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                    . .. ...Most Proudly Presents... .. .                     
 ³                      Age Of Mythology +9 Trainer                          ³
 ³ Trained By:........: [Sheep]        ³ Release Date........: 2002-11-14    ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³  Trainer Notes                                                            ³
 ³  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                            ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³  1 - Infinite Gold                                                        ³ 
 ³  2 - Infinite Wood                                                        ³
 ³  3 - Infinite Food                                                        ³
 ³  4 - Infinite Favor                                                       ³  
 ³  B - Instant Build units/buildings on                                     ³
 ³  V - Instant Build units/buildings off                                    ³
 ³  G - Grace Of God Marker on                                               ³
 ³  F - Grace Of God Marker off                                              ³
 ³  K - Destroy ANY selected Unit/Building                                   ³
 ³  A - Armageddon on (read nfo)                                             ³
 ³  S - Armageddon off (read nfo)                                            ³
 ³  R - Remove Population Cap                                                ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³  Special Notes                                                            ³
 ³  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                            ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³  oki, another long nfo to explain these advanced trainer options :)       ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³  When i saw the cheats rlsed for Age of Mythology i decided that          ³
 ³  they pretty much did the job as far as cheating the game goes            ³
 ³  so wasnt surprised not to see any trainers for it.. then i noticed       ³
 ³  that even on the web the trainers were not coming out so i decided       ³
 ³  to look into it myself.. i came to the conclusion that the reason        ³
 ³  no trainers were being rlsed is because the values in AOM for            ³
 ³  resources are encrypted with a laughable XOR.. if ur that                ³
 ³  interested i wrote a tutorial on my method of getting around this        ³
 ³  its at www.geocities.com/smil0r26/tut3.txt. Anyways.. on with            ³
 ³  the show..                                                               ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³  As usual with these newer games ive had to create a system for my        ³
 ³  more advanced options to work.                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³  '1 - 4' THE RESOURCE OPTIONS                                             ³ 
 ³  ----------------------------                                             ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³  1 - Infinite Gold                                                        ³
 ³  2 - Infinite Wood                                                        ³
 ³  3 - Infinite Food                                                        ³
 ³  4 - Infinite Favor                                                       ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ Similar to my warcraft3 trainer i wanted to make sure that only the       ³
 ³ player and not the computer had the benefit from the resources..          ³  
 ³ this is how its done..                                                    ³ 
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ once u have pressed 1 - 4 to select what u want to be infinite u          ³
 ³ need to click on the resource icon in the bottom left hand corner         ³
 ³ of the screen, any of the icons will do .. it just brings up a            ³
 ³ TRIBUTE DIALOG where u give tributes to ur allies.. every time            ³
 ³ you bring this dialog up whatever resources you have chose will           ³
 ³ have 102400 placed into them.. u can do this whenever you get             ³
 ³ low on anything, this gives only u the advantage because the              ³
 ³ injected code is within the dialog routine and the computer               ³
 ³ certainly doesnt use them. :)                                             ³ 
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ 'B' INSTANT BUILD UNITS/BUILDINGS on                                      ³
 ³ ------------------------------------                                      ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ This one is simple.. turn it on when u want to build ur army/settlement   ³
 ³ and then turn it off.. computer will game minimal benefit only while      ³
 ³ you are building your own army.                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ 'V' INSTANT BUILD UNITS/BUILDINGS off                                     ³
 ³ -------------------------------------                                     ³
 ³                                                                           ³ 
 ³ nuff said..                                                               ³ 
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ 'G' GRACE OF GOD MARKER on                                                ³
 ³ --------------------------                                                ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ OK!!.. here we get to the CORE!! of the system, as you can see i love     ³
 ³ naming my options silly things :) You may have noticed i used this same   ³
 ³ system in my O.R.B trainer.. so its come in pretty handy..Effectively     ³
 ³ what this does when turned on is this..                                   ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ When u touch a unit or building it places "1337" into their health..      ³
 ³ from then on this unit/building is totally invincible from any attack     ³
 ³ on its health.I achieve this by using the "1337" as signature bytes..     ³
 ³ then injecting a compare into the damage routines to check for this       ³
 ³ value.. therefor making everything touched by THE GRACE OF GOD :))        ³
 ³ invincible.. small NOTE!! some powers such as being turned to stone       ³
 ³ can still kill you because they do not attack your health.                ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ 'F' GRACE OF GOD MARKER off                                               ³
 ³ ---------------------------                                               ³ 
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ Once you have finished marking all of your troops dont forget to turn     ³
 ³ it off or you will end up making the enemy invincible aswell. :)          ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ 'K' DESTROY ANY SELECTED UNIT/BUILDING                                    ³
 ³ --------------------------------------                                    ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ Well as the options suggests.. this is for killing any UNIT OR            ³
 ³ BUILDING within the game.. just click on an enemy unit or building        ³
 ³ and press K its then instantly killed.. like i say this works for         ³
 ³ everything within the game that has a health level ie walls etc..         ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ addition!! u cannot use this option if u have the GRACE OF GOD            ³
 ³ option enabled.. make sure its turned off..                               ³ 
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ 'A' ARMAGEDDON on                                                         ³
 ³ -----------------                                                         ³ 
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ heh, this is my favourite option.. very nice to create and has a          ³
 ³ very nice effect on skirmish games.. :) basically.. this is how           ³ 
 ³ you use this effectively...                                               ³ 
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ turn on GRACE OF GOD.. mark all of your units and buildings with          ³
 ³ it.. then press 'A' to turn on ARMAGEDDON, anything that isnt             ³
 ³ touched by the GRACE OF GOD marker is instantly killed.. :)               ³
 ³ in a skirmish game this means instant WIN!.. in the campaign it           ³
 ³ becomes a little more ODD!! i zipped through about 6 missions in          ³
 ³ 2 or 3 minutes.. but i did get stuck on missions that said rescue         ³
 ³ someone.. because ARMAGEDDON killed them .. so be careful when            ³
 ³ using it in the campaigns..                                               ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ 'S' ARMAGEDDON off                                                        ³
 ³ ------------------                                                        ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ Because the option needs to go around all troops within the game          ³
 ³ i thought it better to make it an on/off option.. this one u MUST         ³
 ³ remember to turn off once you have used it :))                            ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ 'R' REMOVE POPULATION CAP                                                 ³
 ³ -------------------------                                                 ³ 
 ³                                                                           ³     
 ³ normal boring option :) unlimited population....                          ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³ 
 ³ Well, its been fun doing this one.. lots of work.. but lots               ³
 ³ learnt aswell.. i hope you lot enjoy using the trainer as much            ³ 
 ³ as i did making it.. :))                                                  ³
 ³                                                                           ³ 
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ sheep.                                                                    ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³    
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ btw.. making one of the enemy soldiers invincible and then                ³ 
 ³ setting 20 cyclops on him is funny as hell.. they end up                  ³
 ³ throwing him around like a football for half an hour.. :)                 ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ Installation                                                              ³
 ³ ~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                              ³
 ³ 1. Unzip/Unrar.                                                           ³
 ³ 2. Place Trainer In Same Dir As Game EXE.                                 ³
 ³ 3. Select Trainer U Want.                                                 ³
 ³ 4. Run Trainer, Click RUN GAME Button.                                    ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                              DIVINE Greets                                ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³                                                                           ³