing function to protect the user. If the user pressing this button and the cup amount reach 1, this button will automatically disable 
Press Page Up Increasing Modifier for Universal Cheat Modifier (use of this cheat is not recommended)
For money option the default value is $100 if you increase your money, this give you a choice to add more each time your press Numpad + (Add) by 1 cent. Press this 1 time will make you add $100.01 into your current money. 
For all 4 ingredient option, the default value is 1, this will give you a choice to add more each time you press Numpad + (Add) by 1 item. Press this 1 time will make you add 2 into your current amount of ingredient. 
Press Page Down Decreasing Modifier for Universal Cheat Modifier (use of this cheat is not recommended)
For money option the default value is $100 if you decrease your money, this give you a choice to decrease more each time your press Numpad - (Subtract) by 1 cent. Press this 1 time will make you decrease $99.99 from your current money. 
If you have use the above option, this option for all 4 ingredient will enable automatically. 
Press 1 Money Cheat Enable
Select this cheat and use Universal Cheat Modifier to control the cheat. 
Press 2 Lemon Cheat Enable
Select this cheat and use Universal Cheat Modifier to control the cheat. 
Press 3 Sugar Cheat Enable
Select this cheat and use Universal Cheat Modifier to control the cheat. 
Press 4 Ice Cheat Enable
Select this cheat and use Universal Cheat Modifier to control the cheat. 
Press 5 Cup Cheat Enable
Select this cheat and use Universal Cheat Modifier to control the cheat. 
Press F1 Select All Ingredient Cheat
This is an extended selector for all ingredient. 
When you press this button, it will select all 4 ingredient; Lemon, Sugar, Ice and Cup. 
Use Universal Cheat Modifier to control all 4 value simultaneously. 
For example, Lemon = 100, Sugar = 50, Ice = 12 and Cup = 25. Pressing Universal Increase Cheat Modifier, will increase all ingredient amount simultaneously by 1. That mean your ingredient amount now is Lemon = 101, Sugar = 51, Ice = 13 and Cup = 26. 
And pressing Universal Decrease Cheat Modifier will do vice versa than above. 
Press F2 Enable All Upgrade Free
This will enable all upgrade without paying for it. 
Warning! Enabling all upgrade need you to play a better strategy of gaining profit. Adjust your lemon price and rent a better place. 
To disable this, please see below. 
To get individual upgrade, please read more below. 
Press F3 Disable All Upgrade Free
All upgrade will be remove including all the purchased upgrade. 
To enable just a upgrade that you really want, read below. 
Shift + Q = Enable
Ctrl + Q = Disable High Output Citrus Juicer 
Shift + W = Enable
Ctrl + W = Disable Miracle 9000 Power Juicer 
Shift + E = Enable
Ctrl + E = Disable Ice-O-Matic Ice Dispenser 
Shift + R = Enable
Ctrl + R = Disable Take2 Lemonade Dispenser 
Shift + T = Enable
Ctrl + T = Disable Mr Fridge 
Shift + Y = Enable
Ctrl + Y = Disable High Output Automatic Ice Maker 
Shift + U = Enable
Ctrl + U = Disable Shademaker 3000 Canopy 
Shift + I = Enable
Ctrl + I = Disable Classic Stand 
Shift + O = Enable
Ctrl + O = Disable Lemon Stand 
Shift + P = Enable
Ctrl + P = Disable Castle Stand 
Shift + A = Enable
Ctrl + A = Disable High Fi Sound System 
Shift + S = Enable
Ctrl + S = Disable Bright Light Neon System 
Shift + D = Enable
Ctrl + D = Disable EZserve Cash Register 



version 1.0 (Original or Cracked version)


Dated Added: 2 May 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Shift + 1
Ctrl + 1
 Freeze/Unfreeze Life
Your life will be freeze/unfreeze. 


Ricochet Lost World
version 1.0.13 (Original version)


Dated Added: 21 April 2004

Date Updated: 8 May 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Shift + 1
Ctrl + 1
 Freeze/Unfreeze Life
Your life may not decrease but may increase. 


Ricochet Xtreme
version 1.4.67 (Original or Cracked version)


Dated Added: 21 April 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Shift + 1
Ctrl + 1
 Freeze/Unfreeze Grow
Your will not grow or shrink if you get power up or power down. 
Numpad * (Multiply)
Numpad / (Divide)
 Freeze/Unfreeze Current Life
Freeze or Unfreeze your current life. 
Numpad + (Add)
Numpad - (Subtract)
 Increase/Decrease Life
Increase or Decrease your current life. 
When your life reach 0, the Decrease function will automatically disable. 
Change your size. 


Rise Of Nation: Throne and Patriot
version (Original version)


Dated Added: 11 May 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
F1 Add 16777215 to All Resource
Add 16777215 to all your resource, if the resource have decrease, just press again, and it will be refill. 


Saturday Night Speedway
version 1.0 (Original version)


Dated Added: 27 March 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Press 1 Unlimited Tear Off
You get unlimited Tear Off. 
Just press the tear off key when your wish to clean your windshield. 
Press Q Disable Unlimited Tear Off
Your Tear Off now can decrease and the game function return to normal. 
Press 2 Always 1st Place
You will always get 1st Place. 
Press W Disable Always 1st Place
Return the positioning to normal. 
Press 3 Unlimited 999999 Money
If you create new profile, you will get 999'999 money instantly, unlimited, never decrease nor increase. 
If you load a profile, that profile will have the same benefit as the above situation. 
Press E Disable Unlimited Money
If you make new profile, your money will start at default value 2'700 
If you have make a new profile before and have enable the Unlimited 999'999 money, your money now will decrease when ever you buy/upgrade and may increase when ever you win a race. 

Singles - Flirt Up Your Life
version 1.0 (Original no patch)


Dated Added: 25 March 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Press 1 Enable Money Cheat
You have 999999 money 
You need to buy an item first, then the money will get updated to 999999. 
Press 2 Disable Money Cheat
Your money will decrease when you purchase items. 

The Labyrinth Plus! Edition 
version 1.51.117 For Windows XP Only


Dated Added: 25 March 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Press Numpad + (Add) Add 1 life 
Each time you press it, your current life will be increase by 1. 
For example if your current life is 2, press the hotkey 1 time, now your current life is 3 
See also Life Modifier 
Press Numpad - (Subtract) Subtract 1 life 
Each time you press it, your current life will be decrease by 1. 
For example if your current life is 3, press the hotkey 1 time, now your current life is 2 
If you press the subtract option until you reach only 1 life, the Subtract function will get disable so the game wont reach Game Over if you press the Subtract button accidentally. 
To disable this feature, please go to Subtract Lock option 
Numpad 0 Bonus Point
Each time you press it, your current pointer will be increase by 1000. 
For example if your current bonus is 200, press the hotkey 1 time, now your current bonus is 1200 
Numpad 1 - 9 Life Modifier
Each button represent your life increase rate. 
For example press Numpad 5, and then press Numpad + to add your life, now instead of add 1 to your current life, you will add 5 to your current life. If your life is 2, now it will be 7. 
Numpad 1 will be the default option. 
This wont work with Subtract option 
Press Numpad * (Multiply) Subtract Lock Enable 
This option is on by default 
It will disable the Subtract Life feature of this trainer if there is only 1 life left. 
This is to avoid user of this trainer accidentally pressed the Subtract button and decrease they life to 0 and the game will reach Game Over. 
To disable this feature, please go to Subtract Lock Disable below 
Press Numpad / (Divide) Subtract Lock Disable
If you wish the game to reach Game Over by pressing the Subtract hotkey and force your life to reach 0, press this key to disable the Subtract Lock feature. 
To enable the Subtract Lock, please go to Subtract Lock Enable above. 
Press 1 Freeze Current Life
Your current life now is freeze on wont decrease, but it may increase when you have bonus life. 
To disable this cheat, see below. 
Press Q Unfreeze Current Life
Your life now can decrease and the game function return to normal. 
Press 2 Enable Hole Shutter Power Up
This will shut all the hole. The hole wont open anymore. 
You may use this option in level that don't have Shutter Power Up. 
To disable this cheat, see below. 
Press W Disable Hole Shutter Power Up
The shutter will open as usual and only shut when you obtain the power up that shut the shutter for a period of time. 
This mean the game will function normally. 
Press 3 Enable Ghost Power Up
This will give you ability to move thru wall. 
You may use this option in level that don't have Ghost Power Up. 
To disable this cheat, see below. 
Press E Disable Ghost Power Up
You ball will move in normal manner and will only move thru wall when you obtain the Ghost Power Up. 
If you enable this feature and wish to disable it, press this button and please give time for the ghost feature to wear off. (in second) 
This mean the game will function normally. 
Press 4 Enable Fast Ball (Rabbit Power Up)
This will make your ball go very fast. 
If you obtain Slow Ball (Turtle Power Up), your ball will go slow until the Slow Ball (Turtle Power Up) Timer depleted or until you disable the Turtle Power Up. 
To disable this cheat, see below. 
Press R Disable Fast Ball (Rabbit Power Up)
This will make your ball have normal speed. 
This mean the game will function normally. 
Press 5 Enable Slow Ball (Turtle Power Up)
This will make your ball go very slow. 
This option overpowered Fast Ball Option (Rabbit Power Up). Although Rabbit Power Up is enable. This option will overwrite it. 
To disable this cheat, see below. 
Press T Disable  Slow Ball (Turtle Power Up)
This will make your ball have normal speed. 
This mean the game will function normally. 
Press 6 Freeze the timer (Arcade)
This will freeze the current time. 
If you enable this before you enter a level or next level, the time for that level is 0:00 
To disable this cheat, see below. 
Press Y Unfreeze the timer (Arcade)
This will unfreeze the current time. 
This mean the game will function normally. 
Press 7 Freeze the timer (Race The Clock)
This will freeze the current time. 
The Timer will not decrease but it may increase if you obtain Sand Glass Power Up 
If you enable this before you enter a level or next level, the time for that level is base on that current level default. 
To disable this cheat, see below. 
Press U Unfreeze the timer (Race The Clock)
This will unfreeze the current time. 
This mean the game will function normally. 


Virtual Cop 2
version (Original or Cracked version)

Homepage: Unknown

Dated Added: 16 April 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Shift + 1
Ctrl + 1
 Freeze/Unfreeze Current Life 
Shift + 2
Ctrl + 2
 Freeze/Unfreeze Ammo 
Shift + 3
Ctrl + 3
 Enable/Disable Ghost @ Real God Mode
Nothing can hurt you. 
This is good when you have other weapon other than the default gun, in normal play, if you got shot or hurt, your weapon will be reset to default gun. But with this option enable, you wont get hurt at all. Thus no default gun. 
Shift + 4
Ctrl + 4
 Enable/Disable 0 Civilian casualty @ Trigger Happy
If you accidentally kill a civilian, it wont show up in your report. 
Shift + 5
Ctrl + 5
 Enable/Disable Homing Ammo
NOTE: You must turn on this option at the game menu, not while in game. 
You don't have to target your enemy, just press shoot and the ammo will kill the nearest target. 
Bad thing about this cheat is it also kill the nearest civilian. So make sure you enable 0 Civilian Casualty @ Trigger Happy. 


Zuma Deluxe
version (Original version)


Dated Added: 06 May 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Shift + 1
Ctrl + 1
 Freeze/Unfreeze Life
Your life may not decrease but may increase 
Shift + 2
Ctrl + 2
 Enable/Disable Aim Aid
Need help on your aiming? 
Press 3 and Hold Fill The Bar
Want to stop the ball increasing, well there is one way to stop it. That is by filling the bar. Press and hold the hotkey until the bar is fill up, the ball will stop increasing and you may let go of the hotkey. 

Bie Greets:
Sheep Jessica, Eedok & DGF, Dopey, Synbios, Stonerifik, Brzi, Invader, Erhan, Sorin, Chaos, Danrevella, FrozeByte, Shinero, boyesen, Rich (DeathStar), Hotfloppy, A-jaXXX, FrozenKnight, Micral, Snake, samuraixxx, Max Power, Divine Shadow, Evobyte, Victor D.W, Marc Rile, Kevin, Sark, Tutle, David, Matt, DDH, Demented, Fahrenheit, Jetbo, Chrismas, P2P, NH2, psico, xanatos, jenettedowning, Swatto, Flyke, micral, Tom, Ann.

Too many... just email me if I forgot your name :D