Bie Multitrainer

By Bie @ Razali Rambli
Sarawak, Malaysia.

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Goofy Soccer 

Hotkeys & Description 

Add 1 Goal
Each time you press it, your current goal will be increase by 1. 
For example if your current goal is 2, press the hotkey 1 time, now your current goal is 3 

Player 1 = Press 1
Player 2 = Press Numpad + (add)
Subtract 1 Goal
Each time you press it, your current life will be decrease by 1. 
For example if your current life is 3, press the hotkey 1 time, now your current life is 2 

Player 1 = Press Q
Player 2 = Press Numpad - (subtract)
Freeze Current Time
Your current time is now freeze. 
To disable this cheat, see below. 

Player 1 = Press 2
Player 2 = Press Numpad / (divide)
Unfreeze Current Time
The timer will return to normal.

Player 1 = Press W
Player 2 = Press Numpad * (multiply/asterik) 
Reset timer to 0 (zero)
Player 1 = Press 3
Player 2 = Press Numpad 0