Game Editor Modules For Star Trail (Realms Of Arkania II)
Created by David Melanson, using Hartman Utilities' UGE 1.0

        Realms of Arkania has one of the most complex RPG systems I've
ever seen implemented in a PC game.  Star Trail is the second game in
the series, and features a massive quest to find a sacred object of
great power...The Salamander Stone.  It also involves a great quest for
a legendary axe, the Star Trail.  Unfortunately, the second quest is just
that...a legend.  There is no such object, folks, so if you're looking for
it, you might as well give it up now.  Why did the game designers title the
game based on an object that doesn't exist?  Who knows?  Maybe they just
wanted to be nasty or something.
        Anyway, anybody who's played the game knows it can be frustrating
as all hell, especially with weird poison/herb/spell names that don't
always make any sense (for example, "Lightning" is a blinding attack spell,
NOT a lightning bolt!)  Worse yet, in Advanced Mode, you've got to take
chances on improving skills and spell abilities and...ARRGH!  All this is
great for the die-hard paper RPG'er who wants to keep track of eight
zillion statistics, but for the average player, this can be quite
frustrating...especially since you can't really see if you're any good at
a skill before you try to use it if you play in Novice mode (which doesn't
require you to do the skill gain rolls).  So...using Jack Hartman's
Universal Game Editor, I have hacked into the saved game files (NOT the
"chars1.dat" files) to give the player the capability to mess with quite
a few things in the game.
        First, the credits.  For those of you unfamiliar with my previous
work with UGE modules, I have also created modules for Might And Magic IV:
Clouds Of Xeen, Dark Legions, Ravenloft:Strahd's Possession, Shadowcaster,
and Menzoberranzen.  You can grab these from links on Jack Hartman's
home page.  I do not ask for any registration fee for these modules, but I
do ask that users of UGE do register that product-it's a good piece of
work, and Jack's put a lot of effort into it.
        Also in the credits, I'd like to thank Karen Hartman for giving me
a start on where to find some of the slightly more obscure data in the
Star Trail saved game file.  It was an excellent starting point, and I found
it very useful in creating the modules.  Thanks very much.  Hope you can
use this module to finish the game!

        How to use the modules: Fire up UGE and create new menu options for
the modules named STARTRL.MDL and STARTRL2.MDL.  The first of these edits
characters # 1, 2, and 3 in the party (NOT in the temple) and the second
edits characters # 4, 5, and 6 in the party.  The files you want to edit
will be named with a ".GAM" extension, and found in the GAMES subdirectory
of your Star Trail Directory.  If you want to modify the game that
automatically loads when you start up Star Trail (assuming you've saved a
game before), the file you want to modify is called LASTGAME.  It should be
identical in content to the .GAM file that was the LAST game you saved.
If you don't modify LASTGAME, you'll have to load the game you saved from
the Disk menu in Star Trail, so I suggest you do set both modules to modify
	The editing tricks I pulled off in this one took two modules due
to the fact that each character has 225 editable (is that a word?) fields!
Also, gamers will notice that the characters listed in STARTRL2.MDL are
labelled "Char #1,2, and 3" not "Char #4,5, and 6."  Character 1 in the
second module is character #4 in the party, Character 2 is character #5,
and Character 3 is character #6.  Sorry about that, but UGE does have its
editing limits, and I really didn't feel like modifying 675 field names
just for convenience's sake.
       Anyway, on to the editing features.  Character name is pretty
obvious; since you can change your character's name at any point in the
game, this doesn't really matter all that much; I just put the field in
so you could identify which character is which more easily.  The class,
sex, and deity fields can be set to whatever you want (yes, you can even
worship the Nameless God whenever you want!).  Table 1 below lists all the
options for each of these fields.  Why would you want to change deity?
Hey, it's a lot easier to get a miracle in the Temple of Praios if EVERY
member of your party happens to be a follower of Praios when they enter,
now isn't it?
        You can enter your Height in centimeters and your weight in ounces
at any time (okay, folks, let's talk standardization on a system of
measurements, huh?)  Why would you want to?  Who knows?  Maybe there's a
tunnel you can't fit through unless you're shorter than a certain height,
or maybe your weight triggers some sort of trap.  It's there anyway.
        Level and XP are pretty self-explanatory.  Amazingly enough, they
don't make a bit of difference to how well your character performs any
particular feat, provided you use the other editing features to modify
skills.  Then we come to the ability scores and "weaknesses."  Each of
these has two values-a "normal" value and a "current" value.  I know you
can set each ability score up to at least 18, but I'm not sure how well they
work over that.  You can give it a try; just back up your saved game files.
I suggest you do not attempt to set weaknesses lower than 0.  God knows
what that will do.
        Life points and astral points are also self-explanatory and,
furthermore, also have both normal and current values.  Then we move on to
skills.  Skills have a range from -19 (no chance of success) to +18 (you're
about as good at it as they get).  Attempting to set skill values higher
will undoubtedly cause the machine to be rather unhappy with you.  Now,
you'll notice that I did NOT make these +/- 127 fields, but rather 0 to
255's (so that negative skill numbers wind up showing up as 237+).  My
reasoning is this: What player, in his or her right mind, would want to
set a skill to a negative value?  So anyway, any skill you see with a
237+ value is currently negative, and I suggest you set it to at least 0,
so you at least have some chance of success...maybe not much, but some.
Skills range from "Unarmed" all the way to "Perception."
        The next segment is spells.  Any character with spellcasting ability
can cast ANY spell, provided: a.) they have enough AP, and b.) they have a
spell skill value greater than -5. Therefore, I simply made characters able
to modify their spell skill values on every single spell out there.  
Unfortunately, character spellcasting ability is ENTIRELY dependent upon
the class of the character...if the class can't cast spells, the character
can't cast spells; there is no other field you can change for that.  Spells
begin with "Domination" and end with "Calm Storm."
        Next up are the Inventory fields.  I set up fields so you can give
yourself any item you want in a series of locations around the character's
body (head cover, arm armor, etc, up to footwear).  There are also fields
for the sixteen backpack slots each character has.  You'll note that there
is a separate field for each Backpack Slot (i.e. Char#1 Slot 1 #) for the
NUMBER of a certain item in that slot.  Certain inventory items can store
a number of their type in one inventory slot.  The number that actually is
stored in each of these slots is in fact one plus the number shown in this
"number" field.  For example, if you have three rations in slot 1, the
field "Slot 1 #" will be 2.  All possible inventory items are shown in
Table 2, below.  The ones that make use of the "number" field in backpack
inventory slots are marked with a (#) after the item name.
        Encumbrance is not a fun thing.  So I also found the "Load" field.
By modifying this, you can actually change how much weight your character
is apparently carrying, no matter how much he or she is ACTUALLY carrying.
In other words, you can lug around eighty billion gold ducats without 
having an ounce of weight added!  (Scary, isn't it?)
        The last field exists only in the first module (STARTRL.MDL).  This
is the Party Money field.  Changing this number changes the "slush fund"
value that the entire party holds.  You'll note that it's in Bronze pieces,
because that's how the game keeps track of everything.  10 Bronze Pieces
equals 1 Silver Piece, and 10 Silver Pieces equals one Gold Ducat.  So, if
you set this field to, say, "23,482", your character's money amounts will
be shown as 234 Ducats, 8 Silver pieces, and 2 Bronze pieces.  



        SEX:    0=male, 1=female
        CLASS:  1=Jester, 2=Hunter, 3=Warrior, 4=Rogue, 5=Thorwalian,
                6=Dwarf, 7=Witch, 8=Druid, 9=Magician, 10=Green Elf,
                11=Ice Elf, 12=Silvan Elf
        DEITY:  1=Praios, 2=Rondra, 3=Efferd, 4=Travia, 5=Boron,
                6=Hesinde, 7=Firun, 8=Tsa, 9=Phex, 10=Peraine,
                11=Ingerimm, 12=Rahja, 13=Swafnir, 14=Ifirn,
                15=The Nameless God


1.> Sword       2.> Cudgel      3.> Sabre       4.> Knife       5.> Spear
6.> Short Sword 7.> Shield      8.> Hatchet     9.> Short Bow   
10.> Arrows (#) 11.> War Axe    12.> Crossbow   13.> Crossbow Bolts (#)  
14.> Dagger     15.> Iron Shield        16.> Francesca (Throwing Axe)
17.> Throwing Star (#)  18.> 2-Handed Sword     19.> Long Bow
20.> Morning Star       21.> Obsidian Dagger    22.> Torch (Lit)
23.> Beer       24.> Grappling Hook     25.> Lantern    26.> Crowbar
27.> Hammer     28.> Fishing Hook       29.> Book       30.> Water Skin
31.> Glass Flask        32.> Rope Ladder        33.> Throwing Axe
34.> Brass Mirror       35.> Lockpicks          36.> Writing Utensils
37.> Harp       38.> Drinking Horn      39.> Silver Jewelry
40.> Pitons (#) 41.> Oil        42.> Bronze Flask       43.> Iron Helmet
44.> Pike       45.> Ration Packages (#)        46.> Flute
47.> Alchemy Set        48.> Shirt      49.> Pants      50.> Shoes
51.> Boots      52.> Snowshoes  53.> Leather Harness
54.> Scale Armor        55.> Shurin Bulb Poison 56.> Arax Poison
57.> Fear Poison        58.> Sleeping Poison    59.> Golden Glue
60.> 4-leaf Loneberry (#)       61.> Whirlweed (#)
62.> Festering Toadstool (#)    63.> Gulmond Leaf (#)
64.> Tarnels (#)        65.> Torch (unlit)      66.> Mace
67.> Epee       68.> Foil       69.> Quarterstaff       70.> Crystal Ball
71.> Whip       72.> Blanket    73.> Shovel     74.> Gold Jewelry
75.> Green Robe         76.> Orange Robe        77.> Pot Helmet
78.> Leather Cap        79.> Quilt Armor        80.> Chainmail Shirt
81.> Toadskin   82.> Plate Armor        83.> Chainmail Armor
84.> Leather Armor      85.> Tinderbox  86.> Whetstone
87.> Cutlery    88.> Tableware  89.> Licorisn (#)       90.> Bonbons(#)
91.> Wine Bottle        92.> Brandy Bottle      93.> Mattock
94.> Praios Amulet      95.> Lute       96.> Winter Coat        97.> Net
98.> Throwing Knife     99.> Sickle     100.> Scythe    101.> Warhammer
102.> Trident   103.> Halberd   104.> Grain Flail       105.> Double Fleurs
106.> Goupillon 107.> Basilisc's Tongue 108.> Catchogre 109.> Mengbilar
110.> Heavy Dagger      111.> Rondracomb        112.> Cutlass
113.> Bastard Sword     114.> Tuzukian          115.> Bec de Corbin
116.> Brabak Bully      117.> Rapier            118.> Kunchomer
119.> Double Kunchomer  120.> Copper Disk       121.> Rope
122.> Shurin Bulb (#)   123.> Belmart Leaf (#)  124.> Donf Sprig (#)
125.> Menchal Catcus (#)        126.> Mandrake Root (#)
127.> Atmon Blossom (#)         128.> Ilmen Leaf (#)
129.> Finage Tree Sprig (#)     130.> Joruga Root (#)
131.> Thonnys Blossom (#)       132.> Lotus Blossum (#)
133.> Magic Wand        134.> Skraja    135.> Hatchet   136.> Orc Hook
137.> Cutting Tooth     138.> Seal Slayer       139.> Wolf Knife
140.> Witch's Broom     141.> Lotus Poison      142.> Kukris
143.> Bane Dust         144.> Toadstool Poison  145.> Healing Potion
146.> Strong Healing Potion     147.> Elixir of CR      148.> Elixir of WD
149.> Elixir of CH      150.> Elixir of DX      151.> Elixir of AG
152.> Elixir of IN      153.> Elixir of ST      154.> Magic Potion
155.> Strong Magic Potion       156.> Olginroot (#)     
157.> Kairan Stalk (#)  158.> Bastard Sword     159.> Orc Hook
160.> Short Sword       161.> Sickle    162.> Fire Amulet
163.> Blue Amulet       164.> Deposit Receipt   165.> Red Ring
166.> Expurgicum        167.> Recipe for Expurgicum     168.> Vomicum
169.> Recipe for Vomicum        170.> Deposit Receipt
171.> Silver Coronet    172.> Sabre     173.> Red Amulet
174.> Green Amulet      175.> Travia-amulet     176.> Deposit Receipt
177.> Red Moon Disk     178.> 2-Handed Sword    179.> Astheni Knife
180.> Antidote  181.> Lump Of Ore       182.> Skull Girdle
183.> Girdle Of Might   184.> Magic Bread Bag   185.> Magic Waterskin
186.> Recipe for Healing Potions        187.> Crude Key
188.> Amulet    189.> Glorifications    190.> Membership List
191.> Recipe Book       192.> Red Coins 193.> Kukris Dagger
194.> Bronze Key        195.> Rich Golden Key   196.> Helmet
197.> Chainmail Shirt   198.> Chainmail Shirt   199.> Sword
200.> Kukris Mengbilar  201.> Rich Silver Key   202.> Recipe for Antidote
203.> Recipe for Hylaitian Fire         204.> Recipe for Elixir Of ST
205.> Recipe for Elixir of CR   206.> Recipe for Magic Potion
207.> Blue Ring         208.> Double Bearded Key        
209.> Big Copper Key    210.> Silver Key        211.> Golden Key
212.> Arrow Key         213.> Silver helmet     214.> Silver Mace
215.> Silver Jewelry    216.> Spear     217.> Blue Coronet
218.> Throwing Dagger   219.> Bow Key   220.> Green Ring
221.> Red Jewelry       222.> Spectacled Key    223.> Anti-disease Elixir
224.> Asthenil Dagger   225.> Charcoal  226.> Elixir of CR
227.> Elixir of WD      228.> Elixir of CH      229.> Elixir of DX
230.> Elixir of AG      231.> Elixir of IN      232.> Elixir of ST
233.> Green Robe        234.> Gold Shield       235.> Asthenil Sword
236.> Miracle Cure      237.> Sleeping Potion   238.> Miasthaticum
239.> Hylailian Fire    240.> Recipe For Strong Healing Potion
241.> Recipe for Miracle Cure   242.> Recipe for Sleeping Potion
243.> Recipe for Strong Magic Potion    244.> Recipe for Miasthmaicum
245.> Green Coronet     246.> Book      247.> Green Jewelry
248.> Blue Statuette    249.> Lantern   250.> Jewels
251.> Silver Ring       252.> SALAMANDER STONE!!
253.> Brooch    254.> Heart Key         255.> Sword of Artherion
256.> Bow Of Artherion  257.> Heavy Crossbow    258.> Golden Throwing Axe
259.> Skull Key         260.> Crystal   261.> Wand      
262.> Green Illumination Wand   263.> Orange Illumination Wand
264.> Crystal Ball      265.> Coronet   266.> Skeleton Key
267.> Dried Whirlweed (#)       268.> Clear Fluid       269.> Amulet, Pt 1.
270.> Amulet Part 2     271.> Amulet Part 3     272.> Amulet Part 4
273.> Cast Iron Key     274.> Orc Sabre         275.> Orc Jewelry
276.> Orc Hatchet       277.> Gruuf Shark       278.> Ring Armor
279.> SALAMANDER STONE (There's two??)  280.> Dwarf Gold Key
281.> Copper Key        282.> Crescent Moon Key 283.> Orc-Cloth Armor
284.> Born Thorn        285.> Orc-Leather Armor 286.> Asthenil Ring
287.> Green Jewels      288.> Green Coins       289.> Big Fish (#)
290.> Small Fish (#)    291.> Otter Pelt        292.> Black Ring
293.> Lynx Ear          294.> Sleeping Bag      295.> Copper Cauldron
296.> Super Heal Potion 297.> Document of the Anathematizer Order
298.> Mace      299.> Runish Document   300.> Lynx Key  301.> Silver Bow Key
302.> Pliers Key        303.> Tin Key   304.> Small Golden Key
305.> Small Silver Key  306.> Iron Key  307.> Lowagen Key      
308.> Blue Key          309.> Dried Loneberry (#)
310.> Dried Loneberry (#)       311.> Leather Pants     312.> Leather Pants
313.> Leather Vest      314.> Parchments        315.> Fire Powder
316.> Stone Medallion   317.> Orc Bow   318.> Demon Book
319.> Magistrate's Document     320.> Jewel     321.> Mirror Amulet
322.> Wine      323.> Red Wristband     324.> Green Wristband
325.> Key Ring  326.> Swamp Rantzy      327.> Helmet
328.> Dragon Claw       329.> Cult Document     330.> Package
331.> Document  332.> Document  333.> Swamp Rantzy Document
334.> Heather   335.> Heather   336.> Noctux Document
337.> Crystal Ball      338.> Recipe For Money Crapper  339.> Money Crapper
340.> Sword     341.> Phial     342.> Cart Grease       343.> Crank
344.> Chain     345.> Dragon Head Ring  346.> Document
347.> Flame Key 348.> Dragon Slayer     349.> 2-Handed Sword
350.> Phex's Helmet     351.> Phex's Shield     352.> Ducats (#)

You may notice there are many repeats amongst the inventory items; various
"duplicate" names actually have different values (for example, different
chainmail shirts have different protection values).  Experiment to figure
out which you'd like to keep.

        Well, that's about it for how this module works.  I hope you find
it helpful in your quest for the Salamander Stone (Hell, you can GIVE
youself the Salamander Stone!).  Please send any comments, questions, or
observations to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., but please, no requests.  I don't
have every game out there, and a lot of games have encoded save-game files
that cannot be edited.  Have fun!

                                        -David Melanson
                                        (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
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