Jagged Alliance 2	 Version 1.0			              Ü
Ü										              Ü
Ü			[x] no-CD Crack		[x] Deutsch			              Ü
Ü			[x] no-Video		[  ] Englisch			              Ü
Ü			[x] Full Installation	[  ] UK				              Ü
Ü										              Ü
Ü				INSTRUCTIONS:				              Ü
Ü										              Ü
Ü	First,you need a copy or the org. from the JA2 Install-CD no the  Play-CD, that´s all.          Ü
Ü	Ok,than you make a Full-Installation from JA2 and copy the JA2-Crack in the 	              Ü
Ü	Game Dir (ja2.exe)	.							              Ü
Ü										              Ü
Ü	That´s all and have Fun !!!  :-)))