<<<--+->> M·A·C·E·S <<-+-->>>
<<<-+| First Blade + Second Blade = Final Merge |+->>>
Goblin Club Goblin Club Goblin Club
Goblin Club Spiked Club Goblin Club
Goblin Club Ball Mace Goblin Club
Goblin Club Footman's Mace Goblin Club
Goblin Club Morning Star Spiked Club
Goblin Club War Hammer Ball Mace
Goblin Club Bec de Corbin Footman's Mace
Goblin Club War Maul Morning Star
Spiked Club Spiked Club Spike Club
Spiked Club Ball Mace * Footman's Mace
Spiked Club Footman's Mace Spiked Club
Spiked Club Morning Star Ball Mace
Spiked Club War Hammer Spike Club
Spiked Club Bec de Corbin Ball Mace
Spiked Club War Maul Footman's Mace
Ball Mace Ball Mace Ball Mace
Ball Mace Footman's Mace * Morning Star
Ball Mace Morning Star Footman's Mace
Ball Mace War Hammer Morning Star
Ball Mace Bec de Corbin Spike Club
Ball Mace War Maul Ball Mace
Footman's Mace Footman's Mace Footman's Mace
Footman's Mace Morning Star * War Hammer
Footman's Mace War Hammer Goblin Club
Footman's Mace Bec de Corbin War Hammer
Footman's Mace War Maul Spiked Club
Morning Star Morning Star Morning Star
Morning Star War Hammer Morning Star
Morning Star Bec de Corbin Footman's Mace
Morning Star War Maul Goblin Club
War Hammer War Hammer * Bec de Corbin
War Hammer Bec de Corbin Goblin Club
War Hammer War Maul War Hammer
Bec de Corbin Bec de Corbin * War Maul
Bec de Corbin War Maul Footman's Mace
War Maul War Maul War Maul
<<<--+->> H·E·A·V·Y - M·A·C·E·S <<-+-->>>
<<<-+| First Blade + Second Blade = Final Merge |+->>>
Langdebeve Langdebeve Langdebeve
Langdebeve Sabre Mace Sabre Mace
Langdebeve Footman's Mace Footman's Mace
Langdebeve Gloomwing * Sabre Mace
Langdebeve Mjolnir Sabre Mace
Langdebeve Griever Footman's Mace
Langdebeve Ðestroyer Gloomwing
Langdebeve Hand of Light Langdebeve
Sabre Mace Sabre Mace Sabre Mace
Sabre Mace Footman's Mace * Gloomwing
Sabre Mace Gloomwing Langdebeve
Sabre Mace Mjolnir Footman's Mace
Sabre Mace Griever Sabre Mace
Sabre Mace Ðestroyer Footman's Mace
Sabre Mace Hand of Light Sabre Mace
Footman's Mace Footman's Mace Footman's Mace
Footman's Mace Gloomwing * Mjolnir
Footman's Mace Mjolnir Sabre Mace
Footman's Mace Griever Mjolnir
Footman's Mace Ðestroyer Sabre Mace
Footman's Mace Hand of Light Footman's Mace
Gloomwing Gloomwing Gloomwing
Gloomwing Mjolnir Landgdebeve
Gloomwing Griever Gloomwing
Gloomwing Ðestroyer Gloomwing
Gloomwing Hand of Light Gloomwing
Mjolnir Mjolnir * Griever
Mjolnir Griever Landgdebeve
Mjolnir Ðestroyer Mjolnir
Mjolnir Hand of Light Mjolnir
Griever Griever * Ðestroyer
Griever Ðestroyer Footman's Mace
Griever Hand of Light Griever
Ðestroyer Ðestroyer Ðestroyer
Ðestroyer Hand of Light Ðestroyer
Hand of Light Hand of Light Hand of Light
<<<--+->> S·T·A·F·F·S <<-+-->>>
<<<-+| First Blade + Second Blade = Final Merge |+->>>
Wizard Staff Wizard Staff Wizard Staff
Wizard Staff Clergy Rod Wizard Staff
Wizard Staff Summoner's Baton Wizard Staff
Wizard Staff Shamanic Staff Clergy Rod
Wizard Staff Bishop's Crosier Summoner's Baton
Wizard Staff Sage's Cane Shamanic Staff
Clergy Rod Clergy Rod Clergy Rod
Clergy Rod Summoners Baton * Shamanic Staff
Clergy Rod Shamanic Staff Clergy Rod
Clergy Rod Bishop's Crosier Clergy Rod
Clergy Rod Sage's Cane Summoners Baton
Summoners Baton Summoners Baton Summoners Baton
Summoners Baton Shamanic Staff * Bishop's Crosier
Summoners Baton Bishop's Crosier Bishop's Crosier
Summoners Baton Sage's Cane Clergy Rod
Shamanic Staff Shamanic Staff Shamanic Staff
Shamanic Staff Bishop's Crosier Wizard Staff
Shamanic Staff Sage's Cane Shamanic Staff
Bishop's Crosier Bishop's Crosier * Sage's Cane
Bishop's Crosier Sage's Cane Wizard Staff
Sage's Cane Sage's Cane Sage's Cane
<<<--+->> зA·G·G·E·R·S <<-+-->>>
<<<-+| First Blade + Second Blade = Final Merge |+->>>
Battle Knife Battle Knife Battle Knife
Battle Knife Scramasax Battle Knife
Battle Knife Ðirk Throwing Knife
Battle Knife Throwing Knife Throwing Knife
Battle Knife Kudi * Scramasax
Battle Knife Cinquedea Ðirk
Battle Knife Kris Throwing Knife
Battle Knife Hatchet Kudi
Battle Knife Khukuri Cinquedea
Battle Knife Baselard Kris
Battle Knife Stiletto Hatchet
Battle Knife Jamadhar Khukuri
Scramasax Scramasax Scramasax
Scramasax Ðirk * Throwing Knife
Scramasax Throwing Knife * Kudi
Scramasax Kudi Kudi
Scramasax Cinquedea Scramasax
Scramasax Kris * Ðirk
Scramasax Hatchet Throwing Knife
Scramasax Khukuri Kudi
Scramasax Baselard Cinquedea
Scramasax Stiletto Kris
Scramasax Jamadhar Hatchet
Ðirk Ðirk * Throwing Knife
Ðirk Throwing Knife * Kudi
Ðirk Kudi Battle Knife
Ðirk Cinquedea Cinquedea
Ðirk Kris Scramasax
Ðirk Hatchet Ðirk
Ðirk Khukuri Throwing Knife
Ðirk Baselard Kudi
Ðirk Stiletto Cinquedea
Ðirk Jamadhar Kris
Throwing Knife Throwing Knife Throwing Knife
Throwing Knife Kudi * Cinquedea
Throwing Knife Cinquedea Throwing Knife
Throwing Knife Kris Battle Knife
Throwing Knife Hatchet Scramasax
Throwing Knife Khukuri Ðirk
Throwing Knife Baselard Throwing Knife
Throwing Knife Stiletto Kudi
Throwing Knife Jamadhar Cinquedea
Kudi Kudi Kudi
Kudi Cinquedea * Kris
Kudi Kris * Hatchet
Kudi Hatchet * Kris
Kudi Khukuri Scramasax
Kudi Baselard Ðirk
Kudi Stiletto Throwing Knife
Kudi Jamadhar Kudi
Cinquedea Cinquedea Cinquedea
Cinquedea Kris * Hatchet
Cinquedea Hatchet Battle Knife
Cinquedea Khukuri Hatchet
Cinquedea Baselard Scramasax
Cinquedea Stiletto Ðirk
Cinquedea Jamadhar Throwing Knife
Kris Kris Kris
Kris Hatchet * Khukuri
Kris Khukuri Battle Knife
Kris Baselard Hatchet
Kris Stiletto Scramasax
Kris Jamadhar Ðirk
Hatchet Hatchet Hatchet
Hatchet Khukuri * Baselard
Hatchet Baselard Battle Knife
Hatchet Stiletto Khukuri
Hatchet Jamadhar Scramasax
Khukuri Khukuri Khukuri
Khukuri Baselard Battle Knife
Khukuri Stiletto Baselard
Khukuri Jamadhar Khukuri
Baselard Baselard * Stiletto
Baselard Stiletto Battle Knife
Baselard Jamadhar Battle Knife
Stiletto Stiletto * Jamadhar
Stiletto Jamadhar Battle Knife
Jamadhar Jamadhar Jamadhar
<<<--+->> S·W·O·R·Ð·S <<-+-->>>
<<<-+| First Blade + Second Blade = Final Merge |+->>>
Spatha Spatha Spatha
Spatha Scimitar Spatha
Spatha Rapier * Short Sword
Spatha Short Sword Spatha
Spatha Firangi Scimitar
Spatha Shamshir Rapier
Spatha Falchion Short Sword
Spatha Shotel Firangi
Spatha Khora Shamshir
Spatha Khopesh Falchion
Spatha Wakizashi Shotel
Spatha Rhomphaia Spatha
Scimitar Scimitar Scimitar
Scimitar Rapier Spatha
Scimitar Short Sword Scimitar
Scimitar Firangi Short Sword
Scimitar Shamshir Scimitar
Scimitar Falchion Rapier
Scimitar Shotel Short Sword
Scimitar Khora Firangi
Scimitar Khopesh Shamshir
Scimitar Wakizashi Falchion
Scimitar Rhomphaia Scimitar
Rapier Rapier Rapier
Rapier Short Sword Spatha
Rapier Firangi Spatha
Rapier Shamshir Spatha
Rapier Falchion Firangi
Rapier Shotel Rapier
Rapier Khora Short Sword
Rapier Khopesh Firangi
Rapier Wakizashi Shamshir
Rapier Rhomphaia Rapier
Short Sword Short Sword Short Sword
Short Sword Firangi * Shamshir
Short Sword Shamshir Rapier
Short Sword Falchion Spatha
Short Sword Shotel Scimitar
Short Sword Khora Rapier
Short Sword Khopesh Short Sword
Short Sword Wakizashi Firangi
Short Sword Rhomphaia Short Sword
Firangi Firangi Firangi
Firangi Shamshir * Falchion
Firangi Falchion Shamshir
Firangi Shotel Falchion
Firangi Khora Scimitar
Firangi Khopesh Rapier
Firangi Wakizashi Short Sword
Firangi Rhomphaia Firangi
Shamshir Shamshir Shamshir
Shamshir Falchion * Shotel
Shamshir Shotel Spatha
Shamshir Khora Shamshir
Shamshir Khopesh Scimitar
Shamshir Wakizashi Rapier
Shamshir Rhomphaia Shamshir
Falchion Falchion Falchion
Falchion Shotel * Khora
Falchion Khora Rapier
Falchion Khopesh Khora
Falchion Wakizashi Scimitar
Falchion Rhomphaia Falchion
Shotel Shotel Shotel
Shotel Khora Spatha
Shotel Khopesh Shotel
Shotel Wakizashi Rapier
Shotel Rhomphaia Shotel
Khora Khora * Khopesh
Khora Khopesh Spatha/Khora
Khora Wakizashi Khora
Khora Rhomphaia Khora
Khopesh Khopesh * Wakizashi
Khopesh Wakizashi Khopesh
Khopesh Rhomphaia Khopesh
Wakizashi Wakizashi Wakizashi
Wakizashi Rhomphaia Wakizashi
Rhomphaia Rhomphaia Rhomphaia
<<<--+->> G·R·E·A·T - S·W·O·R·Ð·S <<-+-->>>
<<<-+| First Blade + Second Blade = Final Merge |+->>>
Broad Sword Broad Sword Broad Sword
Broad Sword Norse Sword Broad Sword
Broad Sword Katana * Executioner
Broad Sword Executioner Broad Sword
Broad Sword Claymore Norse Sword
Broad Sword Schiavona Katana
Broad Sword Bastard Sword Executioner
Broad Sword Nodachi Claymore
Broad Sword Rune Blade Schiavona
Broad Sword Holy Win Broad Sword
Norse Sword Norse Sword Norse Sword
Norse Sword Katana Broad Sword
Norse Sword Executioner Broad Sword
Norse Sword Claymore Katana
Norse Sword Schiavona Norse Sword
Norse Sword Bastard Sword Katana
Norse Sword Nodachi Executioner
Norse Sword Rune Blade Claymore
Norse Sword Holy Win Norse Sword
Katana Katana Katana
Katana Executioner * Claymore
Katana Claymore Broad Sword
Katana Schiavona Executioner
Katana Bastard Sword Norse Sword
Katana Nodachi Katana
Katana Rune Blade Executioner
Katana Holy Win Katana
Executioner Executioner Executioner
Executioner Claymore * Schiavona
Executioner Schiavona Broad Sword
Executioner Bastard Sword Katana
Executioner Nodachi Norse Sword
Executioner Rune Blade Katana
Executioner Holy Win Executioner
Claymore Claymore Claymore
Claymore Schiavona * Bastard Sword
Claymore Bastard Sword Claymore
Claymore Nodachi Schiavona
Claymore Rune Blade Norse Sword
Claymore Holy Win Claymore
Schiavona Schiavona Schiavona
Schiavona Bastard Sword Broad Sword
Schiavona Nodachi Bastard
Schiavona Rune Blade Schiavona
Schiavona Holy Win Schiavona
Bastard Sword Bastard Sword * Nodachi
Bastard Sword Nodachi Broad Sword
Bastard Sword Rune Blade Broad Sword
Bastard Sword Holy Win Bastard Sword
Nodachi Nodachi * Rune Blade
Nodachi Rune Blade _______________
Nodachi Holy Win Nodachi
Rune Blade Rune Blade _______________
Rune Blade Holy Win Rune Blade
Holy Win Holy Win Holy Win
<<<--+->> A·X·E·S <<-+-->>>
<<<-+| First Blade + Second Blade = Final Merge |+->>>
Hand Axe Hand Axe Hande Axe
Hand Axe Battle Axe Hand Axe
Hand Axe Francisca Francisca
Hand Axe Tabarzin Hand Axe
Hand Axe Chamkaq Battle Axe
Hand Axe Tabar * Francisca
Hand Axe Bullova Tabarzin
Hand Axe Crescent Chamkaq
Battle Axe Battle Axe Battle Axe
Battle Axe Francisca * Tabarzin
Battle Axe Tabarzin Francisca
Battle Axe Chamkaq Tabarzin
Battle Axe Tabar Battle Axe
Battle Axe Bullova Francisca
Battle Axe Crescent Tabarzin
Francisca Francisca Francisca
Francisca Tabarzin * Chamkaq
Francisca Chamkaq Hand Axe
Francisca Tabar Chamkaq
Francisca Bullova Battle Axe
Francisca Crescent Francisca
Tabarzin Tabarzin Tabarzin
Tabarzin Chamkaq * Tabar
Tabarzin Tabar Tabrazin
Tabarzin Bullova Tabar
Tabarzin Crescent Battle Axe
Chamkaq Chamkaq Chamkaq
Chamkaq Tabar Tabar
Chamkaq Bullova Chamkaq
Chamkaq Crescent Hand Axe
Tabar Tabar * Bullova
Tabar Bullova Hand Axe
Tabar Crescent Tabar
Bullova Bullova * Crescent
Bullova Crescent Hand Axe
Crescent Crescent Crescent
<<<--+->> G·R·E·A·T - A·X·E·S <<-+-->>>
<<<-+| First Blade + Second Blade = Final Merge |+->>>
Guisarme Guisarme Guisarme
Guisarme Large Crescent Guisarme
Guisarme Sabre Halberd Sabre Halberd
Guisarme Balbriggan Large Crescent
Guisarme Ðouble Blade Sabre Halberd
Guisarme Halberd Balbriggan
Large Crescent Large Crescent Large Crescent
Large Crescent Sabre Halberd * Balbriggan
Large Crescent Balbriggan * Sabre Halberd
Large Crescent Ðouble Blade Large Crescent
Large Crescent Halberd Sabre Halberd
Sabre Halberd Sabre Halberd Sabre Halberd
Sabre Halberd Balbriggan * Ðouble Blade
Sabre Halberd Ðouble Blade Balbriggan
Sabre Halberd Halberd Sabre Halberd
Balbriggan Balbriggan Balbriggan
Balbriggan Ðouble Blade Guisarme
Balbriggan Halberd Ðouble Blade
Ðouble Blade Ðouble Blade * Halberd
Ðouble Blade Halberd Guisarme
Halberd Halberd Halberd
<<<--+->> P·O·L·E·A·R·M·S <<-+-->>>
<<<-+| First Blade + Second Blade = Final Merge |+->>>
Spear Spear Spear
Spear Glaive Spear
Spear Scorpion Scorpion
Spear Corcesca Spear
Spear Trident Glaive
Spear Awl Pike Scorpion
Spear Boar Spear Corcesca
Spear Fauchard Trident
Spear Voulge Awl Pike
Spear Pole Axe Boar Spear
Spear Bardysh Fauchard
Spear Brandestoc Voulge
Glaive Glaive Glaive
Glaive Scorpion * Corcesca
Glaive Corcesca Spear
Glaive Trident Scorpion
Glaive Awl Pike Glaive
Glaive Boar Spear Scorpion
Glaive Fauchard Corcesca
Glaive Voulge Trident
Glaive Pole Axe Awl Pike
Glaive Bardysh Boar Spear
Glaive Brandestoc Fauchard
Scorpion Scorpion Scorpion
Scorpion Corcesca * Trident
Scorpion Trident Corcesca
Scorpion Awl Pike * Boar Spear
Scorpion Boar Spear Corcesca
Scorpion Fauchard Scorpion
Scorpion Voulge Corcesca
Scorpion Pole Axe Trident
Scorpion Bardysh Awl Pike
Scorpion Brandestoc Boar Spear
Corcesca Corcesca Corcesca
Corcesca Trident * Awl Pike
Corcesca Awl Pike Corcesca
Corcesca Boar Spear Trident
Corcesca Fauchard Glaive
Corcesca Voulge Scorpion
Corcesca Pole Axe Corcesca
Corcesca Bardysh Trident
Corcesca Brandestoc Awl Pike
Trident Trident Trident
Trident Awl Pike * Boar Spear
Trident Boar Spear * Fauchard
Trident Fauchard Awl Pike
Trident Voulge Glaive
Trident Pole Axe Scorpion
Trident Bardysh Corcesca
Trident Brandestoc Trident
Awl Pike Awl Pike Awl Pike
Awl Pike Boar Spear Trident
Awl Pike Fauchard Fauchard
Awl Pike Voulge Boar Spear
Awl Pike Pole Axe Glaive
Awl Pike Bardysh Scorpion
Awl Pike Brandestoc Corcesca
Boar Spear Boar Spear Boar Spear
Boar Spear Fauchard * Voulge
Boar Spear Voulge Awl Pike
Boar Spear Pole Axe Voulge
Boar Spear Bardysh Glaive
Boar Spear Brandestoc Scorpion
Fauchard Fauchard Fauchard
Fauchard Voulge * Pole Axe
Fauchard Pole Axe Spear
Fauchard Bardysh Voulge
Fauchard Brandestoc Glaive
Voulge Voulge Voulge
Voulge Pole Axe Voulge
Voulge Bardysh Fauchard
Voulge Brandestoc Pole Axe
Pole Axe Pole Axe * Bardysh
Pole Axe Bardysh Spear
Pole Axe Brandestoc Boar Spear
Bardysh Bardysh * Brandestoc
Bardysh Brandestoc ____________
Brandestoc Brandestoc ____________
<<<--+->> C·R·O·S·S B·O·W·S <<-+-->>>
<<<-+| First Blade + Second Blade = Final Merge |+->>>
Gastraph Bow Gastraph Bow Gastraph Bow
Gastraph Bow Light Crossbow Gastraph Bow
Gastraph Bow Target Bow * Light Crossbow
Gastraph Bow Windlass Gastraph Bow
Gastraph Bow Cranequin Light Crossbow
Gastraph Bow Lug Crossbow Target Bow
Gastraph Bow Siege Bow Target Bow
Gastraph Bow Arbalest Cranquin
Light Crossbow Light Crossbow Light Crossbow
Light Crossbow Target Bow * Windlass
Light Crossbow Windlass Gastraph Bow
Light Crossbow Cranequin Light Crossbow
Light Crossbow Lug Crossbow Light Crossbow
Light Crossbow Siege Bow Target Bow
Light Crossbow Arbalest Windlass
Target Bow Target Bow Target Bow
Target Bow Windlass * Cranequin
Target Bow Cranequin Target Bow
Target Bow Lug Crossbow Windlass
Target Bow Siege Bow Light Crossbow
Target Bow Arbalest Target Bow
Windlass Windlass Windlass
Windlass Cranequin * Lug Crossbow
Windlass Lug Crossbow Light Crossbow
Windlass Siege Bow Cranequin
Windlass Arbalest Light Crossbow
Cranequin Cranequin Cranequin
Cranequin Lug Crossbow Cranequin
Cranequin Siege Bow Target Bow
Cranequin Arbalest Windlass
Lug Crossbow Lug Crossbow * Siege Bow
Lug Crossbow Siege Bow Gastraph Bow
Siege Bow Siege Bow Arbalest
Siege Bow Arbalest ____________
Arbalest Arbalest ____________
Other Useful Mixed Combinations:
<<<--+->> O·T·H·E·R M·I·X·E·Ð B·L·A·Ð·E <<-+-->>>
<<<-+| First Blade + Second Blade = Final Merge |+->>>
Voulge Tabar Kudi
Schiavona Tabarzin Large Crescent
Katana Balbriggan Large Crescent
Shamshir Morning Star Sabre Halberd
Large Crescent Footman's Mace (1-H) Sabre Halberd
Bullova Bec de Corbin Ðouble Blade
War Maul Crescent Halberd
Bardysh Destroyer Cinquedea
Kudi Firangi Katana
Executioner Firangi Schiavona
Morning Star Cranequin Claymore
Firangi Shiavona Claymore
Boar Spear Nodachi Bastard Sword
Stilletto Wakizashi Rune Blade
Francisca Footman's Mace (1-H) Sabre Mace
Scramasax Wizard Staff Sabre Mace
Falchion Claymore Ball Mace
Sabre Halberd Bec de Corbin Ball Mace
Spiked Club Bec de Corbin Ball Mace
Summoners Baton Bec de Corbin Ball Mace
Khukuri Crescent War Maul
Footman's Mace(1-h) Summoners Baton Footman's Mace (2-H)
War Hammer Shamanic Staff Gloomwing
Balbriggan Tabar Gloomwing
Bec de Corbin Ðouble Blade Gloomwing
Summoners Baton Sabre Halberd Gloomwing
Summoners Baton Firangi Gloomwing
Bec de Corbin Kris Mjolnir
Balbriggan Khukuri Mjolnir
Ðouble Blade Bec de Corbin Mjolnir
Katana Chamkaq Francisca
War Maul Bullova Grevier
Footman's Mace(1-H) Chamkaq Clergy Rod
Summoners Baton Katana/Guisarme Clergy Rod
Summoners Baton Shamshir Clergy Rod
Balbriggan Morning Star/Chamkaq Shamanic Staff
War Hammer Bullova Shamanic Staff
Ðouble Blade War Hammer Bishop's Crosier
Bec de Corbin Crescent Bishop's Crosier
Bec de Corbin Halberd Sage's Cane
Balbriggan Summoners Baton Scorpion
Summoners Baton Morning Star ? Scorpion
Scimitar Awl Pike Glaive
Balbriggan Footman's Mace (1-H) Corcesca
Balbriggan Tabarzin/Schiavona Corcesca
Ðouble Blade Francisca/Chamkaq Trident
Bardysh Chamkaq Trident
Firangi Pole Axe/Voulge Trident
Rune Blade Bardysh Voulge
Crescent Ðestroyer Boar Spear
Summoners Baton Firangi Target Bow
Summoners Baton Large Crescent Light Bow
Francisca Corcesca Light Bow
Fauchard Chamkaq Windlass
Rune Blade Destroyer Siege Bow
Now here are the Shields combinations:
<<·>--+-|> S·H·I·E·L·Ð·S <|-+-<·>>
<<<|>-+| First Shield + Second Shield = Final Merge |+-<|>>>
Buckler Buckler Buckler
Buckler Targe * Pelta Shield
Buckler Pelta Shield Buckler
Buckler Quad Shield Quad Shield
Buckler Circle Shield Targe
Buckler Tower Shield Buckler
Buckler Spiked Shield Quad Shield
Buckler Round Shield Buckler
Buckler Kite Shield Pelta Shield
Buckler Casserole Shield Targe
Buckler Heater Shield Quad Shield
Buckler Oval Shield Circle Shield
Buckler Knight Shield Tower Shield
Buckler Hoplite Shield Spike Shield
Buckler Jazeraint Shield Round Shield
Buckler Ðread Shield Kite Shield
Targe Targe Targe
Targe Pelta Shield * Quad Shield
Targe Quad Shield * Circle Shield
Targe Circle Shield Pelta Shield
Targe Tower Shield Buckler
Targe Spiked Shield Spike Shield
Targe Round Shield Buckler
Targe Kite Shield Targe
Targe Casserole Shield Spike Shield
Targe Heater Shield Pelta Shield
Targe Oval Shield Targe
Targe Knight Shield Quad Shield
Targe Hoplite Shield Circle Shield
Targe Jazeraint Shield Tower Shield
Targe Ðread Shield Spike Shield
Pelta Shield Pelta Shield Pelta Shield
Pelta Shield Quad Shield Targe
Pelta Shield Circle Shield Buckler
Pelta Shield Tower Shield Pelta Shield
Pelta Shield Spiked Shield Buckler
Pelta Shield Round Shield Pelta Shield
Pelta Shield Kite Shield Buckler
Pelta Shield Casserole Shield Pelta Shield
Pelta Shield Heater Shield Targe
Pelta Shield Oval Shield Quad Shield
Pelta Shield Knight Shield Circle Shield
Pelta Shield Hoplite Shield Tower Shield
Pelta Shield Jazeraint Shield Spiked Shield
Pelta Shield Ðread Shield Round Shield
Quad Shield Quad Shield Quad Shield
Quad Shield Circle Shield * Tower Shield
Quad Shield Tower Shield * Spiked Shield
Quad Shield Spiked Shield Targe
Quad Shield Round Shield Round Shield
Quad Shield Kite Shield Buckler
Quad Shield Casserole Shield Buckler
Quad Shield Heater Shield Buckler
Quad Shield Oval Shield Pelta Shield
Quad Shield Knight Shield Targe
Quad Shield Hoplite Shield Quad Shield
Quad Shield Jazeraint Shield Circle Shield
Quad Shield Ðread Shield Tower Shield
Circle Shield Circle Shield Circle Shield
Circle Shield Tower Shield * Spiked Shield
Circle Shield Spiked Shield * Round Shield
Circle Shield Round Shield Buckler
Circle Shield Kite Shield Spike Shield
Circle Shield Casserole Shield Kite Shield
Circle Shield Heater Shield Quad Shield
Circle Shield Oval Shield Buckler
Circle Shield Knight Shield Pelta Shield
Circle Shield Hoplite Shield Targe
Circle Shield Jazeraint Shield Quad Shield
Circle Shield Ðread Shield Circle Shield
Tower Shield Tower Shield Tower Shield
Tower Shield Spiked Shield Round Shield
Tower Shield Round Shield * Kite Shield
Tower Shield Kite Shield Buckler
Tower Shield Casserole Shield Targe
Tower Shield Heater Shield Kite Shield
Tower Shield Oval Shield Targe
Tower Shield Knight Shield Buckler
Tower Shield Hoplite Shield Pelta Shield
Tower Shield Jazeraint Shield Targe
Tower Shield Ðread Shield Quad Shield
Spiked Shield Spiked Shield Spiked Shield
Spiked Shield Round Shield * Kite Shield
Spiked Shield Kite Shield * Casserole Shield
Spiked Shield Casserole Shield Buckler
Spiked Shield Heater Shield Round Shield
Spiked Shield Oval Shield Kite Shield
Spiked Shield Knight Shield Casserole Shield
Spiked Shield Hoplite Shield Buckler
Spiked Shield Jazeraint Shield Pelta Shield
Spiked Shield Ðread Shield Targe
Round Shield Round Shield Round Shield
Round Shield Kite Shield * Casserole Shield
Round Shield Casserole Shield * Heater Shield
Round Shield Heater Shield Buckler
Round Shield Oval Shield Casserole Shield
Round Shield Knight Shield Circle Shield
Round Shield Hoplite Shield Quad Shield
Round Shield Jazeraint Shield Buckler
Round Shield Ðread Shield Pelta Shield
Kite Shield Kite Shield Kite Shield
Kite Shield Casserole Shield * Heater Shield
Kite Shield Heater Shield Buckler
Kite Shield Oval Shield Targe
Kite Shield Knight Shield Buckler
Kite Shield Hoplite Shield Casserole Shield
Kite Shield Jazeraint Shield Buckler
Kite Shield Ðread Shield Buckler
Casserole Shield Casserole Shield Casserole Shield
Casserole Shield Heater Shield * Oval Shield
Casserole Shield Oval Shield Spiked Shield
Casserole Shield Knight Shield Buckler
Casserole Shield Hoplite Shield Round Shield
Casserole Shield Jazeraint Shield Buckler
Casserole Shield Ðread Shield Targe
Heater Shield Heater Shield Heater Shield
Heater Shield Oval Shield * Knight Shield
Heater Shield Knight Shield Targe
Heater Shield Hoplite Shield Circle Shield
Heater Shield Jazeraint Shield Kite Shield
Heater Shield Ðread Shield Buckler
Oval Shield Oval Shield Oval Shield
Oval Shield Knight Shield * Hoplite Shield
Oval Shield Hoplite Shield Quad Shield
Oval Shield Jazeraint Shield Buckler
Oval Shield Ðread Shield Spiked Shield
Knight Shield Knight Shield Knight Shield
Knight Shield Hoplite Shield Buckler
Knight Shield Jazeraint Shield Quad Shield
Knight Shield Ðread Shield Buckler
Hoplite Shield Hoplite Shield * Jazeraint Shield
Hoplite Shield Jazeraint Shield Buckler
Hoplite Shield Ðread Shield Circle Shield
Jazeraint Shield Jazeraint Shield * Ðread Shield
Jazeraint Shield Ðread Shield Buckler
Ðread Shield Ðread Shield Dread Shield
Here are the Protection Gear or Armors combinations:
<<·>->+-|> H·E·A·Ð G·E·A·R <|-+<-<·>>
<<<·>-+>| First Armor + Second Armor = Final Merge |<+-<·>>>
Bandana Bandana Bandana
Bandana Bear Mask Bear Mask
Bandana Wizard Hat Wizard Hat
Bandana Bone Helm Bone Helm
Bandana Chain Coif Bone Helm
Bandana Spangenhelm Bone Helm
Bandana Cabasset Bone Helm
Bandana Sallet Chain Coif
Bandana Barbut Spangenhelm
Bandana Basinet Cabasset
Bandana Armet Sallet
Bandana Close Helm Barbut
Bandana Burgonet Basinet
Bandana Hoplite Helm Armet
Bandana Jazeraint Helm Close Helm
Bandana Dread Helm Burgonet
Bear Mask Bear Mask Bear Mask
Bear Mask Wizard Hat Bear Mask
Bear Mask Bone Helm Bone Helm
Bear Mask Chain Coif * Spangenhelm
Bear Mask Spangenhelm * Cabasset
Bear Mask Cabasset Bone Helm
Bear Mask Sallet Spangenhelm
Bear Mask Barbut Chain Coif
Bear Mask Basinet Spangenhelm
Bear Mask Armet Cabasset
Bear Mask Close Helm Sallet
Bear Mask Burgonet Barbut
Bear Mask Hoplite Helm Basinet
Bear Mask Jazeraint Helm Armet
Bear Mask Dread Helm Close Helm
Wizard Hat Wizard Hat Wizard Hat
Wizard Hat Bone Helm Bone Helm
Wizard Hat Chain Coif Bone Helm
Wizard Hat Spangenhelm Bone Helm
Wizard Hat Cabasset Spangenhelm
Wizard Hat Sallet Chain Coif
Wizard Hat Barbut Bone Helm
Wizard Hat Basinet Chain Coif
Wizard Hat Armet Spangenhelm
Wizard Hat Close Helm Cabasset
Wizard Hat Burgonet Sallet
Wizard Hat Hoplite Helm Barbut
Wizard Hat Jazeraint Helm Basinet
Wizard Hat Dread Helm Armet
Bone Helm Bone Helm Bone Helm
Bone Helm Chain Coif * Spangenhelm
Bone Helm Spangenhelm Spangenhelm
Bone Helm Cabasset Chain Coif
Bone Helm Sallet Cabasset
Bone Helm Barbut Bone Helm
Bone Helm Basinet Cabasset
Bone Helm Armet Chain Coif
Bone Helm Close Helm Spangenhelm
Bone Helm Burgonet Cabasset
Bone Helm Hoplite Helm Sallet
Bone Helm Jazeraint Helm Barbut
Bone Helm Dread Helm Basinet
Chain Coif Chain Coif Chain Coif
Chain Coif Spangenhelm * Cabasset
Chain Coif Cabasset Cabasset
Chain Coif Sallet Bone Helm
Chain Coif Barbut Barbut
Chain Coif Basinet Bone Helm
Chain Coif Armet Chain Coif
Chain Coif Close Helm Chain Coif
Chain Coif Burgonet Spangenhelm
Chain Coif Hoplite Helm Cabasset
Chain Coif Jazeraint Helm Sallet
Chain Coif Dread Helm Barbut
Spangenhelm Spangenhelm Spangenhelm
Spangenhelm Cabasset * Sallet
Spangenhelm Sallet Sallet
Spangenhelm Barbut Bone Helm
Spangenhelm Basinet Sallet
Spangenhelm Armet Barbut
Spangenhelm Close Helm Barbut
Spangenhelm Burgonet Chain Coif
Spangenhelm Hoplite Helm Spangenhelm
Spangenhelm Jazeraint Helm Cabasset
Spangenhelm Dread Helm Sallet
Cabasset Cabasset Cabasset
Cabasset Sallet Sallet
Cabasset Barbut Barbut
Cabasset Basinet Basinet
Cabasset Armet Barbut
Cabasset Close Helm Sallet
Cabasset Burgonet Barbut
Cabasset Hoplite Helm Chain Coif
Cabasset Jazeraint Helm Spangenhelm
Cabasset Dread Helm Cabasset
Sallet Sallet Sallet
Sallet Barbut * Basinet
Sallet Basinet Barbut
Sallet Armet Basinet
Sallet Close Helm Barbut
Sallet Burgonet Bone Helm
Sallet Hoplite Helm Basinet
Sallet Jazeraint Helm Chain Coif
Sallet Dread Helm Spangenhelm
Barbut Barbut Barbut
Barbut Basinet * Armet
Barbut Armet Bone Helm
Barbut Close Helm Armet
Barbut Burgonet Armet
Barbut Hoplite Helm Bone Helm
Barbut Jazeraint Helm Sallet
Barbut Dread Helm Chain Coif
Basinet Basinet Basinet
Basinet Armet * Close Helm
Basinet Close Helm * Burgonet
Basinet Burgonet Basinet
Basinet Hoplite Helm Close Helm
Basinet Jazeraint Helm Basinet
Basinet Dread Helm Barbut
Armet Armet Armet
Armet Close Helm Close Helm
Armet Burgonet Close Helm
Armet Hoplite Helm Sallet
Armet Jazeraint Helm Armet
Armet Dread Helm Bone Helm
Close Helm Close Helm Close Helm
Close Helm Burgonet * Hoplite Helm
Close Helm Hoplite Helm Burgonet
Close Helm Jazeraint Helm Basinet
Close Helm Dread Helm Closed Helm
Burgonet Burgonet Burgonet
Burgonet Hoplite Helm Close
Burgonet Jazeraint Helm Armet
Burgonet Dread Helm Bone Helm
Hoplite Helm Hoplite Helm * Jazeraint Helm
Hoplite Helm Jazeraint Helm Hoplite Helm
Hoplite Helm Dread Helm Burgonet
Jazeraint Helm Jazeraint Helm * Dread Helm
Jazeraint Helm Dread Helm ____________
Dread Helm Dread Helm Dread Helm
<<·>->+-|> B·O·Ð·Y A·R·M·0·R·S <|-+<-<·>>
<<<·>-+>| First Armor + Second Armor = Final Merge |<+-<·>>>
Jerkin Jerkin ____________
Jerkin Wizard Robe Wizard Robe
Jerkin Cuirass Cuirass
Jerkin Banded Mail Banded Mail
Jerkin Ring Mail Banded Mail
Jerkin Chain Mail * Breastplate
Jerkin Breastplate Banded Mail
Jerkin Segmentata Ring Mail
Jerkin Scale Armor Chain Mail
Jerkin Brigandine Breast Plate
Jerkin Plate Mail Segmentata
Jerkin Fluted Armor Scale Armor
Jerkin Hoplite Armor Brigandine
Jerkin Jazeraint Armor Plate Mail
Jerkin Dread Armor Fluted Armor
Wizard Robe Wizard Robe Wizard Robe
Wizard Robe Cuirass Cuirass
Wizard Robe Banded Mail Banded Mail
Wizard Robe Ring Mail * Breastplate
Wizard Robe Chain Mail Banded Mail
Wizard Robe Breastplate Banded Mail
Wizard Robe Segmentata Banded Mail
Wizard Robe Scale Armor Ring Mail
Wizard Robe Brigandine Ring Mail
Wizard Robe Plate Mail Chain Mail
Wizard Robe Fluted Armor Breastplate
Wizard Robe Hoplite Armor Segmentata
Wizard Robe Jazeraint Armor Scale Armor
Wizard Robe Dread Armor Brigandine
Cuirass Cuirass Cuirass
Cuirass Banded Mail * Ring Mail
Cuirass Ring Mail Ring Mail
Cuirass Chain Mail Banded Mail
Cuirass Breastplate Segmentata
Cuirass Segmentata Banded Mail
Cuirass Scale Armor Chain Mail
Cuirass Brigandine Breast Plate
Cuirass Plate Mail Ring Mail
Cuirass Fluted Armor Chain Mail
Cuirass Hoplite Armor Breastplate
Cuirass Jazeraint Armor Segmentata
Cuirass Dread Armor Scale Armor
Banded Mail Banded Mail Banded Mail
Banded Mail Ring Mail * Chain Mail
Banded Mail Chain Mail Chain Mail
Banded Mail Breastplate Breastplate
Banded Mail Segmentata Chain Mail
Banded Mail Scale Armor Banded Mail
Banded Mail Brigandine Chain Mail
Banded Mail Plate Mail Banded Mail
Banded Mail Fluted Armor Ring Mail
Banded Mail Hoplite Armor Chain Mail
Banded Mail Jazeraint Armor Breastplate
Banded Mail Dread Armor Segmentata
Ring Mail Ring Mail Ring Mail
Ring Mail Chain Mail * Breastplate
Ring Mail Breastplate Banded Mail
Ring Mail Segmentata Banded Mail
Ring Mail Scale Armor Breastplate
Ring Mail Brigandine Ring Mail
Ring Mail Plate Mail Segmentata
Ring Mail Fluted Armor Scale Armor
Ring Mail Hoplite Armor Ring Mail
Ring Mail Jazeraint Armor Chain Mail
Ring Mail Dread Armor Breastplate
Chain Mail Chain Mail Chain Mail
Chain Mail Breastplate * Segmentata
Chain Mail Segmentata Scale Armor
Chain Mail Scale Armor Banded Mail
Chain Mail Brigandine Scale Armor
Chain Mail Plate Mail Banded Armor
Chain Mail Fluted Armor Scale Armor
Chain Mail Hoplite Armor Breastplate
Chain Mail Jazeraint Armor Ring Mail
Chain Mail Dread Armor Chain Mail
Breastplate Breastplate Breastplate
Breastplate Segmentata * Scale Armor
Breastplate Scale Armor * Brigandine
Breastplate Brigandine * Plate Mail
Breastplate Plate Mail Scale Armor
Breastplate Fluted Armor Plate Mail
Breastplate Hoplite Armor Fluted Armor
Breastplate Jazeraint Armor Banded Mail
Breastplate Dread Armor Ring Mail
Segmentata Segmentata Segmentata
Segmentata Scale Armor * Brigandine
Segmentata Brigandine Segmentata
Segmentata Plate Mail Brigandine
Segmentata Fluted Armor Banded Mail
Segmentata Hoplite Armor Plate Mail
Segmentata Jazeraint Armor Segmentata
Segmentata Dread Armor Plate Mail
Scale Armor Scale Armor Scale Armor
Scale Armor Brigandine * Plate Mail
Scale Armor Plate Mail Banded Mail
Scale Armor Fluted Armor Brigandine
Scale Armor Hoplite Armor Ring Mail
Scale Armor Jazeraint Armor Fluted Armor
Scale Armor Dread Armor Banded Mail
Brigandine Brigandine Brigandine
Brigandine Plate Mail * Fluted Armor
Brigandine Fluted Armor Fluted Armor
Brigandine Hoplite Armor Plate Mail
Brigandine Jazeraint Armor Scale Armor
Brigandine Dread Armor Fluted Armor
Plate Mail Plate Mail Plate Mail
Plate Mail Fluted Armor * Hoplite Armor
Plate Mail Hoplite Armor Brigandine
Plate Mail Jazeraint Armor Brigandine
Plate Mail Dread Armor Scale Mail
Fluted Armor Fluted Armor Fluted Armor
Fluted Armor Hoplite Armor Scale Armor
Fluted Armor Jazeraint Armor Fluted Armor
Fluted Armor Dread Armor Scale Armor
Hoplite Armor Hoplite Armor * Jazeraint Armor
Hoplite Armor Jazeraint Armor Banded Mail
Hoplite Armor Dread Armor Plate Mail
Jazeraint Armor Jazeraint Armor * Dread Armor
Jazeraint Armor Dread Armor Banded Mail
Dread Armor Dread Armor Dread Armor
<<·>->+-|> H·A·N·Ð G·E·A·R <|-+<-<·>>
<<<·>-+>| First Armor + Second Armor = Final Merge |<+-<·>>>
Bandage Bandage Bandage
Bandage Leather Glove Leather Glove
Bandage Reinforced Glove Reinforced Glove
Bandage Knuckles Knuckles
Bandage Ring Sleeve Knuckles
Bandage Chain Sleeve Knuckles
Bandage Gauntlet Chain Sleeve
Bandage Vambrace Ring Sleeve
Bandage Plate Glove Chain Sleeve
Bandage Rondanche Gauntlet
Bandage Tilt Glove Vambrace
Bandage Freiturner Plate Glove
Bandage Fluted Glove Rondanche
Bandage Hoplite Glove Tilt Glove
Bandage Jazeraint Glove Fluted Glove
Bandage Dread Glove Fluted Glove
Leather Glove Leather Glove Leather Glove
Leather Glove Reinforced Glove Reinforced Glove
Leather Glove Knuckles Knuckles
Leather Glove Ring Sleeve * Chain Sleeve
Leather Glove Chain Sleeve Ring Sleeve
Leather Glove Gauntlet Knuckles
Leather Glove Vambrace Chain Sleeve
Leather Glove Plate Glove Ring Sleeve
Leather Glove Rondanche Chain Sleeve
Leather Glove Tilt Glove Gauntlet
Leather Glove Freiturner Vambrace
Leather Glove Fluted Glove Plate Glove
Leather Glove Hoplite Glove Rondanche
Leather Glove Jazeraint Glove Tilt Glove
Leather Glove Dread Glove Freiturner
Reinforced Glove Reinforced Glove Reinforced Glove
Reinforced Glove Knuckles * Ring Sleeve
Reinforced Glove Ring Sleeve * Knuckles
Reinforced Glove Chain Sleeve * Gauntlet
Reinforced Glove Gauntlet Chain Sleeve
Reinforced Glove Vambrace Vambrace
Reinforced Glove Plate Glove Vambrace
Reinforced Glove Rondanche Ring Sleeve
Reinforced Glove Tilt Glove Chain Sleeve
Reinforced Glove Freiturner Gauntlet
Reinforced Glove Fluted Glove Vambrace
Reinforced Glove Hoplite Glove Plate Glove
Reinforced Glove Jazeraint Glove Rondanche
Reinforced Glove Dread Glove Tilt Glove
Knuckles Knuckles Knuckles
Knuckles Ring Sleeve * Chain Sleeve
Knuckles Chain Sleeve Chain Sleeve
Knuckles Gauntlet Knuckles
Knuckles Vambrace Gauntlet
Knuckles Plate Glove Plate Glove
Knuckles Rondanche Rondanche
Knuckles Tilt Glove Ring Sleeve
Knuckles Freiturner Chain Sleeve
Knuckles Fluted Glove Gauntlet
Knuckles Hoplite Glove Vambrace
Knuckles Jazeraint Glove Plate Glove
Knuckles Dread Glove Rondanche
Ring Sleeve Ring Sleeve Ring Sleeve
Ring Sleeve Chain Sleeve * Gauntlet
Ring Sleeve Gauntlet * Vambrace
Ring Sleeve Vambrace Vambrace
Ring Sleeve Plate Glove Ring Sleeve
Ring Sleeve Rondanche Gauntlet
Ring Sleeve Tilt Glove Plate Glove
Ring Sleeve Freiturner Ring Sleeve
Ring Sleeve Fluted Glove Chain Sleeve
Ring Sleeve Hoplite Glove Gauntlet
Ring Sleeve Jazeraint Glove Vambrace
Ring Sleeve Dread Glove Plate Glove
Chain Sleeve Chain Sleeve Chain Sleeve
Chain Sleeve Gauntlet Gauntlet
Chain Sleeve Vambrace Knuckles
Chain Sleeve Plate Glove Rondanche
Chain Sleeve Rondanche Rondanche
Chain Sleeve Tilt Glove Vambrace
Chain Sleeve Freiturner Rondanche
Chain Sleeve Fluted Glove Ring Sleeve
Chain Sleeve Hoplite Glove Chain Sleeve
Chain Sleeve Jazeraint Glove Gauntlet
Chain Sleeve Dread Glove Vambrace
Gauntlet Gauntlet Gauntlet
Gauntlet Vambrace * Plate Glove
Gauntlet Plate Glove Plate Glove
Gauntlet Rondanche Knuckles
Gauntlet Tilt Glove Tilt Glove
Gauntlet Freiturner Chain Sleeve
Gauntlet Fluted Glove Freiturner
Gauntlet Hoplite Glove Ring Sleeve
Gauntlet Jazeraint Glove Gauntlet
Gauntlet Dread Glove Gauntlet
Vambrace Vambrace * Plate Glove
Vambrace Plate Glove * Rondanche
Vambrace Rondanche * Plate Glove
Vambrace Tilt Glove Gauntlet
Vambrace Freiturner Freiturner
Vambrace Fluted Glove Tilt Glove
Vambrace Hoplite Glove Knuckles
Vambrace Jazeraint Glove Ring Sleeve
Vambrace Dread Glove Chain Sleeve
Plate Glove Plate Glove Plate Glove
Plate Glove Rondanche * Tilt Glove
Plate Glove Tilt Glove Tilt Glove
Plate Glove Freiturner Plate Glove
Plate Glove Fluted Glove Freiturner
Plate Glove Hoplite Glove Fluted Glove
Plate Glove Jazeraint Glove Vambrace
Plate Glove Dread Glove Ring Sleeve
Rondanche Rondanche Rondanche
Rondanche Tilt Glove Rondanche
Rondanche Freiturner * Fluted Glove
Rondanche Fluted Glove Knuckles
Rondanche Hoplite Glove Freiturner
Rondanche Jazeraint Glove Rondanche
Rondanche Dread Glove Freiturner
Tilt Glove Tilt Glove * Freiturner
Tilt Glove Freiturner Tilt Glove
Tilt Glove Fluted Glove Fluted Glove
Tilt Glove Hoplite Glove Plate Glove
Tilt Glove Jazeraint Glove Flute Glove
Tilt Glove Dread Glove Gauntlet
Freiturner Freiturner Freiturner
Freiturner Fluted Glove * Hoplite Glove
Freiturner Hoplite Glove Fluted Glove
Freiturner Jazeraint Glove Rondanche
Freiturner Dread Glove Tilt Glove
Fluted Glove Fluted Glove Fluted Glove
Fluted Glove Hoplite Glove Tilt Glove
Fluted Glove Jazeraint Glove Freiturner
Fluted Glove Dread Glove Fluted Glove
Hoplite Glove Hoplite Glove * Jazeraint Glove
Hoplite Glove Jazeraint Glove Knuckles
Hoplite Glove Dread Glove Fluted Glove
Jazeraint Glove Jazeraint Glove * Dread Glove
Jazeraint Glove Dread Glove Rondanche
Dread Glove Dread Glove Dread Glove
<<·>->+-|> L·E·G - G·E·A·R <|-+<-<·>>
<<<·>-+>| First Armor + Second Armor = Final Merge |<+-<·>>>
Sandals Sandals Sandals
Sandals Boots Boots
Sandals Long Boots Long Boots
Sandals Cuisse Cuisse
Sandals Light Greave Light Greave
Sandals Ring Leggings Cuisse
Sandals Chain Leggings Light Greave
Sandals Fusskampf Light Greave
Sandals Poleyn Ring Leggings
Sandals Jambeau Chain Leggings
Sandals Missaglia Fusskampf
Sandals Plate Leggings Poleyn
Sandals Fluted Leggings Jambeau
Sandals Hoplite Leggings Missaglia
Sandals Jazeraint Leggings Plate Leggings
Sandals Dread Leggings Fluted Leggings
Boots Boots Boots
Boots Long Boots Long Boots
Boots Cuisse Cuisse
Boots Light Greave Cuisse
Boots Ring Leggings * Chain Leggings
Boots Chain Leggings Cuisse
Boots Fusskampf Ring Leggings
Boots Poleyn Light Greave
Boots Jambeau Ring Leggings
Boots Missaglia Chain Leggings
Boots Plate Leggings Fusskampf
Boots Fluted Leggings Poleyn
Boots Hoplite Leggings Jambeau
Boots Jazeraint Leggings Missaglia
Boots Dread Leggings Plate Leggings
Long Boots Long Boots Long Boots
Long Boots Cuisse * Light Greave
Long Boots Light Greave Light Greave
Long Boots Ring Leggings Cuisse
Long Boots Chain Leggings Ring Leggings
Long Boots Fusskampf Light Greave
Long Boots Poleyn Fusskampf
Long Boots Jambeau Light Greave
Long Boots Missaglia Ring Sleeve
Long Boots Plate Leggings Chain Sleeve
Long Boots Fluted Leggings Fusskampf
Long Boots Hoplite Leggings Poleyn
Long Boots Jazeraint Leggings Jambeau
Long Boots Dread Leggings Missaglia
Cuisse Cuisse Cuisse
Cuisse Light Greave * Ring Leggings
Cuisse Ring Leggings Ring Leggings
Cuisse Chain Leggings Cuisse
Cuisse Fusskampf Chain Leggings
Cuisse Poleyn Cuisse
Cuisse Jambeau Poleyn
Cuisse Missaglia Light Greave
Cuisse Plate Leggings Ring Leggings
Cuisse Fluted Leggings Chain Leggings
Cuisse Hoplite Leggings Fusskampf
Cuisse Jazeraint Leggings Poleyn
Cuisse Dread Leggings Jambeau
Light Greave Light Greave Light Greave
Light Greave Ring Leggings * Chain Leggings
Light Greave Chain Leggings * Fusskampf
Light Greave Fusskampf * Poleyn
Light Greave Poleyn Fusskampf
Light Greave Jambeau Chain Leggings
Light Greave Missaglia Poleyn
Light Greave Plate Leggings Light Greave
Light Greave Fluted Leggings Ring Leggings
Light Greave Hoplite Leggings Chain Leggings
Light Greave Jazeraint Leggings Fusskampf
Light Greave Dread Leggings Poleyn
Ring Leggings Ring Leggings Ring Leggings
Ring Leggings Chain Leggings * Fusskampf
Ring Leggings Fusskampf Chain Leggings
Ring Leggings Poleyn Poleyn
Ring Leggings Jambeau Poleyn
Ring Leggings Missaglia Fusskampf
Ring Leggings Plate Leggings Cuisse
Ring Leggings Fluted Leggings Light Greave
Ring Leggings Hoplite Leggings Ring Leggings
Ring Leggings Jazeraint Leggings Ring Leggings
Ring Leggings Dread Leggings Fusskampf
Chain Leggings Chain Leggings * Poleyn
Chain Leggings Fusskampf * Poleyn
Chain Leggings Poleyn * Jambeau
Chain Leggings Jambeau * Missaglia
Chain Leggings Missaglia Poleyn
Chain Leggings Plate Leggings Poleyn
Chain Leggings Fluted Leggings Missaglia
Chain Leggings Hoplite Leggings Light Greave
Chain Leggings Jazeraint Leggings Ring Leggings
Chain Leggings Dread Leggings Chain Leggings
Fusskampf Fusskampf Fusskampf
Fusskampf Poleyn * Jambeau
Fusskampf Jambeau Cuisse
Fusskampf Missaglia Jambeau
Fusskampf Plate Leggings Jambeau
Fusskampf Fluted Leggings Light Greave
Fusskampf Hoplite Leggings Plate Leggings
Fusskampf Jazeraint Leggings Light Greave
Fusskampf Dread Leggings Ring Leggings
Poleyn Poleyn Poleyn
Poleyn Jambeau * Missaglia
Poleyn Missaglia * Plate Leggings
Poleyn Plate Leggings Poleyn
Poleyn Fluted Leggings Plate Leggings
Poleyn Hoplite Leggings Jambeau
Poleyn Jazeraint Leggings Plate Leggings
Poleyn Dread Leggings Light Greave
Jambeau Jambeau Jambeau
Jambeau Missaglia Fusskampf
Jambeau Plate Leggings Missaglia
Jambeau Fluted Leggings Missaglia
Jambeau Hoplite Leggings Fusskampf
Jambeau Jazeraint Leggings Fluted Leggings
Jambeau Dread Leggings Cuisse
Missaglia Missaglia * Plate Leggings
Missaglia Plate Leggings * Fluted Leggings
Missaglia Fluted Leggings Jambeau
Missaglia Hoplite Leggings Fluted Leggings
Missaglia Jazeraint Leggings Ring Leggings
Missaglia Dread Leggings Plate Leggings
Plate Leggings Plate Leggings Plate Leggings
Plate Leggings Fluted Leggings * Hoplite Leggings
Plate Leggings Hoplite Leggings Poleyn
Plate Leggings Jazeraint Leggings Fluted Leggings
Plate Leggings Dread Leggings Poleyn
Fluted Leggings Fluted Leggings Fluted Leggings
Fluted Leggings Hoplite Leggings Missaglia
Fluted Leggings Jazeraint Leggings Jamabeau
Fluted Leggings Dread Leggings Plate Leggings
Hoplite Leggings Hoplite Leggings * Jazeraint Leggings
Hoplite Leggings Jazeraint Leggings Cuisse
Hoplite Leggings Dread Leggings ____________
Jazeraint Leggings Jazeraint Leggings * Dread Leggings
Jazeraint Leggings Dread Leggings ____________
Dread Leggings Dread Leggings Dread Leggings
Here are Protection Gear or Armors mixed combinations:
Most of the list here are average armor list which enough to upgrade your armor to
Hoplite, Jazeraint and Dread equipments.
Head Gear: Body Armor: Hand Gear: Leg Gear:
1. Sallet 1. Breastplate 1. Vambrace 1. Fuzzkampf
2. Barbut 2. Segmentata 2. Plate Glove 2. Poleyn
3. Basinet 3. Scale Armor 3. Rondanche 3. Jambeau
4. Armet 4. Brigandine 4. Tilt Glove 4. Missaglia
5. Close Helm 5. Plate Mail 5. Freiturner 5. Plate Leggings
6. Burgonet 6. Fluted Armor 6. Fluted Glove 6. Fluted Leggings
7. Hoplite Helm 7. Hoplite Armor 7. Hoplite Glove 7. Hoplite Leggings
8. Jazeraint Helm 8. Jazeraint Armor 8. Jazeraint Glove 8. Jazeraint Leggings
9. Dread Helm 9. Dread Armor 9. Dread Glove 9. Dread Leggings
<<·>->+-|> M·I·X·E·Ð A·R·M·0·R·S <|-+<-<·>>
<<<·>-+>| First Armor + Second Armor = Final Merge |<+-<·>>>
Sallet + Breastplate / Poleyn = Fusskampf
Sallet + Segmentata / Scale Armor / Brigandine = Segmentata
Sallet + Plate Mail / Fluted Armor / Hoplite Armor = Segmentata
Sallet + Jazeraint Armor / Dread Armor = Segmentata
Sallet + Gauntlet = Cabasset
Sallet + Vambrace = Breastplate
Sallet + Plate Glove / Rondanche / Tilt Glove = Vambrace
Sallet + Freiturnier / Fluted Glove / Hoplite Glove = Vambrace
Sallet + Jazeraint Glove / Fusskampf = Vambrace
Sallet + Dread Glove = Plate Glove
Sallet + Jambeau / Missaglia / Plate Leggings = Fusskampf
Sallet + Fluted Leggings/Hoplite Leggings/Jazeraint Leggings= Fusskampf
Sallet + Dread Leggings = Poleyn
Barbut + Breastplate = Cabasset
Barbut + Segmentata = Poleyn
Barbut + Scale Armor / Plate Glove = Segmentata
Barbut + Brigandine / Plate Mail / Fluted Armor = Scale Armor
Barbut + Hoplite Armor / Jazeraint Armor / Dread Armor = Scale Armor
Barbut + Vambrace / Fusskampf = Sallet
Barbut + Rondanche / Tilt Glove / Freiturnier = Plate Glove
Barbut + Fluted Glove / Hoplite Glove = Plate Glove
Barbut + Jazeraint Glove/ Dread Glove = Plate Glove
Barbut + Poleyn = Plate Glove
Barbut + Jambeau / Missaglia / Plate Leggings= Poleyn
Barbut + Fluted Leggings / Hoplite Leggings = Poleyn
Barbut + Jazeraint Leggings / Dread Leggings = Poleyn
Basinet + Breastplate = Cabasset
Basinet + Segmentata / Vambrace / Fusskampf = Sallet
Basinet + Scale Armor = Jambeau
Basinet + Brigandine / Rondanche = Scale Armor
Basinet + Plate Mail / Fluted Armor / Hoplite Armor = Brigandine
Basinet + Jazeraint Armor / Dread Armor = Brigandine
Basinet + Plate Glove / Poleyn = Barbut
Basinet + Tilt Glove / Freiturner / Fluted Glove = Rondanche
Basinet + Hoplite Glove / Jazeraint Glove / Dread Glove = Rondanche
Basinet + Jambeau = Rondanche
Basinet + Missaglia / Plate Leggings / Fluted Leggings= Jambeau
Basinet + Hoplite Leggings/Jazeraint Leggings/Dread Leggings = Jambeau
Armet + Breastplate = Cabasset
Armet + Segmentata / Vambrace / Fusskampf = Sallet
Armet + Scale Armor / Plate Glove / Poleyn = Barbut
Armet + Brigandine = Missaglia
Armet + Plate Mail / Fluted Armor / Hoplite Armor = Plate Mail
Armet + Jazeraint Armor / Dread Armor = Plate Mail
Armet + Rondanche / Jambeau = Basinet
Armet + Tilt Glove = Brigandine
Armet + Freiturnier / Fluted Glove / Hoplite Glove = Tilt Glove
Armet + Jazeraint Glove / Dread Glove / Missaglia = Tilt Glove
Armet + Plate Leggings /Fluted Leggings / Hoplite Leggings = Missaglia
Armet + Jazeraint Leggings / Dread Leggings = Missaglia
Close Helm + Breastplate = Cabasset
Close Helm + Segmentata / Vambrace / Fusskampf = Sallet
Close Helm + Scale Armor / Plate Glove / Poleyn = Barbut
Close Helm + Brigandine / Rondanche / Jambeau = Basinet
Close Helm + Plate Mail = Plate Leggings
Close Helm + Fluted Armor / Freiturner = Plate Mail
Close Helm + Hoplite Armor / Jazeraint Armor / Dread Armor = Fluted Armor
Close Helm + Tilt Glove / Missaglia = Armet
Close Helm + Fluted Glove / Hoplite Glove / Jazeraint Glove= Freiturner
Close Helm + Dread Glove / Plate Leggings = Freiturner
Close Helm + Fluted Leggings / Hoplite Leggings = Plate Leggings
Close Helm + Jazeraint Leggings/Plate Leggings/Dread Leggings = Plate Leggings
Burgonet + Breastplate = Cabasset
Burgonet + Segmentata / Sallet / Fusskampf = Sallet
Burgonet + Scale Armor / Plate Glove / Poleyn = Barbut
Burgonet + Brigandine / Rondanche / Jambeau = Basinet
Burgonet + Plate Mail / Tilt Glove / Missaglia = Armet
Burgonet + Fluted Armor = Fluted Leggings
Burgonet + Hoplite Armor = Hoplite Armor
Burgonet + Jazeraint Armor / Dread Armor = Hoplite Armor
Burgonet + Freiturner / Plate Leggings = Close Helm
Burgonet + Fluted Glove = Fluted Armor
Burgonet + Hoplite Glove / Jazeraint Glove / Dread Glove = Fluted Glove
Burgonet + Fluted Leggings = Fluted Glove
Burgonet + Hoplite Leggings /Jazeraint Leggings/Dread Leggings = Fluted Leggings
Hoplite Helm + Breastplate / Vambrace / Fusskampf = Sallet
Hoplite Helm + Segmentata = Sallet
Hoplite Helm + Scale Armor / Plate Glove / Poleyn = Barbut
Hoplite Helm + Brigandine / Rondanche / Jambeau = Basinet
Hoplite Helm + Plate Mail / Tilt Glove / Missaglia = Armet
Hoplite Helm + Fluted Armor / Freiturner / Plate Leggings = Close Helm
Hoplite Helm + Jazeraint Armor / Dread Armor = Jazeraint Armor
Hoplite Helm + Fluted Glove / Fluted Leggings= Burgonet
Hoplite Helm + Hoplite Glove = Hoplite Armor
Hoplite Helm + Jazeraint Glove/ Dread Glove / Hoplite Glove = Hoplite Glove
Hoplite Helm + Hoplite Leggings = Hoplite Glove
Hoplite Helm + Hoplite Armor = Hoplite Leggings
Hoplite Helm + Jazeraint Leggings / Dread Leggings = Hoplite Leggings
Jazeraint Helm + Breastplate = Barbut
Jazeraint Helm + Segmentata / Vambrace / Fusskampf = Sallet
Jazeraint Helm + Scale Armor / Plate Glove / Poleyn = Barbut
Jazeraint Helm + Brigandine / Basinet / Jambeau = Basinet
Jazeraint Helm + Plate Mail / Tilt Glove / Missaglia = Armet
Jazeraint Helm + Fluted Armor / Freiturner / Plate Leggings = Close Helm
Jazeraint Helm + Hoplite Armor / Fluted Glove / Fluted Leggings= Burgonet
Jazeraint Helm + Jazeraint Armor / Dread Leggings = Jazeraint Leggings
Jazeraint Helm + Dread Armor = Dread Armor
Jazeraint Helm + Hoplite Glove / Hoplite Leggings = Hoplite Helm
Jazeraint Helm + Jazeraint Glove = Jazeraint Armor
Jazeraint Helm + Dread Glove / Jazeraint Leggings = Jazeraint Glove
Dread Helm + Breastplate / Brigandine / Rondanche / Jambeau = Basinet
Dread Helm + Segmentata / Vambrace / Fusskampf = Barbut
Dread Helm + Scale Armor / Plate Glove / Poleyn = Barbut
Dread Helm + Plate Mail /Tilt Glove /Missaglia = Armet
Dread Helm + Fluted Armor /Freiturner /Plate Leggings = Close Helm
Dread Helm + Hoplite Armor /Fluted Glove /Fluted Leggings = Burgonet
Dread Helm + Jazeraint Armor /Hoplite Glove /Hoplite Leggings= Hoplite Helm
Dread Helm + Dread Armor = Dread Leggings
Dread Helm + Jazeraint Glove / Jazeraint Leggings = Jazeraint Helm
Dread Helm + Dread Glove = Dread Armor
Dread Helm + Dread Leggings = Dread Glove
Breastplate + Vambrace = Sallet
Breastplate + Plate Glove = Gauntlet
Breastplate + Rondanche / Tilt Glove = Gauntlet
Breastplate + Freiturner = Vambrace
Breastplate + Fluted Glove / Hoplite Glove = Vambrace
Breastplate + Jazeraint Glove = Plate Glove
Breastplate + Dread Glove = Rondanche
Breastplate + Fusskampf = Vambrace
Breastplate + Poleyn = Chain Leggings
Breastplate + Jambeau / Missaglia = Chain Leggings
Breastplate + Plate Leggings / Fluted Leggings = Chain Leggings
Breastplate + Hoplite Leggings = Fusskampf
Breastplate + Jazeraint Leggings = Poleyn
Breastplate + Dread Leggings = Jambeau
Segmentata + Vambrace / Fusskampf = Segmentata
Segmentata + Plate Glove = Barbut
Segmentata + Rondanche / Tilt Glove = Vambrace
Segmentata + Freiturner / Fluted Glove = Vambrace
Segmentata + Hoplite Glove / Jazeraint Glove = Vambrace
Segmentata + Dread Glove / Poleyn = Plate Glove
Segmentata + Jambeau / Missaglia = Fusskampf
Segmentata + Plate Leggings / Fluted Leggings = Fusskampf
Segmentata + Hoplite Leggings / Jazeraint Leggings = Fusskampf
Segmentata + Dread Leggings = Poleyn
Scale Armor + Vambrace / Fusskampf = Segmentata
Scale Armor + Plate Glove / Poleyn = Scale Armor
Scale Armor + Rondanche = Basinet
Scale Armor + Tilt Glove / Freiturner = Plate Glove
Scale Armor + Fluted Glove / Hoplite Glove = Plate Glove
Scale Armor + Jazeraint Glove / Dread Glove = Plate Glove
Scale Armor + Jambeau = Rondanche
Scale Armor + Missaglia / Plate Leggings = Poleyn
Scale Armor + Fluted Leggings / Hoplite Leggings = Poleyn
Scale Armor + Jazeraint Leggings / Dread Leggings = Poleyn
Brigandine + Vambrace / Fusskampf = Segmentata
Brigandine + Plate Glove / Poleyn = Scale Armor
Brigandine + Rondanche / Jambeau = Brigandine
Brigandine + Tilt Glove = Armet
Brigandine + Freiturner = Rondanche
Brigandine + Fluted Glove / Hoplite Glove = Rondanche
Brigandine + Jazeraint Glove / Dread Glove = Rondanche
Brigandine + Missaglia = Tilt Glove
Brigandine + Plate Leggings = Jambeau
Brigandine + Fluted Leggings / Hoplite Leggings = Jambeau
Brigandine + Jazeraint Leggings / Dread Leggings = Jambeau
Plate Mail + Vambrace / Fusskampf = Segmentata
Plate Mail + Plate Glove / Poleyn = Scale Armor
Plate Mail + Rondanche / Jambeau = Brigandine
Plate Mail + Tilt Glove / Plate Mail = Plate Mail
Plate Mail + Freiturner = Close Helm
Plate Mail + Fluted Glove / Hoplite Glove = Tilt Glove
Plate Mail + Jazeraint Glove / Dread Glove = Tilt Glove
Plate Mail + Plate Leggings = Freiturner
Plate Mail + Fluted Leggings / Hoplite Leggings = Missaglia
Plate Mail + Jazeraint Leggings / Dread Leggings = Missaglia
Fluted Armor + Vambrace / Fusskampf = Segmentata
Fluted Armor + Plate Glove / Poleyn = Scale Armor
Fluted Armor + Rondanche / Jambeau = Brigandine
Fluted Armor + Tilt Glove / Missaglia = Plate Mail
Fluted Armor + Freiturner / Plate Leggings = Fluted Armor
Fluted Armor + Fluted Glove = Burgonet
Fluted Armor + Hoplite Glove = Freiturner
Fluted Armor + Jazeraint Glove / Dread Glove = Freiturner
Fluted Armor + Fluted Leggings = Fluted Glove
Fluted Armor + Hoplite Leggings = Plate Leggings
Fluted Armor + Jazeraint Leggings / Dread Leggings = Plate Leggings
Hoplite Armor + Vambrace / Fusskampf = Segmentata
Hoplite Armor + Plate Glove / Poleyn = Scale Armor
Hoplite Armor + Rondanche / Jambeau = Brigandine
Hoplite Armor + Tilt Glove / Missaglia = Plate Mail
Hoplite Armor + Freiturner / Plate Leggings = Fluted Armor
Hoplite Armor + Fluted Glove / Fluted Leggings = Hoplite Armor
Hoplite Armor + Hoplite Glove = Hoplite Helm
Hoplite Armor + Jazeraint Glove = Fluted Glove
Hoplite Armor + Dread Glove = Fluted Glove
Hoplite Armor + Hoplite Leggings = Hoplite Glove
Hoplite Armor + Jazeraint Leggings / Dread Leggings = Fluted Leggings
Jazeraint Armor + Vambrace / Fusskampf = Segmentata
Jazeraint Armor + Plate Glove / Poleyn = Scale Armor
Jazeraint Armor + Rondanche / Jambeau = Brigandine
Jazeraint Armor + Tilt Glove / Missaglia = Plate Mail
Jazeraint Armor + Freiturner / Plate Leggings = Fluted Armor
Jazeraint Armor + Fluted Glove / Fluted Leggings = Hoplite Armor
Jazeraint Armor + Hoplite Glove / Hoplite Leggings = Jazeraint Armor
Jazeraint Armor + Jazeraint Glove = Jazeraint Helm
Jazeraint Armor + Dread Glove = Hoplite Glove
Jazeraint Armor + Jazeraint Leggings = Jazeraint Glove
Jazeraint Armor + Dread Leggings = Hoplite Leggings
Dread Armor + Vambrace / Fusskampf = Segmentata
Dread Armor + Plate Glove / Poleyn = Scale Armor
Dread Armor + Rondanche / Jambeau = Brigandine
Dread Armor + Tilt Glove / Missaglia = Plate Mail
Dread Armor + Freiturner / Plate Leggings = Fluted Armor
Dread Armor + Fluted Glove / Fluted Leggings = Hoplite Armor
Dread Armor + Hoplite Glove / Hoplite Leggings = Jazeraint Armor
Dread Armor + Jazeraint Glove / Jazeraint Leggings = Dread Armor
Dread Armor + Dread Glove = Dread Helm
Dread Armor + Dread Leggings = Dread Glove
Vambrace + Fusskampf = Sallet
Vambrace + Poleyn / Jambeau = Fusskampf
Vambrace + Missaglia / Plate Leggings = Fusskampf
Vambrace + Fluted Leggings / Hoplite Leggings = Fusskampf
Vambrace + Jazeraint Leggings = ____________
Vambrace + Dread Leggings = Poleyn
Plate Glove + Fusskampf = Vambrace
Plate Glove + Poleyn = Barbut
Plate Glove + Jambeau = Poleyn
Plate Glove + Missaglia / Plate Leggings = Poleyn
Plate Glove + Fluted Leggings / Hoplite Leggings = Poleyn
Plate Glove + Jazeraint Leggings / Dread Leggings = Poleyn
Rondanche + Fusskampf = Vambrace
Rondanche + Poleyn = Plate Glove
Rondanche + Jambeau = Basinet
Rondanche + Missaglia / Plate Leggings = Jambeau
Rondanche + Fluted Leggings / Hoplite Leggings = Jambeau
Rondanche + Jazeraint Leggings / Dread Leggings = Jambeau
Tilt Glove + Fusskampf = Vambrace
Tilt Glove + Poleyn = Plate Glove
Tilt Glove + Jambeau = Rondanche
Tilt Glove + Missaglia = Armet
Tilt Glove + Plate Leggings = Missaglia
Tilt Glove + Fluted Leggings / Hoplite Leggings = Missaglia
Tilt Glove + Jazeraint Leggings / Dread Leggings = Missaglia
Freiturner + Fusskampf = Vambrace
Freiturner + Poleyn = Plate Glove
Freiturner + Jambeau = Rondanche
Freiturner + Missaglia = Tilt Glove
Freiturner + Plate Leggings = Close Helm
Freiturner + Fluted Leggings / Hoplite Leggings = Plate Leggings
Freiturner + Jazeraint Leggings / Dread Leggings = Plate Leggings
Fluted Glove + Fusskampf = Vambrace
Fluted Glove + Poleyn = Plate Glove
Fluted Glove + Jambeau = Rondanche
Fluted Glove + Missaglia = Tilt Glove
Fluted Glove + Plate Leggings = Freiturner
Fluted Glove + Fluted Leggings = Burgonet
Fluted Glove + Hoplite Leggings / Jazeraint Leggings = Fluted Leggings
Fluted Glove + Dread Leggings = Fluted Leggings
Hoplite Glove + Fusskampf = Vambrace
Hoplite Glove + Poleyn = Plate Glove
Hoplite Glove + Jambeau = Rondanche
Hoplite Glove + Missaglia = Tilt Glove
Hoplite Glove + Plate Leggings = Freiturner
Hoplite Glove + Fluted Leggings = Fluted Glove
Hoplite Glove + Hoplite Leggings = Hoplite Helm
Hoplite Glove + Jazeraint Leggings / Dread Leggings = Hoplite Leggings
Jazeraint Glove + Fusskampf = Vambrace
Jazeraint Glove + Poleyn = Plate Glove
Jazeraint Glove + Jambeau = Rondanche
Jazeraint Glove + Missaglia = Tilt Glove
Jazeraint Glove + Plate Leggings = Freiturner
Jazeraint Glove + Fluted Leggings = Fluted Glove
Jazeraint Glove + Hoplite Leggings = Hoplite Glove
Jazeraint Glove + Jazeraint Leggings = Jazeraint Helm
Jazeraint Glove + Dread Leggings = Jazeraint Leggings
Dread Glove + Fusskampf = Plate Glove
Dread Glove + Poleyn = Plate Glove
Dread Glove + Jambeau = Rondanche
Dread Glove + Missaglia = Tilt Glove
Dread Glove + Plate Leggings = Freiturner
Dread Glove + Fluted Leggings = Fluted Glove
Dread Glove + Hoplite Leggings = Hoplite Glove
Dread Glove + Jazeraint Leggings = Jazeraint Glove
Dread Glove + Dread Leggings = Dread Helm
Files : 1, NeW:24.04.01, oLD:24.04.01
uL Node : 1, NFo:NONE, D?Z:NONE