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                         E M E R A L D   V E R S I O N

| |
|o| Pokemon Emerald Version
|o| TM/HM List
|o| By GhostOfChaos
|o| Version Final
| |___________________________________________________________________________

Table Of Contents
01] - TMs List............................................................[TMs]
02] - HMs List............................................................[HMs]
03] - Credits & Copyright.................................................[C&C]

If you need to find a TM or HM quickly, press Crtl + F to bring up a search 
box. Type in the name, then hit find to take you to it.

|                             01] - TMs List                            [TMs] |

This is a complte list of all the 50 TMs.

TM 01- Focus Punch
Type:         Fighting
PP:           20
Power:        150
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Attacks 2nd turn. If hit pokemon flinches.
Location:     Route 115

TM 02- Dragon Claw
Type:         Dragon
PP:           15
Power:        80
Accuracy:     100
Other:        ---
Location:     Meteor Fall

TM 03- Water Pulse
Type:         Water
PP:           20
Power:        60
Accuracy:     100
Other:        10% chance it\'ll confuse 
Location:     Sootopolis Gym

TM 04- Calm Mind 
Type:         Psychic
PP:           20
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     ---
Other:        Raises Sp. Attk. and Sp. def.
Location:     Mossdeep Gym

TM 05- Roar
Type:         Normal
PP:           20
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Forces trainer to switch pkmn.
Location:     Route 114

TM 06- Toxic
Type:         Poison
PP:           10
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     85
Other:        Poisons foe and poison gets stronger each turn.
Location:     Fiery Path

TM 07- Hail
Type:         Ice
PP:           10
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     ---
Other:        Starts hailing and hurts all pkmn types execpt ice. 
Location:     Shoal cave

TM 08- Bulk Up
Type:         Fighting
PP:           20
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     ---
Other:        Raises attack and deffense.
Location:     Dewford Gym

TM 09- Bullet Seed
Type:         Grass
PP:           30
Power:        10
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Attacks 2-5 times per turn.
Location:     Route 104

TM 10- Hidden Power    
Type:         Normal
PP:           15
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Type and power depends on pokemon.
Location:     Slateport/ Fortree

TM 11- Sunny Day
Type:         Fire
PP:           20
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Boost the power os fire moves for 5 turns. No solarbeam charge.
Location:     Scorched Lab

TM 12- Taunt
Type:         Normal
PP:           20
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Taunts foe to only use attacking moves.
Location:     Trick house

TM 13 Ice Beam
Type:         Ice
PP:           10
Power:        95
Accuracy:     100
Other:        10% chance it\'ll freeze foe.
Location:     Mauville/ Abandoned Ship
TM 14- Blizzard
Type:         Ice
PP:           5
Power:        120
Accuracy:     85
Other:        10% chance it\'ll freeze foe. Hits both pkmn in double battle.
Location:     Lilycove Dept. Store
TM 15- Hyper Beam
Type:         Normal
PP:           5
Power:        150
Accuracy:     90
Other:        Attacks first second turn recharges.
Location:     Lilycove Dept. Store

TM 16- Light Screen
Type:         Psychic
PP:           30
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     ---
Other:        Cuts all Sp. attks by half.
Location:     Lilycove Dept. store
TM 17- Protect
Type:         Normal
PP:           10
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     ---
Other:        Negates all attacks for that turn.
Location:     Lilycove Dept. store

TM 18- Rain Dance
Type:         Water
PP:           5
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     ---
Other:        Raises water moves for 5 turns. Thunder never misses.
Location:     Abandoned Ship
TM 19- Giga Drain
Type:         Grass
PP:           5
Power:        60
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Takes HP equal to 1/2 damage inflicted.
Location:     Route 123

TM 20- Safeguard
Type:         Normal
PP:           25
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     ---
Other:        Covers user, team and negates all status affects.
Location:     Lilycove Dept. store
TM 21- Frustration
Type:         Normal
PP:           20
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Power is based on how much the pokemon hates you.
Location:     Pacifidlog Town
TM 22- Solarbeam
Type:         Grass
PP:           10
Power:        120
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Powers up 1st turn, attacks 2nd turn.
Location:     Safari Zone

TM 23- Iron Tail
Type:         Steel
PP:           15
Power:        100
Accuracy:     75
Other:        30% chance of lowering foes defense.

TM 24- Thunderbolt
Type:         Electric
PP:           15
Power:        95
Accuracy:     100
Other:        10% chance it might paralyze.
Location:     Mauville game coner

TM 25- Thunder
Type:         Electric
PP:           10
Power:        120
Accuracy:     70
Other:        10% chance it might paralyze
Location:     Lilycove Dept. Store

TM 26- Earthquake
Type:         Ground
PP:           10
Power:        100
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Twice damage if foe used dig.

TM 27- Return
Type:         Normal
PP:           20
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Power is based on how pokemon likes you.
Location:     Fallarbor/ Pacifidlog town

TM 28- Dig
Type:         Ground
PP:           10
Power:        60
Accuracy:     100
Other:        1st turn dig, 2nd turn attack.

TM 29- Psychic
Type:         Psychic
PP:           10
Power:        90
Accuracy:     100
Other:        10% chance of lowering foes defense.
Location:     Mauville/ Victory road

TM 30- Shadow Ball
Type:         Ghost 
PP:           15
Power:        80
Accuracy:     100
Other:        20% chance of lowering foes defense.
Location:     Mt. Pyre

TM 31- Brick Break
Type:         Fighting
PP:           15
Power:        75
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Breaks reflect and light screen.
Location:     Sootopolis city
TM 32- Double Team
Type:         Normal
PP:           15
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     ---
Other:        Raises envasiveness by 1 level
Location:     Mauville game corner

TM 33- Reflect
Type:         Psychic
PP:           20
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     ---
Other:        Raises defense for 5 turns.
Location:     Lilycove dept. store

TM 34- Shock Wave 
Type:         Electric
PP:           20
Power:        60
Accuracy:     ---
Other:        Always hits.
Location:     Mauville Gym

TM 35- Flamethrower
Type:         Fire
PP:           15
Power:        95
Accuracy:     100
Other:        10% chance it burns foe.
Location:     Mauville game corner

TM 36- Sludge Bomb
Type:         Poison
PP:           10
Power:        90
Accuracy:     100
Other:        30% chance poisons foe
Location:     Dewford town

TM 37- Sandstorm
Type:         Rock
PP:           10 
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     ---
Other:        A sandstorm for 5 turn s that hurts all pkmn execpt ground.
Location:     Dessert

TM 38- Fire Blast
Type:         Fire
PP:           5
Power:        120
Accuracy:     85
Other:        10% chance it\'ll burn foe
Location:     Lilycove Dept. Store

TM 39- Rock Tomb
Type:         Rock
PP:           10
Power:        50
Accuracy:     80
Other:        Lowers opponents Speed
Location:     Rustboro Gym

TM 40- Aerial Ace
Type:         Flying
PP:           20
Power:        60
Accuracy:     ---
Other:        Always hits.
Location:     Fortree gym

TM 41- Torment
Type:         Dark
PP:           15
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Foe can\'t use move twice in a row.
Location:     Slateport city

TM 42- Facade
Type:         Normal
PP:           20
Power:        70
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Doubles attack if burned, Poison, Paralyzed.
Location:     Petalburg Gym

TM 43- Secret Power
Type:         Normal
PP:           20
Power:        70
Accuracy:     100
Other:        30% chance of special effect
Location:     Route 111/ Slateport

TM 44- Rest
Type:         Psychic
PP:           10
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     ---
Other:        Regains health while sleeping 2 turns.
Location:     Lilycove city

TM 45- Attract
Type:         Normal
PP:           15
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     100
Other:        50% chance foe won\'t attack.
Location:     Vendaturf town

TM 46- Thief
Type:         Dark
PP:           10
Power:        40
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Jacks opponents item.
Location:     Slateport city

TM 47- Steel Wing
Type:         Steel
PP:           25
Power:        70
Accuracy:     90
Other:        10% chanceof raising defense.
Location:     Granite cave

TM 48- Skill Swap
Type:         Psychic
PP:           10
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Switches abilities with foe.
Location:     Mt. Pyre

TM 49- Snatch
Type:         Dark
PP:           10
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Steal and uses special effect from foe.
Location:     S.S Tidal

TM 50- Overheat
Type:         Fire
PP:           5
Power:        140
Accuracy:     90
Other:        Lowers your Sp. Att after use. 
Location:     Lavaridge Gym    

|                             02] - HMs List                            [HMs] |

A complete list of all the 8 HMs.

HM 01- Cut
Type:         Normal
PP:           30
Power:        50
Accuracy:     95
Other:        Cuts tress outside of battle
Location:     Rustboro city

HM 02- Fly
Type:         Flying
PP:           15
Power:        70
Accuracy:     95
Other:        1st turn fly up, 2nd turn attacks
Location:     Route 119

HM 03- Surf  
Type:         Water
PP:           15
Power:        95
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Travels across water
Location:     Petalburg city

HM 04- Strength
Type:         Normal
PP:           15
Power:        95
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Moves Boulders
Location:     Rusturf Tunnel

HM 05- Flash
Type:         Normal
PP:           20
Power:        ---
Accuracy:     70
Other:        Lights up caves, etc.
Location:     Granite Cave

HM 06- Rock Smash
Type:         Fighting
PP:           15
Power:        20
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Breaks rocks in the way
Location:     Mauville city

HM 07- Waterfall
Type:         Water
PP:           15
Power:        80
Accuracy:     100
Other:        Climbs waterfalls
Location:     Cave of origin 

HM 08- Dive
Type:         Water   
PP:           10
Power:        60
Accuracy:     100
Other:        1st turn dive, 2nd attack
Location:     Mossdeep City

|                          03] - Credits & Copyright                    [C&C] |

I\'m not too good with closing words. Hopefully, you have found this TM/HM List 
FAQ useful. Have fun playing Pokemon Emerald. For now folks, this is 


I would like to personally thank each and every one of these individuals.
Unfortunately, that is impossible, so I am doing it in this section.

- Jeff \"CJayC\" Veasley
       For making GameFAQs a great site for gamers and hosting this guide.

- Yourself
       All my work would be completely useless without clueless readers such as
       yourself. Thank you so much


Version: Final
Author:  GhostOfChaos 

This FAQ and any text included in this FAQ cannot be reproduced in any way,
shape or form, unless you have my permission in either a written letter or an
e-mail. The FAQ may not be used for any profitable ways. This includes, but
is not limited to money, gifts, and favors. It may not be used for promotion
purposes, commercial transaction, or any transaction at all. This FAQ cannot
be used in any type of published text. This includes, but is not limited to
books, magazines, and strategy guides. This guide may not be used in any
electronic text at all, including software guides, software, or any type of
electronic media, unless you have written permission from the author, myself.
This guide is for personal use only! This FAQ was written by and is owned by
me, GhostOfChaos.

This guide was written for www.gamefaqs.com. It was not written specifically
for any other site. However, I will allow your site to use this guide as long
as you have my permission, so long as it stays in its original form; no
modifications of any kind are permitted. This FAQ is protected by
international copyright Laws. Remember, plagiarism is stealing and is against
the law. Using/stealing this guide for your own selfish purposes is a crime
and any violator is at risk! You have been warned.

Sites that this TM/HM List FAQ may be found at -
[ ] GameFAQs            [http://www.gamefaqs.com]
[ ] supercheats      [http://www.supercheats.com]

I give you full permission to print out this guide, or any part of this guide
for your own benefit. Once the guide, or any part of the guide is printed, do
not do anything questionable with it. You know what I am talking about.

Pokemon Emerald is (c)2005-2006 Nintendo.

 Copyright (c)2006 GhostOfChaos. All Rights Reserved.        (EOF) End of File 

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