Drug Wars Underworld 1.31080 Trainer


This trainer adds $100,000 by pressing F12.

How to use

Run the trainer and then run the Drug Wars Underworld game.

In game press F12 to get an extra $100,000. 

I have noticed that the value doesn't get updated unless you minimize the 
Drug Wars game window then maximize it.

But it does work!!!

How to Install

Just run the Drug Wars Trainer.exe file.

How to Uninstall

Just as easy as the above... Just delete the file!!! How simple can it be!

How to Contact

Any comments or questions you can find me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

		         Drug Wars Underworld 1.31080 Trainer by

     		       GGGGG             OOOO    BB      EEEEEEE 
   		     GGG   GGG         OOO  OOO  BB      EE      
  		    GG       G        OO      OO BB      EE       
   		    GG	        OOOO  OO      OO BBBBB   EEEE    R  RR
   		    GG     GGG OO  OO OO      OO BB  BB  EEEE    RRRRR
   		    GG      GG OO  OO OO      OO BB   BB EE      RR
    		     GGG   GGG OO  OO  OOO  OOO  BB  BB  EE      RR
      		       GGGGG    OOOO     OOOO    BBBBB   EEEEEEE RR

				       Have Fun!!!