.                                                                       .
 - -:-- sCr ----------/--------------------------------------------- sAc --:- -      
    |                 /                                                    |
    ______/  _______/  \_____/\_     _/\_______ _____/   _____/\_   ____/\_
   /     _  \_     /    \_     /_____    ____//____   \_/  _____/___     /___
 _/      /   \_    /      /    _____/     /   \_    _    \______    \_     ____/
       /     /   /      /    /   \_     /     /    /     /    /     /    /   \_
      /     /   /      /    /     /    /     /    /     /    /     /    /     /     
    _______/ ________/ ________/ ________/ ________/ ________/ ________/
    /        /         /         /         /         /         /     .
    .                                                                    .: |
 - -:---------------------- - [ o u t c a s t ! ] - ------------------------:- -
    '                                                                       '
    '                          Proudly presents..                           '
    -:----------------------------- -  -    -
     | [ :::::::::::: Homeworld 2 Plus 6 Trainer :: ]          
    -:------------------------------------------------------------------ -  -
     . Release Date : Oct 4 2003          Release Size : 1xsmall 
    -:------------------------------------------------------------------ -  -
                           -    -  - --------------------------------------:-
           .                     [ :: Trainer Information :::::::::::: ] |
    -  - --:---------------------------------------------------------------:-

     A Few Words
     Something for the shadow walking rat dwellers.     

     Trainer Options

     M - Infinite R U's       (PLAYER ONLY) No cpu participation here baby!
     B - Instant Build        (PLAYER ONLY) No cpu participation here baby!
     R - Instant Research     (PLAYER ONLY) No cpu participation here baby!
     1 - Pointer of Illusion       (see notes)
     2 - Pointer of Weakness       (see notes)
     3 - Pointer of Strength       (see notes)
     X - Return Pointer to Normal  (self explanatory)


     Trainer Notes

     1 - Pointer of Illusion - When u turn this on and click on a ship it will
         turn invisible to the enemy, ive noticed its very easy to accidently
         click on the enemy while in dog fights, if you notice an enemy that
         your troops wont attack then this is probably whats happened, just 
         click on it and use option '2' which reduces thier health to 0 and 
         makes them visible. External health display will turn a DULL RED
         to signify an invisible ship.

     2 - Pointer of Weakness - Click on a ship to reduce its health to 0.. no
         DEATH check routines so they dont blow up till u hit them at least 
         once. Both internal and external health bars will turn grey.

     3 - Pointer of Strength - Click on a ship to give it a massive BOOST of
         Health. Depending on the original strength of the craft will determine
         if the internal display health bar turns grey.. usually it does.. but
         the outside health display that u see when running the mouse over the
         craft will always remain green so u dont get mixed up with 0 health 

         side note..
         You can only use 1 pointer at a time. 
         Running ur mouse over the ships was 2 chaotic so for this one I chose
         to actually CLICK the ship while having ur pointer active.

     Last Words
     WHAT BUS?



    -:--------------------------------------------- -  -    -
     | [ :::::::::::: Application Information :: ]                   .
    -:---------------------------------------------------------------:-- -  -
     We are curently looking for people that can : 
     + Supply new unreleased Games (Console and/or Pc), not on the net !

     + You live in the Usa, Canada, Uk or Japan, have a fast upload line 
       (500kb/s minimum) and free week days morning.

     + People who can do trainers for Pc and Consoles !
     + People who can crack latest protection schemes for Pc and Consoles 
       (safedisc2, Securom, Etc) !
     So if you have some free time, a fast connection and the urge to prove
     yourself in the scene contact us today at:

     + This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                          "COMPLAINER COMPLAINER MAKE ME A TRAINER!"