Vampire Night 2001 PS2 FAQ
v.1.0 by Louis Bueno 
2 December 2001
/* About this FAQ ************************************************************
*  I decided to write this tiny FAQ to help fellow gamers complete the       *
*  mission objectives. There is currently no FAQ for this game to date.      *
*  I hope this helps.                                                        *
*                                                                            *
*  This document Copyright 2001 Louis Bueno                                  *
*  If you would like to post this FAQ please email me for permission.        *
*                                                                            *
*  Consent to host this FAQ has been given to the following sites:           *
*                                                   *
*                                                  *
*                                                   *
*                                                                            *

* Version History                                                            *
v1.0 2 December 2001 - Completed Missions 1 - 32
v2.0 4 December 2001 - Completed Final Mission 33, added Hunters Files info
v2.1 4 December 2001 - Added FAQ section, listed sites with permission to 
                       host this FAQ, and fixed most grammer errors.

* Hunters Files                                                              *
If you have not totally filled the file containing items, the only way to do
so is to buy the items that have a ? over them. You may not be able to
purchase all items until you are more than half way through with the Special

The items are as follows:
Magazine +2
Magazine +4
Magazine +8
Magazine Infinite
Bullet x1.2
Bullet x1.5
Bullet x2.0
Silver Bullet
Silver 925 Bullet
Shotgun Bullet
Machinegun Bullet
Magnum Bullet
Gatling Gun Bullet
Launcher Bullet
Comical Bullet
Army Gloves
Hunters Gloves
Score Ring
Hunters Earring
Silver Earring
Holy Earring
Spirit Brooch
Angel Brooch
Members Badge
Silver Badge
Dream Badge
Mystic Charm
Holmes Spectacles
Psychic Goggles
Life +1
Life +2
Life +5
Credit +2
Credit +4
Credit +6
Credit +10
Credit Infinite
Garlic Powder
Silver Powder
Warp 2
Warp 3
Warp 4
Warp 5
Warp 6
Maidens Sigh
Maidens Gloom
Score x2
Score x4
Angels Wink
Angels Kiss
Angels Miracle
Devils Whisper

* FAQ                                                                        *
Chapter 3: Left or Right?
        I have read a few posts asking how to determine which way you go at 
        the end of the hall in Chapter 3, here is how you do it.
        You start the level off with the boss throwing hot coals at you, take
        out these coals. The camera will then turn around and you will see a 
        statue on each side of the hall. Shoot the left statue to go left, and
        the right statue to travel right, respectively. If you destroy both 
        statues, you will go the direction of the statue that you hit first.

* Special Mode                                                               *
Mission 1: Nuts
Location: Chapter 1
How-to: Once you fall down the hill, two monsters will jump out in front of 
        you, kill those :)
        The next screen is where you will find the tree in the top right 
        corner of your screen. Simply shoot the tree to make the nuts fall 
        down, and grab them.

Mission 2: Wife
Location: Chapter 1
How-to: At the end of chapter 1, you are faced with 4 infected people. The 
        wife is the woman in red/purple (you\'ll understand:).

Mission 3: Doll
Location: Chapter 1
How-to: This one is hard to miss. Once you fall down the hill, the doll is 
        sitting on the right hand side of the hill.

Mission 4: Secret Door
Location: Chapter 1
How-to: Destroy the first five monsters in chapter 1, the screen will then 
        shift to the left. There are several small grave stones sticking out 
        of the snow. You must shoot the farthest rightmost grave, this will
        open the secret door.

Mission 5: Dog Bone
Location: Chapter 2
How-to: Prior to the infected man that drops down from a higher bridge, there 
        will be a mound of dirt on the right side of your screen, the bone is 
        hidden under it.

Mission 6: Files
Location: Chapter 2
How-to: At the beginning of the level the girl is taken hostage by a monster,
        do not kill the monster, let it jump off the bridge. You will go up a 
        flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs there is an infected man, 
        he has the files.

Mission 7: Mommy and Daddy
Location: Chapter 2
How-to: At the beginning of the level the girl is taken hostage by a monster,
        you must kill the monster before it jumps off the bridge. This forces 
        you to stay on the \"high road\". Shortly after this happens, she will 
        get attacked again, this time by two monsters. Make sure you kill both
        of these creatures in order to maintain course. You should see a door 
        hanging from its hinges at the end of the hall. Shoot the door and you
        will enter a room with two people, this is the Mother and Father.

Mission 8: Toolbox
Location: Chapter 2
How-to: (Read mission 7 How-to, then continue) ...Next... you will jump up 
        through a ceiling, you are now on the roof, the toolbox is on the left
        hand side of the screen next to the chimney with red smoke comming out
        of it.

Mission 9: Book
Location: Chapter 2
How-to: This mission is a bit tricky. (Read mission 6 How-to, then continue) 
        After you reach the end of the stairs and turn the corner the little 
        girl will call for your help again, there are two monsters running 
        around her, you must kill one monster while the second runs to the
        right. If you do this correctly you will enter a small room. The book
        is in this room.

Mission 10: Broach
Location: Chapter 2
How-to: At the beginning of the level the girl is taken hostage by a monster,
        do not kill the monster, let it jump off the bridge. You will go up a
        flight of stairs. On the stairs a door will open when a monster jumps
        through it, the broach is on the desk behind the monster.

Mission 11: Silver Cup
Location: Chapter 3
How-to: You start the level off with the boss throwing hot coals at you, take
        out these coals. The camera will then turn around and you will see a 
        statue on each side of the hall. Shoot the left statue to go left. 
        When you enter a room thats on fire look to the left of the screen, on
        top of the table you will see the silver cup, unload on it to be safe.

Mission 12: Store keepers brother
Location: Chapter 4
How-to: Play up to the room where the floor drops out from under the girl you
        are protecting. As that happens two monsters jump up from the room 
        below, take your time when killing these monsters, if you do this 
        correctly the girl will fall and you\'ll chase after her. There may be
        something on the floor you need to shoot in order to find the brother
        (sorry I dont fully remember, be on the lookout) Shoot the infection 
        off the brother to complete the mission.

Mission 13: 30,000 pts
Location: Anywhere
How-to: The easiest way to do this is to equip a 4x Score item, then just play
        through the game until you reach 30,000 pts, you can finish the game 
        or die to complete the mission.

Mission 14: Mushrooms
Location: Chapter 2
How-to: The mushrooms are at the end of the forest fight sequence sitting 
        under a tree on the right hand side of the screen.

Mission 15: Gold Rat
Location: Chapter 3
How-to: You start the level off with the boss throwing hot coals at you, take
        out these coals. The camera will then turn around and you will see a 
        statue on each side of the hall. Shoot the right statue to go right.
        When you get to the room with the glass elevator, look on the floor to
        the left, the rat is running around.

Mission 16: Dog
Location: Chapter 3
How-to: At the end of the long hallway, go right (Read FAQ section to learn 
        how to travel left and right). You will arrive in a room with a jail 
        cell, inside this cell is an infected man. After you save (or kill) 
        this man, the camera will turn and you must kill two flame throwers, 
        the camera turns again and you will see a door with a pad lock, shoot
        the padlock, the door will open and you will see the dog, shoot the 
        chain to free her.

Mission 17: Son
Location: Chapter 3
How-to: At the end of the long hall, go left (Read FAQ section to learn how
        to travel left and right). Right before you go up the stairs you will
        see a barrel on the right side of the screen, the boy is hiding here.

Mission 18: Parents
Location: Chapter 3
How-to: At the end of the hall head left, (Read FAQ section to learn how to 
        travel left and right). Play up to the glass elevator (this is not the
        same elevator used when you turn right). Kill the 2 monsters, and the
        camera should pan right. The Parents are here.

MIssion 19: Valuables
Location: Chapter 3
How-to: (I FORGOT!!!!) I THINK that the valuables are located in the first 
        hall of chapter 3, shoot the statues on the right side of the hall. 
        If you do not find the valuables, try turning right at the end of the
        hall, I do remember the statue being on the right side of the hall but
        dont quote me on that :)

Mission 20: Silver Mushrooms
Location: Chapter 4
How-to: Save the girl from falling through the floor by quickly killing the
        two monsters. The next room is a very dark looking room, the mushrooms
        are glimering on the left side of the screen.

Mission 21: Grandma
Location: Chapter 4
How-to: As you enter the room where the little girl falls through the floor, 
        you will see an infected woman, this is the grandma.

Mission 22: Secret Room
Location: Chapter 4
How-to: Save the girl from falling through the floor by quickly killing the 
        two monsters. At the end of the next dark room, you will see a wall 
        that is slightly visible on the right, shoot the wall, this is the 
        Secret Room.

Mission 23: Treasure
Location: Chapter 3
How-to: Go left at the end of the long hall way (Read FAQ section to learn how
        to travel left and right), when you reach the door, you will see two 
        pillars on each side of the door, the treasure is hidden under the 
        pillar on the right, you must use a magnum or better(?) to destroy the

Mission 24: Gold Fish
Location: Chapter 5
How-to: At the beginning of Chapter 5 look to the right side of the screen.
        You should see the Golden Fish.

Mission 25: Red Bat
Location: Chapter 6
How-to: The Red Bat is flying around The Vampire, I suggest using the Holmes
        Spectacles if you can afford them.

Mission 26: 1000g Silver
Location: Anywhere
How-to: Shoot boxes, vaces, barrels to get silver, be sure to equip the Holy
        Ear Ring to make this an easy task.

Mission 27: Gold Collar
Location: Chapter 5
How-to: The last elevator in chapter 5 takes you up to a long bridge, shoot
        the first (closest) plant holder on your right hand side to find the
        Gold Collar.

Mission 28: Elevator Item
Location: Chapter 5
How-to: The first time you go up the white elevator, watch carefully for an
        item on one of the floors you zoom by, it is large and round, you
        cant miss it, shoot it and a door will open up.

Mission 29: Mermaid Scales
Location: Chapter 5
How-to: The easiest thing to do is to equip the Holmes Spectacles. The first
        of the five scales is to the right of the initial Chapter five screen.
        The second scale is on the lower left hand corner of the ledge with
        two monsters on it. The third scale is on the very next screen. It is
        on the extreme right hand portion of the screen. To find the fourth 
        scale play until your character jumps up into a room, the scale is on
        the lower right hand corner of this room as well. The final scale is 
        found at the top of the next elevator, kill the first two monsters, at
        the next screen you will find the fifth scale sitting on the middle of
        the floor.

Mission 30: Destroy the Vampire
Location: Chapter 6
How-to: The final boss is not very tough at all, and I would expect it to be
        for anyone that has gotten this far in the Special Mode of Vampire
        Night. If you are still having trouble try using your favorite and
        most powerful weapon and equip the Angels Miracle, this brings the
        difficulty down and makes the final boss a breeze.

Mission 31: Finish Game w/out Continuing
Location: All
How-to: If you cant do this without items then I suggest using a +4 health
        item, Angels Kiss (or better), silver powder, and hunters gloves, all 
        this should give you more than enough health and upper hand to beat 
        the game without continuing.

Mission 32: 140,000 pts
Location: Chapters 5 or 6
How-to: Equip a score multiplier and go trigger happy. 

Mission 33: Save The Townspeople
Location: Chapters 1 - 5
How-to: This mission is not as tough as it may sound. The best thing to do is
        take the paths with less people to save. This is the path that I took:

        Chapter 1:
        Total Rescues: 4
        Rescue the four people at the end of the stage.

        Chapter 2:
        Total Rescues: 2
        Save the little girl from the first monster, there will be one person
        to save behind a door. The next time the girl needs rescuing, do not
        help her. The next person will jump down from a building, rescue him.
        Chapter 3:
        Total Rescues: 2
        Go right at the end of the hallway, the first person to rescue is a
        woman. The second person is shortly after, he is in a jail cell.

        Chapter 4:
        Total Rescues: 1
        Rescue the old woman in the room with the soldier statues. When the
        girl starts to fall, two monsters will jump out at you, take your time
        killing them, this will make you jump down after the girl.

        Chapter 5:
        Total Rescues: 1
        There is usually not an infected person in this stage. He will pop out
        at you when you reach the top of the ramp. This is the final person to

*  Final Words                                                               *

I\'d like to thank my good friend Eric who brought over his Guncon2 and
helped me with all these damn missions. Thanks!

Check out my site at


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