String Finder Help File

1) What is String Finder ?
2) How can I use String Finder ?
3) Product information, licence and legal stuff .

1) What is String Finder ?

String Finder is designed for searching for unknown strings in a specified file.
   The file can be of any type and any size.

2) How can I use String Finder ?

To show you how to use it, we'll take an example :
   Let's say that your file contains the following text:
   "I am going to hack some games, but I need SoftIce 4.53"
   (without (") marks)

a) You want to search for words that have EXACTLY 4 characters.
   Then, String Finder will give you < goin, hack, some, game, need Soft > and
   their respective file offsets.

b) You want to search for strings that have EXACTLY 4 characters, but have ONLY 2
   vocals (vocals are : a,A,e,E,i,I,o,O,u,U,y,Y ). Then String Finder will give
   you < goin, some, game, need > and their respective file offsets.

c) You enabled "Spaces Search" option. You want to search for strings that have
   AT LEAST 4 chatacters and EXACTLY 3 vocals. Then String Finder will give you
   < > (nothing). That's because since you enable "Spaces Search", the spaces will
   be treat like normal chars. And String Searcher will find the whole text except
   "4.53". But you were looking for ONLY 3 vocals in the string. The program found
   that the string has 15 vocals, therefore the condition wasn't met.

d) If you enabled "Number Search", you'll see that 4.53 is not treat as real type 
   number (the "." is not included in the search).

3) Product information, licence and legal stuff .

a) This program is freeware! You know what this means...
b) Known bugs: NONE yet.
c) String Searcher is copyright (c) 2003-XXXX GHU (team and members)
d) Questions/comments/suggestions/bug reports -> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
   or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Version Info:
Current Version: 1.1

Changes since first version:
-The first release

-Aded some new functions (specific string search)
-Some GUI changes
-More flexible code

Have a nice day!