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    /         .         /                             \_____/   |
    / - ------ | ------.     -  i  M  S  D  O  X   -    .-------- | ---- -
               _|___ __ | ______________________________ | __ _____|_
                :       |                                |         :
                     /  |           Trackmania           |  
 - --:- -----------//---`                                '----------- -:-- -
  _ _l                                                                   i_ _
   \_  Date   : January 3, 2004                 Trained By : iMSDOX     _// 
     x  Size   :  1 x 5MB (ims-tracktrn)         # Options  : 2         x
     |                                                                   |
     .                    ____________/  _____________                  .
      ----- - -------- --;   Release    /    Notes    ;-- -------- - ---

    Hotkeys as Following:
    F1 - Always Win Races
    F2 - Unlimited Copper
    F5 - Back to Normal
    When F1 is hit during or before a race it will guarantee that you win 
    the race everytime and move on to the next level. It works on both 
    Puzzels and Races.
    For option 2, simply enable it and spend some copper. In return you 
    will get tons of copper which you can use to construct your own 
    rides, etc.

    Want to work for iMSDOX?  E-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

          Greetings to  _____________/  ____________   our friends in:
      ---- - -------- --;              /            ;-- -------- - ----- 
    _|__            gimpsRus - CES - Divine - Nemisis - EyM            __|_
     : /__ _ ________________________/  _________________________ _ __ :