_____          __                __   
                   /  _  \\   ____ |__| _____ _____  |  |  
                  /  /_\\  \\ /    \\|  |/     \\\\__  \\ |  |  
                 /    |    \\   |  \\  |  | |  \\/ __ \\|  |__
                 \\____|__  /___|  /__|__|_|  (____  /____/
          _________      \\/     \\/         \\/   __\\/      
          \\_   ___ \\_______  ____  ______ _____|__| ____    ____  
          /    \\  \\/\\_  __ \\/  _ \\/  ___//  ___/  |/    \\  / ___\\ 
          \\     \\____|  | \\(  <_> )___ \\ \\___ \\|  |   |  \\/ /_/  >
           \\______  /|__|   \\____/____  >____  >__|___|  /\\___  / 
                  \\/                  \\/     \\/  )     \\//_____/  
              __       __)            __       __)             
             (, )  |  /  ,  /)  /)   (, )  |  /         /)  /) 
                | /| /     // _(/       | /| /  _____  // _(/  
                |/ |/  _(_(/_(_(_       |/ |/  (_)/ (_(/_(_(_  
                /  |                    /  |                   
|                   Author: Alex Eagleson (A I e x)                          |
|                   Began: January 2nd, 2006                                 |
|                   Completed: January 7th, 2005                             |
|                   Email: StarOceanDC(at)gmail(dot)com                      |
|                   University of Guelph, Ontario                            |
| || CT.TS ||                  Table of Contents                 || CT.TS || |
|               - Table of Contents.....................CT.TS                |
|               - Controls..............................CN.TR                |
|               - Starting a New Game...................01.00                |
|                    - Kapp\'n\'s Questions...............01.01                |
|                    - Character Faces..................01.02                |
|               - Menu Functions........................02.00                |
|                    - Inventory........................02.01                |
|                    - Design...........................02.02                |
|                    - Map..............................02.03                |
|                    - Other Options....................02.04                |
|               - Working for Tom Nook..................03.00                |
|                    - Welcome to Town!.................03.01                |
|                    - What the Hell do I do now?.......03.02                |
|               - Buildings in Town.....................04.00                |
|                    - Building a Home..................04.01                |
|                    - Nook\'s Store.....................04.02                |
|                    - Able Sisters.....................04.03                |
|                    - Civics Center [Town Hall]........04.04                |
|                    - Post Office [Town Hall]..........04.05                |
|                    - The Museum.......................04.06                |
|               - Items & Activities....................05.00                |
|                    - Tools............................05.01                |
|                    - Trees............................05.02                |
|                    - Holidays.........................05.03                |
|                    - Special Visitors.................05.04                |
|                    - Fishing..........................05.05                |
|                    - Bug Catching.....................05.06                |
|                    - Crazy Redd\'s.....................05.07                |
|               - Additional Tips & Tricks..............06.00                |
|                    - Bell Collecting..................06.01                |
|                    - Hairstyle Guide..................06.02                |
|               - Miscellaneous Information.............07.00                |
|                    - Bell Rock........................07.01                |
|                    - K.K. Slider......................07.02                |
|                    - Happy Room Academy (HRA).........07.03                |
|                    - Feng Shui........................07.04                |
|                    - Shooting Stars...................07.05                |
|                    - Sick Townsfolk...................07.06                |
|                    - Snowmen..........................07.07                |
|                    - Gulliver.........................07.08                |
|                    - The Red Flower...................07.09                |
|                    - Holiday Items....................07.10                |
|                    - Turnips..........................07.11                |
|                    - Time Traveling & Resetting.......07.12                |
|               - Furniture List........................08.00                |
|               - Legal & Copyright.....................LE.AL                |
|               - Credits & Thanks......................CR.DS                |
| || CN.TR ||                      Controls                      || CN.TR || |
|| D-Pad                || Move                                             ||
|| A Button             || Interact / Grab                                  ||
|| B Button             || Pick up / Hold to run                            ||
|| X Button             || Open map                                         ||
|| Y Button             || Open inventory                                   ||
|| L Button             || Cycle through menu tabs                          ||
|| R Button             || Cycle through menu tabs                          ||
|| Start                || Save                                             ||
|| Select               || Open chat window                                 ||
|| Touchscreen          || Do pretty much everything                        ||
 ||                    ________________________________                    ||
 ||   The Sky         | +----------------------------+ |                   ||
 ||        \\          | |                            | |                   ||
 ||         \\_________| |                            | |                   ||
 ||                   \\ |                            | |                   ||
 ||                   |\\|                            | |                   ||
 ||                   | \\                            | |                   ||
 ||                   | |\\                           | |                   ||
 ||                   | | \\                          | |                   ||
 ||    . . . . . . .  | |                            | |  . . . . . . .    ||
 ||    . . . . . . .  | |                            | |  . . . . . . .    ||
 ||    . . . . . . .  | |                            | |  . . . . . . .    ||
 ||    . . . . . . .  | |____________________________| |  . . . . . . .    ||
 ||              _    |________________________________|    _              ||
 ||             |_|     ______________________________     |_|             ||
//|                    |_ ___________ ___________ __ _|                    |\\\\
|| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ||
||____________         ________________________________         ____________||
||     ___    \\       | +----------------------------+ |       / ___   ___  ||
||    |___|    |      | |                          _ | |      | |___| |___| ||
||             |      | |           __           _|_|| |      |             ||
||      _      |      | |          /  \\         /    | |      |      _      ||
||     | |     |      | |   You    \\__/      Menu    | |      |     /X\\     ||
||   __| |__   |      | |     \\     _|_              | |      |   _ \\_/ _   ||
||  |__   __|  |      | |      \\_____|               | |      |  /Y\\   /A\\  ||
||     | |     |      | |           / \\              | |      |  \\_/ _ \\_/  ||
||     |_|     |      | |                    1/01 Sun| |      |     /B\\     ||
||             |      | |  Date/Time________/5:26 P.M| |      |     \\_/     ||
||             |      | |____________________________| |      |             ||
||             |      | /                 NintendoDS \\ |      |             ||
||____________/       |/______________________________\\|       \\____________||
||                     _                          _   _                     ||

| || 01.00 ||                Starting a New Game                 || 01.00 || |

       __   __)
      (, ) /
     ) /  \\_
+-- (_/      APP\'N\'S QUESTIONS ------------------------------------- 01.01 --+

Upon selecting the \"New Game\" option you will find yourself driving in a car 
with Kapp\'n on a rainy day.  He will start by asking you a few questions, and 
these questions will determine different things about your character and your 
town.  We\'ll go through the questions one by one to see what they do.

The first question asks what date and time it is.  The date and time you have 
already set on your Nintendo DS will be the default.  You can change the date 
and time here if you tell Kapp\'n that they are wrong.  The date determines the 
weather in your Animal Crossing town.  For example it\'s January 4th, 2006 
right now so when I play the game there\'s quite a bit of snow all around.  If 
you were to enter July 4th, 2006 then it would be right in the middle of 
summer.  Time obviously determines the time of day in your town.  At noon the 
sun is high and shinning, however at midnight everything is fairly dark and 
most people are asleep.  If you tend to be a person who plays mostly at night 
then you might want to skew your clock back a few hours to get more daylight.

The second question Kapp\'n asks (actually it\'s not really a question) is: 
\"Jumpin\' jellyfishes... I\'ve had about enough of this here rain!\"  This is the 
first of three questions which will determine what your Animal Crossing: Wild 
World character will look like.  There will be a more detailed explanation 
below so you might want to reference that now before you proceed further.

When Kapp\'n asks you your name, you will be prompted to enter it.  Use the 
Stylus to input whatever name you would like for your character here.  You can 
change between normal characters, foreign characters and symbols at the top 
beside the \"L Copy\" button.  This will be the permanent name for your 
character so make sure you like it.  Hit the confirm button when done.

The next question asks how you like the name, and is the first step toward 
determining your character\'s gender.  If you select \"That\'s not it\" then you 
can re-enter a new name in case you made a mistake.  If you tell him you think 
the name is cute, he\'ll think you are a girl.  If you tell him it\'s burly then 
he\'ll think you are male.  After this question you will have the opportunity 
to select \"I\'m not a boy/girl!\" if you chose the wrong one, don\'t worry.

When Kapp\'n asks where you\'re going, you\'ll have the chance to enter the name 
of your town.  Once again this is a permanent thing so choose a name that you 
really like for your town.  After putting in the name of your town, Kapp\'n 
will ask you to confirm the name just in case you made any mistakes.

The next question and the one two after it, are the final two questions which 
will determine what your character looks like.  Scroll down a little bit to 
the Character Faces section to get a better idea of what you\'ll look like.

Lastly we have the question Kapp\'n asks about why you decided to move to the 
town that you did.  This will determine the placement of your house on the map 
depending on how you answer it.  If you select the beach, your house will be 
near the beach.  If you select the shopping then your house will be near the 
stores.  If you select the museum then your house will be near the museum, 
it\'s pretty simple stuff.  Personally I like to try and keep my house away 
from most of the major places like the shops so it gives you a chance to move 
about town more often, but that\'s just me.  Choose whichever you like.

     )   ___     
+-- (______) HARACTER FACES ---------------------------------------- 01.02 --+

Three of the initial questions that Kapp\'n asks you during the taxi ride help 
determine what the face of your character looks like.  With a little 
preparation you can get him (or her) to look exactly the way you want.

+- I\'ve had about enough of this here rain! ....................   Me too! |X|
|                                                                I like it |_|
|                                                                           _
+- So tell me, [Name]... Why are ye settin\' sail fer [Town]? .. I\'m moving |X|
|                                                                Butt out! |_|
|                                                                           _
+- Do you have enough to get settled? .............................   Yup! |X|
|                                                                   Kinda  |_|
+----> [Male] - Wide eyes, big pupils, curled and pointed hair
+----> [Female] - Wide eyes, big pupils, hair sticks out on the sides

+- I\'ve had about enough of this here rain! ....................   Me too! |X|
|                                                                I like it |_|
|                                                                           _
+- So tell me, [Name]... Why are ye settin\' sail fer [Town]? .. I\'m moving |X|
|                                                                Butt out! |_|
|                                                                           _
+- Do you have enough to get settled? .............................   Yup! |_|
|                                                                   Kinda  |X|
+----> [Male] - Arch shaped eyes, medium pupils, flat rounded hair
+----> [Female] - Arch eyes, medium pupils, pink pointed hair

+- I\'ve had about enough of this here rain! ....................   Me too! |X|
|                                                                I like it |_|
|                                                                           _
+- So tell me, [Name]... Why are ye settin\' sail fer [Town]? .. I\'m moving |_|
|                                                                Butt out! |X|
|                                                                           _
+- Do you have enough to get settled? .............................   Yup! |X|
|                                                                   Kinda  |_|
+----> [Male] - Oval eyes, medium pupils, flat founded hair
+----> [Female] - Round eyes, full pupils, pink hair sticks out at sides

+- I\'ve had about enough of this here rain! ....................   Me too! |X|
|                                                                I like it |_|
|                                                                           _
+- So tell me, [Name]... Why are ye settin\' sail fer [Town]? .. I\'m moving |_|
|                                                                Butt out! |X|
|                                                                           _
+- Do you have enough to get settled? .............................   Yup! |_|
|                                                                   Kinda  |X|
+----> [Male] - Round eyes, big pupils, eyelashes, curled pointed hair
+----> [Female] - Angry eyes, medium pupils, hair sticks out on sides

+- I\'ve had about enough of this here rain! ....................   Me too! |_|
|                                                                I like it |X|
|                                                                           _
+- So tell me, [Name]... Why are ye settin\' sail fer [Town]? .. I\'m moving |X|
|                                                                Butt out! |_|
|                                                                           _
+- Do you have enough to get settled? .............................   Yup! |X|
|                                                                   Kinda  |_|
+----> [Male] - Round eyes, blushing, red nose, curled pointed hair
+----> [Female] - Round eyes, big pupils, eyelashes, hair sticks out at sides

+- I\'ve had about enough of this here rain! ....................   Me too! |_|
|                                                                I like it |X|
|                                                                           _
+- So tell me, [Name]... Why are ye settin\' sail fer [Town]? .. I\'m moving |X|
|                                                                Butt out! |_|
|                                                                           _
+- Do you have enough to get settled? .............................   Yup! |_|
|                                                                   Kinda  |X|
+----> [Male] - Round eyes, tiny pupils, curled pointed hair
+----> [Female] - Round eyes, big pupils, blushing, pointed hair

+- I\'ve had about enough of this here rain! ....................   Me too! |_|
|                                                                I like it |X|
|                                                                           _
+- So tell me, [Name]... Why are ye settin\' sail fer [Town]? .. I\'m moving |_|
|                                                                Butt out! |X|
|                                                                           _
+- Do you have enough to get settled? .............................   Yup! |X|
|                                                                   Kinda  |_|
+----> [Male] - Sleepy eyes, red nose, rounded flat hair
+----> [Female] - Round eyes, tiny pupils, eyelashes, pointed hair

+- I\'ve had about enough of this here rain! ....................   Me too! |_|
|                                                                I like it |X|
|                                                                           _
+- So tell me, [Name]... Why are ye settin\' sail fer [Town]? .. I\'m moving |_|
|                                                                Butt out! |X|
|                                                                           _
+- Do you have enough to get settled? .............................   Yup! |_|
|                                                                   Kinda  |X|
+----> [Male] - Round eyes, small pupils, flat round hair
+----> [Female] - Sleepy eyes, red nose, pointed hair

| || 02.00 ||                  Menu Functions                    || 02.00 || |

Inventory [02.01] - This is where you check out all the items that you have 
found and will find.  Every circle at the lower left is a slot where an item 
can be held.  The ten slots on the right are slots where you can hold letters 
that you have received.  These ten slots can also double as item storage, a 
simple trick where you drag an item onto a letter and have it stored in the 
letter as an attachment.  You can take it off again whenever you want.  The 
name of your character and town are displayed at the lower left and your 
current number of Bells below that.  Any more than 99,999 Bells must either be 
stored in bags that take up slots in your inventory, or at the bank located at 
the Town Hall.  Touch an item in your menu or select it and press the A button 
to use that item.  If you wish to equip it you can grab the item by selecting 
grab, and moving it onto the picture of your character with the D-Pad.  Using 
the Stylus all you have to do is drag the tool onto your picture.

Design [02.02] - The tab beside the inventory tab shows you all the designs 
that you have made.  At the bottom are the eight designs you are currently 
holding.  At the top are picture of everything you can use those designs on.  
At the top left you have a painting.  Drag a design onto that to spawn a 
painting of your design in your house.  To the right and then to the right of 
that are carpeting and wallpaper respectively.  Drag your designs onto these 
to cover the floor and walls with your designs.  The lower one is your hat.  
Drag a design onto this to put on a hat with the design.  To the right we have 
the option to put your design on a shirt, followed by an umbrella.  The final 
lower right option must be used outside.  Drag something onto this and you 
will place your design on the ground on a single tile of your town.  Use the B 
button to remove the design whenever you want.  Finally there\'s one more less 
obvious trick.  Grab a design and drag it over the menu background at the 
lower left corner, a small green box will appear.  When you drag it here your 
old menu background will be replaced by your design, scrolling diagonally.

Map [02.03] - The map shows you the location of pretty much everything in your 
town.  If you need to know where a specific animal lives, touch one of the 
houses with your Stylus and that animal\'s name will light up on the right 
side.  Alternately you can click on the name to have the house flash.  Touch 
one of the town buildings and it will also flash the name of the building.

Other Options [02.04] - Most of the rest of the options have to do with 
playing Wifi.  For example the little word bubble tab will allow you to 
communicate with the other playing by typing whatever you wish.  The tab on 
the right shows the list of friends that you have entered into the game.

| || 03.00 ||               Working for Tom Nook                 || 03.00 || |

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    |/ |/
+-- /  | ELCOME TO TOWN! ------------------------------------------- 03.01 --+

The first person you are introduced to in your town is Pelly, who works at the 
town hall.  You will become better accustomed to her later.  She mentions Tom 
nook, the owner of the local shop who was kind enough to set you up with a 
house here in town.  When Pelly opens up the map for you, it will show you the 
location of your house and most of the other stuff in town as well.  The game 
can be controlled in one of two ways.  Using the D-Pad to move and holding the 
B button to run.  You can interact with things using both the A and B buttons.  
The other way to control is with the Stylus.  You will run by default if you 
move it far enough away.  You can interact with things by poking them.

Your first destination in this new town is going to be your home.  Remember 
that you can touch the arrow at the upper right corner of your screen to open 
up the map and look to see where your house is.  When you arrive there either 
poke the door or press the A button to go inside.  At this point in the game 
your house is pretty empty.  You\'ve got a candle sitting on your box, you can 
turn it on by pressing the A button.  You can also turn on the radio with the 
A button but you haven\'t got any songs at the moment.  If you press and hold 
the A button you can move objects around and spin them.  Press the X button to 
open the camera angle window.  With this you can change the angle at which you 
view your house.  This isn\'t all, there\'s also an upstairs you might want to 
check out.  Upstairs in this house you\'ll find a bed and a telephone.  
Examining the telephone allows you to change some game options and check out 
downloads.  Examine the bed to jump in it.  Normal this will let you save the 
game, but it\'s too early in your adventure to do that right now.

When you leave the house Tom Nook will run up to you.  Tell him what you think 
of the house and he\'ll introduce himself as the shopkeeper.  The total cost of 
your house is going to be 19,800 Bells (Bells are this game\'s currency.)  
Obviously you can\'t pay it off right now, but perhaps if you worked part-time 
in Nook\'s store for awhile you might just be able to take care of it.  After 
Nook is done talking open up the map and locate the shop (it\'s marked by the 
leaf icon.)  Head there now and go through the door to find Tom Nook.

Everyone who works in Tom Nook\'s store is required to wear the official Nook 
uniform.  Tom nook gives you the uniform but it\'s your responsibility to put 
it on.  No problem, open up the menu and go to the inventory.  Touch the 
uniform with the Stylus and drag it onto the picture of your character.  
You\'ll automatically change into it.  Your first task is to plant some flowers 
and trees out front of Nook\'s place.  Here\'s an interesting factoid, Nook 
doesn\'t really care how you arrange them as long as you plant them somewhere.  
Since this is the case, why not run back and plant some nice flowers around 
your own house?  It really makes no difference.  Open up your inventory and 
touch either one of the four plant seeds or three saplings.  Choose the 
\"Plant\" option when you get it and your character will automatically plant it 
in the nearest available position.  Do this with all of them and then go back.

Tom\'s next task is for you to introduce yourself to all the residents of your 
town, including the mayor.  The mayor\'s house is marked on your map in orange 
while the rest of the residents have the houses marked in blue.  Not all 
residents are home at their houses however, some of them are wandering around 
town and it\'s your responsibility to find them.  Speak to the first person you 
find more than once until her/she asks you what your birthday is.  Everyone 
else you can talk to once and that\'s more than enough.  When you find the 
mayor (the tortoise) tell him the mayor is the one you respect the most and 
he\'ll certainly like that.  When you\'re done head back to Ton Nook\'s again.

For your next job, Tom Nook will give you an item and tell you to deliver it 
to a specific animal in your town.  You have to go out now and find that 
animal again.  Give him/her the piece of furniture and you\'ll get one back in 
return with instructions on how to place it in your house.  We can do this 
later, but for now there are still more jobs to be performed for Tom Nook!

The next task is to write a letter to one of Nook\'s values customers.  He\'ll 
give you some stationary to write the letter on.  It can be about anything 
really, but the customer will enjoy it even more if it\'s filled with words 
like happy and love!  Open up your inventory and choose to write a letter.  
Select the recipient and then the writing menu will open up.  Write your 
letter and choose confirm.  Now make your way to the town hall and approach 
the desk on the right (that\'s the mailing desk.)  Drag the letter you want to 
mail into the mailing bag and select confirm.  When you\'ve done this you need 
to head back to Nook\'s place again and report to him a job well done.

Another delivery needs to be made to one of the other animals in your town, 
it\'s a carpet this time.  Nook will give you a carpet and tell you who you 
need to bring it to.  Find that animal and deliver the carpet, you\'ll get 
their old carpet in return.  You can spread this carpet out in your house now 
if you want.  Head back to Tom Nook\'s again to get your next job.  The next 
task is deliver a Watering Can to the same person you sent the letter to.  
Give them the watering can and they will show you the letter, explaining that 
people in town will always write you back if you write letters to them.  

The final task is to write something on the bulletin board out front of the 
Town Hall.  What you write on there remains forever, so make sure it\'s good.  
You can post messages on the bulletin board whenever you want.  Just examine 
it and touch the post button.  After doing this head back to Nook\'s place and 
he\'s got no other jobs for you.  Some Bells are deducted from your total 
mortgage payment, but finding a way to pay off the rest of it is up to you.

  __       __)
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+-- /  | HAT THE HELL DO I DO NOW? --------------------------------- 03.02 --+

A very good question if you\'re asking.  This guide covers in some of the most 
basic an generalized terms, exactly what the hell you\'re supposed to do in 
this game.  Given its non-linear nature people can find themselves at a loss 
for exactly what their goal is.  Besides paying off your house not a lot of it 
is explained right off the bat.  We\'ll cover some of the simplest to the most 
complex things you can do.  There\'s no beginning-to-end style here in this 
guide, it\'s not a walkthrough.  You can jump back and forth all you want.  

| || 04.00 ||                  Buildings in Town                 || 04.00 || |

      (, /    )
     ) / ____)
+-- (_/ (      UILDING A HOME -------------------------------------- 04.01 --+

The one true goal that you have right from the beginning of the game is paying 
off your home.  The original mortgage on your house is just over 19,000 Bells, 
but you should be able to knock a solid 1400 off that from the introductory 
deliveries and odd jobs that you did for Tom Nook.  After this there are tons 
of ways you can make money, some of them work well, and some of them don\'t.  
Once you\'ve gathered up enough money to pay off the mortgage (or if you just 
want to pay it off in part) then you need to head to the town hall / civic 
centre.  Approach the mail counter and choose the \"Pay Mortgage\" option.  
You\'ll get a screen which will allow you to enter a specific amount.

After paying off your entire mortgage and leaving the town hall your character 
will celebrate.  Head now over to Tom Nook\'s and speak with him.  He\'ll 
congratulate you on paying your first mortgage.  He says that now that it\'s 
been paid you need to start thinking about expanding your house (which is a 
good idea.)  He\'ll ask what colour you want on your roof with this new 
expansion.  There are quite a few colours to choose from, if you don\'t like 
any of his first selection then choose the bottom option and he\'ll show more.

Nothing happens the day you pay off the mortgage and tell him this, but wake 
up tomorrow morning and turn on your copy of Animal Crossing to be pleasantly 
surprised.  Your house has now been upgraded and is quite a bit bigger.  Check 
inside and you\'ll see that it has been upgraded from a 4 by 4 grid to a 6 by 6 
grid.  That\'s right, after doing this you\'ve got a new more expensive mortgage 
on the expansion.  Pay that off and you can expand again, get a new mortgage 
and repeat the process making your house just that much bigger every time. 
|| Default House                       || 19,800 Bells                      ||
|| First Expansion                     || 120,000 Bells                     ||
|| Second Expansion                    || 298,000 Bells                     ||
|| Third Expansion                     || 598,000 Bells                     ||
|| Fourth Expansion                    || 728,000 Bells                     ||
|| Fifth Expansion                     || 848,000 Bells                     ||
|| Sixth Expansion                     || 948,000 Bells                     ||

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     ) /  |/
+-- (_/   \' OOK\'S STORE -------------------------------------------- 04.02 --+

Nook\'s Store is the place where you do most of your shopping in the Animal 
Crossing world.  Tom Nook is the nice shopkeep who is always willing to extend 
a helping hand.  All of the basic tools can be purchased at Nooks, along with 
plants, decorations, stationary and furniture.  When you buy something it 
disappears from his inventory, each day he restocks with new things so if you 
need an Axe and he doesn\'t have it today, just check tomorrow.  Nook offers 
decent prices for your items as well, selling things is one of the best ways 
to make money in the game.  Nook also runs a catalog ordering service where 
you can pay to order just about any item that you have owned before.

Just like your home, Tom Nook\'s store can be upgraded a number of times to get 
not only bigger, but sell quite a bit more stuff too.  Here\'s what you have to 
do.  Every time you either buy something or sell something to Nook, it records 
the Bell value of your transaction.  When you reach a certain number of total 
Bells that you have purchased and sold at Nook\'s store, he will spend one day 
upgrading his shop.  The following is a chart that shows what you have to do:
|| Nook\'s Cranny                       || Available from Start              ||
|| Nook \'n Go                          || Buy / Sell 25,000 Bells           ||
|| Nookway                             || Buy / Sell 65,000 Bells           ||
|| Nookingtons                         || Buy / Sell 240,000 Bells          ||
||                                     ||                                   ||
||                                     || You must also have a friend       ||
||                                     || visit your town through Wifi and  ||
||                                     || have him / her buy at least one   ||
||                                     || item from Nook\'s Store.           ||

When you upgrade to Nookingtons, not only does the store stock more items and 
more of just about everything, it also opens up a brand new hair salon.  At 
the hair salon you can answer a few questions and pay a total of 3000 Bells to 
have your hair done.  Check the Hairstyles section of the guide to get an 
explanation of what styles you get in a similar format to the first questions.

New to Animal Crossing: Wild World, is a point system which has been 
implemented in Nook\'s Store.  Every time you spend 100 Bells at Nook\'s place 
you are rewarded with a single point.  When your points reach a certain total 
then Nook will mail you special prizes and you\'ll also be awarded special 
discounts for future purchases in his store.  The following chart shows how 
many points you need for each level, and what bonuses you get for each one:
|| POINTS NEEDED          || REWARD                    || DISCOUNT          ||
|| 300 Points             || Nook\'s Cranny Model       || N/A               ||
|| 5000 Points            || Nook \'n Go Model          || 5%                ||
|| 10,000 Points          || Nookway Model             || 10%               ||
|| 20,000 Points          || Nookingtons Model         || 20%               ||

      (, /  |
     ) /    |_
+-- (_/        BLE SISTERS ----------------------------------------- 04.03 --+

The Able Sisters run the clothing store right next door to Tom Nook\'s.  One of 
them acts as the shopkeeper while the other is always hard at work on the 
latest project.  There is where you go is you want to purchase new clothing 
and accessories for your character.  At the back of the store there are 
usually some nice accessories, shirts, umbrellas etc that you can look at and 
purchase.  This is also where you come to design your own patterns.  You can 
have a total of eight patterns saved with you, whether they be patterns that 
you drew or just that you took from someone else.  If you want to draw your 
own pattern, speak to the sister who follows you around and tell her that you 
want to design something.  It costs 350 Bells to make a pattern, and if all 
eight slots are currently in use you\'re going to have to give one up.  When 
the pattern drawing window opens up, it will look something like this:
|                                                                            |
|               +----------------------+---------------------+ +-----------+ |
|               |                      |                     | | +--+ +--+ | |
|  +---+---+    |                      |                     | | |7 | |8 | | |
|  |   |   |    |                      |                     | | +--+ +--+ | |
|  +---+---+    |                      |            19       | |           | |
|  |   |   |    |   /                  |             \\       | | +--+ +--+ | |
|  +-\\-+---+    |  /                   |              \\      | | |9 | |10| | |
|     \\        ___/                    |               \\____ | | +--+ +--+ | |
|      \\      / |                      |                    \\| |           | |
|       1    /  |                      |                     \\ | +--+ +--+ | |
|           /   |                      |                     |\\| |11| |12| | |
|          2    +----------------------+---------------------+ \\ +--+ +--+ | |
|               |                      |                     | |\\          | |
|               |                      |                     | |           | |
|               |                      |                     | | +--+ +--+ | |
|               |                      |                     | | |13| |14| | |
|         3     |                      |                     | | +--+ +--+ | |
|       /       |                      |                     | |           | |
|      /        |                      |                     | | +--+ +--+ | |
|+----/----+    |                      |                     | | |15| |16| | |
|| 1 /  /\\ |    |                      |                     | | +--+ +--+ | |
|| --    V |    |                      |                     | |      +--+ | |
|| 16      |    +----------------------+---------------------+ | +--+ |18| | |
|+---------+-------------------------------------------------+ | |17| +--+ | |
||   |   |   |   | / |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | | +--+      | |
|+----------------/------------------------------------------+ +-----------+ |
|             ___/                            +--------------+ +-----------+ |
|            /                                | NEVER MIND 5 | | CONFIRM 6 | |
|           4                                 +--------------+ +-----------+ |
|                                                                            |
|      1 - Show / remove grid                11 - Thick pencil               |
|      2 - Main drawing window               12 - Straight line tool         |
|      3 - Colour palette                    13 - Draw heart tool            |
|      4 - Current available colours         14 - Fill tool                  |
|      5 - Quit drawing and don\'t save       15 - Draw star tool             |
|      6 - Quit drawing and save             16 - Polka dot tool             |
|      7 - Thin pencil                       17 - Undo                       |
|      8 - Medium pencil                     18 - Clear screen tool          |
|      9 - Box drawing tool                  19 - Drawing tools              |
|      10 - Oval drawing tool                                                |

You can draw with either the D-Pad and buttons of the Stylus.  Freehand 
drawing is better with the Stylus, however you can be more precise and 
accurate with the D-Pad in case you\'re trying to draw something pixel by 
pixel.  Check out the \"Menu Functions\" section for a more detailed explanation 
of how to actually apply the patterns you create to different things.

Tip - You know the less talkative sister who sits at the table sewing every 
day?  When you try and talk to her she won\'t say much, if anything.  Well keep 
talking to her once or twice a day, every day for awhile.  Each day she\'ll get 
a little bit more friendly before eventually she\'s more than happy to talk.

     )   ___     
+-- (______) IVICS CENTER [Town Hall] ------------------------------ 04.04 --+

The Civics Center is the counter on the left inside of the Town Hall.  This is 
where you take care of any generalized \"town\" options with five options:

The Environment! - This is where you find out how your town is doing, and 
you\'re given recommendations.  If you have  \"Perfect Town\" then this is where 
you find out.  To get a perfect town you must do the following: make sure all 
the weeds have been picked, even the ones behind trees where they are 
difficult to see.  You have to make sure you don\'t have any wilted flowers in 
your town at all, if they start to wilt, water them.  Make sure there aren\'t 
any stray items lying around.  Now here\'s where it gets difficult: just like 
Animal Crossing on the Gamecube it\'s based on an acre-by-acre system.  Each 
acre is considered to be 16x16 panels wide.  Each of these supposed acres must 
have between 12 and 14 trees in them, the trees cannot be touching.  Each acre 
must have three flowers total.  Do this and ask about the environment, she 
should tell you that your town is perfect.  Maintain this rating for a total 
of 16 days and after doing that you will get the Golden Watering Can.

Town Tunes - You may not notice, but just about everything you do in this game 
triggers some kind of rendition of the Town Tune.  Speak to any animal in your 
town and you\'ll hear the town tune composed of different sound effects 
depending on who you\'re talking to.  This is where you can create your own 
Tune.  Tell Pelly that you want to make a Town Tune.  Use the Stylus to drag 
the individual notes around between A and G, from low to high.  The very 
highest note means that it will play a random note at that point.  The Zzz! 
note means that it will play nothing, and the note above Zzz! means that it 
will extend the sound of the previous note over top of this one.  For some 
example tunes, check out the specific Town Tune section of this guide.

Donations - This is where you make a donation to the next town over which is 
suffering so badly that all they eat are Grilled Dirt Sandwiches!  While 
donating is its own reward, there are also a few materials rewards you can get 
for doing this including the most expensive item in the game (in terms of how 
much you pay for it.)  The following is a list of all the rewards you get:
|| Green Feather                       || 10,000 Bells                      ||
|| Blue Feather                        || 200,000 Bells                     ||
|| Yellow Feather                      || 500,000 Bells                     ||
|| Red Feather                         || 800,000 Bells                     ||
|| Purple Feather                      || 1,100,000 Bells                   ||
|| White Feather                       || 1,400,000 Bells                   ||
|| Rainbow Feather                     || 6,400,000 Bells                   ||

Moving - Move your character from one town to another.  Get the other DS with 
the other copy of Animal Crossing ready and choose Immigration mode from the 
title screen.  Tell Pelly that you want to move and get ready for the change 
to occur.  If everything goes well then you should now live on another game.

       (, /   )
        _/__ /
     ) /
+-- (_/ OST OFFICE [TOWN HALL] ------------------------------------- 04.05 --+

The counter on the right hand side of the Town Hall is where you take care of 
your postal and financial needs.  If you write a letter to someone in your 
town this is where you come to mail the letter using the first option.  You 
can also save a number of letters you have received here.  If you save a 
letter with an attachment it serves as a great way to store more items.  This 
is also where you pay your mortgage to Tom Nook.  Choose how much you wish to 
pay back and he will automatically receive the payment immediately.

The Post Office is also where you access your savings account.  You can make a 
deposit or a withdrawal into and from your savings account respectively.  
Money in the account will grow via interest, however the interest isn\'t very 
much.  Nonetheless if you\'ve got extra Bells lying around it\'s the best place 
you can put them.  You can only hold so many on your person but you can 
deposit almost as many as you like into the bank.  Finally we have the Recycle 
Bin which serves the same function as the dump from Animal Crossing on the 
Gamecube.  Dump old crap you don\'t want anymore, and check it often to find 
other crap.

      (, /
     ) /
+-- (_/ HE MUSEUM -------------------------------------------------- 04.06 --+

The Museum is one of the main buildings that you\'ll find in your town.  It 
serves a number of purposes, primarily as a place to show off the various 
valuables you have collected.  There are four types of things you can show off 
at the museum, Fossils, Bugs, Fish, and Paintings.  Fossils are dug up around 
town, there are usually about three of them per day and you will find them 
under the X marks.  Fish are caught using the Fishing Rod that you buy from 
Nook\'s Store.  Bugs are caught using the Bug Net.  Lastly paintings are 
purchased from Redd\'s tent, you can find more information about Redd elsewhere 
in this guide.  You may be wondering what the rewards are for completing the 
museum.  The ultimate answer is personal satisfaction at seeing your entire 
collection displayed.  The material answer is a simple \"Museum Model,\" so as 
you can see, the former is actually your main motivation.  Speak to the owl in 
the front hall of the museum to donate things that you have found.  He will 
also identify your Fossils for you, even if you choose not to donate them.

Downstairs under the museum is the Coffee.  Brewster runs the Coffee Shop and 
sells every cup for the reasonable price of 200 Bells.  Buying coffee doesn\'t 
actually get you anything special either, but it does serve one purpose.  When 
you first speak to Brewster he doesn\'t have much to say.  Gradually as you 
visit the Coffee Shop every day he will get more and more friendly toward you 
character, and you can develop a happy relationship with him.  The Coffee Shop 
itself does serve one other purpose.  On Saturday nights between 7:30 P.M. and 
Midnight, K.K. Slider will perform there.  Speak to him to get a song which 
can be played on your radio.  Also if you have the Country Guitar which you 
may get while trading for the Golden Axe, give that to him to get the K.K. 
Slider\'s picture.  Overall this is just a nice place to sit and hang about.

Last but not least we have the observatory upstairs.  Go up there and examine 
the telescope.  You can choose to either look at the stars or create some 
constellations of your own.  Connect the stars together using your Stylus and 
create new constellations, you can even name them!  The bird working up there 
will tell you what day of the year and what time your constellation is seen.

| || 05.00 ||                  Items & Activities                || 05.00 || |

      (, /
     ) /
+-- (_/ OOLS ------------------------------------------------------- 05.01 --+
|| NORMAL         ||                                                        ||
|| Shovel         || The Shovel is used for digging up various objects      ||
||                || throughout your town, covering hole, poking rocks,     ||
||                || poking people, and anything else you can think to do   ||
||                || with it.  The Shovel can be purchased at Tom Nook\'s    ||
||                || shop for 500 Bells.  When you have the Shovel equipped ||
||                || on your character and press the A button or poke the   ||
||                || ground in front of you, you will dig a hole in the     ||
||                || ground.  You can use this hole to plant trees,         ||
||                || flowers, and even money.  The Shovel is also used to   ||
||                || dig up those little X marks you see on the ground in   ||
||                || your town every once in awhile.  On any given day      ||
||                || there will be approximately three of these X marks.    ||
||                || When you dig them up you will most likely find a       ||
||                || Fossil which can then be brought to the museum and     ||
||                || identified.  Sometimes you even find a Pitfall item    ||
||                || which can be buried again and used as a trap for       ||
||                || whatever reason.  Maybe you want to annoy the other    ||
||                || people living in your town.  After using the Axe to    ||
||                || cut down a tree, the Shovel is used to pry the stump   ||
||                || out of the ground.  The Shovel is used to poke magic   ||
||                || money rocks that appear on a daily basis randomly in   ||
||                || your town.  More information on these can be found     ||
||                || elsewhere in the guide.  Finally the Shovel can also   ||
||                || be used to cover up holes that you have already dug,   ||
||                || just approach the hole and press A to cover it up.  If ||
||                || you don\'t have a Shovel you can still cover these      ||
||                || holes by press the B button and kicking dirt on them.  ||
|| Axe            || The Axe is your typical chopping and slicing weapon.   ||
||                || Used primarily for taking down trees which happen to   ||
||                || be in your way rather than brutally murdering the      ||
||                || villagers.  Purchase the Axe at the Nook\'s store for   ||
||                || 500 Bells.  Stand beside a tree with the Axe equipped  ||
||                || and start chopping, after about three or four strikes  ||
||                || the tree will go down.  You can pry up the leftover    ||
||                || stump using the Shovel.  If you start chopping down    ||
||                || too many trees your Axe is going to break.  At that    ||
||                || point you\'ll either have to find a new one or get your ||
||                || hands on a Golden Axe.                                 ||
|| Fishing Rod    || The Fishing Rod is used not surprisingly, for going    ||
||                || fishing.  The actual process of Fishing is explained   ||
||                || elsewhere in the guide, but basically all you need is  ||
||                || this rod.  Equip it on your character and stand by the ||
||                || river or ocean.  Press the A button or touch your      ||
||                || character to launch it, wait for a fish to bite, and   ||
||                || hit the A button or tap the screen again to hopefully  ||
||                || catch the fish.  It\'s a lot harder than it looks.      ||
|| Bug Net        || The Bug Net is used for catching various bugs all over ||
||                || your town.  Bugs appear at different times and dates.  ||
||                || The net is sold at Nook\'s shop for a mere 500 Bells.   ||
||                || Once you have it you can swing the net on the ground   ||
||                || in front of you and catch either airborne or ground    ||
||                || based insects.                                         ||
|| Slingshot      || The Slingshot is sold periodically at Nook\'s store for ||
||                || 500 Bells.  When you have the Slingshot equipped you   ||
||                || have the ability to fire up into the air and knock     ||
||                || things out of the sky.  Every once in awhile something ||
||                || like a balloon for example will float by on the screen ||
||                || above you.  Position yourself under the object and     ||
||                || fire upward, if you can manage to hit it usually       ||
||                || you\'ll get some kind of reward in return.              ||
|| Watering Can   || The Watering Can is a basic tool that you can buy at   ||
||                || Nook\'s Shop for 500 Bells.  The Watering Can is used   ||
||                || to water and revitalize any wilted flowers when they   ||
||                || are dying to make everything look nicer and keep your  ||
||                || town rating up.  As far as I know, watering healthy    ||
||                || flowers won\'t keep them from wilting any more than     ||
||                || they normally would, you should focus primarily on     ||
||                || watering only the flowers that are wilting already.    ||
||                || Note that the Watering Can has no effect on trees.     ||
|| GOLDEN         ||                                                        ||
|| Golden         || The Golden Shovel is an upgrade of the Shovel.  The    ||
|| Shovel         || difference between it and the normal Shovel is that    ||
||                || the Golden Shovel can be used to plant Money Trees.    ||
||                || Dig a hole in the ground with the Golden Shovel and    ||
||                || bury a bag of money that you have in your inventory in ||
||                || the hole.  There\'s a slim chance that this bag of      ||
||                || money will grow into a tree.  That tree should then    ||
||                || produce three bags of money with amounts equal to what ||
||                || you buried, maximizing at no more than about 30,000    ||
||                || Bells.  The Golden Shovel is one of the easier golden  ||
||                || tools to acquire.  First you need to have two Shovels  ||
||                || in your inventory.  Dig a hole with one of the Shovels ||
||                || and then use that Shovel, to bury your second Shovel   ||
||                || in the hole.  Wait overnight and dig up that Shovel in ||
||                || the morning, overnight it became the Golden Shovel.    ||
|| Golden Axe     || The Golden Axe is an upgrade of the normal Axe and is  ||
||                || the most difficult of all the golden tools to acquire. || 
||                || It has the exact same functionality as the Axe with    ||
||                || one single important exception, it cannot ever be      ||
||                || broken.  TO get the Golden Axe you must follow these   ||
||                || exact steps.  Every Sunday you will be able to find an ||
||                || animal named Joan who sells Turnips and Red Turnips.   ||
||                || Purchase a Red Turnip from Joan and plant it in the    ||
||                || ground with your Shovel.  Dig it up one day later and  ||
||                || give it to Wendell who appears in town on a random day ||
||                || of the week, to get the Turban.  Give the Turban to    ||
||                || Sahara who appears in your town on a random day of the ||
||                || week to get the Massage Chair.  Wait until the next    ||
||                || holiday and find Tortimer, the mayor out front of the  ||
||                || town hall.  Give him the Massage Chair to get the      ||
||                || Scallop.  Once you have the Scallop you need to trade  ||
||                || it to Pascal who appears on a random weekday down near ||
||                || the beach to get the Golden Axe.  The easiest way that ||
||                || I know of to find out which day of the week these      ||
||                || people appear, is to talk to Booker each day and ask   ||
||                || him what\'s new.  He should tell you who has been       ||
||                || passing through town recently.  Booker is the dog on   ||
||                || the left side of the main gate.                        ||
|| Golden         || The Golden Fishing Rod is an upgrade to the normal     ||
|| Fishing Rod    || Fishing Rod.  When using the Golden Fishing Rod to go  ||
||                || fishing, you will have a slightly extended period of   ||
||                || time to reel in the fish when your line is caught,     ||
||                || this can make or break your catch so don\'t             ||
||                || underestimate its usefulness.  Unfortunately the only  ||
||                || way to acquire the Golden Fishing Rod is to catch at   ||
||                || least one of every type of fish in the game.  A list   ||
||                || of all the different fish can be found elsewhere in    ||
||                || the guide.                                             ||
|| Golden         || The Golden Bug Net is an upgrade of the Bug Net.  It   ||
|| Bug Net        || doesn\'t have any special functionality, it is simply a ||
||                || larger version of the normal net and thus, it can      ||
||                || catch bugs even easier.  Like the Golden Fishing Rod,  ||
||                || the only way to acquire the Golden Bug Net is to catch ||
||                || at least one of every type of bug in the game.         ||
|| Golden         || The Golden Slingshot is an upgrade of the normal       ||
|| Slingshot      || Slingshot.  Rather than shooting a single rock into    ||
||                || the air, the Golden Slingshot shoots a total of three  ||
||                || up into the air making it easier to hit your targets.  ||
||                || In order to acquire the Golden Slingshot you must      ||
||                || shoot down a total of 15 presents out of the sky.  It  ||
||                || doesn\'t matter if you miss any that float by, or shoot ||
||                || a total of 15 over a period of days, weeks, etc.  Once ||
||                || you shoot down the 15th present it should have the     ||
||                || Golden Slingshot inside of it.                         ||
|| Golden         || The Golden Watering Can is an upgrade of the Watering  ||
|| Watering Can   || Can.  There have been rumours that watering your tree  ||
||                || saplings with the Golden Watering Can will make them   ||
||                || grow faster, but there is little to no evidence to     ||
||                || support this.  The Golden Watering Can serves two      ||
||                || purposes.  The first is to sit around, be golden and   ||
||                || look nice.  The second is a little more useful and     ||
||                || that\'s to create Golden Roses.  What you have to do is ||
||                || plant a bunch of Red Roses together, and over time     ||
||                || they should seed some Black Roses.  Wait for the Black ||
||                || Roses to wilt and then water them with the Golden      ||
||                || Watering Can, they will grow back as not black, but    ||
||                || Gold Roses.  Gold Roses sell for approximately 2500    ||
||                || Bells.  To acquire the Golden Watering Can you must    ||
||                || get a perfect rating for your town (check your rating  ||
||                || at the town hall) and maintain that perfect rating for ||
||                || a total of 16 days.  To get a perfect town you must do ||
||                || the following: make sure all the weeds have been       ||
||                || picked, even the ones behind trees where they are      ||
||                || difficult to see.  You have to make sure you don\'t     ||
||                || have any wilted flowers in your town at all, if they   ||
||                || start to wilt, water them.  Make sure there aren\'t any ||
||                || stray items lying around.  Now here\'s where it gets    ||
||                || difficult: just like Animal Crossing on the Gamecube   ||
||                || it\'s based on an acre-by-acre system.  Each acre is    ||
||                || considered to be 16x16 panels wide.  Each of these     ||
||                || supposed acres must have between 12 and 14 trees in    ||
||                || them, the trees cannot be touching.  Each acre must    ||
||                || have three flowers total.  Doing this should meet the  ||
||                || requirements for a perfect town and get you a Golden   ||
||                || Watering Can from Pelly.                               ||

      (, /
     ) /
+-- (_/ REES ------------------------------------------------------- 05.02 --+

Trees are a very important part of any successful town, so you need to make 
sure you know everything there is to know about them.  The first question of 
course, is what do you need to grow a tree?  Well it depends on what kind of 
tree you\'re trying to grow.  For normal trees all you need is the sapling like 
the ones that Nook gave you at the beginning of the game.  To grow a Fruit 
Tree, you need a piece of fruit, the same type as the tree you\'re trying to 
grow.  The same applies to Coconut Trees however there are a few more 
restrictions on those.  Lastly if you want to grow a Money Tree, you\'re going 
to need a bag of money.  To actually plant these trees you will need one of 
two possible tools, either the Shovel (bought at Nook\'s) or the Golden Shovel.  
To get the fruit, or money down from the tree you need to run up to the tree 
and shake it using either the A button, or poking it with the Stylus.  Don\'t 
forget to shake all trees, even if they don\'t have fruit on them.  There\'s a 
good chance you will shake out a hidden bag containing about 100 Bells, and 
also a small chance that you will shake down a hive of bees.  If you cannot 
escape their wrath your character will end up with a swollen face for awhile.

The following diagram covers visually what you should be considering when 
trying to find a good place to plant a tree.  Note the words \"Grow\" and 
\"Fail\" which represent where a tree would likely grow is planted, and fail if 
planted.  Note that the boxes filled with \"X\"s represent obstacles of some 
kind.  An obstacles can usually be defined as any space on the ground which 
cannot have a hole dug in it.  For example if you try to dig where a tree is, 
you can\'t, that\'s an obstacles.  If you try to dig on solid stone ground, or 
in a river, you cannot so both are considered obstacles.  Don\'t plant trees 
directly beside a river.  Lastly you should note that these are not black and 
white guidelines.  Trees plants away from everything still have a chance to 
fail (a fairly high chance for something like a Money Tree or a Coconut Tree.)  
On the other hand, trees have been known to grow even when planted directly 
next to obstacles.  The diagram is meant to show where trees are most likely 
to grow and fail, not where they are guaranteed to grow or to fail.
  ||XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|XXXXXX|XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      ||
  ||XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|XXXXXX|XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      ||
  ||      |      |      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX||
  ||      | FAIL |      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX||
  ||      |      |      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX||
  ||XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |      |      |XXXXXX|XXXXXX|XXXXXX|      ||
  ||XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |      |      |XXXXXX|XXXXXX|XXXXXX|      ||
  ||XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |      |      |XXXXXX|XXXXXX|XXXXXX|      ||
  ||      |XXXXXX|      |      |      |      |      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX||
  ||      |XXXXXX|      |      | GROW |      |      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX||
  ||      |XXXXXX|      |      |      |      |      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX||
  ||      |XXXXXX|XXXXXX|      |      |      |XXXXXX|      |      |      ||
  ||      |XXXXXX|XXXXXX|      |      |      |XXXXXX|      |      |      ||
  ||      |XXXXXX|XXXXXX|      |      |      |XXXXXX|      |      |      ||
  ||      |      |XXXXXX|XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |      |      |      ||
  || FAIL |      |XXXXXX|XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |      | GROW |      ||
  ||      |      |XXXXXX|XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |      |      |      ||
  ||XXXXXX|XXXXXX|      |      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |      |      ||
  ||XXXXXX|XXXXXX|      |      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |      |      ||
  ||XXXXXX|XXXXXX|      |      |XXXXXX|      |XXXXXX|      |      |      ||

Other Complications - Other complications are mostly limited to signs.  Signs 
most often represent somewhere where an animal plans to build his/her house 
soon.  You cannot (as in, can\'t \"period\") grow trees even on free ground near 
a sign.  The radius for a house size is obviously bigger than a normal tree 
obstacles radius.  You should not plant a tree anywhere near a sign within 
three squares left, right, up, and down, and even diagonally if you want your 
tree to grow.  The general rule of thumb is to just stay away from them.

Normal Trees - Normal Trees are the most likely kind of tree to grow without 
ending up dead.  Plant it away from most obstacles and at least two out of 
every three trees you plant should spring to life the next day.  Note that 
unlike flowers, watering trees does literally nothing at all to help them.

Fruit Trees and Foreign Fruit Trees - Both have about an equal chance of 
growing, which is pretty close to the probability that a normal tree will 
sprout, if not the same.  Of course Foreign Fruit Trees are more sought after, 
but we\'ll explain that in more detail in Bell Collecting Strategies section of 
the guide.  Just dig a hole and drop any piece of fruit in the hole, the next 
day a tree should be growing.  It takes approximately four days for a tree to 
fully grow.  At that point it should have a healthy supply of three pieces of 
fruit, the same type as the fruit you buried.  After you shake the fruit off 
the tree you can pick it up from the ground like you would any other item.

Coconut Trees - Coconuts are more valuable than normal fruits, however they 
are much rarer and the trees are harder to grow.  To acquire a Coconut all you 
have to do is check the beach every day.  Eventually a Coconut will inevitably 
wash up on the beach.  Now you can plant this Coconut and grow a tree, but 
there are some very specific instructions you need to follow.  Coconut trees 
as far as I know, will only grow near a beach.  Not in the sand itself, but 
right above.  Your best chance of actually having your Coconut Tree grow 
without dying is to dig a hole and plant the Coconut right above the sand.  
Cover the hole and wait a day or so, hopefully the tree will be growing.

Bell Trees - In order to grow a Bell Tree you must first have the Golden 
Shovel.  To get the Golden Shovel you must have two normal Shovels.  Bury the 
first one using the second Shovel and wait one day.  Dig up the Shovel the 
next day and voila!  It will be Golden.  Now that you have the Golden Shovel 
you can bury a bag of Bells in the ground and there is a chance it will grow 
into a Bell Tree.  Once it\'s fully grown, in about one week three Bell Bags 
should appear on the tree each holding the amount of Bells you buried in the 
ground, but no more than 30,000.  This means that if you bury a bag of 30,000 
Bells, it will grow into a tree with 90,000 Bells (30,000 x 3 bags.)  If you 
bury 31,000 Bells, it will still only grow into a tree with 90,000 Bells.  
Money trees will only bear fruit (Bells) once and then after that, they remain 
just a normal tree.  I\'ve heard rumours that the more money you bury in the 
ground the better chance it has to actually grow.  Maybe true, maybe not.

Miscellaneous Information - Some people believe that if you plant a tree in 
the exact same spot where you either pulled up a weed, or cut down a tree and 
popped out the stump, then that tree will have a 100% chance of growing.  
Personally I\'ve had cases where I\'ve dug up weeds and planted trees that 
didn\'t grow, so I don\'t believe it to be true, but there is evidence to 
support the belief that it at least really increases the chance of having it 
grow.  If you\'ve got a rare piece of fruit then there\'s no harm in at least 
trying.  Pull a weed or cut down a tree, then plant the piece of fruit there.

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+-- (_/   (__ OLIDAYS ---------------------------------------------- 05.03 --+

The following is a list of all the holidays in Animal Crossing: Wild World.  
If you\'re wondering where holidays like Christmas, Easter and Halloween have 
gone, they were removed for obvious religious reasons.  Enjoy Yay Day!
|| NAME                        || MONTH     || DAY(S)          || TIME      ||
|| New Years Day               || January   || 1st             || All day   ||
|| La-Di-Day                   || January   || 14th            || All day   ||
|| Fishing Tourney             || January   || 15th            || All day   ||
|| Yay Day                     || January   || 22nd            || All day   ||
|| Flea Market                 || February  || 4th             || All day   ||
|| Bright Nights               || February  || 6th - 12th      || All day   ||
|| Fishing Tourney             || February  || 26th            || All day   ||
|| Flea Market                 || March     || 4th             || All day   ||
|| La-Di-Day                   || March     || 11th            || All day   ||
|| Fishing Tourney             || March     || 19th            || All day   ||
|| Yay Day                     || March     || 26th            || All day   ||
|| Flea Market                 || April     || 1st             || All day   ||
|| Flower Fest                 || April     || 3rd - 9th       || All day   ||
|| Fishing Tourney             || April     || 23rd            || All day   ||
|| Flea Market                 || May       || 6th             || All day   ||
|| La-Di-Day                   || May       || 13th            || All day   ||
|| Fishing Tourney             || May       || 21st            || All day   ||
|| Yay Day                     || May       || 28th            || All day   ||
|| Flea Market                 || June      || 3rd             || All day   ||
|| The Bug Off                 || June      || 18th            || All day   ||
|| Flea Market                 || July      || 1st             || All day   ||
|| La-Di-Day                   || July      || 8th             || All day   ||
|| The Bug Off                 || July      || 16th            || All day   ||
|| Yay Day                     || July      || 23rd            || All day   ||
|| Fireworks                   || August    || 5th             || 7PM-12AM  ||
|| Fireworks                   || August    || 12th            || 7PM-12AM  ||
|| Fireworks                   || August    || 19th            || 7PM-12AM  ||
|| The Bug Off                 || August    || 20th            || All day   ||
|| Fireworks                   || August    || 26th            || 7PM-12AM  ||
|| Flea Market                 || September || 2nd             || All day   ||
|| La-Di-Day                   || September || 9th             || All day   ||
|| The Bug Off                 || September || 17th            || All day   ||
|| Yay Day                     || September || 24th            || All day   ||
|| Flea Market                 || October   || 7th             || All day   ||
|| Acorn Festival              || October   || 9th-15th        || All day   ||
|| Fishing Tourney             || October   || 22nd            || All day   ||
|| Flea Market                 || November  || 4th             || All day   ||
|| La-Di-Day                   || November  || 11th            || All day   ||
|| Fishing Tourney             || November  || 19th            || All day   ||
|| Yay Day                     || November  || 26th            || All day   ||
|| Flea Market                 || December  || 2nd             || All day   ||
|| Fishing Tourney             || December  || 17th            || All day   ||
|| Countdown to New Year\'s     || December  || 31st            || All day   ||

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+-- (_/ PECIAL VISITORS -------------------------------------------- 05.04 --+

The following is a list of the special animal visitors that come to your town 
on various days of the week, where do find them, and at what time:
|| NAME            || LOCATION       || DAY      || TIME                    ||
|| Dr. Shrunk      || Varies         || Varies   || 06:00 A.M. - Midnight   ||
|| Gracie          || Town Hall      || Varies   || 06:00 A.M. - Midnight   ||
|| Gulliver        || In the sky     || Varies   || 06:00 A.M. - Midnight   ||
|| Joan            || Varies         || Sunday   || 06:00 A.M. - Midnight   ||
|| K.K. Slider     || Coffee Shop    || Saturday || 07:30 P.M. - Midnight   ||
|| Katrina         || Inside a tent  || Varies   || 06:00 A.M. - Midnight   ||
|| Lyle            || At your house  || Saturday || 06:00 A.M. - 06:00 P.M. ||
|| Pascal          || The Beach      || Varies   || 06:00 A.M. - Midnight   ||
|| Pete            || In the sky     || Varies   || 09:00 A.M. - 05:00 P.M. ||
|| Saharah         || Varies         || Varies   || 06:00 A.M. - Midnight   ||
|| Wendell         || Varies         || Varies   || 06:00 A.M. - Midnight   ||

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+-- (_/   ISHING --------------------------------------------------- 05.05 --+

Once you have purchased a Fishing Rod from Tom Nook\'s store then you can go 
fishing.  There are a number of places you can fish, either in the river, down 
off the beach, in a small pond, or up near where the waterfall is located.   
To fish, equip the Fishing Rod and press the A button or tap your character 
with the Stylus to throw the lure.  Fish appear in the form of small shadows 
in the water.  If one of them bites your line them you must either tap or 
touch the Stylus at the exact right time to catch the fish.  A lot of people 
prefer to use the audio cue that you hear when the fish bites rather than the 
visual cue.  One of the most recommended strategies is to turn the volume all 
the way up, put on some headphones and just sit with your eyes closed ready to 
poke the screen the instant you hear the sound.  Once you catch a fish you can 
take it to the Museum and put it on display.  The following is a list of all 
the fish and where/how to find them all:  (Note that the letter R in 
parentheses means that it must be raining at the time)
|| NAME           || WHERE     || MONTHS    || TIME #1 || TIME #2 || VALUE  ||
|| Angelfish      || River     || May - Oct || 4PM-9AM || N/A     || 3000   ||
|| Arapaima       || River     || Jul - Sep || 4PM-9AM || N/A     || 10,000 ||
|| Arowna         || River     || Jun - Sep || 4PM-9AM || N/A     || 10,000 ||
|| Barbel Steed   || River     || Any Month || Anytime || N/A     || 200    ||
|| Barred Knifejw || Ocean     || Mar - Nov || Anytime || N/A     || 5000   ||
|| Bitterling     || River     || Nov - Feb || Anytime || N/A     || 900    ||
|| Black Bass     || River     || Any Month || Anytime || N/A     || 300    ||
|| Blue Marlin    || Ocean     || Jul - Sep || Anytime || N/A     || 10,000 ||
|| Bluegill       || River     || Any Month || 9AM-4PM || N/A     || 120    ||
|| Carp           || River     || Any Month || Anytime || N/A     || 300    ||
|| Catfish        || Pond      || May - Oct || 4PM-9AM || N/A     || 800    ||
|| Char           || Waterfall || Mar - Jun || 4AM-9AM || 4PM-9PM || 3800   ||
|| Cherry Salmon  || River     || Mar - Jun || 4AM-9AM || 4PM-9PM || 1000   ||
|| Clownfish      || Ocean     || Apr - Sep || Anytime || N/A     || 650    ||
|| Coelacanth     || Ocean (R) || Any Month || 4PM-9AM || N/A     || 15,000 ||
|| Crawfish       || Pond      || Apr - Sep || Anytime || N/A     || 250    ||
|| Crucian Carp   || River     || Any Month || Anytime || N/A     || 120    ||
|| Dab            || Ocean     || Oct - Apr || Anytime || N/A     || 300    ||
|| Dace           || River     || Any Month || 4PM-9AM || N/A     || 200    ||
|| Dorado         || River     || Jun - Sep || 4AM-9PM || N/A     || 15,000 ||
|| Eel            || River     || Jun - Sep || 4PM-9AM || N/A     || 2000   ||
|| Football Fish  || Ocean     || Nov - Mar || 4PM-9AM || N/A     || 2500   ||
|| Freshwater Gby || River     || Any Month || 4PM-9AM || N/A     || 300    ||
|| Frog           || Pond      || May - Aug || Anytime || N/A     || 120    ||
|| Gar            || Pond      || Jun - Sep || 4PM-9AM || N/A     || 6000   ||
|| Giant Snakehed || Pond      || Jul - Aug || 9AM-4PM || N/A     || 5500   ||
|| Goldfish       || River     || Any Month || Anytime || N/A     || 1300   ||
|| Guppy          || River     || Apr - Nov || 9AM-4PM || N/A     || 1300   ||
|| Hammrhead Shrk || Ocean     || Jun - Sep || Anytime || N/A     || 8000   ||
|| Horse Mackerel || Ocean     || Any Month || Anytime || N/A     || 150    ||
|| Jellyfish      || Ocean     || August    || Anytime || N/A     || 100    ||
|| Killifish      || Pond      || Apr - Aug || Anytime || N/A     || 300    ||
|| King Salmon    || River     || September || Anytime || N/A     || 1800   ||
|| Koi            || River     || Any Month || 4PM-9AM || N/A     || 2000   ||
|| Loach          || River     || Mar - May || Anytime || N/A     || 300    ||
|| Ocean Sunfish  || Ocean     || Apr - Sep || 4AM-9PM || N/A     || 4000   ||
|| Octopus        || Ocean     || Mar - Jul || Anytime || N/A     || 500    ||
|| Olive Flounder || Ocean     || Any Month || Anytime || N/A     || 800    ||
|| Pale Chub      || River     || Any Month || 9AM-4PM || N/A     || 200    ||
|| Piranha        || River     || Jun - Sep || 9AM-4PM || 9PM-4AM || 2500   ||
|| Popeyed Gldfsh || River     || Any Month || 9AM-4PM || N/A     || 1300   ||
|| Pond Smelt     || Pond      || Dec - Feb || Anytime || N/A     || 300    ||
|| Puffer Fish    || Ocean     || Jul - Sep || Anytime || N/A     || 240    ||
|| Rainbow Trout  || River     || Mar - Jun || 4AM-9AM || 4PM-9PM || 800    ||
|| Red Snapper    || Ocean     || Any Month || Anytime || N/A     || 3000   ||
|| Salmon         || River     || September || Anytime || N/A     || 700    ||
|| Sea Bass       || Ocean     || Any Month || Anytime || N/A     || 160    ||
|| Sea Butterfly  || Ocean     || Dec - Feb || Anytime || N/A     || 1000   ||
|| Seahorse       || Ocean     || Apr - Nov || Anytime || N/A     || 1100   ||
|| Shark          || Ocean     || Jun - Sep || 4AM-9PM || N/A     || 15,000 ||
|| Squid          || Ocean     || Dec - Aug || Anytime || N/A     || 400    ||
|| Stringfish     || River     || Dec - Feb || 4PM-9AM || N/A     || 15,000 ||
|| Sweetfish      || River     || Jul - Sep || Anytime || N/A     || 900    ||
|| Tuna           || Ocean     || Nov - Mar || Anytime || N/A     || 7000   ||
|| Yellow Perch   || River     || Oct - Mar || Anytime || N/A     || 240    ||
|| Zebra Trkeyfsh || Ocean     || Apr - Nov || Anytime || N/A     || 400    ||

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+-- (_/ (      UG CATCHING ----------------------------------------- 05.06 --+

Once you\'ve got the Bug Net, bug catching is just a matter of swinging the 
thing around whenever you see a bug.  Unlike fishing there is no set place to 
look for these things, you\'ve got to use your imagination (and this guide) to 
locate and capture them all.  Put them on display in the Museum when you do.  
The following is a list of all the bugs and where / when they can be found:
|| NAME               || CHECK NEAR       || MONTHS    || TIME    || VALUE  ||
|| Agrias Butterfly   || Flowers          || Jun - Sep || 9AM-4PM || 3000   ||
|| Ant                || Anywhere         || Any Month || 9PM-9AM || 80     ||
|| Atlas Beetle       || Palm Trees       || Jun - Aug || 9PM-4AM || 8000   ||
|| Banded Dragonfly   || Anywhere         || Jul - Aug || 9AM-4PM || 4500   ||
|| Bee                || Trees            || Any Month || Anytime || 4500   ||
|| Bell Cricket       || Grass            || Sep - Oct || 4PM-4AM || 430    ||
|| Birdwing           || Flowers          || Jun - Sep || 9AM-4PM || 3000   ||
|| Brown Cicada       || Trees            || Jul - Aug || 9AM-4PM || 300    ||
|| Cockroach          || Trees            || Any Month || Anytime || 5      ||
|| Common Butterfly   || Flowers          || Mar - Sep || 4AM-4PM || 90     ||
|| Cricket            || Grass            || Sep - Nov || 9PM-4AM || 130    ||
|| Darner Dragonfly   || Anywhere         || Jun - Aug || 9AM-4PM || 200    ||
|| Dung Beetle        || Snow             || Dec - Feb || Anytime || 800    ||
|| Dynastid Beetle    || Trees            || Jul - Aug || Anytime || 1350   ||
|| Elephant Beetle    || Palm Trees       || Jun - Aug || Anytime || 8000   ||
|| Emperor            || Flowers          || Jun - Sep || Anytime || 2500   ||
|| Evening Cicada     || Trees            || Jul - Aug || Anytime || 550    ||
|| Firefly            || River            || June      || Anytime || 300    ||
|| Flea               || Animals          || Mar - Nov || Anytime || 70     ||
|| Fly                || Rotten Turnips   || Any Month || Anytime || 60     ||
|| Fruit Beetle       || Trees            || Jul - Sep || 9PM-4AM || 100    ||
|| Giant Beetle       || Trees            || Jul - Aug || Anytime || 10,000 ||
|| Goliath Beetle     || Palm Trees       || Jun - Aug || Anytime || 6000   ||
|| Grasshopper        || Grass            || Jul - Sep || 9AM-4PM || 160    ||
|| Hercules Beetle    || Palm Trees       || Jul - Sug || Anytime || 12,000 ||
|| Honeybee           || Flowers          || Mar - Aug || 9AM-4PM || 100    ||
|| Jewel Beetle       || Trees            || Jul - Aug || Anytime || 2400   ||
|| Ladybug            || Flowers          || Mar - Jun || 9AM-4PM || 200    ||
|| Lantern Fly        || Trees            || Jun - Sep || Anytime || 1800   ||
|| Long Locust        || Grass            || Mar - Aug || 9AM-4PM || 200    ||
|| Longhorn Beetle    || Trees            || Jun - Aug || Anytime || 260    ||
|| Mantis             || Flowers          || Aug - Nov || 9AM-4PM || 430    ||
|| Migratory Locust   || Grass            || Sep - Nov || 9AM-4PM || 600    ||
|| Mole Cricket       || Underground      || Nov - May || Anytime || 280    ||
|| Monarch            || Flowers          || Sep - Nov || Anytime || 90     ||
|| Mosquito           || Anywhere         || Jun - Sep || 4PM-4AM || 130    ||
|| Moth               || Lights           || May - Sep || 9PM-4AM || 60     ||
|| Oak Silk Moth      || Trees            || Jun - Sep || Anytime || 1200   ||
|| Orchid Mantis      || Flowers          || Aug - Nov || 9AM-4PM || 2400   ||
|| Peacock            || Flowers          || Mar - Sep || 9AM-4PM || 220    ||
|| Pillbug            || Rocks            || Any Month || Anytime || 250    ||
|| Pondskater         || Pond             || Jun - Sep || Anytime || 130    ||
|| Rainbow Stag       || Trees            || Jun - Sep || Anytime || 10,000 ||
|| Red Dragonfly      || Anywhere         || Sep - Oct || Anytime || 80     ||
|| Robust Cicada      || Trees            || Jul - Aug || Anytime || 300    ||
|| Saw Stag Beetle    || Trees            || Jul - Aug || 9PM-4AM || 2000   ||
|| Scarab Beetle      || Trees            || Jul - Aug || Anytime || 6000   ||
|| Scorpion           || Anywhere         || Jul - Sep || Anytime || 8000   ||
|| Snail              || Flowers          || Apr - Sep || Anytime || 250    ||
|| Spider             || Trees            || Mar - Nov || Anytime || 300    ||
|| Stag Beetle        || Trees            || Jun - Aug || 9PM-4AM || 2000   ||
|| Tarantula          || Anywhere         || Jun - Aug || Anytime || 8000   ||
|| Tiger Butterfly    || Flowers          || Mar - Sep || 9AM-4PM || 160    ||
|| Walker Cicada      || Trees            || Jul - Aug || Anytime || 400    ||
|| Walkingstick       || Trees            || Jul - Nov || Anytime || 600    ||
|| Yellow Butterfly   || Flowers          || Mar - Sep || 9AM-4PM || 90     ||

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+-- (______) RAZY REDD\'S ------------------------------------------- 05.07 --+

Crazy Redd\'s is a tent sale that only appears one day of the week.  Every 
Saturday, a mole-man named Lyle will appear out front of your house.  He will 
ask you which day of the week you want Redd to come and after telling him 
which day Redd can be found in his tent on that day.  Lyle also sells you 
insurance for 3000 Bells and it\'s a very good idea to buy it, I\'ll explain why 
later.  For now you need to know that on the day he appears, Crazy Redd\'s tent 
is located directly below the town hall and it\'s really quite conspicuous.  
When you try to go into the tent you won\'t be able to until you give Redd the 
password.  Redd will say something, and then you will have to give him a 
response.  If the response is correct then you\'ll be let inside the tent.  The 
following is a chart of all the responses I\'m aware of, undoubtedly there are 
more, so if you have any of them feel free to drop an email my way:
(Note that all responses you give are case sensitive so read carefully)
|| REDD SAYS...                        || YOU REPLY                         ||
|| Ask and you shall                   || be charged                        ||
|| An open wallet                      || is often empty                    ||
|| Bottom dollar                       || top dog                           ||
|| Courage is nice                     || cash is freedom                   ||
|| Crazy Redd                          || is 35                             ||
|| Even robbers                        || have safes                        ||
|| Fan in one hand                     || cash in other                     ||
|| Foot in the door                    || eye on prize                      ||
|| For my fans                         || shop here again                   ||
|| Get an education                    || or win it big                     ||
|| Give 2 cents                        || ask for change                    ||
|| Gold Ingots                         || Redd bells                        ||
|| Healthy souls                       || can be bought                     ||
|| Hot and cold                        || money makes it                    ||
|| I\'m all alone                       || but I have cash                   ||
|| Life expectancy                     || Redd is 35                        ||
|| Look at people                      || wallets full                      ||
|| No flowers                          || just cash                         ||
|| No money                            || means no fun                      ||
|| Rough childhood                     || lax adulthood                     ||
|| Someone to wed                      || no way Nook                       ||
|| Spoiled rotten                      || bean curd                         ||
|| Talk is cheap                       || so is Redd                        ||
|| Thankless task                      || goes unpaid                       ||
|| The grass is greener                || on my side                        ||
|| The pen                             || is cheaper                        ||
|| Tom Nook                            || one ugly fellow                   ||
|| Top dollar                          || top dog                           ||
|| What smells?                        || bean curd                         ||
|| What\'s inside                       || is fabulous                       ||
|| When the cat\'s gone                 || mice shop                         ||
|| Why buy the cow                     || get milk here                     ||

If the password isn\'t listed there, or you want to know how to get it another 
way, then you can try going around your village on the day Redd is visiting 
talking to everyone a number of times.  Eventually one of the animals in your 
village should give you the password.  Once you give the password to Redd you 
must have 3000 Bells at the ready to join his club.  When you join the club 
Redd will send you a letter before he comes each week, with the password.

Crazy Redd\'s is the place to shop when you\'re buying paintings.  He also sells 
a number of other things including some nice furniture sets, but the paintings 
are really where it\'s at.  Unfortunately there is a condition with each of his 
paintings... before you buy it you\'ll have no way of telling whether the 
painting is a forgery or not!  After you buy it Redd\'s response will pretty 
much indicate whether it was fake or not, the actual response itself varies 
however.  Paintings are taken to the museum and put on display there (if 
they\'re real of course).  There is one upside however, remember how I told you 
to buy insurance from Lyle?  Well after buying a forged painting you will 
receive reimbursement from the insurance company in the mail.  Pretty nice of 
them to cover something like this. Insurance also covers falls and bee stings.

| || 06.00 ||               Additional Tips & Tricks             || 06.00 || |

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+-- (_/ (      ELL COLLECTING -------------------------------------- 06.01 --+

At the beginning of the game you are pretty limited by what you can do, 
however if you know what you\'re doing you can start to make quite a few Bells 
in a relatively short amount of time.  I\'ll outline some of the basic 
strategies and from there, move into the more profitable stuff.

Basics - The most basic way of collecting Bells in this game is by 
doing odd jobs for other animals, and collecting seashells and fruit.  When 
you speak to the animals around town they will want things delivered, or work 
done in some fashion.  Usually when you finish a task you will be rewarded 
with Bells or some  kind of material item which can then be used either to 
decorate yourself, or be sold to Nook for Bells.  Collecting fruit and 
seashells are another way to make Bells.  Run around the beach picking up all 
the seashells that you can.  Also run around town shaking every tree.  The 
ones with fruit on them will drop the fruit which can then be picked up and 
sold.  Trees with no fruit will periodically drop bags of Bells.  Keep up 
these small tasks and in time you can start to gather up a decent amount of 
money.  Below is a chart of the selling prices of all the seashells:
|| Conch                           || 350 Bells                             ||
|| Coral                           || 250 Bells                             ||
|| Dall\'s Top                      || 90 Bells                              ||
|| Pearl Oyster                    || 1200 Bells                            ||
|| Porceletta                      || 30 Bells                              ||
|| Sand Dollar                     || 60 Bells                              ||
|| Scallop                         || 600 Bells                             ||
|| Venus Comb                      || 150 Bells                             ||
|| White Scallop                   || 450 Bells                             ||

Advanced - Some of the more advanced tips can really help you out too.  
The Bell Rock at the very beginning is one of the best ways to make money.  
Check out the Miscellaneous Information section for more tips on how to use 
it, but suffice to say you can hit that rock for up to 8000 Bells every day.  
Also selling turnips on the Nook stock market is a great way to make money.  
Once again check out the Turnips part of the Miscellaneous Information section 
for more on how to turn those disgusting turnips into cold hard Bells.

Foreign Fruit (Wifi) - Arguably the best way to make money without 
cheating, there are two ways you can do this.  This is based on the fact that 
foreign fruit sells for about five times as much as native fruit (native fruit 
means the fruit that grows all over your town.)  For example if all your trees 
produce Cherries, then Pears will sell for about five times as much at Nooks.  
The first way to take advantage of this is through Wifi.  Connect to someone 
else\'s town and sell all of the fruit in your town at Nook\'s shop there for a 
huge profit.  On your way back make sure to grab some of the foreign fruit 
from their trees.  After doing this be sure to check out the Foreign Fruit 
(No-Wifi) section to figure out how you can make a ton more money still. 

Foreign Fruit (No-Wifi) - If you were already able to grab a piece of 
foreign fruit from someone else\'s town this will be easier.  If not then 
there\'s still a way to get it.  What you need to do is start picking fruit 
from your trees.  Write a letter to every single person in your town that says 
\"Here is a fruit gift\" or something along those lines.  I don\'t think the 
message really matters, but you should add the word \"fruit\" somewhere anyway.  
Attach one piece of native fruit to each letter and then mail them off to the 
animals in your town.  Check your mail tomorrow and most of them should have 
mailed you back with a present.  There is a slim chance they will attach a 
piece of fruit different from the one you mailed.  Personally I mailed five 
people and got it on my first try.  Once you have this piece of fruit, find a 
spot in your town away from all the obstacles and plant the piece of foreign 
fruit in the ground using your Shovel.  If you got foreign fruit from someone 
else\'s town, then you can just bury that.  After a day you will be able to see 
if a tree grew.  If it did then it will produce three piece of the same 
foreign fruit.  Plant those fruits and gradually start growing more and more 
foreign fruit trees until you have dozens.  Every few days these trees will 
now produce small fortunes that you can pick and sell to Nook.  You can easily 
start making tens if not hundreds of thousands of Bells every week.

Time Traveling for Bells - The best method for making the most Bells 
in the shortest amount of time, ironically involves Time Traveling.  First you 
need to have around 50,000 Bells already.  Take your 50,000 Bells and put them 
into a savings account at the bank then save your game and turn it off.  Enter 
the DS time settings and move your game forward about 10 years.  When you load 
your game and check the bank you will have received 99,999 Bells of interest.  
Save and turn it off, then move ahead another 10 years for 99,999 Bells of 
interest.  99,999 is the maximum number of Bells you can get from interest so 
it makes no difference how much money you have in there.  Keep doing this over 
and over.  Your town will literally be ruined with weeds and dead stuff, your 
animals will move out but... at least you\'ll be rich.

In the big scheme of things, all things considered, the \"very best\" way to 
make the most amount of money (talking millions) is probably by getting lucky 
with turnip prices.  If you can buy a ton of turnips and find a time when Nook 
is buying them for big money (talking 500+) then you can rack in the Bells.

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+-- (_/   (__ AIRSTYLE GUIDE --------------------------------------- 06.02 --+

When you upgrade Nook\'s shop to Nookingtons, there will be a hair salon in it.  
The following is a chart which shows first for male, then for female, the 
hairstyles that you can get depending on your answers to the questions.
|| HAIRSTYLE [MALE]   || ANSWER #1      || ANSWER #2      || ANSWER #3      ||
|| Flat, round, clean || Every day      || Warm...        || Grin say hi    ||
|| Flat, round, mess  || Every day      || Warm...        || Ignore \'em     ||
|| Tall and pointed   || Every day      || Sweaty         || Oh yeah!       ||
|| Flat, round, bowl  || Every day      || Sweaty         || Nah            ||
|| Flat with a curl   || Big nights!    || Well, duh!     || Power balled   ||
|| Parted to sides    || Big nights!    || Well, duh      || RAWK!          ||
|| Flat, covers face  || Big nights!    || Unfortunately  || I\'d rather not ||
|| Crazy spiked       || Big nights!    || Unfortunately  || I\'m embarrased ||
|| HAIRSTYLE [FEMALE] || ANSWER #1      || ANSWER #2      || ANSWER #3      ||
|| Sticks out at side || Every day      || Warm...        || Grin say hi    ||
|| Frizzly at sides   || Every day      || Warm...        || Ignore \'em     ||
|| Tied back in bun   || Every day      || Sweaty         || Oh yeah!       ||
|| Long, bowl shaped  || Every day      || Sweaty         || Nah            ||
|| Long hair          || Big nights!    || Well, duh!     || Power balled   ||
|| Tied back ponytail || Big nights!    || Well, duh      || RAWK!          ||
|| Pigtails           || Big nights!    || Unfortunately  || I\'d rather not ||
|| Long and pointed   || Big nights!    || Unfortunately  || I\'m embarrased ||

| || 07.00 ||              Miscellaneous Information             || 07.00 || |

+-- BELL ROCK ---------------------------------------------------------------+

Bell Rock [07.01] - Once a day, every day, one of the rocks in your town will 
be designated a special Bell Rock.  By hitting this rock with your Shovel you 
can knock Bells out of it.  How do you know which rock has been designated?  
You don\'t.  You have to run around town every day hitting every rock until one 
of them starts throwing Bells at you.  It\'s not that quick and easy either, 
there\'s a catch.  Once you have hit the rock once you have only have a few 
short seconds to keep hitting it to get more Bells until it stops launching 
 ___________________   them out.  The idea is that when you hit a rock with 
|+-----+-----+-----+|  your Shovel and a bag of Bells flies out, keep hitting 
||     |  H  |     ||  it as fast as you can until it stops throwing out bags 
||     |     |     ||  of money.  One traditional trick to maximize your 
|+-----+-----+-----+|  profit has been used by people for a long time.  
||  H  |  C  |     ||  Whenever you hit something with a Shovel you will get 
||     |     |     ||  knocked backward.  With the time it takes to step 
|+-----+-----+-----+|  forward and strike the rock again you are wasting 
||     |     |  R  ||  valuable rock-hitting time.  The trick is shown in the 
||     |     |     ||  adjacent diagram.  Each time you find a rock, dig holes 
||_____|_____|_____||  in the diagonal pattern you see in the diagram.  H 
+-------------------+  stands for hole, C stands for your character and R 
                       stands for the rock.  Position yourself where the C 
icon is and strike the rock with your Shovel.  The holes will prevent you from 
being knocked back any further so you can keep hitting that rock all you want.  
Using this trick you can maximize the amount of Bells you get every day.  If 
you followed it correctly you should get seven bags of increasingly higher 
Bells.  They contain 100, 200, 400, 800, 1000, 2000, 4000 for a total of 8500 
Bells every day if you use this trick.  For the first few days this is just 
about the best way to make money. After that it remains a great trick forever.

+-- K.K. SLIDER -------------------------------------------------------------+

K.K. Slider [07.02] - K.K. Slider is the guitar playing dog that comes to 
visit your town every Saturday night from 7:30 P.M. until Midnight.  You will 
find him playing in the Coffee Shop located downstairs in the Museum.  Speak 
to him every Saturday night and he\'ll give you one of his songs that you can 
play on the radio.  There are quite a few of them to collect.  While trading 
for the Golden Axe you might end up getting a Country Guitar from Wendell 
rather than a Turban.  If this happens bring the Country Guitar to K.K. Slider 
on Saturday night and give it to him.  In return you\'ll get K.K. Slider\'s 
picture.  Below is a full list of the K.K. Slider songs that you can get:
|| Agent K.K.       | K.K. Country     | K.K. Metal       | K.K Western     ||
|| Aloha K.K.       | K.K. Cruisin\'    | K.K. Ragtime     | K.K King K.K.   ||
|| Cafe K.K.        | K.K. D & B       | K.K. Rally       | Lucky K.K.      ||
|| Comerade K.K.    | K.K. Dirge       | K.K. Reggae      | Marine Song     ||
|| DJ K.K.          | K.K. Dixie       | K.K. Rock        | Mountain Song   ||
|| Forest Life      | K.K. Etude       | K.K. Rockabilly  | Mr. K.K.        ||
|| Go K.K. Rider!   | K.K. Faire       | K.K. Safari      | My Place        ||
|| I Love You       | K.K. Folk        | K.K. Salsa       | Neapolitan      ||
|| Imperial K.K.    | K.K. Fusion      | K.K. Samba       | Only Me         ||
|| K.K. Aria        | K.K. Gumbo       | K.K. Ska         | Pondering       ||
|| K.K. Ballad      | K.K. Jazz        | K.K. Song        | Rockin\' K.K.    ||
|| K.K. Blues       | K.K. Lament      | K.K. Soul        | Senor K.K.      ||
|| K.K. Bossa       | K.K. Love Song   | K.K. Steppe      | Soulful K.K.    ||
|| K.K. Calypso     | K.K. Lullaby     | K.K. Swing       | Steep Hill      ||
|| K.K. Casbah      | K.K. Mambo       | K.K. Tango       | Surfin\' K.K.    ||
|| K.K. Chorale     | K.K. Marathon    | K.K. Technopop   | The K. Funk     ||
|| K.K. Condor      | K.K. March       | K.K. Waltz       | To the Edge     ||
||                  |                  |                  | Two Days Ago    ||

+-- HAPPY ROOM ACADEMY (HRA) ------------------------------------------------+

Happy Room Academy (HRA) [07.03] - The HRA is the group of people (or animals) 
who rate your house regularly and send you the results in the mail in the form 
of a point score.  The more points you get from the HRA the closer you\'ll get 
to receiving a prize from them.  The following is a quick overview of the best 
ways to gather points.  First of all, every picture that you receive from one 
of the animals in your town is worth a total of 3200 points if you place it in 
your house, always make sure to display these.  The best way to gain points 
from the HRA is to collect entire sets of furniture.  Which pieces of 
furniture are included in what set can be found in the item list included with 
this guide.  A full complete furniture series nets a whopping 48,000 points 
toward your HRA score.  Having your wallpaper and floor matching along with a 
theme in your house will also get you upward of 10,000 points.  Every item you 
put down contributes points.  Keep in mind things like clothes and umbrellas 
are worth barely anything, while furniture, appraised fossils, gifts from 
anyone, special items, models and other related items are all worth a lot.  
Below is a list of the rewards you can receive from your HRA points:
|| One-Story Model                     || 70,000 Points                     ||
|| Two-Story Model                     || 100,000 Points                    ||
|| Mansion Model                       || 150,000 Points                    ||

+-- FENG SHUI ---------------------------------------------------------------+

Feng Shui [07.04] - One semi-important part of this game is your house\'s Feng 
Shui.  Feng Shui is the term for how you arrange your house, specifically in 
such a way that it will affect your luck.  The typical Feng Shui colour 
arrangement for a house works out to look like the diagram below.  Obviously 
it depends on the size of your house but for the most part it\'s the outer two 
panels which matter.  The colour of an object is usually obvious from the 
colour you see but not always, the item list included in this guide has a 
complete listing of each item\'s actual colour so refer to that before you 
start Feng Shui-ing.  The effects of Feng Shui are evident mostly in your 
material rewards.  You\'ll find Bells more frequently, and when you do, you\'ll 
find more.  You\'ll be more likely to be given better items and furniture from 
people.  Putting it one way, Feng Shui increases your overall luck.
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 || YELLOW | YELLOW |  N/A   |  N/A   |  N/A   |  N/A   |  RED   |  RED   ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 || YELLOW | YELLOW |  N/A   |  N/A   |  N/A   |  N/A   |  RED   |  RED   ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 || YELLOW | YELLOW |  N/A   |  N/A   |  N/A   |  N/A   |  RED   |  RED   ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 || YELLOW | YELLOW |  N/A   |  N/A   |  N/A   |  N/A   |  RED   |  RED   ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||
 ||        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        ||

+-- SHOOTING STARS ----------------------------------------------------------+

Shooting Star [07.05] - Every once in awhile during the night you will hear a 
sound and then a shooting star will fly by overhead.  If you don\'t have 
anything else in your hands, quickly press the A button or poke your character 
with the Stylus.  If you were able to react fast enough then you character 
should sort of go into a little wishing pose.  The next day you\'ll get a 
present in the mail from the wishing star.  Looks like your wish came true.

+-- SICK TOWNSFOLK ----------------------------------------------------------+

Sick Townsfolk [07.06] - Every one in awhile someone in your town will get 
sick.  It\'s pretty obvious when you actually see them.  The sickness will run 
it\'s course naturally usually over the course of a couple weeks, but the 
process can be sped up.  Purchase some Medicine from Tom Nook\'s store and 
write the sick animal a letter.  Attach the Medicine to the letter and mail it 
to them.  Do this every day and they should get better even faster.

+-- SNOWMEN -----------------------------------------------------------------+

Building a Snowman [07.07] - Yes you can actually build a snowman in this game 
during the winter.  What you need to do is run around your town looking for 
small snowballs placed randomly around the town, there will usually be about 
three of them.  If you accidentally break them, try going into a house and 
coming back out.  They should have respawned randomly in new areas of your 
town.  Once you\'ve found them start pushing them around through the snow.  
You\'ll notice that as they roll through the snow they get gradually bigger and 
bigger.  As they get bigger you\'ll go from kicking them around to actually 
rolling them with your hands.  To build a snowman you need to get two 
snowballs to the size where you\'re rolling them around with your hands, and 
then push one of the snowballs into the other.  It will automatically jump on 
top of the first and create a snowman.  Going beyond this is the trick to 
building the \"perfect\" snowman.  Roll one snowball around until you\'re pushing 
it with your hands, then keep rolling it a bit.  After it\'s grown a little bit 
bigger get the other one and start rolling it around.  A perfect snowman is 
where you push a \"slightly smaller\" snowball onto the original slightly larger 
snowball.  If all goes well your snowman will talk to you and tell you that 
he\'s \"perfect.\"  What special about a perfect snowman?  The next day when you 
check the mail he sent you a new piece of snowman furniture!

+-- GULLIVER ----------------------------------------------------------------+

Gulliver [07.08] - Gulliver is a special character who appears randomly and 
very rarely in the sky above your town.  He pilots a UFO and will appear 
periodically in the sky on the upper screen.  If you have your Slingshot 
equipped then you might just be able to shoot him down if you\'re lucky.  
Shooting him down causes parts from his UFO to scatter around the town.  Your 
job is to run around, dig them up, and return to Gulliver with all of the 
parts.  Complete this task and he\'ll reward you with a rare item.  Some people 
claim the UFO is most likely to come 32 minutes after an hour, but once again 
it\'s not too widely supported.  One of the prizes that Gulliver might give you 
is the rare Metroid.  One way of trying to get this item for sure is to save 
your game after picking up all of the UFO parts and turning it off.  Now load 
your file and get an item from Gulliver, if it\'s not the Metroid turn off the 
game without saving and try again.  It\'s immoral, but Metroid\'s kick ass.

+-- THE RED FLOWER ----------------------------------------------------------+

The Red Flower [07.08] - The isn\'t really a trick, but you\'ll need a trick to 
actually get rid of it.  The Red Flower is almost always a result of Time 
Traveling and appears when there are a hell of a lot of weeds in your town.  
The flower cannot be removed through any conventional means.  To get rid of it 
you must pick EVERY last weed in your entire town, then it will disappear.

+-- HOLIDAY ITEMS -----------------------------------------------------------+

Holiday Items [07.10] - A number of special items can only be acquired on 
special days in this game.  For example, Party Poppers can be obtained by 
speaking to mayor Tortimer on New Year\'s Eve.  Sparkles and Roman Candles can 
be obtained during the nightly fireworks shows in August on Saturdays, once 
again by speaking to Tortimer.  Lastly you can get a special Birthday Cake 
item if you play the game on your birthday.  Get it from one of the animals.

+-- TURNIPS -----------------------------------------------------------------+

Turnips [07.11] - Every Sunday an animal named Joan will appear and offer to 
sell you some Turnips.  She sells two kinds of turnips, White Turnips and Red 
Turnips.  White Turnips can be purchased and sometimes sold for a profit, 
they\'re a king of stock market item.  Head to Tom Nook\'s and ask what price 
he\'s buying turnips for to see if perhaps you can make a profit.  If he\'s not 
buy them for a good price you can still buy some and try the next day.  
Turnips will rot after approximately six days so you have that long to wait 
until Nook is offering a good price.  Red Turnips on the other hand are 
designed to be planted in the ground.  They take quite a bit of water to grow, 
but if you can manage to grow them large then they can also be sold to Nook.

+-- TIME TRAVELING & RESETTING ----------------------------------------------+

Time Traveling & Resetting [07.12] - Time Traveling and Resetting are special 
tricks that give you an advantage in the game by exploiting the engine.  They 
are generally considered to be cheating though of course, the final decision 
remains up to the player.  Resetting means simply that in the event of 
something bad happening, maybe you lose some money or screw something up, you 
simply turn off the game without saving so that the bad thing never happened.  
The game discourages this behavior through a lecture from the moleman \"Mr. 
Resetti\" the next time you turn on the game, who explains that you can\'t just 
cheat your way out of bad events.  They are part of life.  Time Traveling is 
the process of skipping ahead in time (usually not backward) to speed up 
events, or jump to a certain event before it should actually happen.  For 
example you might want the special birthday items but your birthday isn\'t for 
three months.  You could cheat by changing the internal clock on your DS from 
the main menu and putting it three months ahead.  Animal Crossing uses the 
same date and time as your DS, so when you log onto the game it will be your 
birthday.  The game doesn\'t have any actual \"deterrents\" like Mr. Resetti for 
this form of cheating, however there are still negative side effects.  Large 
jumps forward will mean that the weeds will have had time to grow and 
completely cover your town.  Animal neighbors will end up moving out since you 
never talked to them etc.  Since the game was designed to be played in a 
linear fashion day-by-day over a long period of time, Time Traveling does take 
a lot of fun out of it.  If you choose to do so, that\'s your choice.

  || 08.00 ||                    Furniture List                  || 08.00 ||

The following is a list of most, if not all of the furniture in the game.  It
is categorized by the series, themes and sets that each piece of furniture
belongs to.  You can see all pieces of furniture in a set by looking at the
letter or letters on the left side.  All of the \"A\" pieces make a complete
set, all the \"B\" pieces make a set etc.  The purpose of collecting an entire
set or furniture theme is to drastically improve your HRA rating which gives
you a ton of points when you get every piece of furniture in a set.  Also 
you should note the colour listed under Feng Shui since it\'s often not clear
what it falls under.  Many items that look blue will actually be yellow, your
eyes do not decive you.  Use the list as a guide and you should be fine.  Once
again I would like to thank discoinferno84 and animalxing.com.
|| # || NAME              || PRICE     || LOCATION      || FENG SHUI        ||
|| A || Lovely Armoire    || 2240      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| A || Lovely Bed        || 2000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| A || Lovely Carpet     || 1980      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| A || Lovely Chair      || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| A || Lovely Dresser    || 2160      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| A || Lovely End Table  || 1800      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| A || Lovely Kitchen    || 2280      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| A || Lovely Lamp       || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| A || Lovely Loveseat   || 2000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| A || Lovely Table      || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| A || Lovely Vanity     || 2200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| A || Lovely Wall       || 1880      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| B || Ranch Armchair    || 2000      || Tom Nook      || Green            ||
|| B || Ranch Bed         || 2300      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| B || Ranch Bookcase    || 2000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| B || Ranch Chair       || 1400      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| B || Ranch Couch       || 2400      || Tom Nook      || Green            ||
|| B || Ranch Dresser     || 2720      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| B || Ranch Flooring    || 1750      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| B || Ranch Hutch       || 2560      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| B || Ranch Table       || 1700      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| B || Ranch Tea Table   || 1800      || Tom Nook      || Green            ||
|| B || Ranch Wall        || 1450      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| B || Ranch Wardrobe    || 3050      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| C || Exotic Bed        || 2540      || Tom / Redd    || No Colour        ||
|| C || Exotic Bench      || 1900      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| C || Exotic Bureau     || 2400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| C || Exotic Chair      || 1400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| C || Exotic Chest      || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| C || Exotic End Table  || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| C || Exotic Lamp       || 1800      || Tom Nook      || Yellow           ||
|| C || Exotic Rug        || 1820      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| C || Exotic Screen     || 2250      || Tom / Redd    || No Colour        ||
|| C || Exotic Table      || 2300      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| C || Exotic Wall       || 1420      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| C || Exotic Wardrobe   || 2180      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| D || Classic Bed       || 2520      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| D || Classic Bookcase  || 2560      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| D || Classic Buffet    || 3360      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| D || Classic Carpet    || 2300      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| D || Classic Chair     || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| D || Classic Clock     || 2180      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| D || Classic Desk      || 2200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| D || Classic Sofa      || 2240      || Tom Nook      || Yellow           ||
|| D || Classic Table     || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| D || Classic Vanity    || 2560      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| D || Classic Wall      || 2100      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| D || Classic Wardrobe  || 2560      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| E || Regal Armoire     || 3820      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| E || Regal Bed         || 3120      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| E || Regal Bookcase    || 3120      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| E || Regal Carpet      || 2850      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| E || Regal Chair       || 2100      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| E || Regal Clock       || 3360      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| E || Regal Dresser     || 3520      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| E || Regal Lamp        || 2400      || Tom Nook      || Yellow           ||
|| E || Regal Sofa        || 3100      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| E || Regal Table       || 2450      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| E || Regal Vanity      || 3200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| E || Regal Wall        || 2420      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| F || Cabin Armchair    || 2280      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| F || Cabin Bed         || 2400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| F || Cabin Bookcase    || 2300      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| F || Cabin Chair       || 1700      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| F || Cabin Clock       || 2000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| F || Cabin Couch       || 2480      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| F || Cabin Dresser     || 2160      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| F || Cabin Low Table   || 2100      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| F || Cabin Rug         || 1540      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| F || Cabin Table       || 2100      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| F || Cabin Wall        || 1200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| F || Cabin Wardrobe    || 2480      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| G || Snowman Bed       || 8888      || Build Snowman || No Colour        ||
|| G || Snowman Carpet    || 8888      || Build Snowman || No Colour        ||
|| G || Snowman Chair     || 8888      || Build Snowman || No Colour        ||
|| G || Snowman Clock     || 8888      || Build Snowman || No Colour        ||
|| G || Snowman Dresser   || 8888      || Build Snowman || No Colour        ||
|| G || Snowman Fridge    || 8888      || Build Snowman || No Colour        ||
|| G || Snowman Lamp      || 8888      || Build Snowman || No Colour        ||
|| G || Snowman Sofa      || 8888      || Build Snowman || No Colour        ||
|| G || Snowman Table     || 8888      || Build Snowman || No Colour        ||
|| G || Snowman TV        || 8888      || Build Snowman || Yellow           ||
|| G || Snowman Wall      || 8888      || Build Snowman || No Colour        ||
|| G || Snowman Wardrobe  || 8888      || Build Snowman || No Colour        ||
|| H || Blue Bed          || 2100      || Nook / Redd   || Yellow           ||
|| H || Blue Bench        || 1900      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| H || Blue Bookcase     || 1900      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| H || Blue Bureau       || 2160      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| H || Blue Cabinet      || 2400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| H || Blue Chair        || 1200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| H || Blue Clock        || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| H || Blue Dresser      || 2100      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| H || Blue Flooring     || 1580      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| H || Blue Table        || 1800      || Nook / Redd   || Yellow           ||
|| H || Blue Wall         || 1260      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| H || Blue Wardrobe     || 1920      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| I || Green Bed         || 2160      || Tom Nook      || Green            ||
|| I || Green Bench       || 1800      || Tom Nook      || Green            ||
|| I || Green Chair       || 1200      || Tom Nook      || Green            ||
|| I || Green Counter     || 2400      || Tom Nook      || Green            ||
|| I || Green Desk        || 2000      || Tom Nook      || Green            ||
|| I || Green Dresser     || 2320      || Nook / Redd   || Green            ||
|| I || Green Lamp        || 1800      || Tom Nook      || Green            ||
|| I || Green Pantry      || 2290      || Tom Nook      || Green            ||
|| I || Green Rug         || 1540      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| I || Green Table       || 1700      || Tom Nook      || Green            ||
|| I || Green Wall        || 1050      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| I || Green Wardrobe    || 2300      || Nook / Redd   || Green            ||
|| J || Kiddie Bed        || 2100      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| J || Kiddie Bookcase   || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| J || Kiddie Bureau     || 2200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| J || Kiddie Carpet     || 1630      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| J || Kiddie Chair      || 1400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| J || Kiddie Clock      || 1480      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| J || Kiddie Couch      || 2200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| J || Kiddie Dresser    || 2150      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| J || Kiddie Stereo     || 1900      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| J || Kiddie Table      || 2200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| J || Kiddie Wall       || 1500      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| J || Kiddie Wardrobe   || 2180      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| K || Modern Bed        || 2320      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| K || Modern Cabinet    || 2580      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| K || Modern Chair      || 1500      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| K || Modern Desk       || 2480      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| K || Modern Dresser    || 2250      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| K || Modern End Table  || 1900      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| K || Modern Lamp       || 1400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| K || Modern Sofa       || 2620      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| K || Modern Table      || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| K || Modern Tile       || 1540      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| K || Modern Wall       || 1450      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| K || Modern Wardrobe   || 2560      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| L || Cabana Armchair   || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| L || Cabana Bed        || 2200      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| L || Cabana Bookcase   || 2400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| L || Cabana Chair      || 1600      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| L || Cabana Dresser    || 2400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| L || Cabana Flooring   || 1680      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| L || Cabana Lamp       || 1700      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| L || Cabana Screen     || 2000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| L || Cabana Table      || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| L || Cabana Vanity     || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| L || Cabana Wall       || 1480      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| L || Cabana Wardrobe   || 2240      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| M || Robo Floor        || 2400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| M || Robo Wall         || 1780      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| M || Robo-Bed          || 2000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| M || Robo-Chair        || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| M || Robo-Clock        || 1400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| M || Robo-Closet       || 2400      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| M || Robo-Dresser      || 2560      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| M || Robo-Lamp         || 1800      || Nook / Redd   || Green            ||
|| M || Robo-Sofa         || 2000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| M || Robo-Stereo       || 2200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| M || Robo-Table        || 2200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| M || Robo-TV           || 2360      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| N || Blue Corner       || 6800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| N || Boxing Barricade  || 1050      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| N || Boxing Mat        || 1180      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| N || Boxing Ring Mat   || 2500      || Saharah       || No Colour        ||
|| N || Judge\'s Bell      || 1790      || Nook / Redd   || Yellow           ||
|| N || Neutral Corner    || 5500      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| N || Red Corner        || 6800      || Nook / Redd   || Red              ||
|| N || Ringside Seating  || 2250      || Saharah       || No Colour        ||
|| N || Ringside Table    || 1320      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| N || Sandbag           || 3190      || Tom Nook      || Red              ||
|| N || Speed Bag         || 2990      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| N || Weight Bench      || 3590      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| O || Baby Bed          || 2900      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| O || Clackercart       || 1380      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| O || Cradle            || 3800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| O || Dolly             || 6800      || Tom Nook      || Red              ||
|| O || Elephant Slide    || 1200      || Tom Nook      || Yellow           ||
|| O || Merry-Go-Round    || 640       || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| O || Playroom Rug      || 1360      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| O || Playroom Wall     || 1320      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| O || Rocking Horse     || 600       || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| O || Stroller          || 1960      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| O || Train Set         || 1600      || Tom Nook      || Green            ||
|| O || Wobbelina         || 700       || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| P || Asteroid          || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| P || Flying Saucer     || 2400      || Tom Nook      || Yellow           ||
|| P || Lunar Horizon     || 1900      || Saharah       || No Colour        ||
|| P || Lunar Lander      || 3200      || Tom Nook      || Yellow           ||
|| P || Lunar Rover       || 2560      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| P || Lunar Surface     || 2000      || Saharah       || No Colour        ||
|| P || Moon              || 32,000    || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| P || Rocket            || 2400      || Nook / Redd   || Red              ||
|| P || Satellite         || 2600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| P || Space Shuttle     || 2780      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| P || Space Station     || 2800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| P || Spaceman Sam      || 2800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| Q || Covered Wagon     || 3800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| Q || Cow Skull         || 1020      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| Q || Desert Cactus     || 890       || Tom Nook      || Green            ||
|| Q || Saddle Fence      || 2180      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| Q || Storefront        || 3680      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| Q || Tumbleweed        || 520       || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| Q || Wagon Wheel       || 1230      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| Q || Water Trough      || 1100      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| Q || Well              || 2700      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| Q || Western Desert    || 1700      || Saharah       || No Colour        ||
|| Q || Western Fence     || 880       || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| Q || Western Vista     || 1500      || Saharah       || No Colour        ||
|| R || Backyard Fence    || 800       || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| R || Backyard Lawn     || 880       || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| R || Backyard Pool     || 990       || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| R || Barbecue          || 1760      || Tom Nook      || Red              ||
|| R || Bird Bath         || 1450      || Tom Nook      || Green            ||
|| R || Bird Feeder       || 1260      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| R || Birdhouse         || 1620      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| R || Bug Zapper        || 1200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| R || Garden Gnome      || 3380      || Tom Nook      || Red              ||
|| R || Hammock           || 1320      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| R || Lawn Chair        || 1180      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| R || Lawn Mower        || 2760      || Nook / Redd   || Red              ||
|| R || Mr. Flamingo      || 1530      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| R || Mrs. Flamingo     || 1530      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| R || Picnic Table      || 1390      || Tom Nook      || Yellow           ||
|| R || Sprinkler         || 1640      || Tom Nook      || Yellow           ||
|| R || Tiki Torch        || 870       || Tom Nook      || Red              ||
|| S || Anchor            || 475       || Pascal        || No Colour        ||
|| S || Barrel            || 200       || Pascal        || No Colour        ||
|| S || Helm              || 475       || Pascal        || No Colour        ||
|| S || Keg               || 200       || Pascal        || No Colour        ||
|| S || Sea Deck          || 1000      || Pascal        || No Colour        ||
|| S || Sea View          || 1000      || Pascal        || No Colour        ||
|| S || Ship Cannon       || 455       || Pascal        || Green            ||
|| S || Ship Compass      || 400       || Pascal        || No Colour        ||
|| T || Blue Tarp         || 1400      || Saharah       || No Colour        ||
|| T || Cement Mixer      || 1600      || Tom Nook      || Yellow           ||
|| T || Closed Road       || 1625      || Saharah       || No Colour        ||
|| T || Detour Arrow      || 600       || Tom Nook      || Red              ||
|| T || Handcart          || 800       || Tom Nook      || Red              ||
|| T || Iron Frame        || 1200      || Tom Nook      || Red              ||
|| T || Jackhammer        || 1880      || Tom Nook      || Red              ||
|| T || Manhole Cover     || 1000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| T || Orange Cone       || 600       || Tom Nook      || Red              ||
|| T || Saw Horse         || 1200      || Nook / Redd   || Red              ||
|| T || Steam Roller      || 4500      || Tom Nook      || Yellow           ||
|| T || Striped Cone      || 80        || Tom Nook      || Yellow           ||
|| T || Traffic Cone      || 800       || Tom Nook      || Red              ||
|| T || Wet Roadway Sign  || 850       || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| U || Amazing Machine   || 3600      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| U || Complex Machine   || 3840      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| U || Florence Flask    || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| U || Lab Bench         || 4800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| U || Lab Chair         || 220       || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| U || Lab Floor         || 1280      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| U || Lab Wall          || 1460      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| U || Medicine Chest    || 2280      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour        ||
|| U || Unknown Machine   || 4800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour        ||
|| ## || NAME              || PRICE     || LOCATION      || FENG SHUI       ||
|| AA || White Bishop      || 2800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AA || White King        || 8000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AA || White Knight      || 2800      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| AA || White Pawn        || 1100      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AA || White Queen       || 8000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AA || White Rook        || 2800      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| AB || Office Chair      || 1100      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AB || Office Desk       || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AB || Officer Locker    || 1200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AC || Cactus            || 1700      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| AC || Round Cactus      || 1700      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| AC || Tall Cactus       || 1700      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| AD || Black Bishop      || 2800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AD || Black King        || 8000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AD || Black Knight      || 2800      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| AD || Black Pawn        || 1100      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AD || Black Queen       || 8000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AD || Black Rook        || 2800      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| AE || Globe             || 1200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AE || Writing Chair     || 1000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AE || Writing Desk      || 1900      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AF || Brown Drum        || 800       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AF || Green Drum        || 800       || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| AF || Haz-Mat Barrel    || 830       || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| AF || Oil Drum          || 840       || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AF || Red Drum          || 800       || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| AG || Dharma            || 1200      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| AG || Giant Dharma      || 1600      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| AG || Mini-Dharma       || 800       || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| AH || Anatomical Model  || 3360      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AH || Clear Model       || 3360      || Nook / Redd   || Red             ||
|| AH || Hamster Cage      || 2290      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AH || Mop               || 900       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AH || Skeleton          || 3360      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AI || Deer Scare        || 1800      || Nook / Redd   || Green           ||
|| AI || Tall Lantern      || 1980      || Kitten Reward || No Colour       ||
|| AJ || Baby Bear         || 800       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AJ || Mama Bear         || 1600      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AJ || Papa Bear         || 550       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AK || Blue Golf Bag     || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AK || Green Golf Bag    || 1600      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| AK || White Golf Bag    || 1600      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| AL || Baby Panda        || 480       || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| AL || Mama Panda        || 480       || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| AL || Papa Panda        || 120       || Kitten Reward || No Colour       ||
|| AM || Arc de Triomphe   || 2300      || Gulliver      || Green           ||
|| AM || Broken Post       || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AM || Corinthian Post   || 3600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AM || Ionian Post       || 3600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AM || Manekin Pis       || 1300      || Gulliver      || No Colour       ||
|| AM || Merlion           || 2300      || Gulliver      || No Colour       ||
|| AM || Mermaid Statue    || 1900      || Gulliver      || No Colour       ||
|| AM || Moai Statue       || 1900      || Gulliver      || No Colour       ||
|| AM || Mouth of Truth    || 1900      || Gulliver      || No Colour       ||
|| AM || Mummy\'s Casket    || 4400      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AM || Pagoda            || 1280      || Gulliver      || Red             ||
|| AM || Pantheon Post     || 3600      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| AM || Plate Armor       || 1850      || Gulliver      || No Colour       ||
|| AM || Pyramid           || 3800      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AM || Spaceman          || 1440      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| AM || Sphinx            || 3200      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AM || Tower of Pisa     || 2300      || Gulliver      || No Colour       ||
|| AM || Tribal Mask       || 1100      || Gulliver      || No Colour       ||
|| AN || Cream Sofa        || 2000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AN || Gold Econo-Chair  || 800       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AN || Jade Econo-Chair  || 800       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AN || Massage Chair     || N/A       || Saharah       || Red & Yellow    ||
|| AN || Rocking Chair     || 1400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AN || Ruby Econo-Chair  || 800       || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AN || Throne            || 800,000   || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AO || Alarm Clock       || 1000      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AO || Antique Clock     || 2350      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AO || Cube Clock        || 1100      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AO || Glow Clock        || 1500      || Tom Nook      || Green & Yellow  ||
|| AO || Kitschy Clock     || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AO || Odd Clock         || 1800      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AO || Owl Clock         || 1300      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AO || Red Clock         || 1300      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| AP || Big Festive Tree  || 2480      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| AP || Birthday Cake     || N/A       || Neighbor      || No Colour       ||
|| AP || Festive Candle    || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AP || Festive Flag      || 680       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AP || Festive Tree      || 1300      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| AP || Jack-In-The-Box   || 4124      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AQ || Ball Return       || 6200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AQ || Basketball Hoop   || 2120      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| AQ || Billiard Table    || 1800      || Green         || No Colour       ||
|| AQ || Bowling Pins      || 1200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AQ || Dart Board        || 1520      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AQ || Mahjong Table     || 4200      || Green         || No Colour       ||
|| AQ || Mountain Bike     || 3380      || Yellow        || No Colour       ||
|| AQ || Snowboard         || 1400      || Red           || No Colour       ||
|| AQ || Surfboard         || 1400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AQ || Tennis Table      || 1800      || Green         || No Colour       ||
|| AR || Backpack          || 1980      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AR || Campfire          || 1360      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| AR || Compass           || 320       || Gulliver      || No Colour       ||
|| AR || Cooler            || 1300      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AR || Kayak             || 3460      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AR || Lantern           || 1180      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| AR || Propane Stove     || 1470      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AR || Sleeping Bag      || 1960      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| AS || Daffodil          || 680       || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| AS || Gerbera           || 780       || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| AS || Sunflower         || 980       || Tom Nook      || Yellow & Green  ||
|| AT || Bug Trophy        || N/A       || The Bug-Off   || Yellow          ||
|| AT || Fish Trophy       || N/A       || Fishing Tourn || Yellow          ||
|| AT || Flower Trophy     || N/A       || Flower Fest   || Yellow          ||
|| AU || Black Katana      || 12,000    || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| AU || Bow               || 1400      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AU || Hearth            || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AU || Ninja Sword       || 9600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AU || Samurai Suit      || 4500      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AU || Screen            || 1650      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AU || Sword             || 1400      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AU || Tea Table         || 1000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AU || White Katana      || 36,800    || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| AV || Anatomical Model  || 3360      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AV || Clear Model       || 3360      || Nook / Redd   || Red             ||
|| AV || Hamster Cage      || 2290      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AV || Mop               || 900       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AV || Skeleton          || 3360      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AW || Cash Register     || 6480      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AW || Checkout Counter  || 3480      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AW || Coffee Maker      || 800       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AW || Jukebox           || 3200      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AW || Siphon            || 1780      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AX || Grapefruit Table  || 1500      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| AX || Lemon Table       || 1500      || Tom Nook      || Yellow & Green  ||
|| AX || Lime Chair        || 1300      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| AX || Orange Chair      || 1300      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| AY || Lefty Lucky Cat   || 1700      || Nook / Redd   || Yellow          ||
|| AY || Lucky Black Cat   || 1700      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| AY || Lucky Cat         || 1700      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AY || Lucky Gold Cat    || 6200      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| AZ || Pear Dresser      || 1600      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| AZ || Pear Wardrobe     || 1400      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BA || Bear Pole         || 1400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BA || Eagle Pole        || 1400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BA || Frog Woman Pole   || 1400      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| BA || Hospital Bed      || 3600      || Nook / Redd   || Green           ||
|| BA || Raven Pole        || 1400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BA || Scale             || 1200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BA || Stadiometer       || 1680      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BA || Trunk Measure     || 1680      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BA || Vision Tester     || 2280      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BB || Melon Chair       || 1300      || Tom Nook      || Yellow & Green  ||
|| BB || Watermelon Chair  || 1300      || Tom Nook      || Red & Green     ||
|| BB || Watermelon Table  || 1800      || Tom Nook      || Red & Green     ||
|| BC || Azalea Bonsai     || 1500      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BC || Hawthorn Bonsai   || 1800      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BC || Holly Bonsai      || 1600      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BC || Jasmine Bonsai    || 1700      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| BC || Maple Bonsai      || 1700      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| BC || Plum Bonsai       || 1900      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BC || Quince Bonsai     || 1600      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| BD || Apple Clock       || 1200      || Tom Nook      || Red & Yellow    ||
|| BD || Apple TV          || 400       || Kitten Reward || No Colour       ||
|| BE || Blue Lava Lamp    || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BE || Green Lava Lamp   || 1800      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BE || Purple Lava Lamp  || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BF || Daffodil Chair    || 1400      || Tom Nook      || Yellow & Green  ||
|| BF || Daffodil Table    || 1900      || Tom Nook      || Yellow & Green  ||
|| BG || Red Armchair      || 1800      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| BG || Red Sofa          || 2050      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| BH || Basic Blue Bed    || 200       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BH || Basic Green Bed   || 200       || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BH || Basic Red Bed     || 200       || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| BH || Basic Yellow Bed  || 200       || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| BH || Mansion Model     || N/A       || HRA Points    || Green & Red     ||
|| BH || Museum Model      || N/A       || Museum Prize  || Green           ||
|| BH || Nook \'n Go        || N/A       || Nook Points   || No Colour       ||
|| BH || Nook\'s Cranny     || N/A       || Nook Points   || Green           ||
|| BH || Nookington\'s      || N/A       || Nook Points   || No Colour       ||
|| BH || Nookway           || N/A       || Nook Points   || Green           ||
|| BH || One-Story Model   || N/A       || HRA Points    || Green & Red     ||
|| BH || Pineapple Bed     || 1990      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| BH || Town Hall Model   || N/A       || Full Savings  || No Colour       ||
|| BH || Two-Story Model   || N/A       || HRA Points    || Green & Red     ||
|| BI || Beach Chair       || 1850      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BI || Beach Table       || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BI || Bonfire           || 2240      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| BI || Diver Dan         || 3200      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| BI || Life Ring         || 1250      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| BI || Treasure Chest    || 8600      || Tom Nook      || Yellow & Green  ||
|| BI || Wave Breaker      || 1760      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BJ || Beige Box         || 980       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BJ || Blue Box          || 980       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BJ || Cardboard Box     || 100       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BJ || Clothes Closet    || 1340      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| BJ || Pink Box          || 980       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BJ || Safe              || N/A       || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BJ || Storage Case      || 980       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BJ || Wooden Box        || 200       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BK || Candle            || 1280      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| BK || Desk Light        || 1280      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BK || Mini-Lamp         || 1280      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BK || Table Lamp        || 640       || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BL || Arcade Machine    || 4400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BL || Pinball Machine   || 1960      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BL || Tabletop Game     || 2480      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BM || Mugho Bonsai      || 1800      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BM || Pine Bonsai       || 1800      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BM || Ponderosa Bonsai  || 1800      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BN || Aloe              || 1200      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BN || Bromeliaceae      || 1300      || Tom Nook      || Green & Red     ||
|| BN || Caladium          || 1300      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BN || Coconut Palm      || 1200      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BN || Corn Plant        || 1300      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BN || Croton            || 1300      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BN || Dracaena          || 2000      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BN || Fan Palm          || 1300      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BN || Lady Palm         || 1200      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BN || Pachira           || 1200      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BN || Pothos            || 1300      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BN || Rubber Tree       || 1300      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BN || Snake Plant       || 1200      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BN || Weeping Fig       || 1200      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BO || Blue Vase         || 2500      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BO || Red Vase          || N/A       || Saharah       || Red             ||
|| BO || Tea Vase          || 2400      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| BP || Tulip Chair       || 1400      || Tom Nook      || Red & Green     ||
|| BP || Tulip Table       || 1900      || Tom Nook      || Red & Green     ||
|| BQ || Pine Chair        || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BQ || Pine Table        || 2280      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BR || Country Guitar    || N/A       || Wendell       || No Colour       ||
|| BR || Folk Guitar       || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BR || Metal Guitar      || 1900      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| BR || Rock Guitar       || 1800      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BS || Iris Chair        || 1400      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BS || Iris Table        || 1900      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BT || Conga Drum        || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BT || Djimbe Drum       || 1900      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BT || Timpano Drum      || 2100      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| BU || Froggy Chair      || 1200      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BU || Lily-Pad Table    || 400       || Kitten Reward || Green           ||
|| BV || Bass              || 2400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BV || Cello             || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BV || Violin            || 2200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Automatic Washer  || 4800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Claw-Foot Tub     || 1280      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Deluxe Range      || 3200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Deluxe Washer     || 5200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Fireplace         || 2200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Garbage Can       || 500       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Garbage Pail      || 1100      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Kitchen Corner    || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Kitchen Sink      || 2400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Men\'s Toilet      || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Microwave         || 2300      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Mixer             || 1000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Potbelly Stove    || 2000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Radiator          || 2380      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Range             || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Refrigerator      || 1200      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Retro Fridge      || 2300      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BW || Shower            || 880       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Sink              || 1960      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Space Heater      || 1700      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Stove             || 1980      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| BW || Super Toilet      || 1980      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Toaster           || 720       || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Toilet            || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Trash Bin         || 400       || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| BW || Trash Can         || 1400      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BW || Washer/Dryer      || 1800      || Tom Nook      || Green           ||
|| BX || Biwa Lute         || 1800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BX || Ebony Piano       || 3800      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BX || Harp              || 1700      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BX || Ivory Piano       || 3500      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BX || Japanese Drum     || 1300      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BX || Metronome         || 1000      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| BX || Ukulele           || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BX || Vibraphone        || 1900      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BY || CD Player         || 1600      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BY || Dice Stereo       || 2150      || Nook / Redd   || No Colour       ||
|| BY || Gold Stereo       || 2640      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| BY || Hi-Fi Stereo      || 5400      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| BY || High-End Stereo   || 2750      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BY || Phonograph        || 1840      || Tom Nook      || Yellow          ||
|| BY || Red Boom Box      || 1500      || Tom Nook      || Red             ||
|| BY || Reel-To-Reel      || 2000      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BY || Retro Stereo      || 5500      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BY || Tape Deck         ||  700      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BY || Turntable         || 2580      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BY || White Boom Box    || 1500      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Amazing Painting  || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Basic Painting    || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Calm Painting     || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Common Painting   || 3920      || Redd          || Yellow          ||
|| BZ || Dainty Painting   || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Famous Painting   || 1960      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Fine Painting     || 1960      || Tom Nook      || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Flowery Painting  || 3920      || Redd          || Yellow          ||
|| BZ || Lovely Painting   || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Moving Painting   || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Nice Painting     || 3920      || Redd          || Red             ||
|| BZ || Opulent Painting  || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Perfect Painting  || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Quaint Painting   || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Rare Painting     || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Scary Painting    || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Solemn Painting   || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Strange Painting  || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Warm Painting     || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||
|| BZ || Worthy Painting   || 3920      || Redd          || No Colour       ||

  || LE.AL ||                   Legal & Copyright                || LE.AL ||

This guide is copyright (c) 2006 - 2007 Alex Eagleson, the author.

This walkthrough was written solely to be hosted at www.gamefaqs.com.  It can 
also be found at www.ign.com, www.neoseeker.com and many other websites, all 
who sent an email asking permission to put them guide up on their site.

I do by the way, encourage people to send email, feedback is always 
appreciated in any form, it\'s always nice to know you\'ve helped someone.

For a list of all my work, please visit the following URL:


  || CR.DS ||                   Credits & Thanks                 || CR.DS ||

- Animalxing.com.  An invaluable resource for all Animal Crossing and 
  Animal Crossing: Wild World information and community.

- Thanks to discoinferno84 for his Item List on GameFAQs.com which
  was referenced with permission in part for the furniture list in
  this one.  Disco\'s Item List still remains a much more complete resource
  however and I highly recommend you check it out at this link:

Thanks to CJayC for continuing to keep GameFAQs running smoothly, and the same 
to Sailor Bacon.  Thanks to Sean, Mark and Jeremy here at the University of 
Guelph, thanks to everyone in the GameFAQs FAQ contributor community for being 
great people, and thanks to everyone who takes the time to send feedback.

Thank you very much finally, to anyone and everyone reading this walkthrough.