Universal Game Editor Module for SSI's "Fantasy General"


SSI's "Fantasy General" is a great strategy game, putting you in command
of an army of fantastic creatures, attempting to liberate an entire
continent from the clutches of the malevolent Shadowlord.  But...it's NOT
an easy prospect.  Your resources are limited, the enemy has powerful
abilities and forces to match your own, the terrain sometimes hinders you,
and you only have a limited time to complete each phase of your conquest!
Enter the Fantasy General Universal Game Editor Modules...

These modules are based on Jack Hartman's Universal Game Editor version
1.0.  They will not do anything except sit and collect electronic dust
without that program.  If you do use these modules, please register UGE
with Jack (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you haven't already.

For those of you unfamiliar with my previous work with UGE, this is actually
the 21st game I have built modules for.  Others include: Might and Magic
III, IV, V, Swords of Xeen, Heroes of Might & Magic, Stonekeep, Anvil of
Dawn, Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession and Stone Prophet, Descent I & II,
Shadowcaster (3.5" version only; CD version is encoded), Realms of Arkania
I & II, Front Page Sports Football '93, Druid: Daemons of the Mind, Dark
Legions, Menzoberranzen, One Must Fall 2097, and Castle Of The Winds.
All of the modules I have created are freeware and are available from my 
Website (point your browser to http://www.ici.net/customers/overkill/
overkill.htm and choose the "UGE Page" option to get there); all that I ask 
is that users register UGE with Jack Hartman; it's well worth the investment.  
One user once asked me why I was dedicating this level of time and effort to 
creating programs I was getting no money for.  My answer's pretty simple: I 
make the modules for myself, and figure, "hey, why NOT share 'em?"  Enough 
rambling...on to the details:

QUESTION 1: "Hey, Dave, what's with the 37 Batch files?"
ANSWER: Good question.  Fantasy General is unique in that for its various
battlefields, there's detailed info about the armies fighting on it, which
is the information you want to modify.  Unfortunately, the information
STARTS at different places in the saved game file depending on what
battle you are fighting!  What these batch files do is to create files that
UGE can use to handle the battle in question.

QUESTION 2: "Are there any limitations on what battle you can modify?"
ANSWER: Yes.  You cannot use these modules to modify Randomly generated
Arena maps.  You CAN use it for any of the Fixed Arena maps, or any battle
in the Campaign, or any of the Scenario battles.

QUESTION 3: "So how do I get this started?"
ANSWER: Use PKUNZIP or WinZIP to uncompress this file into your UGE 
directory.  When you are ready to edit a saved game, determine what battle
field you are fighting on, save the game in Fantasy General, and exit to
DOS.  Then look up the battlefield's name on Table 1, below, and type the
appropriate number at the DOS prompt in your UGE directory, then press  
Enter.  The computer will create two modules called PLAYER1.MDL and 
PLAYER2.MDL.  Now type UGE.  After you get past the registration screen
(if you haven't registered yet), type 'A' to ADD a game.  A box will appear
on the right.  Type "Fantasy General Player 1" or something similar, and
press Enter.  Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the file name
PLAYER1.MDL in the box that appears on the right, and press Enter.  Now
use the arrow keys to find your Fantasy General directory (probably C:FG);
highlight it and press Enter.  Now scroll down the list that appears using
the arrow keys until the subdirectory SAVES is highlighted; press Enter
again.  You should see some file names.  Use the arrow keys to highlight
the file you wish to modify:the name will be GAMEx.SAV, where x is a number 
equal to the number written on the jewelled button you pressed when you
saved the game in Fantasy General.  For example, if you pressed the button
marked "1" to save the game, the file name is GAME1.SAV.  If you pressed the
button marked "5" to save the game, the file name is GAME5.SAV.  Once it is
highlighted, press Enter again.  Your new module should appear on the 
menu on the left.  If you also want to modify Player 2's army, repeat the
above procedure exactly, except choosing something similar to "Fantasy 
General Player 2" in the FIRST box that appears when you press 'A' to Add
a game, and highlighting the file PLAYER2.MDL in the second box that
appears, rather than PLAYER1.MDL.  Once these two files are added to your
UGE menu, to use one, highlight it on the UGE menu and press Enter.  A list
of fields should appear, showing you information on the army for Player 1
or Player 2 (depending on which module you selected, of course).

QUESTION 4: "Okay, I won the battle in the Vale of Sorrow.  Now I want to
modify my army when I fight in Cyneheim Valley, but all I get on UGE is a
bunch of gobbledy-gook.  What happened?"
ANSWER: Like I mentioned before; different battlefields start in different
places in the save file.  So, what you'd do depends on...what you did!  If

        1.) Went to a different battlefield and saved in the same slot (i.e.
        pressed the same jewelled button to save the NEW battle as you did
        in the OLD battle):

                Exit to the DOS prompt; go to your UGE directory.
                Look up the NEW battlefield's appropriate number in Table 1
                below and type it at the DOS prompt, then press Enter.

        That's all there is to it!  When you go back into UGE now (by typing
        UGE again), the files should work correctly.  On the other hand, if

        2.) Went to a different battlefield and saved in a different slot
        (i.e. you saved the first battle by pressing the jewelled button
        labelled "1" and the second battle by pressing the jewelled button
        labelled "2"):

                Exit to the DOS prompt; go to your UGE directory.
                Look up the NEW battlefield's appropriate number in Table 1
                below and type it at the DOS prompt, then press Enter.
                Type UGE.  Scroll down to select the module named "Fantasy
                General Player 1" or whatever you called it.  Press the M
                key (Modify).  Press Enter twice.  You should see the list
                of files in the directory FGSAVES again.  Now use the arrow
                keys to highlight the file that corresponds to the button you
                pressed to save the NEW battle (i.e. if you pressed "2,"
                choose GAME2.SAV).  That should do it for that module...if
                you also have the one for Player 2 set up, repeat the 
                procedure exactly (except, of course, have the "Fantasy
                General Player 2" or whatever you called it highlighted on
                the UGE game menu screen.

        When you try to use the modules now, they should work correctly.

QUESTION 5: "Okay, I'm in.  Hey, my army only has 20 units, but this thing
goes all the way to 64.  What's up with this?"
ANSWER: The maximum # of units you can have in an army is 64.  The game
always reserves enough space for that many units, so I made all 64 slots
available for modification, no matter how many units you currently have.
And yes, that DOES mean you can create units out of thin air; just make
sure you don't position them in places that don't exist when you create them!

QUESTION 6: "Well, this covers all of my units.  What about my opponent?"
ANSWER: The second module (PLAYER2.MDL) handles the 64 units for your
opponent.  Want to cause some serious havoc for your opponent?  Go ahead;
reduce all of his units' morale levels to 0; he'll love you for it.

QUESTION 7: "Hey, how come I can't modify my leader's advantages or gold 
with these modules?"
ANSWER: Too much work; those ALSO vary in starting point from battlefield
to battlefield.  Seriously, why would you need gold if you can use these
modules to instantly get ANY type of unit creature or ANY type of magic item?

QUESTION 8: "Hmmm, that sounds interesting...so what can these modules do?"
ANSWER: For either you or your opponent, these modules can, for each

        1.) Teleport the unit anywhere on the battlefield.  When you are in
        Fantasy General, if you sweep the mouse cursor and watch the upper
        right window of the screen, you'll note that the "X" and "Y"
        coordinates of the hex the mouse passes over are displayed.  By
        setting a unit's individual "X" and "Y" coordinates to any set of
        coordinates on the map, you effectively teleport that unit to that
        spot.  Imagine: you've got one unit of Infantry surrounded by
        enemies.  There is no escape.  So, you either: a.) Teleport the
        infantry away from the area or b.) Teleport an entire legion of
        Cavalry units to nearby locations to ride in and save the day!
        Warning: Do NOT try to teleport more than one unit into the same 
        hex; it would, as Dr. Egon Spengler says, be bad.

        2.) Change the TYPE of unit.  Oh, so you can't recruit heroes, huh?
        Oh, REALLY?  Yes, with this field you can make ANY unit ANY of the
        182 available creature types.  You can have 64 Dreggo the Destroyers
        if you want (OUCH!)  Got a Light Infantry unit near some Heavy
        Cavalry of your opponents, but just out of range?  Change your
        Light Infantry unit into a Sky Hunter type and go get 'em!  And yes,
        you can create all the creatures and heroes destined to be part of
        the "Bad" side with this feature (Imagine Loric fighting side by
        side with Morg the Lasher and you've got an interesting picture,
        don't you?)  Just type the appropriate number for the type of
        creature you wish to make a unit into from Table 2 below to change 

        3.) Edit a unit's experience amount.  Every 100 points gives the
        unit another permanent "level."  Unfortunately, this only works
        up to level 5; anything beyond 599 is ignored...the below feature
        for level modification only works until a single battle is fought
        by that unit...then it has to be remodified.  Of course, setting
        all your opponent's unit experience totals to 0 is not NICE.  
        Fun, yes.  Nice, no...
        4.) Magical Item possessed by a unit.  With this feature, you can
        give every single one of your units a magic item, whether it be a
        weapon, armor piece, artifact, or whatever.  Hmm, a group of
        Skirmishers all armed with Swords of Death...interesting method
        of dealing with opponents, wouldn't you say?  To give a unit a
        particular item, just type the appropriate value from Table 3 below
        to produce it for them.

        5.) Unit name.  Really a formality, this doesn't matter much as you
        can change your units' names in the game at any time, but if you
        want to use the Player 2 module to change your opponent's troops into
        something like "1st Crybabies" just to get a laugh, feel free!

        6.) Unit Level or Grade.  With this option, you can take the wimpy
        0-level unit and instantly make it into a hulking 5th level war
        machine.  Or even higher, actually; 5 is not the maximum level...
        however, setting the value to 10 may cause the game to crash, so
        I'd sugget you experiment with the levels carefully.  Oh yeah, and
        the shield symbols for levels beyond 5 won't show up...but they're
        there.  TRUST ME.  Unfortunately, as stated above, this ONLY works
        for ONE battle, unless you've set experience for the unit.

        7.) Unit morale.  Every unit starts off with 100% morale; this will
        reduce over time with battles fought & distanced travelled, and
        raise again with victories and rest periods.  With this, you can
        set morale to anything you want at any time; go ahead; set it to
        200% for all the units and watch how the Melee scores increase!

        8.) Kills and Wounds.  So, your prized Infantry unit managed to beat
        the Sky Hunters, but you've only got 3 members of it left?  NO
        PROBLEM!  As long as you have one member of a unit left alive, you
        can reduce these values back to 0, and suddenly, instant healing
        and resurrection for dead unit members.  Better yet, you can use the
        PLAYER2.MDL to severely weaken or out-and-out KILL your opponent's
        units (go ahead; give 'em 14 kills, then charge your Cavalry at 'em.
        That'll REALLY make your opponent nervous).

Now then, for the Tables of information:

TABLE 1: Battlefield choices:

Type    (#)     if you are fighting in  (Battlefield)
        1               Scarlet Plain or Fareach Valley
        2               Hoareot Forest               
        3               Caerovia or Drake Forge Valley                                       
        4               Rhotmere
        5               Cape Havoc
        6               Sundered Plains, Giant's Throw Island
        7               Vale of Sorrow
        8               Cyneheim Valley
        9               Crystalwood Vale, Glacier Falls, Skyreach Mountains
        10              Serpent's Cauldron, Noiraneskap, Demonforge Gap              
        11              Harbinger Valley, Shard Plains, Boreal Vale,
                        Wolfshead Valley, Shattered Mountains, Fellbourne 
        12              Flaming Tongues, Bloodrock Furnace, Labyrinth Valley
        13              Slag River Valley, Painscape Cauldron, Burel's Wall
        14              Seething Moors, Stonewraith Flats
        15              Bearded Mnts, Cloven Foot Pass, Cracked Spine Mnts
        16              Asphead Mountains, Whip River Valley
        17              Blackmoon Fens
        18              Shrike River Valley, Shadow Cliff, Crimson Sands,
                        Widowsthorn Thicket, Glowing Sands
        19              Devouring Swamp, Bleeding Mountains
        20              Claw River
        21              Wyrm Gullet Gorge
        22              Deadwood Marches
        23              Blue Fang Ice Shelf
        24              Ice Cauldron
        25              Drakehorn Gap
        26              Gaothaire Heights
        27              Scar Valley
        28              Mandragora Steppes
        29              Sundry Shadow Coast
        30              Southbender Island
        31              Island of the Watchers
        32              Hunter's Isle
        33              Agraksa Island
        34              Burning Heights
        35              Desolation Gorge
        36              Stoneflow Valley
        37              Vale of the Shadowlord

TABLE 2: Creature Types:

1=Militia       2=Auxitia       3=Javelinmen    4=Ashiguers     5=Berserkers
6=Apprentices   7=Conjurers     8=Healers       9=Fire Wizards  10=Druids
11=Earthmasters 12=Warbands     13=Swordsmen    14=Pikemen      15=Legionarii
16=Samurai      17=Heavy Spearmen       18=Lizardmen    19=Werebears
20=Lionmen      21=Elephantmen  22=Air Warriors 23=Treemen      24=Giant
25=Earth Elemental      26=Sandmen      27=Monks of Meo 28=Bronzemen
29=Iron Giant   30=Warlord Mechanus     31=Elf Bowmen   32=Longbowmen
33=Pistoliers   34=Gunners      35=Fire Archers 36=Royal Archers
37=Slingers     38=Staff Slingers       39=Scouts       40=Foresters
41=Huntsmen     42=Trail Runners        43=Squires      44=Heavy Cavalry
45=Chariots     46=Cataphractoi 47=Power Lancers        48=Phoenix Knights
49=Fire Beetles 50=Centaurs     51=Ogre Centaurs        52=Centaur Knights
53=Unicorns     54=Elf Chariots 55=Hydra        56=Turtle Dragon
57=Ghost Rider  58=Nightmare    59=Rolling Man  60=Steamphont
61=Rolling Fort 62=Thunder Tread        63=Light Cavalry        
64=Elf Knights  65=Juns 66=Riders of the Bow    67=Spirit Riders
68=Knight Gunners       69=Catapults    70=Ballistae    71=Chain Guns
72=Cannons      73=Mortars      74=Pit Cannons  75=Spatter Guns
76=Mercury Guns 77=Steam Belchers       78=Wall Blasters
79=Eagle Riders 80=Griffon Riders       81=Ogre Griffons       
82=Wing Riders  83=Pegasi       84=Dragon Knights       85=Flying Snakes
86=Wyverns      87=Green Dragons        88=Lion Dragons 89=Silver Hawks
90=Phoenix Hawks        91=Silver Dragons       92=Black Dragons
93=Screamer     94=Bronze Dragon        95=Steam Hawks  96=Seekers
97=Hawk Riders  98=Roc Knights  99=Dragon Knights       100=Pegasus Riders
101=Balloon Hangers     102=Balloon Riders      103=Bicycle Riders
104=Cloud Ship  105=Bronze Gliders      106=Naptha Droppers
107=Sky Splitter        108=Steam Castle        109=Corporal    110=Sergeant
111=Lieutenant  112=Captain     113=General     114=Borric     
115=Sir Kalador 116=Loric       117=Shandel     118=Valira      119=Krindel
120=Dreggo      121=Malric      122=Xyphon      123=Priest of Handola
124=Goblins     125=Skeletons   126=Ratmen      127=Gripper
128=Lava Men    129=Mummy       130=Orcs        131=Ogres       132=Cobramen
133=Trolls      134=Ogre Knights        135=Shadow Warriors
136=Slave Archers       137=Goblin Archers      138=Orc Archers
139=Orc Longbowmen      140=Skeleton Archers    141=Steam Gunners
142=Skeleton Slingers   143=Goblin Scouts       144=Orc Scouts
145=Shadows     146=Ogre Hunters        147=Serpent Riders      
148=Undead Cavalry      149=Mastodon    150=Rhino Knights       
151=Knights of Fire     152=Shadow Knights      153=Wolf Riders
154=Barbarian Riders    155=Boar Riders 156=Bear Riders 157=Flamer
158=Disease Throwers    159=Black Ice Throwers  160=Flying Monkeys
161=Gargoyles   162=Shadow Wings        163=Lava Dragons       
164=Shadow Dragons      165=Serpent Griffons    166=Lightning Throwers
167=Fire Barge  168=Zeppelin    169=Barbarians  170=Air Stammer
171=Witch of Icethorn   172=Pale Marshal        173=Keaekvar
174=Claw the Assassin   175=Grimal the Rat Lord 176=Malkin Nightwing
177=Morg the Lasher     178=Deathlord Rapax     179=Leech King
180=Goat King   181=Eagles      182=Harpies

TABLE 3: Magic Items:

1=Magic Sword   2=Magic Axe     3=Magic Shield  4=Magic Armor
5=Magic Bow     6=Magic Crossbow        7=Magic Sling   8=Magic Staff Sling
9=Magic Javelin 10=Amulet of Resistance 11=Cloak of Hiding
12=Staff of Fireballs   13=Wand of Fireballs    14=Amulet of Protection
15=Ring of Regeneration 16=Sword of Death Wounds 
17=Stone of Eagle Eye   18=Boots of Rapid Movement      19=Storm Staff
20=Amulet of Blessings  21=Ring of Free Movement        22=Staff of Winds
23=Wand of Sickness     24=Skull of Crang       25=Staff of Confusion
26=Staff of Fatigue     27=Staff of Healing

        Hopefully, this is enough to get you started on the road to victory
over the Shadowlord and his minions.  Comments or questions are welcome via
e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., but...

PLEASE...NO REQUESTS!  I don't have every game, and not every game is 
editable.  Good luck, and good battling!  See ya!

                                        -David Melanson (Overkill/Mortuai)

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