Crack Trickle README
Freeware Version 2.4 [CES] Release
Copyright © 1999-2003 by Anorak
 CrackTrickle is a powerfull gamehacking tool. With help of this
 utilitie you can find the addresses of game values (gold, moneys,
 health etc.). Because of it was written on assembler have very fast
 searching speed. Now it's a CES release. CES is an powerful
 game hacking organisation.
 Instruction are in Help.hlp file.
 This program is provided "AS IS" and without any warranties as
 to performance of merchantability or any other warranties whether
 expressed or implied.
 This program is absolutly FreewareAny COMMERCIAL use of the Software
 without prior written permission fromthe author is strictly prohibited.
 For updates visit my web site : or
 If you have any questions mail to : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

>20.09.2003, Anorak