°±²Û  Command and Conquer Editor! V 2.0 Û²±°
Command and Conquer Editor v2.0 (revision 1)
Allows editing of:
 * weapon payload for infantry, vehicles
   and structures
 * infantry and vehicle costs
 * structure costs
 * structure power production and usage
 * structure and unit hit points
 * stealth capabilities of vehicles and
 * vehicles firepower
 * unit and structure ownership
!!! Make a BACKUP of your GAME.DAT BEFORE
!!! you start messing around with this! :)
Works up to Version 1.19 of Command and
Conquer all versions execpt the French one.
Distributed by The Beginners 1995
* Pkunzip into your C&C directory *
  Files    : 11, NeW:23.04.97, oLD:12.10.95
 uL Node  : 1, NFo:NONE, D?Z:12.02.96