SpongeBob SquarePants: Employee Of The Month
1. About The Author And The Game
2. Neptune's Paradise: The Story
3. Controlling SpongeBob
4. In-Game Areas
5. Characters
6. The Map
7. The Inventory
8. The French Man's Hints (written by the
SpongeBob SquarePants Employee Of The Month booklet)
9. Walkthrough
9.1. Chapter 1: Employee Of The Year
9.2. Krusty Krab
9.3. Downtown Bikini Bottom
9.4. Goo Lagoon: Mussle Beach
9.5. Grandma's House
9.6. Barg'n Mart
9.7. Back To Goo Lagoon: Mussle Beach
9.8. Goo Lagoon: Ray's Organic Tanning Salon
9.9. Back To Downtown Bikini Bottom
9.10. Goo Lagoon. Back To Ray's Organic Tanning Salon
9.11. Back To Downtown Bikini Bottom
10.1. Chapter 2: Hitting Rock Bottom
10.2. Bus Stop/ Bus Station
10.3. WSEA TV
10.4. The Rusty Anchor
10.5. Back To WSEA TV
10.6. Marlin's Cave
10.7. Back To WSEA TV
11.1. Chapter Three: Back To Square 1
11.2. Diner
11.3. Jellyfish Fields
11.4. Home Lane/ SpongeBob's House
11.5. Home Lane/ Squidward's House
11.6. Sardine's Sundries
11.7. Back To Home Lane/Squidward's House
11.8. Squidward's Dream
11.9. Back To Home Lane/ Squidward's House
11.10. Back To Home Lane/SpongeBob's House
11.11. Sandy's Treedome
12.1. Chapter Four: Bottoms Up!
12.2. Rocket Landing
12.3. Oxygen Springs
12.4. Back To Rocket Landing
12.5. Waverly Hills
12.6. Back To Rocket Landing
12.7. Sublime Seafoods
12.8. Back To Oxygen Springs
13. Video Tape Locations
14. Contact Me
15. Copyright info
1. About The Author And The Game
The Author
Hi. My name is Mr. Potter. My real name is Matthew. I have
loved SpongeBob for almost forever, and it was great to get
this game (I didn't know how short this game was). So I got
the game before I knew how easy and 
short this game was.  So, here's a walkthrough for the game. It was
fun writing this walkthrough, and I hope it helps!
The Game
For the computer, rated E for Everyone, 1 player,  and the 
genre is Adventure (I think).
2. Neptune's Paradise: The Story
SpongeBob has won the Employee Of The Month contest for the 27th 
month in a row. In order to honor this, Mr. Krabs generously 
names SpongeBob Employee Of The Year! After some group 
photos, Mr. Krabs gets an envolope with the word FREE 
stamped on it. Inside he finds 3 tickets to the Neptune's 
Paradise Amusement Park. Squidward says, "Let me guess. Some free 
tickets to Neptune's Paradise! *laughs* Why don't you give it to 
barnacle head over there for being Employee Of The Year?" Still
laughing, Squidward mounts his bike and rides away. Mr. Krabs looks
at the tickets and says, "SpongeBob! Come here! I want you to have
this." Mr. Krabs gives SpongeBob two of the three tickets.
SpongeBob generously takes them and immediately goes running for
Patrick. He tells Patrick the good news. He gives Patrick the spare
ticket and Patrick gets very excited. SpongeBob tells Patrick that 
he'll meet him after work.
3. Controlling SpongeBob   

Mouse Controls

   Left Mouse Button: Talk To People
                                     Look At Things
                                     Walk Around
                                     Pick Up Things
                                     Combine Items
Right Mouse Button:  Open Inventory

Keyboard Controls

ESC: Skip movies
           Enter Menu
F1: Help
H: Help
F2: Quick Save
F3: Quick Load
Delete: Delete Saved Game From Load Game Menu
Arrow Keys: Cycle Dialogue
                      Cycle Menu Choices
Page Up/Page Down: Cycle Dialogue
                                       Cycle Menu Choices
Spacebar: Select Menu Choices
                   Select Dialogue Choices
Enter: Select Menu Choices
           Select Dialogue Choices
I: Open Inventory
T: Open Map/Telescope
P: Pause Game
4. In-Game Areas
Chapter One: Employee Of The Year Areas
Krusty Krab
Downtown Bikini Bottom
Grandma's House
Goo Lagoon: Mussle Beach
Goo Lagoon: Ray's Organic Tanning Salon 
Barg'n Mart 
Chapter Two: Hitting Rock Bottom Areas

Bus Station/Bus Stop
Rusty Anchor
Marlin's Cave
Chapter Three: Back To Square One Areas

Jellyfish Fields
Home Lane/SpongeBob's House
Home Lane/Squidward's House
Sardine's Sundries
Sandy's Treedome

Chapter Four: Bottoms Up! Areas

Rocket Landing
Oxygen Springs
Waverly Hills
Sublime Seafoods
5. Characters

Mr. Krabs
Jeweler At Jewelry Shop
Coat Person At Sublime Seafoods
Waiter At Sublime Seafoods
Guy Who Seats Your At Your Table At Sublime Seafoods
Guy Who Gives You Sublime Seafoods Ticket
Hungry Customer/Familiar Guy/Really Familiar Guy/Really 
Really Familiar Guy
Mermaid Man
Barnacle Boy
Information Lady
Marty The Bus Driver
Lady At Ray's Organic Tanning Salon
Fish With Baggy Clothes
Dude Fish
Rusty Anchor Owner
Guy At Neptune's Paradise
Famous Guy At WSEA TV
Guy Fixing WSEA TV Antennae
Eugene (guy at Barg'n Mart)
Security Camera At Oxygen Springs
6. The Map

The Map is a function to move around and see all the parts of the 
chapter you've unlocked. To look at the map, click on the telescope 
at the top-left corner of the screen. The map changes after 
you complete a chapter. You will notice that at times, there 
will be some colored and some black-and-white. The colored 
areas are the areas that are available. The uncolored areas are 
unavailable. When a telescope appears on the screen, that means 
you have unlocked a new area. If you click on an area on the map 
that is available, you will go there. The map is the only way of 
transportation; if you walk into an area called "Walk To Bikini 
Bottom" "Walk To Rock Bottom" or "Walk to Bottoms Up", then you 
will immediately come up on the map screen.

7. The Inventory

The Inventory is the area where you store everything you collect 
in the area. Video Tapes do not show up on the inventory. 
Sometimes, items cannot be used until you combine them. Say, 
combine a plain patty and "fixins" and a clean plate, and you have 
a perfect Krabby Patty, all ready for a hungry customer! To open 
The Inventory, click on the Treasure Chest in the top-left corner 
of the screen. When you open the inventory, all of the things 
you've collected will appear in bubbles. To combine, click on 
something with the left mouse button and hold the button, and then 
move the item onto the item you want to combine it with. Some 
things cannot be combined, like the way cooking oil cannot be 
combined with bus tokens. But why would you want to combine them, 
anyway? When you open up the inventory, next to the bubbles is 
three things: A question mark, a menu, and the telescope. 
When you click the ?, The French Man will give you a hint. 
The menu brings you to the main menu. The telescope brings you to 
the map.

8. The French Man's Hints (written by the SpongeBob SquarePants 
Employee Of The Month booklet)
If you get into a jam, click on the question mark for helpful hints 
from a Frenchman. He might give you exactly the information you need 
to get out of trouble. NOTE: This note is not in the booklet. The 
Frenchman has given useless hints before. Try the Frenchman's hints 
again if he says "SpongeBob is depending on you to reach Neptune's 
Paradise." or " Look at SpongeBob just standing there, waiting for 
you to guide him, so guide, GUIDE, guide with all your might!"
9. Walkthrough
9.1. Chapter One: Employee Of The Year
9.2. The Krusty Krab
You'll start off in front of the Krusty Krab. Go in and there will be
a hungry customer. Talk to him until he tells you he wants a Krabby 
Patty. Now go to the other table and pick up the dirty plate. 
Walk to the other side and walk to the salad bar in the top-left 
corner. There you will find some fixins. Now exit the salad bar. Go 
into the kitchen. Pick up the plain patty from the grill. Now walk 
to the other side to find a sink. Take the dirty plate out of 
your inventory and put it into the sink to make it a clean plate. 
Now combine the clean plate with the plain patty, and then combine 
the plain patty on a plate with the fixins to make a perfect Krabby 
Patty! Now take it to the hungry customer. Give him the patty and 
he will tell you of a bus stop at Downtown Bikini Bottom. Congrats; 
now a telescope will appear on the screen.

9.3. Downtown Bikini Bottom

You will see Patrick up ahead. Run over to him. Say "Hey, Patrick, 
where'd you get the cool camera?" , and say "Patrick! You won a 
BIKINI contest!?" and then say "Patrick, do you have any bus tokens?" 
and finally, say "Patrick, do you know where I could get some bus 
tokens?" When Patrick delivers his final answer, a telescope will 
appear on screen.

9.4. Goo Lagoon: Mussle Beach

You'll start off in the parking lot of Goo Lagoon. You will see a 
giant sand castle up ahead. Walk to the entrance, but don't go in. 
Instead, turn right to go to Mussle Beach. You will see Larry 
working out. You will see some beach toys near Larry. If you try 
to take it, Larry will tell you to get your hands off them. So talk 
to Larry. Ask him how you can be strong like him. Then ask if he 
gets tempted to cheat on his diet. Then a telescope appears on screen. 
Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?
9.5. Grandma's House
You will start in Grandma's backyard. Go inside. You will be in 
Grandma's living room. Now walk into Grandma's living room. Talk to 
Grandma. She will think SpongeBob is Patrick. Really. (SpongeBob 
says "Oh, Grandma, it's me, you favorite grandson!" and she says "Oh, 
Patrick, what a pleasant surprise!") Talk to her until you offer to 
run down to the market and buy some Urchin Chips. Now a telescope 
appears on screen. But before you go, pick up the pie that is on the 
9.6. Barg'n Mart
You will be in the parking lot. A fish with baggy clothes will come 
out of the shop and tell you he bought the clothes from Mr. Krabs. 
Now go in. Inside, talk to Eugene. Ask every question that has to do 
with Urchin Chips until he says you can have some Urchin Chips if you 
clean his boat. Now go into the parking lot and click on Eugene's 
boat. It's easy enough to see; it's the only one in the lot. Now you 
will be in a half mini-game. You need to move SpongeBob over the 
dirty spots of the car until it has no dirt marks left. Now go back 
in. Talk to Eugene again and tell him that his boat is clean. He'll 
tell you that you can have some Urchin Chips and that they are in the 
back isle. So walk to the other side to find Mr. Krabs and he's... you
know. You might spot some cooking oil in the box behind him, so click 
it to pick it up. Now walk into the isle and pick up some Urchin 
Chips (if there is boxes of kelpo, then you are in the wrong isle). 
Now combine the Urchin Chips and the pie to make an Urchin Chip Pie!
9.7. Back To Goo Lagoon: Mussle Beach
Once again, you are in Goo Lagoon's Parking Lot. So walk up to the 
sandcastle entrance and turn right to Mussle Beach to find Larry 
working out again. Put the Urchin Chip Pie in front of him. He will 
try to resist, but gets tempted to cheat on his diet and eats it. 
Now he'll get angry with you and say, "Now look what you've made me 
do! I can't talk now. I need to take a run." Now he'll run away. Pick 
up Larry's pail and shovel and walk back to the sandcastle. This 
time, enter.
9.8. Goo Lagoon: Ray's Organic Tanning Salon
Not much to do here. As soon as you get in, you will see a lady with 
a parasol. Walk past her to reach a beach. Walk to the other side to 
find a shipwreck. Use Larry's pail and shovel here to find a 
treasure chest full of... bus tokens. So take some and head away.
9.9. Back To Downtown Bikini Bottom
As soon as you get here, go to the bus stop and give Patrick your 
bus tokens. Now Marty The Bus Driver comes out. Talk to him. He will 
tell you a storm is coming and he does not want to drive the bus 
without an umbrella. So leave.
9.10. Back To Goo Lagoon: Ray's Organic Tanning Salon
Again, go into the sandcastle. You will see the lady with the 
parasol again. Talk to her and she will tell you she has bad skin and 
needs the parasol as a shield against the sun. Now walk past her to 
return to the beach. Walk over to Ray (the guy lying on the towel 
listening to music and has suntan  next to him) and then talk to him. 
Suggest doing cooking oil instead of suntan and he will tell you it 
is a great idea and he will trade you his suntan for cooking oil. 
So take out the cooking oil you got from Mr. Krabs and give it to 
him. He will give you the suntan. Now go back to the lady with the 
parasol and give her the suntan. She will give you the parasol. Now 
9.11. Back To Downtown Bikini Bottom
Run right up to the bus stop. Give the parasol to Marty. Marty will 
still refuse, but your pleading will convince him to go. End of 
MOVIE: SpongeBob and Patrick board the bus. Patrick sits on Plankton.
Plankton squeezes his way out from under Patrick and listens to music 
with headphones and a CD Player. He decides to do a trick and jumps 
from the seat to be hanging in midair with his headphones, but the CD 
Player falls on top of him.  Now SpongeBob is fooling around and 
makes Marty mad. He gets up, and while scolding, the bus turns the 
wrong way and they fall to Rock Bottom. Now SpongeBob must stop the 
rain and return bus schedules back to normal so he can leave.
10.1. Chapter 2: Hitting Rock Bottom
10.2. Bus Stop/Bus Station
To start, look around. You should find Familiar Guy kicking a 
Kelpsie Can around. Pick up the can, and enter the bus station. Talk 
to the information lady, and she'll tell you that she'll only 
tell you information if you'll get her a candy bar. Now leave the 
bus station and go down the street. Eventually, you'll find a 
bathroom. Enter it and you'll hear the toilet flush, and then 
SpongeBob yelling. After a few seconds, he'll climb out of the 
sewer and say he got the quarter. Now go back down the street. 
Along the way, you should see a candy machine. Put the quarter into 
the machine to get the candy bar. Now re-enter the bus station and 
talk to the information lady. Give her the candy, and she'll tell 
you about the WSEA TV. Now the too-familiar telescope appears on 

10.3. WSEA TV
Go around back to find a guy working on the station, which is shaped 
like a giant TV. SpongeBob asks him what he's working on, and he says 
he doesn't know. He says that the people said that since nothing was 
showing up on radar, the TV was broken. He'd said that there was 
nothing wrong with it, and they said there was, so now he's out here 
trying to fix a TV that's not broken. SpongeBob asks if he can have 
the tools, and the guy says he can if SpongeBob will bring him a 
Kelpsie from the Rusty Anchor. The telescope appears on screen.
10.4. The Rusty Anchor
Before entering, go to the parking lot to find Mermaid Man and 
Barnacle Boy. Apparently, Mermaid Man and Patrick got into a 
soda-drinking contest, where they both would drink a large amount 
of soda, and then see who could burp more burps. Mermaid Man had 
drunken too much and he couldn't get into the Invisible Boatmobile. 
Now just leave and enter the Rusty Anchor. The guy who works there 
is very muscular, so ask him about the Kelpsie. He'll say Mermaid 
Man and Patrick had drunk all the Kelpsie. Now tell him about 
Mermaid Man. He'll rush out to help him, and he'll also tell you to 
keep in charge of the restaurant. He'll also tell you to help 
yourself to the diet cola he has. So then he leaves. Get a cup of 
diet soda, then put it in the Kelpsie can you got from Familiar Guy 
10.5. Back to WSEA TV

Walk to the back and give the guy the Diet Soda. He'll say it's the 
best Kelpsie he's ever had, and he'll allow you to take his tools. 
Now take the tools inside. The lady will tell you you're not allowed 
in the back unless you're a worker, and she says you're not a worker 
unless you have tools, but then she notices that you do have tools, 
and she'll allow you to pass. Now see those stairs? Go up them, then 
go through the door to find a big computer room. Talk to the guy 
inside, and after a short conversation, the telescope appears on the 
10.6. Marlin's Cave
Here, do the slots. After that, a door opens behind the slots. 
Behind here is a weird place. Randomly choose a direction, and if you 
chose the right direction, you'll advance to the next room. If you're 
wrong, you'll end up back in the first room. Keep trying until you 
reach a room with Patrick sleeping on a hammock in it. Now go up the 
stairs and you'll find Marlin. After a confusing conversation, Marlin 
gives you the magic wand to open up the locked door in WSEA TV. So 
head there right now.
10.7. Back to WSEA TV
Go behind the lady who works at the station and to the locked door 
behind her. Now take out the wand and use it on the door, and 
SpongeBob begins to chant a made-up spell.
"Abra-Kadabra, Ala-Kazoor, This is SpongeBob, now open this door!" 
Something flies from the wand and hits the door, and then the door 
opens. Now go inside and push the switch, and you've finished the 
MOVIE: SpongeBob and Patrick are playing on the conveyer belts. 
After they're done, they head back to the bus station, where Marty 
lets SpongeBob and Patrick back into the bus. Marty drives back to 
Bikini Bottom. He then stops the bus and tells SpongeBob and Patrick 
that the bus is out of gas, so SpongeBob asks where he can get some 
more gas. Marty says that there is a diner nearby. Patrick gets 
excited and runs off a cliff. Marty tells him he's going the wrong 
way, so Patrick runs away. Now SpongeBob looks in the gas and 
sees some gas. The gas makes a face at him. He turns and says 
it's strange, and then the bus takes off, leaving  SpongeBob behind. 
Now SpongeBob must find a new way to get to Neptune's Paradise.
11.1.  Chapter Three: Back to Square One
11.2. Diner
You'll start out in the Diner area. Look around and try to find the 
Diner. When you do, enter the Diner. You'll find Patrick sitting at a 
table eating a sandwich. Talk to him. SpongeBob tries to convince 
Patrick to come with him, but Patrick refuses, because of his sandwich,
until SpongeBob finally gives up. You should see a bag with a 
picture of  squirrel on it. Pick it up, and after talking to a lady a 
bit, the telescope appears.
11.3. Jellyfish Fields
Ignore everything here. Just keep going to the right until you 
see Sandy jellyfishing. Talk to her and give her her lunch. She'll 
thank you, and SpongeBob asks Sandy if she still has the rocket. She 
says yes, she does still have it, and she's still fixing it from when 
SpongeBob crash-landed at Bikini Bottom (one of the episodes). 
SpongeBob asks about Neptune's Paradise, and Sandy says she's always 
wanted to go there. SpongeBob says he only got 2 tickets and Patrick 
was using the second one, and Sandy says that she got some 
tickets in the mail but she'd never been able to get around to 
throwing them away. SpongeBob explains their dilemma to her, and 
she tells you to meet her at the treedome. Now the telescope 
appears on the screen.
11.4. Home Lane/ SpongeBob's House 
Enter SpongeBob's house. You'll find a water snake in your 
water helmet. SpongeBob says if only he had some sort of instrument, 
he could charm it away. Now leave and head next door to 
Squidward's house.
11.5. Home Lane/ Squidward's House
Upon entry, you should see a TV on your left. Watch a commercial 
for Sardine's Sundries on it, then the telescope appears on screen.
11.6. Sardine's Sundries
Enter and talk to Sardine. After a short talk, head to the other 
side of the shop. You should see the Dream Glasses and 
Really Familiar Guy. Now grab the Dream Glasses and head back.
11.7. Back to Home Lane/ Squidward's House
Back to the house. Now head upstairs to Squidward, who's sleeping 
in his bed with his clarinet. Now use the Dream Glasses on 
11.8. Squidward's Dream
In Squidward's dream, there is a long, long pineapple row. 
SpongeBob also looks like Squidward. Head through it to reach a 
temple. 2 statues are guarding it, and they look just like SpongeBob, 
except they're angry. Now enter the temple. Inside, you'll find 
Squidward playing his clarinet in front of a load of people. Now 
talk to Squidward, and after confusing him, he gives you his 
clarinet. Now you're transported out of his dream.
11.9. Back to Home Lane/ Squidward's House
You will now have Squidward's clarinet. Leave.
11.10. Back to Home Lane/ SpongeBob's House
Now go in. Go back to the sea snake and use Squidward's clarinet on 
it. It'll exit your helmet. Now take the helmet, and a telescope 
appears on screen.
11.11. Sandy's Treedome
Once here, go in. Talk to Sandy, and she tells you she's ready to 
go if she can find some oxygen tanks. Now explore until you find an 
overturned table. Go past it to find the tanks. Now pick it up and 
take it to Sandy. Give it to her now.
MOVIE: SpongeBob and Sandy are getting ready to go when Patrick 
comes. Apparently, he'd just finished his sandwich. What nobody 
realized is that Patrick was standing on the pump that was pumping 
fuel into the rocket. Unaware of the large amount of fuel in the 
pump behind him, Patrick stepped off and they boarded the rocket... 
a few seconds after the pump sprung a leak. They took off, but since 
the pump sprung a leak, they didn't end up where they wanted to 
because of lack of fuel. After crash-landing in a strange city, 
Patrick took off to somewhere. Now SpongeBob must find a way to 
fill up the oxygen tanks.
12.1. Chapter Four: Bottoms Up
12.2. Rocket Landing
To start, talk to Sandy. She'll tell you to refill the oxygen tanks 
with oxygen from Oxygen Springs. The telescope appears on the screen.
12.3. Oxygen Springs
When you get here, try to go in. A security camera won't let you by. 
Apparently, you need a jacket to enter. Leave.
12.4. Back to Rocket Landing
When you get here, talk to Sandy again. SpongeBob says he needs a 
jacket. Sandy will tell you of a guy she knows from Waverly Hills. 
The telescope appears on screen.
12.5. Waverly Hills
When you get here, you will see a gate with a switch in 
front of it. Unfortunately, SpongeBob doesn't weigh enough to 
push the switch and open the gate. Get a coconut from the coconut 
tree (click on it) and then absorb water from the fountain. Walk 
over to the switch. SpongeBob now weighs enough to push the switch 
down. Enter the town. It's a weird place; Everyone lives in 
mansions, except one person. Keep walking down until you find a 
guy standing in his yard next to a tree that grows gold coconuts. 
Talk to him, and he'll tell you of his neighbor. He says his 
neighbor broke into his yard and stole one of his golden coconuts. 
Now head past his house and to his neighbor's house. Go inside. Inside
is the guy's neighbor, who apparently is the guy Sandy knew. Talk 
to him and listen to his version of the story. According to him, 
he hadn't broken into his neighbor's yard. One of the golden 
coconuts had fallen into his yard, so he had picked it up. He had 
just wanted to use the coconut as a paperweight. Now go into the 
back room. SpongeBob automatically starts creeping toward the edge, 
and gets real fast when the floor starts to give way underneath him. 
He rolls out of the way just in time to avoid falling into the pit. 
Now continue down until you reach a book with the golden coconut 
resting on it. Remember the coconut you got earlier? Take it out and 
swap the normal coconut with the golden coconut. Now take the golden 
coconut back to the guy. He will reward you with a quarter. Now 
12.6. Back to Rocket Landing
Upon entering, notice the huge poster for Sublime Seafoods. Now go 
into the phone booth and punch in the phone number for Sublime 
Seafoods. After the guy who answers the phone mistakes SpongeBob's 
gender a few times, he finally gets it right. SpongeBob asks where 
Sublime Seafoods is located, and the guy will tell you where it 
is located. Now the telescope appears on the screen.
12.7. Sublime Seafoods
Keep going to the left until you reach the gate to Sublime 
Seafoods. There is a guy operating the gate. He will tell you you're 
not allowed in unless you have an invitation. Now go to the left. You 
will find a guy who says he has an invitation, but he's only giving 
it to someone who can figure out the restaurant's new slogan. Go 
left again to find a binoculars thing. Look through them. Aim them 
towards the restaurant to find out the slogan. Now go back to the 
guy and tell him what the slogan is. He'll give you the invitation. 
Now go back to the gate and show the gatekeeper your invitation. 
He'll let you in. Inside, have them lend you a jacket. Now go up and 
get your table. Walk to it, and when the waiter comes to you, it's 
time to order up. Order a Krabby Patty, and then he gets mad at you 
for being from Bikini Bottom. They kick you out of the restaurant, 
but they forget to take off your jacket. Now it's time for Oxygen 
12.8. Back to Oxygen Springs
The camera will finally let you in. Head up to one of the springs to 
find Patrick bathing in one of the springs. SpongeBob asks Patrick 
how he got in without a jacket, and Patrick says "You weren't 
supposed to climb up the wall?" Anyway, SpongeBob asks Patrick to 
get out so he can fill up the oxygen tanks. But Patrick says there's 
a problem... his shorts are in the building, and he doesn't want to 
be seen naked. So go into the building to find Patrick's shorts 
hanging on the wall. Also Really, Really Familiar Guy. Now after 
SpongeBob getting angry with him, two of his twins come walking out. 
SpongeBob asks how many twins he has besides those two and he says 
about 3,337. So take Patrick's shorts and take them to Patrick. 
Patrick gets out and puts his shorts on, and seconds later, he's done. 
Now fill up the tanks and take them to Sandy.
12.9. Back to Rocket Landing
All you need to do here is give the tanks to Sandy.
MOVIE: SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy take off and land in front of 
Neptune's Paradise just as the sun is setting. SpongeBob rushes up 
and shows the people who work there his tickets. They tell him that 
the amusement park is closed, and besides, the tickets were for next 
week. SpongeBob realizes how much trouble he went to for nothing, and 
started crying. The guy asked if he would like to join the surprise 
party for someone, and after a correction from Sandy, re-pronounced 
the name as SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob looks up and says that 
he's SpongeBob SquarePants. Then everyone jumps out from hiding places 
for the surprise party and take him on rides, and have fun. Congrats! 
You've beaten the game!
13. Video Tape Locations

In each chapter, there is a hidden video tape. And what does the tape 
do? It lets you view special movies on the movie screen called "The 
Making of SpongeBob". It shows you how the original drawing looked, 
how it looked in color, it shows the polygons of the characters, and 
then how the characters looked in non-polygon format. Here are the 
Chapter 1 tape:  At Downtown Bikini Bottom, go to Patrick. Then turn 
left to find a Jewelry Shop. Go in and talk to the guy behind the 
counter. SpongeBob complements the shop, and the guy behind the 
counter says just for that, he's going to give you a tape. And so he 
does. Chapter 1's video tape!
Chapter 2 tape: Did you notice the words "On airs" above a window in 
WSEA TV? Well, go through the door next to it to find a camera 
control room thing. Continue through it and go through the door at 
the other end. Now you'll find a stage with Plankton on it. Plankton 
will tell you he was making a commercial for the Chum Bucket, but 
then he changes his mind and says he's making a commercial to get 
kids to stay in school. He tells you if you'll do the camera, he'll 
give you a little extra something. So go back into the camera control 
room and go to the controls. Aim the camera toward Plankton and after 
a commercial for the Chum Bucket, go back to the stage room and 
retrieve your video tape from Plankton.
Chapter 3 tape: Not as complicated as the others. SpongeBob's closet. 
Chapter 4 tape: When you go to get Patrick's shorts from the locker 
room, look for a locker with the name "Davy Jones" on it. Open the 
locker to get the video tape.
14. Contact Me
My e-mail is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. My AIM is MrPotter19. What 
else do I need to say? Oh yeah, no criticism or viruses or 
anything bad like that, okay?
15. Copyright info
This walkthrough is copyright by I, Mr. Potter. This FAQ is shown 
only on GameFAQs. You cannot print this guide and sell it, or copy 
this walkthrough without permission.