Character Editor Module For Swords Of Xeen
Created by David Melanson with Hartman Util's UGE v 1.0

        "Swords Of Xeen" was released as a bonus adventure on the "Might &
Magic Trilogy" CD-ROM from New World Computing.  As I have already hacked
into the saved game files for its two predecessors (Might & Magic IV and
V), I figured I'd do this one, too...
        Unlike the modules for the previous two games, I limited the
modifications in this one to the default party you get upon starting the
game.  I also limited the number of items you can modify to some extent.
This was: a.) Partly to conserve space  b.) Partly because 90% of players
use the default party ANYWAY  c.) Partly because nobody NEEDS nine different
weapons at once (two is the most you can handle at once), and d.) Partly
because I didn't want to.
        Anyway, you should STILL find the module extremely useful, even if
you can only modify your original six characters.  If you haven't been
already, you can find other Universal Game Editor modules at my Website: and choose the "UGE Page"
option from the menu.  Up there, you'll find quite a few more for games of
various types.  As always, I charge no registration fee, but I do ask...
please DO register UGE.  It's a nice little program, and well worth the

        To use the module, just add the file (swords.mdl) to your UGE
game menu.  The file you want to modify is SWRDXX.SAV in your SWORDS 
directory, where XX is a number corresponding to the game number you want
to mess around with.

        Instructions for use of the module's fields are exactly the same
as in my Clouds of Xeen and Darkside of Xeen modules, so I'll be brief.
Fields for character name and the seven ability scores are self-explanatory.
The "Level" field controls your character's level AND experience; adjust
this and you automatically adjust experience to match.  If your character
suffers any unnatural aging (your age stat shows up in silver or gray on
your character's sheet), set the "Unnatural Age" field to 0 to counterract
the effects.  You can give yourself any of the skills instantly (including
Thievery) by setting the appropriate "Skill" field to 1.  You can modify
some of your equipment-2 weapons, 6 armor pieces, 3 accessories, and 3
miscellaneous items for each character.  The first field (attribute) can
modify what a wepon, armor, or accessory piece has for a main property.
In Miscellaneous items' case, the "Attribute" field determines what spell
it casts.  In all cases, the "Type" determines what kind of device it is/
The third field, "Other," for each item, indicates several things.  If the
item is a Weapon, it indicates an additional property (such as "Dragon 
Slayer,") if the number is low enough.  If the item is a Miscellaneous Item,
this field indicates the remaining magical charges in the item (so you can
recharge your favorite item at any point in time).  If this field is set at
64 or higher in ANY case, the item is considered "Cursed."  Set it to 0 to 
"Uncurse" it.  If the field value is over 128, the item is considered
"Broken."  Set it to 0 again to instantly repair it.  Item properties,
powers, and types are listed in the tables below.

        The next fields are each character's resistances to various attack
types.  If you set them fairly high, your character won't take anywhere 
near as much damage from most magical and elemental attacks (also useful for
traversing lava and such).  The next fields indicate what condition each
character is in.  You can nullify being "Cursed," "Heart Broken," "Depressed,"
etc, just by setting these to 0.  You can even revive your character from
any condition (including death, petrification, or even eradication) by
setting the appropriate "toggle" to 0.  Finally, the module allows you to
adjust your CURRENT Hit Point and Spell Point levels ("normal maximums" for
each of these two fields is calculated from your Level and appropriate 
Statistics and skills).

        The last few fields affect the party as a whole.  You can change how
much gold and how many gems your party has-both on hand and in the bank.
You can change how much food you have with you.  You can instantly teleport
anywhere in the game by setting your X and Y coordinates, and your "location."
A list of valid locations appears in a table below.  If you get a "Might And
Magic ran out of high memory!" error when teleporting, it means you 
teleported into a space that wasn't available!  Bad move.  Try again...

TABLE 1: Weapon Types:

(1 handed)

1.Long Sword    2.Short Sword   3.Broad Sword   4.Scimitar      5.Cutlass
6.Sabre         7.Club          8.Hand Axe      9.Katana        10.Nunchakas
11.Wakazashi    12.Dagger       13.Mace         14.Flail        15.Cudgel
16.Maul         17.Spear


18. Bardiche    19. Glaive      20. Halberd     21.Pike         22.Flamberge
23. Trident     24. Staff       25. Hammer      26. Naginata    27.BattleAxe
28. Grand Axe   29. Great Axe


30. Short Bow   31. Long Bow    32. Crossbow    33. Sling

TABLE 2: Armor Types:

1. Robes        2. Scale Mail   3. Ring Mail    4. Chain Mail   5.Splint Mail
6. Plate Mail   7. Plate Armor  8. Shield       9. Helm         10. Boots
11. Cloak       12. Cape        13. Gauntlets

TABLE 3: Accesory Types:

1. Ring         2. Belt         3. Broach       4. Medal        5. Charm
6. Cameo        7. Scarab       8. Pendant      9. Necklace     10. Amulet

TABLE 4: Miscellaneous Item Types:

1. Rod          2. Jewel        3. Gem          4. Box          5. Orb
6. Horn         7. Coin         8. Wand         9. Whistle      10. Potion
11. Scroll

TABLE 5: Attributes List: (For use w/Weapons, Armor, Accessories)

1.Burning       2.Fiery         3.Pyric         4.Fuming        5.Flaming
6.Seething      7.Blazing       8.Scorching
9.Flickering    10.Sparking     11.Static       12.Flashing     13.Shocking
14.Electric     15.Dyna
16.Icy          17.Frost        18.Freezing     19.Cold         20.Cryo
21.Acidic       22.Venomous     23.Poisonous    24.Toxic        25.Noxious
26.Glowing      27.Incandescent 28.Dense        29.Sonic        30.Power
31.Thermal      32.Radiating    33.Kinetic
34.Mystic       35.Magical      36.Ectoplasmic
37.Wooden       38.Leather      39.Brass        40.Bronze       41.Iron
42.Silver       43.Steel        44.Gold         45.Platinum     46.Glass
47.Coral        48.Crystal      49.Lapis        50.Pearl        51.Amber
52.Ebony        53.Quartz       54.Ruby         55.Emerald      56.Sapphire
57.Diamond      58.Obsidian

59.Might        60.Strength     61.Warrior      62.Ogre         63.Giant
64.Thunder      65.Force        66.Power        67.Dragon       68.Photon
69.Clever       70.Mind         71.Sage         72.Thought      73.Knowledge
74.Intellect    75.Wisdom       76.Genius
77.Buddy        78.Friendship   79.Charm        80.Personality  81.Charisma
82.Leadership   83.Ego          84.Holy
85.Quick        86.Swift        87.Fast         88.Rapid        89.Speed
90.Wind         91.Accelerator  92.Velocity
93.Sharp        94.Accurate     95.Marksman     96.Precision    97.True
99.Clover       100.Chance      101.Winners     102.Luck        103.Gamblers
(Hit Points)
105.Vigor       106.Health      107.Life        108.Troll       109.Vampyric
(Spell Points)
110.Spell       111.Castors     112.Witch       113.Mage        114.Archmage
(Armor Class)
116.Protection  117.Armored     118.Defender    119.Stealth     120.Divine
121.Mugger      122.Burglar     123.Looter      124.Brigand     125.Filch
126.Thief       127.Rogue       128.Plunderer   129.Criminal    130.Pirate

TABLE 6: Other:

1.Dragon Slayer         2.Undead Eater          3.Golem Smasher 
4.Bug Zapper            5.Monster Masher        6.Beast Bopper
If the number for "Other" does not read 0 and the item has been Cursed,
Broken, etc...setting it back to 0 (or from the above list) will return it
to "normal."  

Settings of 1-6 on Weapons indicate suffixes, as above.
Settings of 1-63 on Miscellaneous indicate Charges (you can set # up to 63)
Settings of 64-127 indicate that the item is Cursed.  
Settings of 128+ indicate that the item is Broken.

TABLE 7: Powers: (For Miscellaneous Items Only...)

1. Light                2. Awakening            3. Magic Arrows         
4. First Aid            5. Fists                6. Energy Blasts 
7. Sleeping             8. Revitalization       9. Curing
10. Sparking            11. Shrapmetal          12. Insect Repellant
13. Toxic Clouds        14. Elemental Prot.     15. Pain
16. Jumping             17. Beast Control       18. Clairvoyance
19. Undead Turning      20. Levitation          21. Wizard Eyes
22. Blessing            23. Monster Identify    24. Lightning
25. Holy Bonuses        26. Power Curing        27. Nature's Cures
28. Beacons             29. Shielding           30. Heroism
31. Hypnotism           32. Water Walking       33. Frost Biting
34. Monster Finding     35. Fireballs           36. Cold Rays
37. Antidotes           38. Acid Spraying       39. Time Distortion
40. Dragon Sleep        41. Vaccination         42. Teleportation
43. Death               44. Free Movement       45. Golem Stopping
46. Poison Volleys      47. Deadly Swarms       48. Shelter
49. Daily Protection    50. Daily Sorcery       51. Feasting
52. Fiery Flails        53. Recharging          54. Freezing
55. Town Portals        56. Stone To Flesh      57. Raising The Dead
58. Etherealization     59. Dancing Swords      60. Moon Rays
61. Mass Distortion     62. Prismatic Light     63. Enchant Item
64. Incinerating        65. Holy Words          66. Resurrection
67. Storms              68. Megavoltage         69. Infernos
70. Sun Rays            71. Implosions          72. Star Bursts
73. of the GODS! (Divine Intervention)

TABLE 8: Available (Valid) "Locations:"

1. A1   2. A2   3. A3   4. A4   5. A5   6. A6   7. A7   8. A8   9. B1
10. B2  11. B3  12. B4  13. B5  14. B6  15. B7  16. B8  17. C1  18. C2
19. C3  20. C4  21. C5  22. C6  23. C7  24. C8  25. D1  26. D2  27. D3
28. D4  29. D5  30. D6  31. D7  32. D8  33. E1  34. E2  35. E3  36. E4
37. E5  38. E6  39. E7  40. E8  41. F1  42. F2  43. F3  44. F4  45. F6
47. F7  48. F8  49. Greyhaven (Starting town)   50. Castle Alamar (Lev 2)
51. Castle Alamar (Lev 3)       52. Sky Platform        53. City Of Hart
54. Sewers Of Hart      55. Orlow's Tower       56. Lower Sewer
57. Ogre Fort   58. Orc Fort    59. Cave Of The Wolf    60. Caverns, Lev 1
61. Caverns, Lev 2      62. Caverns, Lev 3      63. City of Sand Tower
64. Sand Tower Sewer    65. Black Tower Lv 1    66. Black Tower Lv 2
67. Black Tower Lv 3    68. Saber Tooth Den     69. Pyramid of Rettig
70. Canegtuts Pyramid   71. Temple of HAVEC, Level 1
72. Temple of HAVEC, Level 2    73. Temple of HAVEC, Level 3
74. Ruby Mine   75. Diamond Mine        76. Troll Mine
77. Ascihep's Pyramid   78. Underworld  79. TACT Tower 
80. City Of GreyHaven (different from the starting town) 
81. Castle Of The Undead, Lv 1  82. Castle Of The Undead, Lv 2
83. Castle Of The Undead, Lv 3  84. Spaceship, Level 1  85. Spaceship, Lv 2
86. Spaceship, Level 3  87. Spaceship, Level 4  88. Spaceship, Level 5
89. Pyramid Of Power    90. Pyramid of the Dragon       91. Pyramid of War
92. City Of Impery      93. Impery Breeding Grounds     
94. Dragon's Cave, Upper Level  95. Dragon's Cave, Lower Level
96. Wyrms Lair  97. Emerald Mine        98. Sapphire Mine
99. Trapist Monestary

        Well, that's about it for this module.  I welcome comments or
questions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., but requests.  Till next time...
good luck and good hunting!

                                        -David Melanson (Overkill/Mortuai)


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