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                        ÉÍÍÍ´ CES PROUDLY PRESENTS ÃÍÍÍ"
 ºº "The Sims Expansion Pack 7: Makin?Magic  v1.9 universal  Plus 5 Trainer" °º
 ºº    CD/ripped/cracked exes in the Internet and for all country versions   ºº
 º°                                                                          °º
 º° *  Trained By      : Victor D. "Wolverine"                               °º
 º° *  Packaged By     : Victor D. "Wolverine"                               °º
 º° *  Size            : 01x05 MB                                            °º
 º° *  Options         : +5                                                  °º
 º° *  Release Date    : 28 November 2003							°º
 º° *  Trainer Version : 3.0                                                 °º
 º° *  Game Version    : 1.9                                                 °º
 º° *  Game Type       :                                                     °º
 º° *  Game Homepage   : http://thesims.ea.com/                              °º
 º°                                                                          °º

 ºº                             [ INSTRUCTIONS ]                             ºº
 º° 						HELP:							°º
 º° Contents of the README.RTF file will be updated in the CES forum         °º
 º° (http://www.gamehacking.com/forum2); Game Hacking, Trainer Releases,     °º
 º° topic The Sims series problems and answers as new expansions are         °º
 º° released.                                                                °º
 º°                                                                          °º
 º° 					HOW TO USE THE TRAINER:					°º
 º° *  Start the game, ALT TAB, start the trainer and then click the buttons,°º
 º° ALT TAB back to the game.                          				°º
 º°                                     OR                                   °º
 º° *  Start the trainer, start the game, ALT TAB, click the buttons game in °º
 °º  the trainer, ALT TAB back to the game. 						°º
 º°                                                                          °º
 º°		            		Buttons Actions:					°º
 º°		       Mood Hack                                                 °º
 º°		       Super Sleep                                               °º
 º°		       Money for new family                                      °º
 º°		       Everyone is your friend                                   °º
 º°		       Unlimited personality points for character creation       °º
 º°                                                                          °º
 º° 					OPTIONS EXPLAINED:  					°º
 º° 6) Mood Hack: Max satisfaction for Hunger / Hygiene / Bladder / Fun /    °º
 º°    / Social / Room needs.                            				°º
 º° Hunger + Hygiene + Bladder + Fun + Social bars instead of decreasing as  °º
 º° time goes by increase towards 100% and stay at 100%. During work time    °º
 º° these bars may decrease but this is instantly corrected as you arrive at °º
 º° home, the bars increase towards 100% and stay at 100%.                   °º
 º° Room bar although may not be at 100% always won't be as lower as it      °º
 º° should be. If it isn't at 100% buy new stuff and sell/move the ones that °º
 º° are lowering the room level.                                             °º
 º° 7) Super Sleep: Max satisfaction for Energy needs.                       °º
 º° Take a nap/sleep during daytime (between 8:00 AM and 23:00 PM ) and your °º
 º° Energy bar will be at 100% instantly (instead of having to nap/sleep for °º
 º° several hours). You only have to nap/sleep/use bathtubs/sit enough time  °º
 º° for the confort bar to increase.                                         °º
 º° 8) Money for new family: 									°º
 º° When you create a new family, after creating all the family members and  °º
 °º declaring you are done with creating them the family is given $20.000 on °º
 °º the list of available families to select and move to the neighborhood,   °º
 °º with this option you are given $9.999.999 instead, just activate this	°º
 °º before you declare that you are done with creating the family members and°º
 °º proceed to listing the family in the list of available families to select°º
 °º and move to the neighborhood.  							      °º
 º° 9) Everyone is your friend: 								°º
 °º All people you meet will become your friends automatically. When you go  °º
 °º to neighborhood mode or load a game the number of friends that the game  °º
 °º counts are the only that have at reached the friendship threshold of 50  °º
 °º (default value), just interact with another Sim (family member, pet or   °º
 °º acquainted) and everybody will be your friend.					°º
 º° 0) Infinite personality points for character creation: 			°º
 °º In the new family characters creation section you are given 25 points to °º
 °º distribute among 5 categories (NEAT; OUTGOING; ACTIVE; PLAYFUL; NICE)    °º
 °º and each category can be given from 0 to 10 points each. A perfect Sim   °º
 °º with all categories at maximum would need 50 points and you only have 25.°º
 °º By using this option, the number of available points to distribute among °º
 °º the 5 categories doesn't decrease as you distribute them, making possible°º
 °º a perfect Sim. Enable this before distributing the points or even during °º
 °º the points distribution (if you have 0 points available, enable this     °º
 °º option take one point from one of the categories, the number of points   °º
 °º available increases to 1 and this is enough to maximize all categories   °º
 °º with 10 points). To distribute the points click on the right of the NEAT/°º 
 °º /OUTGOING/ACTIVE/PLAYFUL/NICE bars.                             	      °º
 º°                                                                          °º
 º° 					Game Editions? 						°º
 º° The Sims is a series of games, the order MAXIS released the expansion    °º
 º° packs is as follows (this is also the order of install):                 °º
 º° 1) The Sims                                                              °º
 º° 2) The Sims Expansion Pack 1: Livin Large / Livin It Up                  °º
 º° 3) The Sims Expansion Pack 2: House Party                                °º
 º° 4) The Sims Expansion Pack 3: Hot Date                                   °º
 º° 5) The Sims Expansion Pack 4: Vacation / On Holiday                      °º
 º° 6) The Sims Deluxe Edition (The Sims + The Sims Expansion Pack 1)        °º
 º° 7) The Sims Expansion Pack 5: Unleashed                                  °º
 º° 8) The Sims Expansion Pack 6: Superstar                                  °º
 º° 9) The Sims Expansion Pack 7: Makin?Magic                                °º
 º° Game Versions + Update/Patch of a Game Edition + Install a new Expansion?°º
 º° 1) When you install The Sims you get The Sims v1.0.                      °º
 º° When you install the patch/update you get The Sims v1.1.                 °º
 º° 2) When you install The Sims EP1 you get The Sims EP1 v1.0.              °º
 º° When you install the patch/update you get The Sims EP1 v1.1.             °º
 º° 3) When you install The Sims EP2 you get The Sims EP2 v1.0.              °º
 º° 4) When you install The Sims EP3 you get The Sims EP3 v1.0.              °º
 º° When you install the patch/update you get The Sims EP3 v2.0.             °º
 º° 5) When you install The Sims EP4 you get The Sims EP4 v1.0.              °º
 º° 6) When you install The Sims Deluxe Edition you get The Sims Deluxe      °º
 º° Edition v1.6.                                                            °º
 º° When you install the patch/update you get The Sims Deluxe Edition v1.61. °º
 º° 7) When you install The Sims EP5 you get The Sims EP5 v1.7.              °º
 º° When you install the patch/update you get The Sims EP5 v1.71.            °º
 º° 8) When you install The Sims EP6 you get The Sims EP6 v1.8.              °º
 º° 9) When you install The Sims EP7 you get The Sims EP7 v1.9.              °º
 º° Notes: After you install the game always make a backup copy of the game  °º
 º° exe (it's SIMS.EXE in the game directory) before overwriting it with a   °º
 º° cracked exe.                                                             °º
 º° Notes: To install the update/patch you have to copy the original exe     °º
 º° back to the game directory and overwrite the cracked exe, update/patch   °º
 º° the game. Why?                                                           °º
 º° Because the update/patch doesn't create a new exe but modifies part of   °º
 º° the code of the exe in the game directory, so it needs the original exe  °º
 º° in that directory for the applying of the patch/update to be correctly   °º
 º° done (only for The Sims, The Sims EP1; The Sims EP3, The Sims Deluxe     °º
 º° Edition and The Sims EP5).                                               °º
 º° Notes: After you install the patch/update always make a backup copy of   °º
 º° the game exe (it's SIMS.EXE in the game directory) before overwriting it °º
 º° with a cracked exe.                                                      °º
 º° Notes: To install a new expansion copy the original exe back to the game °º
 º° directory and overwrite the cracked exe, and then install the expansion. °º
 º° Why?												º°
 °º Because when installing the expansion the installation may verify the    º°
 º° SIMS.EXE file to see if it's a original one.                   		°º
 º° 						Cracked exes?      				°º
 º° Cracked exes are exes that are unprotected, since you have the game it's °º
 º° perfectly legal to use and have then, there main advantage is when the   °º
 º° CD/CDR/DVD drive don't let you play the game due to incompatibilities    °º
 º° between the drivers of your CD/CDR/DVD and the SafeDisc protection.      °º
 º° Notes: ALWAYS install the game, make a backup up copy of the game exe    °º
 º° (SIMS.EXE), download a cracked exe and overwrite the SIMS.EXE file in    °º
 º° the game directory with the downloaded cracked exe.                      °º
 º° Notes: If you want to patch/update the game read Game Versions +         °º
 º° Update/Patch of a Game Edition + Install a new Expansion?                °º
 º° Notes: Where to get them?                                                °º
 º° They are available at http://www.megagames.com/ + http://go.to/gamefix + °º
 º° + http://www.gamecopyworld.com/ .                                        °º
 º° 				Where is the game directory?       		            °º
 º° It's the directory where you installed the game, by default something    °º
 º° like it's "C:Program FilesMaxisThe Sims"; look at the properties of  °º
 º° the shortcuts to start the game within "Start MenuProgramsMaxisThe    °º
 º° Sims" or within "C:WindowsStart MenuMaxis" or look for the file       °º
 º° SIMS.EXE in all hard drives.                                             °º
 º° 					Trainer Versions?                              °º
 º° 1.0 made in TASM                         					      °º
 º° Problems: you only had hotkeys and no buttons; the hotkeys were common   °º
 º° with keys in the game; you needed to put the trainer in the game         °º
 º° directory and initiate the game from within the trainer this lead to not °º
 º° being able to use the diagnostic tools commands in the command line, use °º
 º° shortcuts to start the game and making impossible to run the game at     °º
 º° 1024x768.                                                                °º
 º° 2.0 made in TMK                                   				°º
 º° Problems: big zip files; XP problems reported.                           °º
 º° 3.0 made in MASM                             					°º
 º° The only difference is the coding the results are the same.              °º
 º° Notes: Trainer version 3.0 is available in CES at                        °º
 º° http://www.gamehacking.com/sites/trainers.php?cap=t and as soon as 	°º
 °º possible also at:										°º
 º° http://www.3dgamer.ru/                                                   °º
 º° http://www.avault.com/                                                   °º
 º° http://www.cheatplanet.com/index2.html                                   °º
 º° http://dlh.net/                                                          °º
 º° http://www.gamecopyworld.com/								°º
 º° http://gameguru.box.sk/									°º
 º° http://www.megagames.com/									°º
 º° http://www.trainerscity.com/.                                            °º
 º° 				Trainers and Game Editions?                          °º
 º° * "The Sims v1.0" +5 trainer is only for "The Sims v1.0".                °º
 º° * "The Sims v1.1" +5 trainer is only for "The Sims v1.1".                °º
 º° * "The Sims EP1 v1.0+v1.1" +5 trainer is for both "The Sims EP1 v1.0 and °º
 º° v1.1".                                                                   °º
 º° * "The Sims EP2 v1.0" +5 trainer is only "The Sims EP2 v1.0".            °º
 º° * "The Sims EP3 v1.0" +5 trainer is only "The Sims EP3 v1.0".            °º
 º° * "The Sims EP3 v2.0" +5 trainer is only "The Sims EP3 v2.0".            °º
 º° * "The Sims EP4 v1.0" +5 trainer is only "The Sims EP4 v1.0".            °º
 º° * "The Sims EP5 v1.7" +5 trainer is only "The Sims EP5 v1.7".            °º
 º° * "The Sims EP5 v1.71" +5 trainer is only "The Sims EP5 v1.71".          °º
 º° * "The Sims EP6 v1.8" +5 trainer is only "The Sims EP6 v1.8".            °º
 º° * "The Sims EP7 v1.9" +5 trainer is only "The Sims EP7 v1.9".            °º
 º° Notes: There isn't any trainer made by me for The Sims Deluxe Edition    °º
 º° because it's only The Sims + The Sims Expansion Pack 1 so if you have    °º
 º° The Sims Deluxe Edition and want a trainer, get and install The Sims     °º
 º° Expansion Pack 5 or 6 or 7 because I already made a trainer for The Sims °º
 º° Expansion Pack 5/6/7 (this is easily understood by looking at the order  °º
 º° of release of Game Editions and the Trainer Versions and Game Editions   °º
 º° list).									                  °º
 º°                                                                          °º
 º° 				Help with other problems:                            °º
 º°							°º
 º° 				Help with playing the game:    				°º
 º° http://www.gamefaqs.com/                                     	            °º
 º°                                                                          °º

 ºº                                [ GREETZ ]                                ºº
 º°                 Divine  FairLight  IMS  ViTE  DVL                  	°º

 ºº                              [ TEAM INFO ]                               ºº
 º°                                                                          °º
 º°  Chat Room   : #none                                                     °º
 º°  Looking For : Affiliates, Couriers, Experienced Trainers                °º
 º°  Contact     : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                          °º

 ºº                             [ GENERAL INFO ]                             ºº
 º°                                                                          °º
 º° A "trainer" is a third-party program that is designed to alter memory    °º
 º° locations of running programs (games). In order for a trainer to work,   °º
 º° it must be running simultaneously with the game it was written for. Do   °º
 º° not close the trainer until you are finished playing the game. Since     °º
 º° trainers are written to alter Specific memory locations, they usually    °º
 º° only work with specific versions of the game. This is the most common    °º
 º° problem when trainers seem to be "not working".                          °º

 ºº                              [ DISCLAIMER ]                              ºº
 º° This program has been tested and provided to you "AS IS", meaning we do  °º
 º° not take any responsibility for anything you do with it. It has been     °º
 º° tested and should work perfectly on your system.                         °º

                .___________________________-:-  ____________. |
                /      ______/      _______/ |  /        ____/-:-
               /      /_____/     _____/________             |

                 CES "If it's in the game, it's in the Release"