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p   r   o   d   u   c   t   i   o   n   s
      .. Taking You To New Highs ..

Date: 8/17/02
File: blizzard.ax
Size: 4kb


Allows the use of any Warcraft III v1.02. 
Rzr, Deviance, Retail

How to install:
1.) Goto your Warcraft III folder.
2.) Rename your current blizzard.ax to: blizzards.ax
3.) Copy blizzard.ax to your Warcraft III folder.

Available switches:

-wf, -pvpgn, -window

so you would use: 

war3.exe           to play on bnet
war3.exe -wf       to play on warforge
war3.exe -pvpgn    to play on pvpgn

You can add -window to it to load war3 in window mode:

ex: war3.exe -bnet -window

examples of shortcut in windows:

"C:Program FilesWarcraft IIIWar3.exe" -pvpgn -window (runs war3 in window mode/to connect to a pvpgn server)
"C:Program FilesWarcraft IIIWar3.exe" -window (runs war3 in window mode/to connect to bnet)

"We're back" - acid is not related to WF (BY ANY MEANS), 
PVPGN or Battle.net. We are who we are so love it!

             AcId Productions