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What is AAT?
it means Anti Alt-Tab protected Programs.

Why aat?
Please try this game: http://guibert.francois.free.fr
game is :kasbrik

Does your favourite memory game searcher fails?
1) alt-tab protect
2) value you are searching for change while you're searching?
3) game screen become corupt after search, or even worse crash?

The answer is aat!!!

aat is a wrapper for your game and your favourite game-memory-searcher!!
if you'll use AAT, you no longer need two computer for net scanning:
with AAT you'll be able in full-pausing the game then switching to 
your favorite game memory tool

unzip all the files in a dir you want. 
If you want you may create a desktop icon..... I'm so lazy... ;-))

DO NOT load your game-tool... please wait.... ;-)
run aat
click on "click to select your game-tool"
confirm the messagebox that will appears
aat will be mimimized
run your favorite game tool f.e. Artmoney or Tsearch
if your game tool just own an hotkey, please disable it!!!!
now, INSIDE your game tool press the left-shift key
a messagebox will inform you that the END hotkey is now active
confirm this messagebox
finally run the game you wanna to hack!
INSIDE the game press the "END" hotkey: the game will freeze
and you'll be auto-switch to your game-tool with no problems...
now perform with your game-tool all the necessary operations:
select process, search for value, etc, then press the "*"(num tab) key
to come back to your (now unfreezed )game.

When possible, please run your game in windowed mode if it support
the options......
If your game run in full-screen mode, you may experiment that sometimes
the "END" hotkey freeze the game, but nothing appears......
No panic...., simply press "*" to unpause and try again, sometime till
10 time is necessary to gain control.........
Other time after press END maybe that: game is freezed, but your game 
tool is only visible in the taskbar: at this point press the "CTRL" key
and your game tool will popup...
Every time that INSIDE your game tool a window is NOT visible, please press
CTRL one or more time.....

Happy cheating