Editor Module For Ravenloft: Stone Prophet
Created by David Melanson w/Universal Game Editor 1.0

        Welcome to the land of Har'Akir, a desert filled with magic, mayhem,
and all sorts of wonderful creatures who are not exactly alive, but not
exactly dead, either.  In other words, a suburb of Ravenloft.  Wonderful
place, really, provided you don't mind being chased around by invulnerable
undead and such things.
        For those of you who are unfamiliar with my previous UGE work,
check out my Website at http:\www.ici.netcustomersoverkilloverkill.htm,
and choose the "UGE Page Option."  There are modules up there for...well,
a lot more games, and more are being added as time goes on.  Also, I charge
no registration fee for these modules, but I do ask that you register UGE;
Jack put quite some effort into it, and I believe it's worth the investment.
        Now on to the current module.  Those of you familiar with my 
Ravenloft:Strahd's Possession or Menzoberranzen modules can skip a good
majority of this documentation (I just copied most of the text file); SSI 
used almost exactly the same game format in this one.  There are a few 
differences, however, so don't skip everything...

        How to use the module:
Fire up U.G.E., of course.  The files you want to edit are in the sub-
directories SAVExx, where xx is a number 01-10.  Since SAVE01 is usually
reserved for the "Quick Start" game w/pre-generated characters, editing
your own characters should be done in the directories starting with SAVE02.
The file name involved should be game.sav.
        You'll note that, once again, I created the capability to edit the
four possible party members you can have in at once, although you start off
with only two.  Once again, while you can use the module to "create" new
characters in the two NPC slots, I really recommend against it; it tends to
crash the game.  I suggest you just use the editing capabilities to modify
NPCs when they join your little group.  Please note that your "first"
character you start with is actually in the Character 2 slot, and the 
"second" is in the Character 3 slot.  This is because they start in the
"front rank," with slots 1 and 4 open for NPC's.
        As for the fields, Name is pretty obvious.  The field "Character 
Dead Status?"  is basically a set flag...if your character dies, jump into 
UGE and check this field.  If it's anything other than 0, the character is 
dead. Set it to 0, and you get an instant resurrection, free of charge.  Be 
sure to set Hit Points back up to normal, of course.
        Portrait is the "picture" of the character that appears on the 
screen.  Experiment with this if you want; there's a good variety of faces
you can get that aren't in the original selection screen.  Sex, Race, 
Alignment, and the three Class fields are all simple numeric codes.  See 
Table 1, below, for a listing of available settings.  And yes, you can be a 
Commoner (barf)...or a Wemic...or even a Desert Troll!  
        Furthermore, the module allows you to break racial restrictions on 
classes;  make human multi-classes, Desert Troll Paladins, Paladin/Thief 
multi-classes...it's all up to you.  There IS a problem, however...
        When you create a character  via the standard method (i.e. through 
the character generation program), you can avoid the standard character 
restrictions.  What I mean by this: if you create a Half-Elven Fighter/Mage/
Cleric, you can wear armor while casting Mage spells, and also wield edged 
weapons.  Conversely, if you start off with a human Fighter and add in the 
Mage and Cleric classes via this module, not only will you be limited to 
using blunt weapons, BUT you will also not be able to cast Mage spells while 
wearing armor!  So, for the best possible combinations, I recommend creating 
two Half-Elven Fighter/Mage/Clerics or Fighter/Mage/Thiefs, or whatever, and 
modifying each individual class in terms of XP, Level, hit points, etc. 
later.  Using the module, you CAN change the "Fighter" class to a Paladin 
or Ranger and gain some of their interesting advantages.
        Current and Maximum Hit Points, Class Levels, and Class X.P. should
be self-explanatory.  Note that if your character does not have three 
classes, at least of of each of the "Class," "Class Level" and "Class X.P."
fields will be listed as -1.  This is the flag that Prophet utilizes
to note that something is "blank."  Therefore, most likely, you'll also see
-1 in some inventory slots to indicate empty slots, and -1 in some spell
slots to indicate that your character doesn't know how to cast that
particular spell...at least, until now.
        There are fields for Current and Maximums for each of the six
major ability scores, and for Exceptional Strength (whatever happened to
Comeliness?  Not like it really matters, though).  These can be set anywhere
from 3 to 19, except Strength, which can SUPPOSEDLY be set to 22 (I tried it
one time with an NPC and got a crash for my efforts).  Special note: If
you set Strength to anything except 18, do not set Exceptional Strength
(Listed as Str+ in the fields) to anything but 255. (For those of you
familiar with AD&D, you know why.  Those of you who aren't, just trust me.)
        Inventory slots 1-12 are for your character's twelve available
inventory positions.  If your character is part Mage when you create him
or her, you'll note that the first slot is occupied by the number 38.  This
is the character's Spell Book.  Do NOT change this number, and do NOT 
attempt to put the number 38 in ANY other inventory slot.  Doing so, in
the words of Egon Spengler, would be bad, if you catch my drift.  Despite
this restriction, there are in fact somewhere over 400 available Inventory
items you can plug into these slots...they are all listed in Table 2, below.
Duplicates are okay, apparently, to an extent.  
        Do NOT attempt to put a number in a slot that is
not listed below; it will cause either: a.) a "blank" item to appear (a
pouch with no weight and no content and no capacity), b.) an unusual image
used to represent one of the "touch" spells that does nothing, or c.)
a game crash with an "attempt to read value out of range" error.  You'll 
also notice there are slots for Head and Body armor pieces, as well as for
two rings and what's in the character's Right and Left hands.  Of course,
PLEASE only put rings in the ring slots, only armor or cloaks in the body
armor slot, and only headgear in the Head armor slot; otherwise, it's 
rather silly and causes all sorts of weird effects.
        Finally, we have the "spells/abilities" section.  
Abilities, whether class or race-related, are listed separately.  You can
enable any special abilities you like for any character (a Paladin with
back-stabbing ability?).  These "Abilities" are listed between the Mage and
Cleric spells.  For the most part, Spells and Abilities work in the same way,
and everything is based around the number 17.  You may notice, when you
enable some abilities, they appear in the spell/ability menu in a different
color; this indicates that you are not SUPPOSED to be able to use it...but
you can anyway.  Ha, ha, ha...
        In the case of all spells, the number in the slot is either 255
(indicating the character doesn't know the spell), or some multiple of 17.
The number of spells of a particular type that a character has memorized and
ready to cast is indicated by a multiple of 17 in the spell field.  For
example, if the field that reads "Magic Missile Spells" says 34, the
character has two (17x2=34) Magic Missile Spells prepped and ready to go.
So yes, you can "memorize" spells beyond your level, more spells than you
could normally cast, spells your character couldn't normally cast, etc.!
This applies to both Mage and Cleric spells...just remember; unless your
character was a multi-class part Mage when you started initially, you won't
be able to throw Mage spells unless you're not wearing armor.  You can
be using edged weapons when throwing Cleric spells added in by this module,
however.  A 0 in one of the spell fields indicates the character knows the
spell and can memorize/pray for it (provided he or she has the appropriate
class in his/her class types), but doesn't have any spells of that type
currently ready to go.  If you don't have the appropriate class in your
class list, you can't memorize it or pray for it...but still throw it.
Weird, huh?
        Abilities start with "Backstab" and go up to "Turn Undead."
Some of these, like "Change Form," work just like spells...a multiple of
17 can be used to indicate how many times you can use the ability.  Others,
like "Backstab," must only be set to 17 to be made available, as the power
is not lost upon utilizing it.  These abilities are found under the 
section of the character's spell/ability menu on the adventure screen with   
the medallion symbol (the leftmost button on the spell screen).  As
to which ones are "one setting makes permanent" and which ones are "17/cast,"
I'm afraid you'll have to work that out for yourself (hey, I can't do ALL
the work for you!)
        An interesting thing about spells...if you set yourself up with 
some you shouldn't be able to cast, and then gain a level, it resets all
the spells to your appropriate level of knowledge...so when you gain a
level, save, go modify 'em again, and go back in.
        That should be it...now, on to the all-important Tables O'Doom.


Sex:    0=Male          1=Female
Alignment: 0=Lawful Good        1=Lawful Neutral        2=Neutral Good
        3=True Neutral          4=Chaotic Good          5=Chaotic Neutral

Race:   0=Human         1=Half-Elf      2=Halfling      3=Gnome
        4=Dwarf         5=Elf           6=Commoner      7=Wemic
        8=Jackalwere    9=Desert Troll

Class:  0=Fighter       1=Paladin       2=Ranger        3=Cleric
        4=Mage          5=Thief

1. Sack 2.Chest 3. Sling Pouch  4. Ivory Scroll Case    5. Key Ring
6. Quiver       7. Recipe for Mummification     8. Bag of Holding
9. Scimitar     10. Crossbow Bolt       11. Pick Axe
12. Sling of Seeking +2 13. Javelin Of Lightning    
14. Dagger of Throwing  15. Axe of Hurling      16. Shield of Lightn. Prot.
17. Shield      18. Wood shield 19. Leather Shield      20. Steel shield
21. Shield      22. Battle Axe  23. Mace        24. Quarterstaff
25. Short Sword 26. Longsword   27. Broadsword  28. Warhammer
29. Dagger      30. 2-Hand Sword        31. Halberd     32. Spear
33. Throwing Knife      34. Composite Bow       35. Sling
36. Lock Picks  37. Light Pellet        38. Spellbook (Don't Use!)
39. Book        40. Mage Scroll 41. Cleric Scroll       42. Parchment
43. Arrow       44. Sling Bullet        45. Potion of Jump
46. Potion-Xtra Healing 47. Potion of Fire Resist       48. Potion-Giant Str.
49. Potion-Healing      50. Potion of Speed     51. Oil Of Fiery Burning
52. Keoghtom's Ointment 53. Ring of Featherfall 54. Ring of Fire Resist
55. Ring of Free Action 56. Ring of Protection +1       57. Ring of Regener.
58. Ring of Wizardry    59. Potion of Flying    60. Rod of Anti-Levitation
61. Wand of Enemy Detect        62. Wand of Fireballs   63. Wand-Frost
64. Wand-Magic Missiles 65. Wand-Paralyzation   66. Bracers of Defense
67. Gauntlets of DEX    68. Gauntlets-Stone Giant Str.  69. Coin
70. Letter      71. Stone       72. Magic Stone 73. Empty Bucket
74. Full Bucket (Water) 75. Unlit Torch 76. Lit Torch
88. Silver Circle Key   89. Silver Clover Key   90. Silver Star Key
91. Silver Moon Key     92. Silver Axe Key      93. Gold Circle Key
94. Gold Key-Red Gem    95. Gold Key-Blue Gem   96. Gold Key-Black Gem
97. Gold Key-Green Gem  98. Iron Circle Key     99. Iron Shield Key
100. Demon Key  101. Dragontooth Key    102. Thorn Key  103. Tree Key
104. Serpent Key        105. White Circle Key   106. Helm of Disguise
107. Leather Helm       108. Padded Helm        109. Ring Helm
110. Scale Helm         111. Chain Helm         112. Elven Chain Helm
113. Banded Helm        114. Plate Helm         115. Plate Helm
116. Adamant Chain Helm 117. Adamant Plate Helm 118. Gold Plate Helm
119. Blue Robe  120. White Robe 121. Green Robe 122. Cloak Of Prot +1
123. Leather Armor      124. Padded Armor       125. Ring Mail
126. Chain Mail 127. Chain Mail 128. Chain Mail 129. Elven Chain Mail
130. Bronze Plate Mail  131. Banded Mail        132. Plate Mail
133. Plate Mail         134. Adamant Chain Mail 135. Adamant Plate Mail
136. Gold Plate Mail    137. Har'Akiri Lt.Armor 138. Har'Akiri Heavy Armor
139. Har'Akiri Red Robe 140. White Robe         141. Har'Akiri Heavy Helm
142. Mask of Hathor     143. Helm of Telepathy  144. Helm of True Seeing
145. Helm of Brilliance 146. Gold Whistle       147. Eye of Neferti
148. Special Scroll Of Return (wanna end the game fast?  Use this!)
149. Feline Figurine    150. Falcon Figurine    151. Jackal Figurine
152. Lioness Figurine   153. Scorpion Figurine  154. Vulture Figurine
155. Scarab Figurine    156. Ram Figurine       157. Frog Figurine
158. Crocodile Figurine 159. Magical Watering Urn       160. Thought Bottle
161. Calcite Wish Cup   162. Large Chain        163. Scroll of Retirement
164. Stone of Good Luck 165. Signet of Dying Villager
166. Air Spore  167. Powder of Coagulation      168. Dust of Disappearance

(Items 169-178 are Teleport Keys)

169. Shrine of Neferti  170. Village of Muhar   171. Obelisk
172. Temple of Set      173. Temple of Harvest  174. Temple of Ra
175. Sphinx     176. Pharoah's Rest     177. Burial Catacombs
178. Royal Burial Hall

(Back to regular itmes)

179. Gem of Seeing      180. Periapt of Wound Closure   
181. Periapt-Proof vs Poison    182. Periapt of Health
183. Vistani Dagger     184. Empty Water Skin   185. Full Water Skin
186. Canapic Jar        187. Iron Set Idol Key  188. Bracers of Archery
189. Short Sword of Quickness +2        190. Scimitar of Speed
191. Sword of Wounding  192. Staff of Thunder & Lightning
193. Staff of Swarming Insects  194. Har'Akiri Battle Axe
195. Khopesh Sword      196. Har'Akiri Shield   197. Har'Akiri Shield
198. Tekhen's Lute      199. Coffer of Ra       200. Ring Of Protection +2
201. Ring of Prot. +3   202, 203, and 204. Periapt-Proof vs Poison
205. Water Skin 206. Mallet     207. Wemic Armor        208. Troll Armor
209. Wemic Quiver       210. Fire Beetle Gland  211. Map of Har'Akir
212. Tear of Ra         213. Hero's Heart       214. Villager's Sack
215. Gold Ankh Key      216. Gold Sun Key       217. Ring of Prot. +4
218. Scroll of the Sage 219. Scroll 'On The Desert Troll'

(Items 220-274 are Mage Scrolls)

220. Armor      221. Burning Hands      222. Chill Touch
223. Detect Undead      224. Featherfall        225. Jump       226. Light
227. Magic Missile      228. Prot. From Evil    229. Shield
230. Shocking Grasp     231. Spook      232. Aganazzer's Scorcher
233. Blue       234. Detect Invisible   235. Flaming Sphere
236. Ice Knife  237. Improved Identify  238. Knock      239. Levitate
240. Melf's Acid Arrow  241. Stink Cloud        242. Summon Swarm
243. Wizard Lock        244. Dispel Magic       245. Fireball
246. Flame Arrow        247. Fly        248. Haste      249. Hold Person
250. Hold Undead        251. Invis-10'R 252. Lightning Bolt
253. Prot.From Evil-10'R        254. Slow       255. Vampiric Touch
256. Venom Bolt         257. Acid Bolt          258. Detect Scrying
259. Enchant Weapon     260. Ice Storm  261. Remove Curse      
262. Stoneskin  263. Wizard Eye 264. Cloudkill  265. Cone of Cold
266. Hold Monster       267. Teleport   268. Claws of the Umber Hulk
269. Death Spell        270. Disintegrate       271. Dragon Scales
272. Lich Touch         273. Otiluke's Sphere   274. True Seeing

(Items 275-314 are Cleric Scrolls)

275. Bless      276. Cause Lt. Wnds     277. Create Water
278. Cure Lt. Wnds      279. Detect Evil        280. Detect Magic
281. Detect Pits        282. Invis. To Undead   283. Light
284. Magical Stone      285. Prot. From Evil    286. Aid
287. Draw DEX   288. Draw STR   289. Flame Blade        290. Hold Person
291. Slow Poison        292. Speak W/Animals    293. Spiritual Hammer   
294. Cure Disease       295. Dispel Magic       296. Magic Vestment     
297. Negative Plane Protect     298. Prayer     299. Remove Paralysis   
300. Summon Insects     301. Cause Ser Wnds       302. Cure Ser Wnds
303. Fortify    304. Free Action        305. Neutralize Poison 
306. Prot. Evil 10'R    307. Cause Cri Wnds     308. Cure Cri Wnds
309. Flamestrike        310. Raise Dead 311. True Seeing
312. Fire Seeds 313. Heal       314. Harm

(Regular items)

315. Page 1-Guide To Ancient Dead       316. Page 2-Guide To Ancient Dead
317. Page 3-Guide To Ancient Dead       318. Handwritten Scroll
319. Chain Mail +2      320-324. Pouches        325-327. Chests
328-333. Sacks  334-345. Chests (Note: Chests & Sacks have various contents)
346-352. Sling Pouches  353. Chest      354. Bag Of Holding
355-360. Ivory Scroll Case      361. Quiver     362. Scroll-Mask of Hathor
363. Scroll of Gifts    364. Key Ring   365. Scroll-Ankhtepot's Touch O'Death
366. Sack       367. Vistani Woman's Clothing   368. Scroll-Hierophant Tale
373-381. Quiver 382. Book-The Nature of Set     383. Book-The Nature of Ra
384. Book of Arcane Items       385. Book of Isu and Senment
386, 387. Staff of Thunder & Lightning  388, 389. Staff of Swarm. Insects
390, 391. Wand-Enemy Detection  392, 393. Wand-Fireballs       
394, 395. Wand-Frost    396, 397. Wand-Magic Missiles
398, 399. Wand-Paralyzation     400. Battle Axe +1      401. Battle Axe +2
402. Mace +1    403. Mace +2    404. Mace +3    405. Quarterstaff +1
406. Quarterstaff +2    407. Quarterstaff +4    408. Short Sword +1
409. Short Sword +2     410. Short Sword +3     411. Long Sword +1
412. Long Sword +2      413. Broad Sword +1     414. Broad Sword +2
415. Warhammer +1       416. Warhammer +2       417. Dagger +1
418. Dagger +2  419. 2-Hand Sword +3    420. Halberd +1 421. Halberd +2
422. Spear +3   423. Throwing Knife +1  424. Arrow +2   425. Sling Bullet +3
426. Har'Akiri Battle Axe +1    427. Har'Akiri Battle Axe +3
428. Khopesh +2 429. Khopesh +3 430. Shield +1  431. Shield +2
432. Shield +3  433. Leather Helm +1    434. Leather Helm +2
435. Leather Helm +3    436. Padded Helm +2     437. Ring Helm +2
438. Plate Helm 439. Chain Helm +1      440. Plate Helm +1
441. Plate Helm +2      442. Gold Plate Helm +1 443. Leather Armor +1
444. Leather Armor +2   445. Padded Armor +2    446. Ring Mail +1
447. Ring Mail +4       448. Chain Mail +1      449. Chain Mail +3
450. Bronze Plate +2    451. Banded Mail +1     452. Plate Mail +1
453. Gold Plate +3      454. Cloak Prot. +2     455. Cloak Prot +3
456. Blue Robe +2       457. White Robe +1      458. Green Robe +4
459. Scimitar +1        460. 2-Hand Sword +2    461. Cloak
462. Arrow +1   463. Shield +1  464. Ancient Elven Plate Helm +1
465. Arrow of Slay Undead +3    466. Ancient Elven Plate Mail +2
467. Ancient Elven Shield +1    469. Ba'al Verzi Dagger +2
470. Paladin Sword +3   471. Paladin Dagger +2  

(Items 472-481 are informational scrolls)

472. Beauty of Neferti  473. Tragedy of Neferti 474. Sacrifice
475. Tears Of Ra        476. Hero & Falcon (1)  477. Hero & Falcon (2)
478. Teleportation in Har'Akir  479. Gateway of Pharaoh's Rest
480. Gateway of Temple of Ra    481. Dreams of Ankhtepot
482-489. Fragments of the Stone Prophet Prophecy Parchment
490-493. 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and whole Ankhtepot Seal
494-497. 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and whole Hierophant Seal
498. Scroll-Awakening Ankhtepot		499. Book-The Wall Of Ra
500. Book-The Secret of the Sphinx


        Well, folks, that's about it for this module.  It is, of course,
not foolproof, but I hope you find it useful in your conquest of the the
Desert of Har'Akir.  E-mail any comments, questions, or whatever to me at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., but once again, PLEASE...no requests.  Not every game
is editable, and I don't have every game out there.  In the meantime,
good luck and good hunting!  (And remember, always be good to your mummy).

                                -Dave Melanson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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