:-:                                                     :-:
:-:   %%%%% &&&   &&& %%%%%%%% %%%%% %%    &&     %%%%% :-:
:-:  %%%     &&& &&&     %%   %%  %% %%    &&    %%  %% :-:
:-: %%%%%%    &&&&&     %%   %%   %% %%    &&   %%   %% :-:
:-: %%%      &&& &&&   %%   %%%%% %% %%    &&  %%%%% %% :-:
:-:  %%%%%  &&&   &&& %%   %%     %% %%%%& && %%     %% :-:
:-:                &&&  G H T                           :-:
:-:                 &&&    Da Fighters Of Gamez         :-:
:-:                  &&&      http://www.extalia.com    :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: [ Releaser Name   ] ..SunBeam                       :-:
:-: [ Releaser Email  ] This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.              :-:
:-: [ Release Name    ] ..Stronghold                    :-:
:-: [ Release Date    ] ..5/10/2005                     :-:
:-: [ Release Type    ] ..Trainer                       :-:
:-: [ Release Version ] ..1.0                           :-:
:-: [ Release Size    ] ..20kb                          :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: [ Release Usage   ]                                 :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Ctrl + Num 0 / 1 / 2 - Add xxx ammount of items     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: * These options are basically working like          :-:
:-: Starting Goods. You press the designated            :-:
:-: key-combination and you'll get them in the top      :-:
:-: left screen. They'll be added to your granary,      :-:
:-: stockpile, armory afterwards =)                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Ctrl + Num 3 - Add 5.000 gold                       :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: * In the top left part of your screen, where the    :-:
:-: Starting Goods appear, you'll get 5.000 gold.       :-:
:-: It'll be added to your current ammount.             :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Ctrl + Num 4 / 5 - 1 Hit Kill ON / OFF              :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: * Since the game uses the same routine for          :-:
:-: both the player and the enemy, I couldnt make       :-:
:-: a one player 1 hit kill hack. So, basically, you    :-:
:-: turn it on, leave your archers, crossbow men        :-:
:-: to do the job, and when you're attacked, turn it    :-:
:-: off. Trust me, gamehackers out there, it CAN'T      :-:
:-: be done just for the player =)...                   :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Ctrl + Num 6 - Infinite gold in siege mode          :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: * This one gives you the opportunity                :-:
:-: to create tons of siege weapons in siege            :-:
:-: maps, like 'Carving a path' or 'The end of the      :-:
:-: Pig'. Simply get your engineers off your initial    :-:
:-: siege mobiles, decomission those siege              :-:
:-: weapons, and put your engineers to build            :-:
:-: ballistas or catapults. Blow them walls             :-:
:-: and finish off quickly =). Combine it with the      :-:
:-: following option to get unlimited ammount of        :-:
:-: stone or carcases =)                                :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Example : Mission 15 - 'Carving a path'             :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Get your engineers off the ram and                  :-:
:-: decomission it. Put your 4 engineers to build 2     :-:
:-: catapults and blow the Pig's walls. Combine it      :-:
:-: with your current attack force and you'll finish    :-:
:-: the mission before the timer even gets to half      :-:
:-: =)                                                  :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Same for 'The end of the Pig' or any other          :-:
:-: siege map. Unmount your current siege               :-:
:-: weapons, they're crappy, and build catapults        :-:
:-: or trebuchets =)                                    :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Ctrl + Num 7 - Unlimited siege weapons' ammo        :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: * Self explanatory, used in combination with        :-:
:-: the above option...                                 :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Greetz to all Extaliers ! You know who you          :-:
:-: are... Keep up the good work !                      :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Also visit www.gamehacking.as.ro. Kinda' old,       :-:
:-: but visit it !                                      :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Yes, you can join our affiliation program!          :-:
:-: You can either affiliate with us by exchanging      :-:
:-: banners or links... either of them is usefull since :-:
:-: website hit-count grows day by day! For more info   :-:
:-: visit the following URL:                            :-:
:-: http://www.extalia.com/home/?sel=affiliate          :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: The Extalia member directory is respected by the    :-:
:-: Extalia council and members. Copyrights/work/trades :-:
:-: registered by the respected Extalia GHT members.    :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:-:-:-:-Generated with Extalia Nfo Maker V1.21:-:-:-:-:-: