Walkthrough by Crash

The story is about vampires that stalking the city of Fells Church, Virginia. 
You play as Elena. a local girl who had come home from Europe to stay with her 
aunt and sister. Dialogue holds an important role in this game. Choosing wrong 
answer may stucks you for a long time without knowing what to do next. Actually 
in almost every dialogue, there\'s one combination that can give you an access 
for every answering option. The graphics and the background sounds are quite 
good. And I think the level difficulty of this game is moderate. So DON\'T 
continue reading if you don\'t want to spoil your game.. 
  DAY 1 : The Stalking at the Art Gallery 
  DAY 2 : The Dark Side of Stefan 
  DAY 3 : The Rune and The Ritual Book 
  DAY 4 : The Ritual 

Talk to Bonnie and your aunt. You\'ll meet Mr. Smith, the new biology teacher. 
Turn to left, there\'s a display case. Look at it. Take the key on the glass. Go 
through the archway behind your aunt to the front room. Talk to Mikhail Romanoff 
and Caroline, your long \"kind\" friend. Learn that she\'s jealous about you. Go 
back to the main room and go through the archway on the right side. Talk to Mr. 
Richard and Mrs. Flowers. Notice that Mr. Smith has an interest in supernatural. 
Keep on talking to everybody until around 10 pm. Suddenly, there\'s a shout from 
the back room. Darn... your sister, Margareth, has been attacked by a strange 
At the hospital, talk to your aunt about Margareth. Then talk to Caroline. 
Finally talk to Stefan. Talk to him again to say goodbye and you should be at 
home. End of Day 1. 

Look at the dresser. Open the valentine card from Matt, your boyfriend. Look 
under the cabinet on the right side of your bed. Pick up the feather. Look at 
the jewelry box on top of it. Try to open it. Hmmm.... locked. Look at your 
sister\'s drawing near the box. Look, maybe Margaret knows where the key is. Open 
the cabinet drawer on the left side of your bed. Look at everything. Then look 
at the table with a phone on it. Look around. Go out and up to attic ( it\'s the 
door in front of you ). Open the old chest. Get the mortar. Look around and 
notice that pole !!! Look behind it. Get the lapis ring. Go down the stair to 
the living room. Read the paper under the carpet. Read the article about the 
ancient dagger. Open the cupboard near the door. Get the candle in it. Go to the 
back room. Open the cabinet under the stair. Look at the X-mas box. Get the 
matches under the X-mas lamp. Open the other box. Get the black candle. Now, go 
out from your house. It\'s time to explore the town. 
Go to the hospital. Talk to your aunt. Ask about Margaret condition. Talk to 
Stefan. Follow him to the lobby. Talk to him again. Choose : 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 
1 1 1. You\'ll learn about druids, ring of fire and the dark side of Stefan. He\'s 
a vampire. Talk with your aunt again. This time ask about the key of your 
jewelry box and the dagger. Choose : 2 2 1 1 1. The key will be automatically in 
your inventory. 
Go to Gary\'s house. Talk to Bonnie. Ask about the druids. She told you to go to 
the library to read his family\'s journal. Look around. Try to open the door near 
Bonnie by pulling a cord above the door. You\'ll be thrown out by Gary. Then go 
to the library. Look at the catalog book. Talk to Mrs. Grimesby. Ask her about 
the druids and why she didn\'t come yesterday. Then, browse the bookshelves to 
find this books : The Tale of the Druids ( on the left top of the third 
bookshelf from the left ), The Owls, Candle\'s Craft, The herbs, Fells church 
Folklore ( read the story about the Chamber\'s love affair ) and The Diaries ( on 
the bookshelf near the exit door ). Talk again to Mrs. Grimesby, this time ask 
her about the rune. Then read the book of rune on the third bookshelf from the 
left ( write down the symbol and its meaning, you\'ll need it later on ). Then 
enter the school via the connecting door. Look at the display case that shows 
the uniform. If you hangin\' around a little bit longer at this case, a security 
will talk to you. Find out about Damon and the display\'s key. Browse around the 
lab and the hallway. No luck, maybe tonight will be better. 
Go to the Art Gallery. Talk to Caroline. Ask her about the rune and the dagger. 
Notice the rune at the corner in the next room. Try to buy it from Caroline. 
Hmmm.. not working. Go out and visit the Boarding House. Get the shovel. Then 
visit the church. Talk Mrs. Grimesby at the cemetery ground. Learn about the 
druid and Caroline\'s activity in the cemetery from her. Go to the old church. 
Look at the broken gate on the left. Take the spearhead. Enter the church. Move 
to altar. Read the book about pan pipe on the bench in front of the altar. Then 
go home. Enter your room. Use the silver key to open the jewelry box. Get the 
silver ring. Go to the hospital. Report your finding to Stefan. 
Go to Gary\'s house ( it should be at night now ). Look at the right gargoyle. 
Take the key from its mouth. Use the key to open the door. Go upstair. Touch the 
bookshelf. A secret door will be opened. Enter the secret room. Get the yellow 
statue. Now go to the door you couldn\'t enter earlier. Pull the cord and enter. 
This time there\'s no Gary in there. Use the statue to block the trapdoor in 
front of the door. Get in. Turn right. Touch the picture. You\'ll be transported 
to the gallery. Go straight accross. Touch the dragon statue on the right 
display case. You\'ll hear a \"click\" sound. Turn right and look beside the tree. 
Open the panel and get in. Go down the secret stair to the dagger\'s case. Look 
at the writing on the bottom of the case. Push : circle, half moon, triangle, 
square, and star ( the key is : push the picture with fewer sides to pictures 
with most sides ). Get the dagger. Go out. You\'ll meet Mr. Smith on the way out. 
Choose : 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1. 
Now go to the school. Break the door with the spearhead. Enter the school hall. 
When you hear a foorstep coming to you, hide beside the glasscase with a uniform 
in it ( the one near the door to the library ). Just click at the stool on its 
left side. After the sound disappeared, walk into the lab. Open the drawer under 
the microscope. Get the small key. Go back to the main hall. Use the small key 
to unlock the display case. Take the Gray\'s uniform cap. Then sneak out and go 
home. Take a nap. 

Go to the church. Remember the folklore about Chamber and his lover ? Find the 
big white tomb near chamber\'s grave. Click the tomb for closer look. Use the 
shovel with the tombstone. When the ghost appears, show the cap. After a 
dramatic sequence ( sigh ....... ), use the shovel again to dig the tomb ( use 
it on the tombstone ). Take the gold coin. 
Go inside the church now. Go to the altar. Turn around. Do you see the glass 
window with a picture of a golden key ?? Click on it for a closer look. Take a 
gold key from under the window ( on the bottom right ). Now turn to left and 
enter the archway. Climb down the stair. Open the casket in front of you. Use 
the spearhead to open the statue. Climb down to the secret tomb. Inside this 
room you\'ll do the ceremony later on, see the floor with some picture on it. 
That\'s the place for the ritual. Now just go straight to the stair. Climb down. 
Look at the statue in front of you. Click for a closer look. Use the gold key 
with the keyhole on the right side of the statue to open the door. Enter. Look 
at the bird statue. Another easy puzzle. Push the picture in this order : 
flower, bug, lizard, snake, and finally the owl ( remember the food chain in 
biology class, now it\'s the time to use it ). Read the ritual book. Memorize the 
way to do the ritual. Hmm... you still don\'t have the rune and the vervain Go 
back up to the cemetary. Talk to Mrs. Flowers. Ask her about the vervain. Trade 
the vervain with the mortar. 
Now go to the art gallery. Hey, that\'s Mikhail Romanoff. Talk with him and offer 
the gold coin in place of the rune. Go to the Gary\'s house to talk to Bonnie. 
She\'s very happy now that you\'ve found the rune. She\'ll do a reading on you. 
After that, she\'ll give you the runes. Now you\'ve all the ingredients needed to 
do the ritual. Ooooops, we forget about the Ring of Fire. Ok, now wait till the 
day turn to night. Visit the cemetary. Your head will be dizzy and Mrs. Flowers 
will take you home. Darn... you lost the ring and the lapis. 

In the morning, ask Mrs. Flowers, Bonnie, Aunt Judith and Stefan about the lost 
ring. Then visit the school library and ask Mrs. Grimesby about the ring. Ask 
her to check if somebody has report the lost ring. Read the rune book again, and 
notice the symbol of : Thurisat, Mannaz, Uruz, Eohl, and Perdhro ( write that in 
order ). Now take a rest at your home and wait if Mrs. Grimesby will call you 
about the ring. Suddenly Mrs. Flower come to your house at night with the Ring 
of Fire. Visit the secret tomb at the cemetary again. Do this ritual in order : 
put the black candle on the candleholder at your left side. Lit it with the 
matches. Burn the vervain with the candle. Look at the floor. Push the symbol in 
this order : Thurisat, Mannaz, Uruz, Eohl, and Perdhro. A bat will fly to you. 
Hey, it\'s Mikhail. Talk with him. 
After the fight between Mikhail and Stefan, use the Brasov dagger to cut the 
candle. Then use the Ring of Fire with Mikhail ( use it on the pole ). And 
Mikhail will be blown up to hell !!!! Watch the ending. AND ........ WELCOME TO 

Copyright 1997 @ Crash
Thanks to my friend Glenda for helping me solving this game.

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