Imperium Galactica 2 v1.05 Beta      SYNERGIST :[cRACKA] ³
³ [rELEASE dATE]: JAN 24, 2001                         SYNERGIST :[sUPPLY] ³
³ [rELEASE tYPE]: Fixed EXE                            SYNERGIST :[pACKER] ³
³ [rELEASE sIZE]: 1 x 2.88 MB                          SYNERGIST :[tESTER] ³
³                                                                          ³
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³ Description                                                              ³
³                                                                          ³
³ Imperium Galactica 2 1.05 Beta - No-CD/Fixed EXE                         ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³ Apply the official Imperium Galactica 2 1.05 Beta Patch                  ³
³ Replace the original IG2.EXE executable                                  ³
³ Execute IG2.EXE to play the Game!                                        ³
³                                                                          ³
³ Note: This patch DONT work in multiplayer but just put in one of the     ³
³ cd's at the start of the game! The you can remove the cd's               ³  
³                                                                          ³