___________   ___________  ________/\\   ____________ _____
    +----- \\_  _____ /___\\__  _____/ -\\_______  \\__\\___  /_   |/    / -+
    |      /  ___/  /    /    /       /    /    /     /   /  _/   _/   |
    |   __/   /   _/    /    /     __/  __/    /   __/   /   \\    \\_   |
    |   \\    /_____    /    /      \\    ______/_____    /_____\\    /   |
    +--- \\  / ---- \\  / \\  / ------ \\  / ---------- \\  / ----- \\  / ---+
          \\/        \\/   \\/          \\/              \\/         \\/ (nw!)
                ÚÄÄÄÄ  FairLight DOX Division Presents: ÄÄÄÄ¿
ÚÙ                       Unreal Tournament 2003 Cheats                      ÚÙ
:   Cracked by:  FAiRLiGHT            : :  Release Date: 09/28/02            :
³   Packaged by: Heaven               ³ ³  # of Options: N/A                 ³
³   Type: [ ] Manual/Reference Card   ³ ³          Type: Cheats              ³
³         [ ] Walkthrough             ³ ³                                    ³
³         [ ] Strategy Guide          ³ ³                                    ³
:         [X] Cheat/Trainer           ³ ³                                    :
:         [ ] Patch                   ³ ³                                    ³  
³   Number of archives: 1             ³ ³                                    ³
   Press ` in game to bring down the console, or press TAB for the quick
   console. Then type one of the following commands:
   God                   - Toggle God Mode
   Amphibious            - Underwater Breathing
   Fly                   - Fly Mode
   Ghost                 - Walk through walls
   Walk                  - Return walking to normal
   Invisible       - Turn inivisibility on or off (true / false)
   Teleport              - Teleport to where your crosshair is pointing
   AllAmmo               - Full ammo on all possessed weapons
   Allweapons            - Give all weapons
   Loaded                - Give all weapons and full amo on them (combo of 
   allammo                 and allweapons
   SkipMatch             - Win the current match and advance on the ladder
   JumpMatch        - Jump to a specific match on the ladder, where      
                            is a number. For example 43 for ladder 4, 
                           rung 3
   ChangeSize     - Change the player size by factor # (i.e. 0.25 or 
   LockCamera            - Toggle locking the camera in its current position
   FreeCamera        - Reset the camera to view the player (true to be    
                           quiet, false to have sound)
   ViewBot               - Cycle the camera through the viewable bots
   ViewFlag              - View the actor current carrying the flag
   ViewPlayer    - Change the camera view to the given player
   ViewActor     - Change the camera view to the given actor
   ViewClass     - Change the camera view to the given class
   KillViewedActor       - Kill the actor the camera is currently viewing. Do 
                           NOT kill yourself! (Game will get stuck)
   Avatar        - Possess a pawn of the given class
   Summon        - Summon the given object
   SetCameraDist  - Set the distance the camera has from its target
   SetGravity     - Change gravitional pull
   SetJumpZ       - Change Jump height
   SetSpeed       - Mutiply the Player water and ground speed with the 
                           given value
   ListDynamicActors     - Output all dynamic actors to the log file
   FreezeFrame    - Pause the game for the given duration
   SetFogR        - Set red color component of fog
   SetFogG        - Set green color component of fog
   SetFogB        - Set blue color component of fog 
   SetFlash       - Set the duration a screen flash takes to fade away
   CauseEvent    - Trigger the given event
   LogSciptedSequences   - Toggle logging for all scripted sequences
   KillPawns             - Kill all actor pawns except the player
   KillAll       - Kill everything of the given class, 
                           i.e. KillAll Pawn
   KillAllPawns  - Kill all pawns of the given class
   PlayersOnly           - Toggle the level to a players only level
   CheatView     - Toggle to view to the given actor
   WriteToLog            - Write the string \'NOW!\' to the game log
   ReviewJumpSpots  - Test jumping, the parameter can be \'Transloc\', 
                           \'Jump\', \'Combo\' or \'LowGrav\'.
                                                            /TEAM FAIRLIGHT
 Greetings to our friends in groups such as:
ÚÙ              +-+  Kindest regards - FairLight DOX 2002 +-+               ÚÙ

 FiLeS    : 2, NeW:15.10.02, oLD:30.09.02
          : iNFo:30.09.02, DiZ:NONE

|    Unreal Tournament 2003 Gateway 1.3    |